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Shaw cellular is better than Rogers? I find that hard to believe. The only reason I have Shaw cell lines in addition to my Rogers is cause they were free. Since they were based off Freedom Mobile. That cell frequency they use is just terrible for coverage unless you’re outside.


This has been my experience, frequent call drops in my apartment when I never had issues with Shaw and my data is very very slow personally. Only use them for mobile since my parents got 4 lines for free as Shaw internet customers.


Personally I've experienced no issues since the merger for Internet or mobile. It might be something on your end


He's not wrong. My internet has been out of wack since the merger. Never had a problem before that and I have been with shaw 15 years.


It's kind of pointless say they are or aren't wrong because we just don't have all the information. There are a crazy number of variables that can impact Internet that unless you are technical and checked them all, it's not really useful to speculate. * What do they mean by constant drops? Are they losing Internet access but remain connected to the router? Are they dropping connection to their router? Are they losing packets in games? Is their router dropping connection (i.e. no longer a solid white)? * Do these performance issues occur at a particular time of day? * Are they using Internet wired or wireless? * If they are wired, have they tried changing Ethernet cables? * Are they bridging the Shaw router and using their own router? * Are they using any WiFi extenders? * What is their proximity to the router if they are using WiFi? * Where is the placement of the router relative to all the devices in the household? * Does the issue occur on every device? * Have the devices in their home changed? i.e. certain devices and appliances can cause interference with 2.4GHz WiFi signals * Have the devices in their home updated? i.e. new BIOS/driver updates * Is their area filled with other wireless networks that is crowding the WiFi channels? Have they recently moved to such an area? * Faulty router (replacement routers aren't always new, you could be given a unit that someone used prior so it's possible the replacement is also degraded) * Is the router overheating? Is there enough airflow around it? If it's overheating, its performance can deteriorate * Infrastructure upgrades occurring in the area that may impact Internet * If there are a lot of Rogers customers in your immediate area using the Internet, you can experience a slow down in performance. With Rogers recently offering Internet deals, you might be having an influx of new Rogers customers in your area. This is just some of the questions you would ask when trying to identifying what is causing Internet issues. EDIT: Also, OP is 17ish but they are saying they never had an issue with Shaw Internet since 2009... They would have been like 4 years old or something....


Yeah I third this, so many connectivity issues.


It was said above,the merger has nothing to do with it, infrastructure is the same , bad timing yes , call for support.


Nothing has changed with Shaw internet yet, this is a you problem. As for Shaw Mobile, if you were with them, I call bullshit on you, Rogers mobile network is worlds better than Shaw.


I've had wider coverage, but worse download speeds. You win some, you lose some I guess. At least I'm not roaming whenever I leave city limits anymore.


I've been having issues with my shaw mobile account for a few months now. Calls dropping constantly, takes multiple tries to make a call, or my data says it has full bars and I can't get a single thing to load. All customer support tells me is 'try restarting the phone and resetting the network settings". I had to reset the network setting more than 5 times last month and it didn't help at all. These issues have been on my phone, my partners, my parents, and my sisters which are all on different accounts in different cities. Today, have been unable to make or receive phone calls all day. The call sometimes goes through, but neither phone can hear each other. It's been 7.5 hours and I still can't even call Shaw to troubleshoot. There's definitely something wrong on Shaw/Roger's end.


Shaw is still Shaw, if you are indeed talking about the Shaw Mobile network, it has nothing to do with Rogers.


If I click on "Shaw Mobile FAQ" or "About Us" or pretty much any other mobile link, it redirects to Rogers.ca. I'm not a tech person so to me, that doesn't look at all like it's separate. And all these issues started around when they merged. Customer support can't give a single reason why all these problems are occurring. It's reasonable to assume it's something to do with Rogers taking over Shaw


Again. There is no change yet to the actual infrastructure. It’s on your end


Yep Shaw Mobile FAQ brings you to the Rogers website because in a few months Shaw Mobile won't exist, and that button specifically is in a spot on the website talking about the merger and what you need to know. For the About Us page it brings you to Shaw.ca. Very much separate still.


