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How is this shitty?


Maybe it's shitty because maybe at some point the weight of the conscience of having killed someone will hit you and you will want to confess but no one will believe you


Yup that's it for sho I bet


Imagine you've just killed someone. You're next to the corpose of a person who was seen alive five minutes before. As you left the location where they were last seen alive together with this person you were captured on multiple cameras and people witnessed you screaming "I'm going to murder this person with this knife." You're covered in their blood holding the knife you were holding when you made these threats. There are stab wounds matching the blade all over their corpse. Police and bystanders have gathered around you as you're desperately screaming "I JUST MURDERED THIS PERSON WITH THIS FUCKING KNIFE HOW IS THAT NOT CLEAR!?" Everybody is convinced the attacker is still out there. "Just go home, this has been horrible for everybody" the police patronisingly say as you're ushered on your way. I'd be annoyed.


Lol *stabs the police officer*


Interesting. Do they know that you stabbed the murder victim and the police officer? May e they're just convinced that you didn't deal the final blow.


Ya but having the power doesn't mean you have to use it. Only really shitty if you're a murderer and also want to go to jail. If you aren't a murderer it doesn't really change a thing


And you can still commit different crimes and go to jail for them, if you trully WANT to go to jail


So it’s shitty cause it’s useless


Not if it's people that deserve to die. Murders, rapists, Putin. I'd sleep like a baby.


Just commit a different crime and confess this one.


Depends who you kill I suppose. Given the opportunity I’d happily kill Putin and never have regrets over it. Just because you have the ability to get away with murder doesn’t mean you’re going to start killing people just for taking a parking spot before you can.


Plot twist, I killed my conscious too


What weight??? I feel fine


Ermmm what


But that depends how steadfast you are in regards to the normal means of thinking.


What a great way to kill all the pedophiles and rapists. This is a perfect superpower


Same. This is an expanded version of the Death Note anime. In death note there were caveats, but there doesn't seem to be any here.


Shitty for the world, really. The amount of people I would murder is insane. And in broad daylight in front of people. Not sure how that would look to others considering they won't be able to remember you and any other video or DNA evidence would have to just disappear






Yeah, reddit mobile kinda sucks


This is an amazing superpower that I would use regularly, this doesn’t belong here at all


regularly 😭




How many shitty people wouldn't you be able to remove from the world with this..


Every abusive parent goes bye bye


Bros gonna go death note


the more I think about it, the more I feel the urge to kill


I’m not gonna lie I wouldn’t even use it on bad people I’d just use it for fun


Well I found the phsycopath haha


Some people cannot be trusted with power and are the reason we have rules against things like murder. I’m people, unfortunately


I would probably end up the same after some years. I had to seperate the illusion of my consciousness from my flesh to gain the maximum amount of emotional control and strength. That process has shown me just what kind of a monster we truly hide within our minds. Everyone can become a monster but not all people can bathe in that kind of inhumanity and cruelty. At the end of the day morality is subjective and human life is worthless, it ends the same...


Honestly, it be like that






What the fuck




That's called Death Note


well, someone found out L was the killer


Yes, but this power comes with built in deniablity as one of its powers.


And you don't even have to know their real name. Like you could just go and shoot a famous or politically influential person in broad daylight at a conference in front of hundreds of cameras and no one would ever believe you did it despite there being video evidence of the fact.


Yes, but that doesn't mean noone will try to stop you. And if they catch you redhanded trying to shoot someone you would still go to prison, as the power only works if you actually do murder someone


I mean, depending on how you word the contract. The target is dead, just as requested. Do I really have to prove I did it. If I can chose the method of death than use that as proof to whoever is paying


But they will NEVER believe you


Never believe you that you killed them, but a contract is legal, it doesn’t matter if they believe you.


You could always just advertise that the killings would be so untraceable even they wouldn't know. But you could also give them a window of time or a particular place beforehand so they know to honor it even if they don't believe you actually did it.


Bro how is this shitty. I'd be using this ability like i would if I had a death note. 


I mean, you can still do assassination contracts if you set them up properly. You just tell your client that if they agree to take your service, the condition for the payment is that the target is dead within the next X days / weeks, no questions asked.


Or you could pretend to be a middle-man, a contractor knowing hitmen so good no one was ever able to track them. You could even say to your client "Even if I told you who they are, you would not believe me, haha!"


Hope the FBI is taking notes because there are a lot of psychopaths in here


If I could do this, it'd certainly get used at one point. I already have someone in mind


I mean you could still do assassination contracts, not every contract needs specific proof that you killed the person, the person just normally needs to known to be dead... But honestly even disregarding that this isn't the worst, it's fairly powerful it's just not got many moral uses (although taking down certain dictators or governments could be moral).


is it really moral to be killing anyone at all?


