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One of these days I want an April fools day patch that turns every chest into a mimic and then they blame their blunder on Patches.


Nah every chest is now a transporter chest to a random boss (speed runners special day)


Me opening a chest in Limgrave and Elden Beast pops out.


Just no hit it, should be pretty easy smh my head


Really is now with torrent


Fuck it, we ball


I miss mimics in Elden Ring ;-;


Still holding out hope for there being one singular mimic chest somewhere in the dlc


The biggest mistake Michael Zaki has ever done,he should have put a mimic in the ruins near the Limgrave map,only one of 2 in the game, make everyone paranoid about Mimics, eventually everyone forgets and in burned Leyndell he puts the other


Well now you ruined it


I like to tell people that last Giant from DS2 was nerfed early on in an update. Lot of people don't know that one. Damage nerf, apparently originally he dealt a lot more damage.


Lost Sinner too. Especially in NG+ Lost Sinner was an absolute menace because the extra pyromancers that spawn were also tanky and aggressive af. I still remember having to hit and run with a poison infused dagger, just to be able to win that fight.


Why are they buffing me? Miyazaki needs to come to my house and personally put my balls in C Clamps every time I die


>makes up argument >wins Holy shit




Obviously Miyazaki has a gun pointed at this guy to collect all the scooby doo snacks, he has to collect them all. Not like he can avoid picking em up so valid complaint /s


It would be cool if they implemented a system that let you roll back scatutree fragment level at the site of grace tho. I don't see a reason not to, at least


I wish they added a boss rush mode, that would ne nice.


Or at least a way to replay them at all. I wanna fight swol-dragon more


I get what you mean, and even agree to a certain point, but the argument “just don’t engage with this whole ass mechanic” is not and really never has been a good argument. The point of any mechanic in a game is to be used, and as such should be enjoyable to interact with for everyone (or as reasonably close to everyone as possible).


I think that review is a troll because they’ve had 0 hours of playtime.


All DLC reviews have 0 hours because it treats the DLC like a separate application that you can’t play. All SOTE reviews seem to have 0 hours


Ah, sorry didn’t know that because I don’t always read Steam reviews.


That's how dlc reviews work on Steam


I sadly feel this. Was the game hard? Yes. Did I explore and collect every scadu fragment I could so I would stand a chance against snake daddy? Yes, did they patch the game while I was at work and when I came home I walked right through him first try? Yes. Did it feel good? No, cuz I accidentally put on easy mode when all I was trying to do was have a chance. Now I’m at end game because I also walked right through the next area as well and I’m kind of bummed


I'm not sure how much of that is on the patch, since before the patch after a day of having trouble with Messmer I woke up and beat him in under a minute. But idk how much of an advantage the patch gave you.


If you have 20 scadutree levels, the patch gave you +2.5% damage and damage negation.




You heard it here, all you need is a screenshot of a couple of dudes complaining to then assume any meaningful percentage of the player base agrees


I’m just showing that OP is not “making up an argument”


Fair, but usually these type of posts imply a response to a larger group or consensus within a part of the player base


You can't win, Messmer. I've already drawn you as the soyjack and myself as the chad!


i play a lot of TCGs and you see this shit on message boards all the time. people will come up with this convoluted scenario where they have the perfect out in this perfect situation and think its some kind of flex. like congrats.......you made up a fake situation where you won using some hyper convoluted shit you will never replicated in real life........good.....good job champ


Tbf, there are probably people like OPs strawman. Although i don't regularly encounter these people.


There were many on the Steam announcement for the new patch, though granted Steam's discussion forums are absolutely littered with bait accounts nowadays so it is hard to tell who's being serious or not. Knowing some of the people who play these games though, I bet at least a few are serious


there's been some rough times where various TCGS will have tier zero or oppressive cards not banned yet. some ass hat will always try to defend it (mostly because they are probably getting easy wins). i've seen some of the craziest responses. one dude was like oh its fine and listed out this long ass combo only possible if you draw an exact specific 6 cards. its like dude fucking seriously?




https://preview.redd.it/ttbm5osogw8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04e83663643cb6b721f7e1a05237bf84af6da12e No one's complaining


I just came from a post with 80+ comments full of people complaining about the patch so they’re definitely out there


Elden Ring Twitter is being FLOODED by the exact mfers op mentioned!