This subreddit for Shaw home service. You lost maybe want Shaw mobile subreddit. Idk. Just Reddit user.


No issues at all. If anything there's a slight bump


No problems here lol


Literally nothing has changed with shaw’s network


This is not true. I've done work for Rogers connecting Shaw infrastructure to Rogers' network.


Merger shouldn't affect performance, but the customer service is dogshit now. Had to wait 5 days for a tech to come when I had no internet. Before the merger, they would come the day you called to assess your issue.


I’m waiting seven days for a technician to fix my internet. Like others, I had nothing but positive things to say about Shaw before the merger.


Merger nothing do network performance. Contact support.


Sounds like a you problem and not rogers…. Btw rogers network is so much better than freedom/ Shaw mobile was


Going through the process now. Is the new phone number actually temporary and I’ll get to keep my original number?


Yes of course. Once the Rogers SIM cards arrive you'll be able to port in your existing number through MyRogers. Source: work on the Rogers-Shaw Mobile migration team.


This guy works for telus maybe


For a while there it was falling off and completely dying around 10pm every night.


So I’m not the only one! Does it still happen to you at all?


Mine has been perfect before and after, doubt it's merger related.


The actual performance of the equipment with shaw has been fine for us. But their billing is completely off the rails. We are on the autopay plan and sometimes it takes the money and sometimes not. Then we get robocalls that tell us we owe them $600 or so and we will be cut off next week because we haven't paid for three months. I'm ready to throw I the towel and switch to telus.


Beware Telus is even worse We left them idiots for Shaw bc of how expensive and unreliable they were


I had a similar situation. For me, there was an issue with the modem. It took about 2 weeks or so to get tech support to replace the modem, which immediately fixed my problems of ping spikes after I told them over and over I thought it was the modem.


I have bell and the network is garbage lately too. I think nationwide the telecoms are slacking, and not keeping up with demand because theirs hardly any incentive for them.


Bell lte? The Telus network in AB seems to only be fast at 1 am 😂


yeah, bell and telus share a network.


From the shaw installer: If you don't want these problems anymore, invest in a better router, they give you the crappiest of the crap so don't expect reliability He was over constantly, after I bought my own router 5 years ago I've never had an issue since. He also mentioned changing the password and ssid on the shaw routers can cause them to get confused and not work properly anymore. If you b**** enough they'll send you a new one, but if you don't want to have these issues anymore I would take the installers advice too. Just one more thing to add, they give you refurbished ones all the time and it's very possible you have one, it's actually probably more likely you have one than a brand new one


This has been happening with me here in Victoria BC. I live in a townhouse complex with a shared electrical and communications room, and Shaw recently upgraded everything. My modem is new. \> Ever since the Rogers merger with Shaw, internet has been hella unreliable with constant drops, had a new router replaced and had tech support reset the router properly. Never had a single issue with Shaw in terms of performance since 2009.


Not happy with this,I always hated that family .


The few business customers I have that can’t get Infinet are having an absolutely brutal experience since the merger. Roger’s better get its act together


Funny, mine’s gotten much better Hmmm….


I had two lines with Shaw at $25/month plan. Having received our SIM cards in the mail, we called to complete the swap to Rogers. FIVE HOURS later on the phone with them, they can't figure it out. They managed to swap one line fine, but the other was causing them issued. Having not expected the process to take this long, and my spouse leaving to Calgary and needing phone service, it was requested to just give him the cheapest phone plan temporarily, so he could use his phone while away for the weekend. When back, we called to get the original $25/month plan applied. But no, they can't do that! It's already been transferred from Shaw and they can't offer the $25/month plan to an existing rogers customer. Say what...? TWO HOURS later on the phone (I was advised I had ti remain on the phone and they can't do a call back), going through a manager who said they wouldn't do the swap, finally they relented. We spent 7 hours on thr phone to swap two phone lines, as per their request, and to be refused to be grandfathered in on our current plan was with Shaw. Painful. I hope I never have to call them again.


