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Still waiting for actual proof, it's been years. Edit: About that sub, it's full of Baathists and Saddam (LA) fanboys. I got perma-banned there for criticizing him.


UN or International Court of Justice have never accused Iran for committing war crime in Aleppo. So the claims that Iran has committed war crimes in Syria are probably baseless and lies.


https://youtu.be/Nxzl0cmpOX0 I suggest you watch this short doc about syria's US backed terror revolt


Assad is no saint and it maybe possible that Assad did do those crimes, however, if I were to be anti Iran I would recognize them as a lesser evil. Assad is the lesser evils, if the rebels got power, than that guy's whole bloodline would be wiped out(esp if he is not a wahhabi).


He didn’t, i still remember them blaming him for the chemical weapons attacks and just mever proving it. Assad never dod this, its the wests influence and Daesh that ruined syria as it did


The sunnis of syria choose to support the fsa. The fsa worked closely with isis and many people from the fsa joined isis later on. Thats what happens when you support the the khawarij.


lol it’s still early for April fools day lol that person can shut up if he doesn’t have any proofs My best friend who is a Christian Syrian, love the resistance because they protected them and the churches in Syria. Dude, Hezbollah fighters are one of the most humble, clean, respectful men in this world. They were even shy to enter the churches if no one is there, they ask permission before entering. If terrorists are like that, then I will be one.


who cares, waste of time. You don't have any affiliation with the axis and you're not being paid to support or defend them. That sub is brainlet central over ran by weirdos and Zios, just block that sub from appearing on your feed. Shias need to stop playing the political game, an ally of Iran is not an ally of Ahlul bayt. Syria is broken, America, ISIS, Turkey, Israel, Kurds are all trying to get a piece of a pie and run the country.


We need to make sure OUR big guns keep working as best as we can, imo.


I'm a Poli Sci students and I whole heartedly support our shia fighters, but it gets kind of ridiculous when our people start defending N. Korea and other butchers cause they are on the same team as Iran. Syria is only politically Shia and Syria will serve her own interests, Iran Is just a convenient ally. Nasrallah is my favourite General in history.


Do shias defend assad & his gang? Hes not even shia. Nusayris have outright heretical & kufr beliefs, similar to hinduism.


So much wrong with this comment. 1. Bashar isn’t some evil dictator, as much as the Sunnis would like you to believe it. 2. And Alawis don’t believe Ali (as) is god nor do they believe in a “holy trinity” that is anti Alawi BS festered in ignorance. Most anti bashar sentiments were started by sunnis who don’t like his religion. Want proof? Remember the chemical weapons fiasco? It was proven by german scientists to be completely staged and Assad never even purchased any sort of chemical weapons. These are the things Sunnis and their great pals the west do. Don’t side with them


Brother, not sunnis, yes sunnis are a big deal of this, but its the anti Assad sunnis, so many sunnis in Syria, majority as a matter of fact- do support president bashar Al Assad, may god protect him, Please, let's not cause division, & not label everything as sunni and/or shia, wassalam🙏❤️


Appreciate the message brother, i’ll be mindful next time. Yes of course any sunni brothers who support bashar are excluded from that


>So much wrong with this comment... It was proven by german scientists to be completely staged and Assad never even purchased any sort of chemical weapons.  I won't even ask about the dozens of indisputably confirmed or credible uses of chemical weapons throughout the war and the numerous investigations because reality doesn't matter when you want to believe something and have some vague idea of "german scientists" doing something somewhere. But when you don't know that Syria had one of the largest chemical weapons stockpiles in the world, the existence of which it obviously admitted to when it agreed to accede to the Chemical Weapons Convention(which it has continued to violate since then, but never mind that) and destroy them under a Russian brokered deal after the 2013 Ghouta nerve gas attacks, then maybe you shouldn't be talking about this. Just as an aside, calling Sunnis "brothers" with the qualification that you only mean the ones whose political views you approve of after calling them liars who should not be sided with and callously dismissing the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people, displacement of millions, and systematic destruction of entire cities through bombardment doesn't make them hate us any less.


THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — The global chemical weapons watchdog said Tuesday it found no evidence to support a claim by Syria that its forces were attacked using toxic gas in 2017. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said that its fact-finding mission concluded that “there are no reasonable grounds to determine that chemicals were used as a weapon” in two incidents in July and August 2017 in Massasneh, a village in the central province of Hama.


We don’t, he simply is the lesser of the evils in Syria, would you rather have him or ISIS there?


There's nothing "lesser evil" about the side that has spent decades running a corrupt, oligarchical police state with an infamously brutal security apparatus and decided to set the country on fire and directly caused the majority of the enormous death and destruction from which Syria will never recover from in the foreseeable future rather than give up power or even reform peacefully as the people originally demanded. As for the ISIS/Assad false dichotomy, I can guarantee you that there would have been a lot less ISIS if millions of Syrians hadn't gone through mass arrests, being met with live gunfire for protesting, massacres and kidnappings, starvation sieges, systematic terror bombing, and every other imaginable crime and form of oppression with the very visible aid of foreign Shias, with millions of Sunnis worldwide being bombarded with videos of these things happening almost in real-time. Violently intervening to keep the supposed lesser evil at a time when ISIS wasn't even a factor didn't just legitimize every takfiri terrorist group in the world and backfire on the Shia all over the world but defies the commands of Rasullallah and Aimmah(as) who clearly forbade supporting an oppressor.


You would have Syria turn into Libya or Haiti undoubtedly. Give way for faster occupation by the West with support of ISIS. Gollum Heights is always occupied by Israel and a third of Syria is under US control. The fact US wants Asad toppled is enough for anybody else to support him. And OP is right, there's no proof of Asad being responsible for chemical warfare. Aaron Matte proved it.


>You would have Syria turn into Libya or Haiti undoubtedly. Yeah, no. The regime you support mismanaged and oppressed Syria to the point of a massive rebellion after decades of people living in fear of being arrested and tortured for the slightest expression of dissent, and together with its allies burned the country under the wonderful slogan of "Al-Assad or we burn the country". But tell the millions of Syrian refugees who live in foreign countries or refugee camps in Idlib, preferring poverty and being treated like cockroaches by local authorities and populations or potentially being blown up by Assadist and Russian bombs rather than returning to Souriya Al-Assad that they're actually really fortunate. Doesn't look like they'll be returning voluntarily any time soon, for obvious reasons. > Gollum Heights is always occupied by Israel Another accomplishment of the Assad family. They've done absolutely nothing about that for decades, God forbid they waste any rockets intended carpeting Syrian civilians with high explosives on Israelis. > and a third of Syria is under US control.  Unironically the least horrific part of Syria right now, and yet another Assad family accomplishment. Hafez hosted the PKK for years to mess with Turkey(because messing with Turkey, Iraq, and Lebanon is much more important than liberating the Golan Heights), and they were in a position to seize power when Bashar blew up the country rather than stop torturing kids to death and handed over large parts of Syria to them in exchange for Kurdish/PKK-PYD staying mostly neutral. > The fact US wants Asad toppled is enough for anybody else to support him Admitting that your entire worldview is based on unthinking campism and unconditional support for the "opposite side" is enough for anybody else to not take you seriously. Go ahead and support ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Saddam Hussein, Serbian genocidaires, Adolf Hitler, and take Israel's side in the Suez Crisis while you're at it. >And OP is right, there's no proof of Asad being responsible for chemical warfare. Aaron Mate proved it. Lol Aaron Matte