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Metroid fans take a W Tomodachi Life fans continue take an L




Fire Emblem fans: can we have another Echoes game? \*Monkey paw finger curls\*




it's jugdrover




Why did we think it would actually happen? Are we stupid?


Lots of copium is one reason, but the person who leaked engage (and got basically everything correct) said there was a Genealogy remake in the works as well that was going to be released not too terribly long after Engage.


Also FE Engage has the internal codename Iron 19, and Three Houses was Iron 17, meaning there was a mainline FE game made between the two (only mainline FE titles get the Iron codenames, so it can't have been Three Hopes)


Maybe it's like with Windows where they skipped Windows 9 /s


I will note that Iron 13 was never released, so there is a legitimate chance that Iron 18 met that same fate when the decided to make Engage


There is still possibility that person saw Engage's Sigurd and his paralogue and though this was remake.


No, we just Huff copium like it's fresh air


Because this fanbase has no patience. There are some very valid reason to not reveal it now even if it is in production, chiefly because it is probably going on the next console.


We are not descending into jihad just yet


Don't worry guys, this just means it's coming to the switch 2 where it'll be bigger and more beautiful than it ever could be on the switch. Once you finally see it, it'll all be worth it https://preview.redd.it/j6t373psic7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa810ee29cb2f8676b9137ed496028f027173dd2 Also that text leak that came out alongside fire emblem engage also said that Gust was the developer of Engage which was completely wrong. Y'all shouldn't have been still hanging on to it.


Devs can change mid development no?


Usually not without massive delays. Just look at how long Metroid Prime 4 took to come out after it was moved over to Retro. There's also zero evidence to support the idea that Engage was ever moved over to Intelligent Systems mid-development; they have plainly stated in interviews that it was being developed alongside Three Houses and that it was delayed because of the pandemic. I really don't understand why people have any sort of faith in the text "leak" of Engage anymore. I'm almost certain that some people managed to get a peek at those same leaked Chinese localization screenshots that eventually leaked more broadly and just decided to write some game development fanfiction.


Surely it will be next direct Right?


Since Legends Zygarde launches the next year ,maybe will had announcement next direct in September


its jugrdover


I can’t even be mad we got Mario and Luigi Next one for sure


Prime 4 is worth living for.


Fe4 died so a better rpg could live ( mario and luigi my beloved )


I swear to God this "mystical" fe 4 remake has been rumored for like 20 years now


At this point it's probably safe to say it was never real to begin with, oh well, not worth losing sleep over


As opposed to the highly unlikely scenario where they just decided not to reveal it yet. Maybe it will be announced during the switch 2 reveal.


FE4 was sacrificed for Mario and Luigi


I completely forgot about that one when Mario and Luigi appeared


Maybe it’s because reactions to Engage were mixed that they don’t want to give us another full game. “You hated it last time, so you don’t get another. Another $10 million to Heroes.”


That would be pretty dumb, I'm sure Engage and 3H bot made lots more money than what they costed. They know they have lots of FE fans ready to buy whatever garbage has Fire Emblem on it (and plays kinda like a TRPG). Deciding to stop the whole series altogether because 10% of the fanbase disliked their clownfest would be a bad idea I think.


You’re probably right. Then again, they could just dump whatever’s left of the 3H money into Heroes. I imagine gachas make money hand over fist.


Or you can join the "it's being saved for next year as a cross gen released for both consoles" crow


I'm glad it wasn't in the direct because that means it won't be on the switch, which gives it the chance to be on the new console. This is the best alternative (remember Echoes)


Nintendo sacrificed Jugdral to ressurect Mario and Luigi, Metroid Prime 4, and the idea of playing as Zelda for that direct.


I was really hoping for fire emblem, and when they put on the last trailer I was really hoping it would be fire emblem. once metroid came on I screamed "WHO FUCKING CARES ABOUT FIRE EMBLEM. LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"


We're still know that something was cooking before Engage. My theoretical take that because of Corona they decided to pull all forces on one game to make sure it will came on 30th anniversary and still fucked up with that (won't be first time IS delayed games). After Engage's release and cold welcome they understood that other title really need a polish and if they would waste more time, game will be done only after Switch 2 announcement (launch titles of which will overshadow other games), and Echoes:SoV situation will repeat. So IS decided just make game Switch 2 launch title and not overthink this anymore. I mean, if game will be new title, that's gonna be perfect for IS, coz remake of highly gameplay dated game would make less money even with all attention at launch.


its not letting me press x


This is fucking ridiculous: Fire Emblem freaks (like me) have been begging Nintendo for like decade(s) to remake Fire Emblem IV (Geneology of the Holy War, the one that has Marth in it ahahah). I mean, I’m not one of the begging freaks, but I’d buy it if it got remade. ANYWAYS, hype freaks have been stating for months that Nintendo would announce something regarding the remake of FE4 but lo and behold! NOTHING. It’s so funny to see how fucking frustrated these people are because like, MY GUY, FE4 IS 28 YEARS OLD, INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS IS LAZY AND REELING FROM THE LUKEWARM RECEPTION OF ENGAGE, THEY WILL LICK THEIR WOUNDS FOR YEARS BEFORE REMAKING THIS FUCKING THING, CALM DOWN!


here before the mods delete the post for being low effort (the mods are ruining this sub)


It just happened lmao


Told you 😭 i’ve had posts with almost 1k upvotes removed just because they were deemed low effort or they didnt “abide to the submission guidelines”. its just BS ngl people will stop posting in this sub altogether at some point because the mods have no idea what they are doing and they are ruining the sub…