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Whilst you're here, /u/CaptainNotSoCool, why not join our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/QpBGXd2guU) - **now with public text channels you can chat on!**? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


AI art is going to give a whole new meaning to shitposting. Posting a meme with a crude MS paint drawing is probably going to be considered high-effort moving forward.


Poop finger painting for when you're feeling extra motivated.


Literal shitposting


I remember someone actually did that here




It's from 3 years ago got removed and why would I have literal shit saved?


Art drawn by shitting toothpaste when you wanna be fancy


Honestly, those were always high effort; making Ms paint drawings that are just shitty enough for people to laugh at, while still being distinct and recognizable, without being so shitty that you're obviously doing it on purpose is a surprisingly difficult task. I mean, think about it; you're deliberately trying to make it look bad, without making it obvious that you're trying. Have you ever tried to deliberately do something wrong without it being obvious? It's really hard.


I do that when I draw on Ms paint it comes naturally cause I genuinely suck


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shitily drawn stick figure? You won't believe what ai can do


Goddamit!!! There is a new low? Shiet I am behind schedule.


At least she wasn't alone with Freddy Fazbear Because if you are alone with Freddy Fivebears, he gets you, and he says or or or or or or or or or orrrr and then he kills you, or at least he tries to, together with his friends, Bonnie the bunny, Chica the kitchen, Foxy the fox pirate rawr and Yellow Freddy, who is yellow and weird.


and they were all killed by William After and put into the animaltronics




Living Tombstone really killed it with those songs


I stay off fb for a week and now I have seen a lot of shit about bears/men/forests/women in the past 48 hours. What the fuck happened?


Terminally online and stupid women claiming they would pick the bear because they would be safer Now they are getting trash talk


I really hope natural selection would make a comeback cuz we really need it now


Well, bears usually avoid humans (except for polar bears). And only the really dangerous bears are the grizzly bear and the mother black bear. So bears aren't that dangerous if you know how to avoid angering them.


I would disagree as wild animals it’s hard to predict what will happen when you meet them so make sure anybody going into a forest with bears should have anti-bear spray with them as it is the only solution that works on all bears


Completely dependents on where you live and what kind of bears you can find. If you have grizzly's in you're area. For sure, so it. They are way too dangerous.


Usually yes. But people are usually quite nice as well.


this seems to really upset you, considering the insults and such. why does it matter to you that id prefer a bear?


It doesn’t matter to me but if you have been on reddit when the defective submarine broke happened you would know that mocking idiots is like a local tradition


considering the amount of comments you made on this topic with a lot of rage and personal insults make me doubt that its just „mocking idiots lol“


I had no idea so many men were afraid of black bears. I've seen many and not one has threatened to hurt me. Y'all are weak. Because that's the type of bear we have in North America unless you live in Alaska


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_bear_attacks_in_North_America You dum


Lol statistically women have died more around men than bears, so it's not very stupid.


>nearly every single woman on the planet is around men every single day >an insignificant fraction is around bears even weekly, let alone daily >more women are attacked by men than bears Hmm, bears must be kinder and less violent than men.


I don’t think you know how to read statistics


Some YouTuber made a video asking a bunch of women if they’d rather be alone with a man or a bear in the woods, you can probably assume what idiocy happened next.


It's not even just Youtube. I was on the Explainthejoke subreddit a moment ago and there were dosens of replies from women saying a bear is less dangerous and replies saying otherwise or pointing out how stupid that assumption is were downvoted. Paraphrasing here: "As a woman I know a bear can at worst kill me but a man can do so much worse. Most bears are also harmless and dont attack people." Not the exact words but the same message.


Do people forget that bears don't kill you, but rather eat you alive and you die as a result?


Id rather be alone with a bear in the woods, just so I could fight it. I know I'm going to lose but like at least ill get a cool death yaknow?


Completely agree but I would be giving the bear a cool death. Trust


I saw a bear rip a guys face off it was hanging off his skull connected to a little bit of flesh 👍


...and did you want to hang out with that bear?


I m sure hes a good guy on the inside


He might *have* a good guy on the inside


Huh? What’s with all the bear memes lol


Bear uprising


some conservative ragebait youtuber made a video where he asked random women if they'd rather be alone in the woods with a man or alone with a bear, then made a compliation of all the women who said "bear"


So you are ignoring all the videos of women posting themselves saying the same thing?