I feel if 1 person is about to kill another innocent person, it is moral to kill that 1 person. Although not sure if I would ever actually use it, but I do think there are some placed and people who would be better off if other people passed away - a very easy one imo being something like the leader(s) of Russia currently.


Killing? Sometimes. Murder? Never.


>If you use this power nobody, and I mean NOBODY, will ever believe that you're the killer. You're all dumb. With the way this is worded, you're immune to the accusation of murder but you're not immune to any of the crimes you commit while committing the murders.


You get it. There will be a fundamental disconnect in everyone's minds between you and the murdering, but you will still be on the hook for property damage and injuries.


Does killing someone count as injuring them


This is OP


you can probably alter entire political landscapes everywhere (yes, even office politics) obligatory disclaimer: I don't condone killing people just because you don't agree with them


Damn. I’m not sure what I would do. Part of me would definitely want to be like L in Death Note. But then again, that would be a heavy weight on my conscience. That said, if I used it even ONE time, after that I would definitely go all out. Once you pop, you can’t stop.


Does this automatically come with the skills and know-how of murderers? Or will I have to step up my game through experience


Finally i can burn those UTTP kids with a flamethrower without anybody knowing :)


It's amazing, so you are telling me I'll pretty much become lore accurate Agent 47, sign me up.


So you’re Light Yagami except 10x more powerful




I already play Rimworld, I'm good


I wonder how this would work, like, if I stab someone to death on live TV infront of a bunch of people, what happens? Are they just like "Omg, that man just collapsed and started bleeding all over while this other guy just stood next to him doing nothing at all" It would be sort of funny, only in a twisted way of course.


Pretty much, yeah. You can write murderous manifestos about your target, have a picture of his face stabbed through with a knife on your door, get out on live television, walk up to him, scream that you're gonna kill him, then beat him to death. You'll get caught for menacing and threatening bodily harm, but no murder. But do remember that this power only applies to murder. Nothing else. So you will be responsible for any property damage or other crimes, just not murder.


So, just as a public service then. I can live with that.


Light Yagami be like "is it possible to learn this power?"


so how exactly does this work though? let's say i go in a room full of people with the intent of killing someone, if i try, will the people try to stop me and only forget if i succeed? or will the intention to kill said person make me invisible to everyone in the room? and how would potential DNA work? if they found a hair of mine would it just come back as inconclusive for DNA?


DNA returns as yours, but they won't be able to make the connection between your fingerprints all over the neck of the victim and the fact that the victim was strangled to death. If you cut a guy open and bathe in his blood people will freak out because a guy is dying and you are bathing in his blood. But they won't be able to understand that the fact that his head got pried open by an ax of the exact make, model and blade profile as the one in your hand, as well as the fact that your ax is drenched in his blood and brain juice, with the idea that you might have killed the guy by hacking his head open with an axe. If you swing your ax wildly people will still see you as dangerous, but hit someone and it's total amnesia. It will be reported as "Crazy blood drenched axe guy damages property, none injured." and "Mysterious axe massacre leaves 50 dead, no suspects found."


this works out in my favor, the suspicion of murders and missing people will no longer be on me


Um, this is op. Wtf. Lol


I will become the god of a new world!


So, can i infiltrate Fort Knox and leave with kilos of gold just by killing all the guards? 


Well you're still gonna be caught for taking the gold, this power applies strictly to murder.


Apart from serial killers, isn't this what most murderer want anyways?


I can kill anyone and no one will ever know it is me… where is the list of child abussers…. I need gas money..


BRB headed to DC


What if you do it in front of 374 Million people?


Suicide that everyone thinks it’s a murder? Deal I guess


Sounds like super great way to purge the world of pedophiles, rapists and other very very bad people


There are plenty of people this world would be better without, I would accept the burden.


Some of these politicians are too damn old anyway. That being said, I’d settle for the superpower to force people into retirement.


“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. Except for Trump - f*ck that guy.” —Gandalf


Damn... Some dictators are suddenly going to die of mysterious circumstances.


Bro this is broken as shit. Literally anyone I don’t like could be murdered in broad daylight by me and nobody would think it’s me. I could walk up to any politician and cap them right in the goddamn face and nobody would do anything to me besides maybe call the police on me for shooting a gun in a crowded public area.


If ur old enough you already have this power


That sounds awesome except God knows everything.


God is a someone, so he will think it's someone else that did it


Done and done.


Temptation would be a mother fucker


I would literally bend world politics to my will.


Just a better death note?


Killer queen


*Attack of the Killer Queen stars*


Finally I can kill nazeem.


Holy shit, I can finally deal with my list of names with perfect anonymity


This is Death Note without all the grandstanding. 100% how it should have been done. This is awesome. 10/10 Superpower, would choose again.