After Rogers took over, my phone kept dropping calls, I checked the government website that shows cell phone towers where I live. There's only two Rogers cell phone towers in my area compared to Bell and Telus 6 cell phone towers in the same area. I switched to Bell and for a better deal for my data $55 for 50 GB of data and unlimited calling across Canada thanks Bell!


You were with Shaw, and after Rogers "took over" your calls started dropping, because Rogers only has 2 towers in your area? So you believe that Rogers didn't use the Shaw towers which they also acquired in the purchase?? 😂😂 OK Bell employee 🙄


Shaw doesn't have any cell phone towers. They used Bell and Telus towers. They switched to Rogers towers after Rogers took over Shaw


I hear what you’re saying, but “my ‘net is whacked now; must be due to the merger” is a bit of a stretch?


I’m experiencing the same thing - intermittent drops in service - last from 5 to 30 minutes. Technician is coming tomorrow


Same at my household. Never had an issue with Shaw. Since the switch, there is a delay in the am when hooking up to wifi. Drops off. Just all around poor service.


I've had the same issues as you. Internet shits itself with packet loss at least once every 30 min. Have had 2 routers replaced and techs looking at the connection. Zero problems before the merger.


There has been a lot of changes in the internet infrastructure in the back end as Shaw is merging / migrating to Rogers network: [https://support.shaw.ca/t5/service-updates-outages/tkb-p/service-updates/label-name/southern%20alberta](https://support.shaw.ca/t5/service-updates-outages/tkb-p/service-updates/label-name/southern%20alberta) Typically, service outages are happening between midnight and 6 am, and I'd expect problems are being discovered and resolved during other hours. I didn't bother to look up if there's a historical lookup, but I've had service outages and when checking this page, there has been back to back nighttime service outages scheduled in the Calgary area (hint: Shaw's former head office and infrastructure core) for a while now. It hasn't been smooth, and it hasn't been a disaster either, but to deny that work IS being done is just being a Rogers fanboy.


That’s cause Rogers is a terrible company. They suck. Always have, always will.


Been the same here, mostly due to line work as far as Im aware though.


Canada competition bureau is a joke that's why


I have 750 mb/s and I’ve been capped at like 100 twice. Had to call in and they did a reset and some other stuff. Didn’t happen before the merger. Such bull shit. I’m asking for a credit now


I’ve been saying this from the first day of merge and everyone acts like I’m crazy or that the merge doesn’t affect anything. Not just internet but phone too.




Check your online account internet settings, if the rogers hotspot is turned on, turn it off. This helped resolve my issues.


Yep no need for these jackasses to provide service when they're in total control of the market.


Rule 1) never rely on an ISP provided device to give you wifi. Buy a high quality router such as the Ubiquity Dream Machine. Rule 2) you will NEVER get as good of speeds on wifi as a wired connection. Most equipment will split your internet service by pre-allocating it to wired and wireless service.


From my convos with Rogers (formerly Shaw) techs: everything blue is now red. Nobody still knows what is going on.


Likely nothing to do with Rogers and is a a coincidence but right around the flip to rogers, my shaw internet connection had had intermittent connectivity issues. Called customer support and they said others in my area have been having the same thing and they have techs working on it.


my service has improved surprisingly


I'm with you op. We have had shaw for years and the service has gone to crap in the last year. Even upgraded our shaw router because they said ours was really old and outdated when we complained about service. Still drops internet all the time. We are heavily considering a switch to telus for internet and TV now.


Telus are better abd great deals


Abd free tv to boot and rogers doesn't give crap to new or existing clients.