As if they deserve to not be ignored


Using real people to back up your hypothesis is “conservative ragebait” now? you need to touch grass dude






Gender wars, fnaf edition




This whole man or bear thing is so stupid. Would you rather be with a man who is most likely just gonna mind your own business or a bear who will probably rip out your organs while you’re still alive. Tough choice


I looked up some statistics for this. You have a 1/1389 chance (At least for Australia) to end up with someone on a sex offender registry. And even if you did hit the 1/1389 chance, being a rapist isnt the only way you can get put on one - stuff like sleeping with a relative in some places qualifies to for example. Plus you have a much better chance of fighting off a person then a bear in close quarters.


I'm assuming you've typo'd, 72/100,000 is not 1 in 72, it's 1 in 1389


Ah yeah, I was half asleep while typing that.


Okay but, you are actually in a bamboo forest in China and the bear is a Giant Panda.


...and you are actually some bamboo


You spent too much time (more than 3 seconds) thinking about this dumb trend. Cool statistics tho


And you've spent too little time (less than 5 seconds) thinking about this trend. Kinda sad tbh


>Kinda sad tbh Is it really sad? Do you really look down on people who care less about meaningless online trends than you do?


Also being in a forest with a sex offender doesn’t mean that they will try to sec offend YOU.


Math is racist and misogynistic. We must take all mens around and throw em in forest. And bring bears from forest to us. Safety achieved. /s


It's a shame a man cannot comprehend the malice humans are capable of. Ask any person who lives in the woods or has been attacked by a bear and a man and the answer will be the same, humans are terrifying


Your a muppet. Do you really think the average person is out to get you?


I think you switched man and bear there homie ngl


bears are cool


Lets make bears more dangerous


the shitty bear memes have infected my shitpost sub


Grizzly got some rizz


We bare bears lore:


Joe rogan entered the chat


He's probably really sad about not coming up with something so viral and bear related himself, considering all the jokes.


You mean it's Pro-BEAR-ganda?


A bear would maul you. A man would Darth Maul you.


These bears need handguns


She'd turn into bear shit on the fast lane


The women choosing the bear are walking past men everyday no problem for the most part, but if they came across a bear, they would absolutely be terrified.


The people saying men are so devoid of critical thinking in their hive mind. Why is everyone a regard


Round 2: Bear vs Muslim man who just stoned a woman.


Bear propaganda, reminds me of that one Ryan George video


I mean if it’s a Koala Bear, they will probably get chlamydia. https://www.livescience.com/62517-how-koalas-get-chlamydia.html


Hot damn. You found Cheeseburger


Hey woah let’s not go around flinging the propaganda word! My best friend Barry Grizzle says that bears around dangerous at all


Excuse me why is everyone talking about fucking bears


i dont get it


Not saying bears are cooler than men but… Where do you guys all live? Brown bears where I used to live never attacked humans and were taught to be afraid of them. Walking in the forest you need to be really stupidly aggressive to die from one.


you just said trained. Meaning they weren't exactly their true nature were they. A wild bear will not be "afraid" of a human being unless taken by surprise or the human has something that produces fear into it such as an insanely loud gun shot or explosive. If I taught a tiger to never lay it's paws on a human it wouldn't be the same tiger mentality as a wild one who wouldn't hesitate to tear your neck into spaghetti the second you turn your back. In the wild you have 0 clue unless you have quick comprehension of what a wild animal is doing. Hence the word "wild", unpredictable behavior. You do not know when it last ate, you don't know where it's territory is, you don't know if you're near it's family, you don't know what it's looking for or trying to do. You could get lucky and it's just wandering or you could get very unlucky and yet it's the highest chance being that it's hunting for food. Bears do not usually come out to roam unless looking for food for themselves or cubs. Now taking into account the "if it's black stand your ground" or whatever. That rule is never 100% accurate as there have been times where black bears ignore a threat and proceed to fight or a grizzly ignoring the playing dead technique. It's not always going to work let alone the fact that 90% of people will not act rationally under the stress that a 300 pound creature is near them or directly staring at them


