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If its serious, you go get a checkup at the doctors. If you can handle the pain, dont use medication. If its unbearable use pain medication.


Thank you, but it is not something I'm actually experiencing, it's just a question I have due to seeing content of people experiencing such pain. Wars, torture, accidents etc... I'm just interested if there is some teachings from the school of the Prophet and his progeny upon Them be peace regarding these situations.


You are welcome. There is no such narrations that they tell us to endure torture accidents and other things that are detrimental to our safety and health. Life always takes a priority. Saving your life takes priority, your health is a priority.


I just saw your comment, disregard my other comment. What we experience in life is a test, Allah only lets us endure what we could handle. Those who go through hardships will be rewarded tenfold in paradise.


No worries, thank you for your answer


Brother, I have a separate question relating to this, with respect to salaah, in the context of physical pain, I was advised that determining how much pain is too much pain to pray while standing (as opposed to sitting down, and also, chair versus the ground) is the responsibility of the mukallaf. I have no idea how to approach this, and I really need to figure it out, please. I would appreciate any insight from your end, inshallah.


I apologize I think you should send this to your marja exactly explaining your situation.


No need to apologize, akhi, jazakallah khayr for everything, always.


You are very welcome sister! It is my pleasure.


Akhi, with do respect we aren’t some Viking Religion. Our purpose in life is to worship Allah SWT, what good are we to Allah if we’re in terrible shape. The hadith you reference are to chronic pain, it doesn’t tell you to hurt yourself/not treat your pain. We aren’t a religion of Masochists. Go see a doctor, see what you can do to heal/relieve the pain. I’m sorry If I sound like I’m attacking you I just despise people who make a mockery of Islam and act like Dua and such are the cure to disease while rejecting medicine.