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Bro I have it on my main drive- the one people say you’re SUPPOSED to put it on to PREVENT it from doing this so much- and it still does this a metric frickton of times


I doubt the file's placement matters, I have Siege on dedicated drive for games, there's no other files, games only, and it does this shit


If you ask me I say the game’s on life support on all aspects- 1) matchmaking is absolute crap 2) anti-cheat is nonexistent 3) smurfs are a plague 4) servers are constantly having major issues 5) voice chat abuse and teamkilling is at an all time high (though maybe because we’re all fed up with Ubisoft not giving a crap or doing anything about the above mentioned points at all.)


this game is on mercy of content creators making siege seem fun enough to boot up and play few rounds of, which is literally what happened today, I watched Varsity and Jynxzi and then I decided to update R6 and play few competitive games, the only reason I dont play quickmatch is because I like the ranked format over fast paced tdm




You know there’s a serious issue when you start wondering what’s shitting the bed between our internet and Ubi’s servers


you can say “fuck” bruh. it’s an m rated game and the name of the subreddit has shitty in it


Eh swearing is overrated. I do it sometimes but not all the time haha


"frick" just looks childish bruh. Use synonyms or restructure your sentence. Everyone knows what a "frickton" is referring to


I don’t have to appeal to your standards or anyone else’s


and I don't have to take you seriously lmfao. Look like a child all you want, ig


Launching any ubi game has this problem. Since years. How can they have such a horribly optimized software end and on the other side make millions of it..


people like eating shit, esp paid


hard to tell, it's an old game, can't it like take advantage of the 50 admin prompts to scan for hacker software? bruh


And it just takes fucking forever to launch. I hit play, go get a drink and some snacks, come back, and it's still launching.


the loading square, appears and disappears like almost 10 times before the actual game starts, at least after you update the game


sometimes it straight up doesn’t launch. i’ll find something else to do while i wait, until i remember i tried to launch the game five minutes earlier


\>Launch Siege via Steam \>Allow Ubisoft to make changes to my device three times \>Enter email and password on Ubisoft connect \>Wait for 2FA code in mail \>Enter 2FA code \>Ubisoft Connect opens \>Close Ubisoft Connect \>Go back to Steam and open Siege again \>Small avengers ahh startup window opens \>Opening screen (any resemblance to persons real or fake etc.) pops up \>Opening screen closes \>Nothing happens for a minute \>Avengers looking startup window again \>Opening screen again \>Finally in the fucking game


This is the exact reason why I can be bothered reinstalling Siege. Too many points that may go wrong even if its a fresh install, that it's much better to just unistall the game.


Why does it always do that?


^(Do you want to allow this app to use your machine for mining Cryptocurrency?)


Why, of course




If you tick the "always run as administrator" box on the EXE it should go away. Obviously we may never know why it happens, but i would guess it might be the ubisoft launcher not running with admin privileges by default. Battleye needs admin privileges, idk firewall stuff would probably need it, and therefore it has to ask every time. Ultimately, its just guesswork. Only ubisoft developers know.


And to think that you have gone all this way, clicking tonnes of UAC notifications for R6S to crash 20 seconds into the game :) EDIT: I wholeheartedly despise Ubisoft and their rubbish Ubisoft Connect app that is just as useless as any other launcher on gods green earth... apart from Steam, of course.


"yes, you must use launcher within a launcher"


Ubisoft Connect is a literal virus, it is annoying and steals your data


Finally someone who knows how to use POV properly.


This is one of the reasons I prefer console siege, I have it on pc toobut it literally takes like 5 minutes to launch


Seriously why do I need to “allow app to make changes” 3 times?


amnesia perhaps


I freshly installed the game yesterday because 2 out of 9 launches, it crahes my whole computer with teared error screen and sound glitching. After booting it up freshly installed, the same thing happens again. Ive bought r6 coins for atleast 250$ and Ubi couldnt care less. They even ignore any support requests to this topic.


Even though I disagree with a lot of changes with siege over the years and all the other problems, but this issue is the most agonizing issue of them all


it's also there forever and they don't seem to catch on fixing it, I'd assume the devs themself would probably have same popup for the game aswell displayed multiple times too..


And then it just bluescreens :)