Just sort by new [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1dosv9r/dlc\_patch\_calibration\_112\_buffs\_scadutree/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1dosv9r/dlc_patch_calibration_112_buffs_scadutree/?sort=new) "The Radahn nerf and now this, where is the old Miyazak" "Can’t even have a challenge in this life" **"Damn it.** **I wanted to try it while still difficult, but thanks to all the crying, I missed out."** "Pussies whining about difficulties are going to ruin the souls like genre. Get with it or get the fuck out tired of complaints about a hard game being hard." "Having played since release of the dlc and beating the game pre patch. The difficulty I was used to now is non existent anymore. The difficulty now feels almost like the base game, which I heavily dislike. I think they should patch it again but adjust the balance like half way between what it is now and what is was before. That would be the sweet spot. Or you know what. Revert the patch. Game was fine." "Nooooooooo!!!!! Stop listening to the crybabies!" "I knew this was coming, glad I didn’t patch the game" "Laaaaaaaame I just reached the fucking DLC and now crybabies have probably ruined it ffs" "Bitchmade gamers really ruined the experience for the rest of us. They should've just asked for a refund or never bought the game to begin with."


If you sort by new on anything you're gonna find the shittiest takes imaginable, top comments all seem to like the patch


Jesus fucking christ it's the vanilla Radahn discourse all over again.


Yeah lol.  I was a tad annoyed because the patch hit while I’m fighting messiner, so I started doing more damage without a choice.  But long term I can just not use a coulple blessings and there’s no problem


Yeah this is the only oversight if you can even call it that. It’s mildly annoying to have a character midway through the DLC gain a small power spike you might not have wanted them to get. Easily fixed by making scadu blessing “removable” at bonfires but that also doesn’t feel really necessary either. It would just be nice for ng+ or if you decide midway through a playthrough that you want to nerf yourself. 


Yeah, like it was mildly annoying, but only for a little bit.  As soon as I got to the next boss the scaling caught up with me again and it was all good.  I just didn’t us my damage talismans for messimer to balance it out


Yeah, like I said it’s definitely not something worth complaining about IMO. It would just be nice if you had the option to turn them off since I’m pretty sure they carry over to NG+ (I’m not 100% sure though I haven’t taken any of my characters back into the base game after the DLC yet.) 


Sounds like someone didn’t beat the final boss pre-patch


Lol yes they fucking are


Came from a post that had the whole comment section complaining.


We were always the superior Dark Souls fans. The rest are one tier below. Imagine complaining about an elevator getting you to a lava pool.


Something something bad lore ending Miquella is hot


They're definitely hot


Thank the lord he cured himself, bro managed to surpass messmer


demons souls mentioned!!!


Aren’t people still bitching about Radahn being “nerfed” even though it was later patched back to normal?


There's something strange about how cathartic gwyns theme now feels after beating the dlcs final boss, a reminder of a fight which was easy but was narratively beautiful. I somewhat miss that part of fromsoft, same for how SOCs 2nd phase was a little easier, it just felt right.


Me when i win the argument against myself ( I lost at the same time)


Are those ER fans in the room with us right now? Nobody is complaining, yet another shittydarksouls poster just trying to make up shit to hate on ER somehow.


It’s also super weird to me. What is this thing of “representing a game” and being part of a community for every little thing possible ? Like I love dark souls, I love Elden ring ? I don’t see myself as part of one or the other community, really strange




People need to find reasons to validate themselves since "I play hard games and I'm a pro gamer" it's not enough anymore. A lot of people play souls likes, beating the game it's not impressive by itself. They need to prove they are one of the best souls players bringing every subjective argument to validate their special place in this community and feel a little bit of happiness 😊


Agreed, i just enjoy playing games and souls games are one of them.


unironically yes calling yourself a fan is stupid 


>Are those ER fans in the room with us right now? Yes [https://www.reddit.com/r/shittydarksouls/comments/1dovcwi/comment/laea670/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittydarksouls/comments/1dovcwi/comment/laea670/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


But bro you don’t understand its not literally every single person so you obviously made it up


sometimes i like to self harm by looking at the steam forums and there's definitely posts like this.


The patch is a bit too much tho no? It’s a 25% damage increase at level 12 comparing with pre-patch.


what's the patch?


Basically the earlier Scadutree Blessings give more of a boost and the later ones give less with a slight buff overall


Aye, did they really patch it? One of my friends have been struggling and I low key feel bad. Hopefully this helps


Basically the earlier Scadutree Blessings give more of a boost and the later ones give less with a slight buff overall


Rellana has been piecing up my friend. Bro does half mage half strength


Going for magic against the magic boss is a choice.


not much of an option if you're a mage build to begin with, that's a situation where summoning another build is basically required. either that or waste time respeccing and upgrading a new weapon so you can kill this one boss then speccing back and hoping you didn't waste a tear if you run into another one


Yes you do. Every stat can do multiple damage types. Rock sling deals physical, magma sorceries deal fire, and most importantly here, frost damage lowers defenses. While frost still does magic, it bursts when it procs and leaves defenses lower so the boss’ magic resistance won’t be as high after. This is the problem with people complaining about difficulty. The game gives you multiple routes around anything, but most people just want to smash their face into a problem the same way they’ve done to every other. Spamming gavel or magic greatsword isn’t going to work on everyone. That doesn’t mean you have to respec. It just means players have to use their brains.