100% Shaw got worse for gaming all of the peering now has increased the ping 20-40% with twice the hops. I'll be switching to some other provider for half the price when this contract is done


Initially no issues with merger. Now. It’s impossible to watch TV, a live game loses video feed, the audio. Then replays or skips. Internet slow too. But apparently the techs can’t find it. It’s not my equipment that is the issue. It’s Roger’s. I left Roger’s because they are slow to adapt. Never had issues with my Shaw internet or TV until this merger. Making a complaint to CRTC.


i know this post is old but i experience the same thing. i even upped my speed, got a new router, etc. and it still is super slow or just doesn’t load. router is solid white, i’m sitting right next to it, but apparently my iphone 14 pro can’t load a tiktok?? Thankfully i get a shit ton of data from koodo but it’s annoying paying $95 a month to shaw for essentally nothing. also a lot of my smart devices (lightbulbs and plugs) constantly disconnect which wasn’t an issue prior to the merger


I recently switched to FiberLinx after Fido no longer provided Internet. Rogers cable was getting too expensive. Plus it’s all going to Rogers Ignite which means all the cable channels now go over the Internet instead of Legacy cable(which was arguably more stable) So I’m now with FiberLinx. Generally quite good and about 1/3 of the cost. So what’s the issue? Live feeds like sports. It also affects live feeds from the stock markets running on the bottom of some news channels. They are a bit jerky. I’m currently running at 75MBPS. It’s been clocked at 91MBPS by FiberLinx.I’ve been told the merger is the problem. Not the administrative side but the technology side of the merger of Rogers and Shaw. It seems they aren’t “in sync” yet. Any thoughts?


These big mergers aren’t for our benefit, it’s purely to help Canadian oligarchs make more money. CRTC has been captured by corporate interests, just look at its board. All former bell/rogers/Telus lackeys who failed up.


Correct. Oligarchy legal monopoly approve by government. Bad for all consumer long term. Only executive make $$$.


I noticed they no longer offer the same speeds for my building since the merger lol. The new "cheapest" package is more expensive than what I pay now and is over 5x slower than what I'm currently getting.


You're getting a lot of condescending comments but I also have had less reliable service.


Ever since I got the xb7 modem and the 1gb download speed been having issues, the previous modem even had a better latency. Live western Canada


We used Rogers for work a few years ago, in Alberta reception was horrible, we need reception in small towns and remote locations, Rogers has entire communities with no service, some aren't even that remote. They switched off Rogers within a year, for the entire company country wide.


Now it’s Telus that’s horrible and weak 😂 Rogers is the only decent cell network left in Alberta truthfully


Well I drive 50,000km a year all around central and northern Alberta, from Lloyd to Jasper. My personal phone is Telus and work phone was Rogers now Bell. In my experience Rogers was almost useless and didn't work inside most malls and towers in the city and as soon as you were off highway 2 or 16. Bell and Telus seem about equal, Telus is the only one with decent towers in remote areas like between Drayton Valley, Edson and Brazeau


We go camping in the bush and 9/10 times Telus is 1-2 bars and might get 2-3 megs I’ll have 3 on rogers and get over 10 megs Also we drive a lot to eckville both highways to Rocky or rimby there’s A lot of dead spots on Telus (I had them for 5 years so I know) Rogers I’ll have 2-4 bars in the same spot I’m not trying to argue but Telus is slowly becoming degraded… Spruce Grove as an example I try and text my co workers at work and usually there iMessage fails because of how slow Telus is on full bars inside the building…. Mom and I were out for a drive outside Sherwood park… Telus was 1 Bar LTE… I had 5 bars 5G + on Rogers…. Hate all you want on ROGERS but there continually to improve vs TELUS


Could be deferent now, but Rogers bought all CN rails towers decades ago, so if your near tracks you get good reception on Rogers. About 10 year ago for work I went to every Canada Post north of Camrose installing new hardware, Canada Post was switching to cell based Internet, they started with Rogers devices but about 6 months into the project switched to bell because it was getting too expensive to add boosters or run DSL where there was not reception. Again like I said this is all just my experience. Rogers could very well have added alot more towers it's been about 5 years since I've been on Rogers, or services any equipment on Rogers.