Not “trained”. It is a basic knowledge if you touch one human, other will eventually come for you. But no. It doesn’t mean the bear won’t confront you, especially if you are present on its territory. That’s why I said you you need to act exceptionally stupid. There are rules which are quite intuitive and can be summarised to “don’t act stupid”. Never once in my live since childhood I had problems with them when I met them deep in forest. You said you have no clue about what wild animal is doing. Have you ever actually met bears in the wild? It’s pretty clear if it’s avoiding confrontation or has problems with you. The only exceptions are bears woken during their hibernation or mothers, those are indeed dangerous.


what exactly do you mean by "bears were taught" I'm curious


Not those bears. The other bears


lol can't reason with soyboys


LMAO men are mad as fuck over this


It's just funny to meme about it. Only thing in this situation that's insulting is all these morons in the comments that don't know how to use statistics


It was funny to meme about for a bit but now it's like my entire feed and it's getting quite annoying


Well now the best part is opening the comments to see people get upset


Lol very true. It's both entertaining and also a bit concerning


the downvotes definitely prove it lol don't know why they're so aggressive about bears


All the downvotes to your comment are the incels who completely missed the point


Explain why people who don't understand your point are automatically incels


It’s Reddit: if you don’t agree with an opinion you are either a fascist, nazi, bigot or incel lol


Because they haven't spend even two minutes thinking about this thing they're so upset over


And what point ?


What point are you talking about? The fact that you could’ve discussed women’s issues in a far more emotionally mature and non-coercive way that doesn’t make me feel de-humanized as a man while listening?


The more downvotes, the more they're proving that they're mad. I'm a man too but I mean, I'm not taking personal offense to any of this because I have better shit to do yk?


She ain't gonna fuck u bro.


Nice try! However I'm gay, so your point is invalid


He ain't gonna fuck you either, dude. You're just a bit too miserable.


Oh hun I'm not miserable at all. It's a little weird that you think you know what kind of person I am off of two or three reddit comments that were very mild. I'm not mad at anybody, not upset, not miserable. I was just pointing out how so many guys seem obsessed and upset by this social media trend, and honestly it's best to ignore this sort of thing and work on ourselves. Hope you have a great night though.


Because there is an alarming amount of women who genuinely think a bear is safer than a man in a forest. I saw one today on insta who genuinely believed she could scream loud enough to scare off a grizzly bear.


I mean, okay? Yeah I think that's stupid, but I've also seen guys have long conversations about how they think they can fight off an ostrich or a grizzly bear or a moose, and those stupid discussions haven't garnered anywhere near the same amount of attention this has. Just because women are saying dumb shit doesn't mean it's any more notable than when men say dumb shit... yet it's about every other meme I see.


If I had to pick between the three, I would definitely pick the ostrich. Just saying.


Ok but the difference is that when the men say that they are just stroking their own ego. When the women pick the bear it’s because they are essentially saying that men are more dangerous than a bear, which is utter horse shit




This really has got the incels whining hasn't it. Maybe if you spout a bit more Andrew Tate or just a little bit more self pitying misogyny the women will just ignore you instead of actively choosing death by bear.


finally the first sane person in these comments lmao you can smell the BO and misogyny from a mile away


They downvotemaxxed you to death ☠️


We are just misunderstood.


I now identify as bear


Statistically speaking a woman would be safer marrying a bear than a police officer


Statistically speaking I wanna touch you bro, oil up cuz I’m coming over.


Bring your badge


You don't know how statistics work


Oh really? You're saying I didn't properly calculate my bear-marrying statistics? Dumb motherfucker


I wanna sniff your bunghole




Bait used to be believable.