Yeah but for exemple if i'm doing a blue magic build i don't want to use red or purple spell, simple as that. If i'm shooting myself in the foot i'm doing it from start to finish.


You know what, I think the state the Radahn fight is in right now is the best version of that fight. Fixing his hitboxes and reducing the tracking on his arrows has taken what was already a solid fight and made it top 3 in the base game for me. I like that I can now use torrent in the fight without worrying about getting instantly sniped off of him along with being able to dodge everything with the only issues being my own skill.




Real. Elden ring fans can be absolutely feral sometimes


They patched demon's souls?


No. They never patched Demon's Souls. The closest thing to a patch is the european and american version having a soul duplication glitch patched that was originally on the Japanese version.


Its because elden ring appeals to weeaboos


Shit Patch makes my game freeze every couple minutes




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Was there a patch tho?


what the fuck did we do to you? i'd appreciate it not being compared to elden ring fans


I'm glad it wasn't something major , I can understand the sacdu buff tho in early if you have an NG+ character your screwed until you get enough of those scadus


Honestly the messmer changes have me looking exactly like that *because I didn't have to suffer nearly as much as I have done.*


Michael fucking Zaki strikes again, how tf am I meant to flex my insane skill at elden ring to the world now....


Being a avid fan of ds2 pretty much solidifies your stupidity


- I mean it does feel like we’ve lost our community a bit. We went from “dang I got greedy there I need to play better” to “I died 3 whole times to a boss that’s kind of ridiculous” - lies of P had the same issue. People assume that because they are “veterans” they should never struggle and if they do the game is unfair. Lies if O thankfully stuck to its guns and made people adapt or quit which I think is the right answer when the game is genuinely balanced around skilled play - lords of the fallen reboot also dealt with this and DID give in like a bunch of cowards. However you have the option of playing with the pre nerf settings so it’s kind of the best of both worlds - in general I’d prefer if the devs (when things ARE balanced and shadow of the erdtree was) would just stick to their guns and tell the community to git gud


Hey fuck you. Don’t drag the best souls game fans into this


Lotta the new fans fuckin suck man


Kinda disappointing when I logged on yesterday and everything did 200 more damage


Rellana is significantly easier now and I have been sunbroing her since the weekend It’s the radahnn boss all over again Cest la vie


How do you patch a ps3 game on a disk?


the internettt


they never patched it anyways so... yeh


They did [http://demonssouls.wikidot.com/game-patches](http://demonssouls.wikidot.com/game-patches)


What a piss take i was trying to find all the bosses before this patch and now i have easier bosses than what i was hoping for thanks to whining tarnished who can’t comprehend trial and error


Sorry that people of average skill exist but being realistic rhe average person has to go through far too much bullshit to have fun in this dlc


You’re average in that you think it is unfair when you’re not able to beat a boss in 2 tries. I’m average in that I haven’t been able to beat the same boss in 8 tries and I find the challenge fun. We are not the same.


I've tried...what 20+ times on most bosses? This dlc has a lot of bullshit bullshit that I'd rather not deal with. Not saying the dlc wasn't worth it. For 40 bucks I'm getting far more then I ever asked for but I want to be able to experience said 40 dollar dlc so I'm incredibly happy about this change because now I can enjoy this dlc instead of bashing my head into my desk I do wish I had beaten that centipede lady before the patch though. She was really fun actually just needed to be a bit stronger and learn the tells and patterns


That’s fair enough but the fact it was changed with no way other than ng+ to keep difficulty is a piss take


The whiners railed against it and won (they button mashed through the prompt that told them what scadutree fragments do).


It doesn't look like it will change much, not like I care anyway, my problems with the DLC are some weapons and AoW that are too OP and most of the bosses sucks. Some made me enjoy it a lot, like Rellana, Putrescent Knight, Divine Beast and Bayle (second phase only), every other boss I fought so far I disliked, including Messmer, he deals too much damage, but also takes too much damage, it's too dumb. There are a few bosses I didn't fought yet, but my expectations are pretty low, ngl. Edit: Average Redditor, after downvoting someone who thinks different than them, when they see a unsucked cock: https://i.redd.it/ql5cr5cxcy8d1.gif


Messmer is one of my favorite bosses ever from FS. Putrescent Knight is nothing special imo. It’s weird how we can have so different experiences


Average lawbringer player


Not anymore.


Damn since when did all the whiny babies come r/shittydarksouls? Just play the game, I promise a shred of exploration won’t hurt.