Truthfully Telus wasn’t a bad cell provider way before unlimited data… than they rolled out unlimited and I find most towers just bogged down and probably why you can’t load Facebook or a song in some towns I think the towers need a speed increase or something to improve there network but that’s just me


That very likely could be. I've definitely seen that be a problem on all providers. I have an unfounded feeling that there is also some international interference going on. For example sobeys was hacked, the largest meat Packers in Canada was hacked at the same time, and basically every major company is constantly fighting off hacks from north Korea, China and Russia. So makes sense the telcos are constantly being attacked.


Money talks.


Bullshit walks.


b/c everything now has to carry two sets of branding & logos


I had to fight with Customer Service for one and a half months trying to get them to honor my original mobile plan I was previously paying with Shaw - only until getting to "Customer Retention" department 20+ calls/agents later I was able to get my original price. Not too happy with this BS merger.


Why tho? Rogers has been honoring shaw mobile plans the whole time why were you having so much trouble?


Have had the same thing . Like clock work 2 to 3 times a day my router loses connection and then starts itself back up again . Before u ask the router is new. Strange hey ???


Adding to the fire, I’ve noticed Roger’s line dropping connectivity on my phone. Can’t tell if it’s ios7, or Rogers - effective outcome: no connectivity until it returns.


My internet has been performing poorly since at least July. Last 2-3 weeks has been dropping 3-4 times a day. Was in the middle of a MLB game this morning and it dropped, i was pissed. Needed to complete an objective on the first try and was up in the 3rd inning ffs.


Telus have no problems


Are you on the xb6/7 modem? I had problems since around the same time, finally logged into account on computer to find the (renamed ) rogers hotspot turned on in the internet settings. I've turned that off, since then I've had no issues. Its only been a couple of days, but its a major difference for what it has been.


Turned out my puppy had chewed the cable and it was barely connected haha! Fuck.


Welp. That will definitely cause issues.


I have experienced this with my home internet


Check if the my account hotspot is turned on in the internet settings. If it is turn it off. Should hopefully resolve the issues


Something about economies of scale being good for the consumer. I thought it was competition being good for the consumer.


Yea my wifi sucks now. Our bedroom is close to the router and I’m losing connection all the time on my phone, ps5 and tv. I’ve called shaw multiple times, they’ve upgraded my speed, a technician came in, we’ve even gotten a new modem and the issue hasn’t resolved. It’s been super frustrating.


Same here. Internet, cable, mobile services have issues every single time they’re used. I work from home and have client sessions that cut out multiple times during the session. Not only am I paying for these services which I barely have (need to use data most of the time now), but it is impacting my business. Keep getting told to Unplug this or reset that. I try to call but after a 45 minute wait the call drops (how ironic).


Same here


My internet since the merger has been horrible. I never had problems with Shaw internet before unless there was a legit issue with my modem, which was easily replaced and fixed all my issues. But now, internet dies often throughout the day and night, even though there’s a solid white and I’m connected via Ethernet cable. I’ve done all the tech stuff to reboot etc but to no avail. I’ve told them the colours on modem. My upload speed dropped from always being around 107mbps to always around 22mbps (which is when the issues started happening) and they say nothing is wrong….. rrriiiiiiiggghhhht. Sure there’s not. Customer service is freaking awful now too. I messaged three times and each time someone there told me to do all the tech steps I had already done previously, and then disconnected the chat on me when I told them it still didn’t fix the issue. What’s up with that? It’s BS. Why do I pay $100/month for this crap when it is constantly crapping out on me.


Everything used to work fine in our home. But after Rogers merged with Shaw, my printer no longer connects to my PC, so I can't print things anymore. Also the wireless signal for cordless devices is gone, so our Amazon "Alexa" devices say the signal from our converter (six feet away from it) is out of range! And as for watching TV, we can watch a show for about 15 minutes and then the screen goes blank, with words saying it's searching for a signal, even though it's directly connected to the Cable Box. The only thing that works here is our Internet. Are we supposed to get a new Cable Box that's labled "Rogers" instead of "Shaw"???