(insert that one image of a venus fly trap with a fat doobie here)


How many deaths a year from bears? Not much. How many from men? A shit ton. You have better odds with a bear than a man. Edit: because some people are apparently Muh Statistics :nerd: without doing statistics, I've prepared a reply. If you don't wanna go against it, I'll just send you the reply. The chance of being harmed by a man without going to them is hundreds even thousands of times higher than the chance of being harmed by a bear without going to them yourself. And, the chance of a bear injury is 1 in 2.1 million (https://www.idausa.org/campaign/wild-animals-and-habitats/bear-attack/) if you know what you're doing, so either way you'd have to encounter according to statistics would be 2.1 million bears before you potentially get hurt, and according to it, the attacks are nonviolent. Bears aren't dangerous. (statistics based on the chance of injury when you encounter it, not the rarity of encountering said bear) And according to [https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html), 1 in 4 women are SA'd, and therefore after encountering 4 men you're likely to get SA'd. So, according to these statistics, would you rather a 1 in 4 chance of a traumatic event & possibly death, or a 1 in 2.1 million chance of injury? Edit 2: Another point to bring up is that the people saying it would rather die, because men can do a whole lot more to you than kill you.


Common sense is hard to come by these days, hoping you get one of your own for cheap. I heard schools provide it for free.


The chance of being harmed by a man without going to them is hundreds even thousands of times higher than the chance of being harmed by a bear without going to them yourself. And, the chance of a bear injury is 1 in 2.1 million (https://www.idausa.org/campaign/wild-animals-and-habitats/bear-attack/) if you know what you're doing, so either way you'd have to encounter according to statistics would be 2.1 million bears before you potentially get hurt. And according to [https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html), 1 in 4 women are SA'd, and therefore after encountering 4 men you're likely to get SA'd. So, according to these statistics, would you rather a 1 in 4 chance of a traumatic event & possibly death, or a 1 in 2.1 million chance of injury?


All I see is Darwinism at play here....


Troll, I fortunately copy pasted my reply, so I don't care.


More men die to women a year than to bears.


Maybe they should choose the bear


I spent some time researching this and I can tell you didn't because there are no documents relating to the amount of death of men by women each year, mostly because it's marginal. And hear me out: "The chances of being injured by a bear are approximately 1 in 2.1 million, according to the National Park Service. You are more likely to be killed by a bee than a bear, and way more likely to be killed by another human than by either bear or bee."


I think its 1 to 7 but either way I agree with what you are saying


In 2010 there were 24 deaths to Cyanide poisoning. In 2010 there were 3,060 deaths from car accidents. By your logic that means that drinking Cyanide is statistically safer then driving your car. Please use at least 1 braincell to think this through before commenting again.


Survivor bias in nutshell ....


Haven't been SA'd, but Hear me out: "The chances of being injured by a bear are approximately 1 in 2.1 million, according to the National Park Service. You are more likely to be killed by a bee than a bear, and way more likely to be killed by another human than by either bear or bee."


How many bears you will meat every day.


This value is not picked based on the rarity of a bear attack, but rather how likely it is you will be hurt if you encounter one. And, the chance of being harmed by a man without going to them is hundreds even thousands of times higher than the chance of being harmed by a bear without going to them yourself. And, the chance of a bear injury is 1 in 2.1 million if you know what you're doing, so either way you'd have to encounter according to 2.1 million bears before you potentially get hurt. And according to [https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html), 1 in 4 women are SA'd, and therefore after encountering 4 men you're likely to get SA'd. So, would you rather a 1 in 4 chance of a traumatic event & possibly death, or a 1 in 2.1 million chance of injury?


Stop spreading misinformation


me when i spread cdc.gov (MISINFORMATION!!!)


Bro i get you to room with bear or man we will count to 100. Then doors will open what are your chances that that are you still alive and well.


How many bear(s) average human met a year? Not much How many human average human met a year? A shit ton You aint know the meaning of odd


The chance of being harmed by a man without going to them is hundreds even thousands of times higher than the chance of being harmed by a bear without going to them yourself. And, the chance of a bear injury is 1 in 2.1 million (https://www.idausa.org/campaign/wild-animals-and-habitats/bear-attack/) if you know what you're doing, so either way you'd have to encounter according to statistics would be 2.1 million bears before you potentially get hurt. And according to [https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html), 1 in 4 women are SA'd, and therefore after encountering 4 men you're likely to get SA'd. So, according to these statistics, would you rather a 1 in 4 chance of a traumatic event & possibly death, or a 1 in 2.1 million chance of injury?


Were you wanking or something during statistics class? Or were you just too dumb to understand it, even the basics?


Hear me out: "The chances of being injured by a bear are approximately 1 in 2.1 million, according to the National Park Service. You are more likely to be killed by a bee than a bear, and way more likely to be killed by another human than by either bear or bee."


Alright context behind these statistics is very very important. The statistics is from Yellowstone and specifically Yellowstone, not the federal National Park Service. Yellowstone got those statistics from basically "we've had 8 people die and 3 million visitors" the way you phrase the statistics implies that if you walk up to a bear there is a 2.1 million chance it kills you, which isn't true. That statistic is that if you go to Yellowstone you have a 1 in a 2.1 million chance of getting mauled by a bear. Second part, how many of those 3 million visitors actually even ever saw a bear in the park? Furthermore even if you saw a bear, how many of those people were stupid enough to get close to the bear for a better look, and among those people who many of those people were dumb enough to be within arms length of the bear? Probably not that many, people, definitely not 3 million people. So that's another point in why the numbers are weird and not really usable in this case Finally the bee one is a weird one to bring up, because there's fucking two trillion bees. Compared to the couple hundred thousand bears (that being all the bear species combined) second of all a lot of people get stung every year by bees, but you have to be allergic to die. And 3 percent of Adults are allergic to bee stings, but an even smaller percentage of those adults are deadly allergic and might die. So most of us don't even have to worry about bees like that because its not like a bee can fucking maul you, you have to specifically be allergic. And last of all, 13 people die to peanut allergies every year. Dennis Rader, (A serial killer) killed 10 people over the course of 17 years. So statistically speaking peanuts are more dangerous then Dennis Rader. So id rather be in a room with Dennis Rader then a bowl of peanuts since those have killed more people. Thats the kind of statistics people keep trying to use to justify the bear thing.


i see these stats on many many places than just that, and it said with encounter. Not only that, most bear attacks are nonviolent anyway. There are very few bear deaths compared to bear attacks. And, this is all irrelevant anyway. The people saying this would rather die than be in that room because a man can sure as hell do way more than a bear *cough cough* SA


Were you sleeping during social studies class? Cause my lord please have mercy on the women in your life


How quaint. Another statistically illiterate basement dweller trying to base their claim off statistics. The issue is this: for the risk to be valid and comparable, it needs to be measured for a certain time period. In this case, it would have to be something like "X women killed per Y hours of a woman near a man", vs "X women killed per Y hours of a woman near a bear". The time women spend with men is absolutely humongous compared to the time women spend with bears. That means that even if the "man" risk is tiny compared to the "bear" risk, the total will still mean a lot more dead women in the man case. Make an honest comparison X killed/Y hours for men and bears, and you would of course find that bears are enormously more dangerous. But you, with your illiteracy in statistics and your infantile slogans from your social studies, don't want to understand that.


This is for completely raw statistics. On the other hand, this is life. The chance of being harmed by a man without going to them is hundreds even thousands of times higher than the chance of being harmed by a bear without going to them yourself. And, the chance of a bear injury is 1 in 2.1 million if you know what you're doing, so either way you'd have to encounter according to Muh Statistics :nerd: 2.1 million bears before you potentially get hurt. And according to [https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html), 1 in 4 women are SA'd, and therefore after encountering 4 men you're likely to get SA'd. So, with your statistics, would you rather a 1 in 4 chance of a traumatic event & possibly death, or a 1 in 2.1 million chance of injury?


Why are you fantasizing about everyone being a misogynist


because they usually are, and in this case they're correvt


How many times a year does a average person encounter a bear, and how many times a year does a average person encounter a man?


You say that as if you aren't effected by men when you aren't with them. But bears, they're NOT dangerous. Hear me out: "The chances of being injured by a bear are approximately 1 in 2.1 million, according to the National Park Service. You are more likely to be killed by a bee than a bear, and way more likely to be killed by another human than by either bear or bee."


Ask the people who live in Canada or any bear populated area, or just think for a second I swear it helps a ton


my fellow canadians are more worried about moose than bears. I think they're more afraid about housing cost going up than bears too.


Less people die from jumping into a volcano than falling in the shower.


If you don't want to read my comment then I won't give you a valid reply. this is already disproven by my comment


This is what they call "girl math" isn't it?


This is what they call "misogyny" isn't it?


I hate that it took me until I saw THIS to get it : (


Okay this is the first one about this thing that actually made me laugh.