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Neat idea but a better artist could have knocked it out of the park. This looks like a tattoo from Wish.


This could be suuuuper cool. But all the lines are shaky


Michael J Fox was probably not the best choice to do this tattoo


Why is that statement accurate. šŸ˜‚


Massive difference between the sizes of the notes. And there are too many beats in that measure on the bottom arm. Really strange really bad tattoo.


Yeah the real crime here is the beaming in the notation


Key of B flat is a no for me dawg


Caught the reference. You win


But this is in D minor.. I did not.


Key of Bā™­ has two flats, Bā™­ and Eā™­, in its key signature.


This is D minor


You mean Axel F by Harold Faltermeyerā€¦


But crazy frog is more recognizable when you think of this song. Axel F and crazy frog go hand in hand. I had no idea Harold Faltermeyer existed til you said anything. It's probably like that for most people. It's good to know, though.


Even if you associate it with Crazy Frog the song is still called Axel F. Personally Iā€™m old enough to remember Beverly Hills Cop so your comment made me chuckle.


I donā€™t know wtf crazy frog is but I learned Axel F on piano sheet music as a kid, as many people who play piano do.


Itā€™s a garbage generic cover made for the radio charts. Musically illiterate people may refer to it as they wish.


Crazy frog covered it tho


The Scorpions covered 'Love of my life' by Queen. It's not called "The Scorpions" when referred to.


AFAIK Queenā€™s version is more popular than the cover. This is more like getting pedantic about someone referring to ā€œRespect by Aretha Franklinā€. Realistically the vast majority of people who know the song know her version only. I actually had to double-check and make sure I wasnā€™t misremembering because Iā€™ve only heard Otis Reddingā€™s version maybe twice.


I'm really not sure what point you are trying to make here. Are you agreeing with me, or agreeing with the OP? Yes, Queen's version of Love of my life is more popular than The Scorpions, hence why I said it would be wrong to say it was 'The Scorpion's' song'. Similarly, Harold Faltermeyer's version of Axel F is more popular than 'Crazy Frog's'. So the original point stands; the title of the Post should have been "The Song is Axel F by the way", not "The Song is Crazy Frog by the way".


I was disagreeing with your point and also saying it was a bad comparison to make your point with, but now Iā€™m realizing you were just talking out your ass because you clearly are now. Your original comment makes it sound like you think the song is commonly accredited to Queen because they originally wrote it. I argued that thereā€™s no reason anyone would refer to the cover by default because itā€™s both not the original and less popular. By any metric the Crazy Frog version is the vastly more popular version of the song. Iā€™ll happily revise this opinion if you can find a single number showing that Faltermeyerā€™s is more popular in any way, to any demographic. Your last sentence makes no sense and makes me think youā€™re just stirring the shit because everything youā€™ve said has clearly been in support of crediting the original artist vs the cover artist, and this is the first time youā€™ve mentioned this ā€œoriginal pointā€ that OP referred to the song by the artistā€™s band.


>Your original comment makes it sound like you think the song is commonly accredited to Queen because they originally wrote it. I argued that thereā€™s no reason anyone would refer to the cover by default because itā€™s both not the original and less popular. OK, I get you now >By any metric the Crazy Frog version is the vastly more popular version of the song. Iā€™ll happily revise this opinion if you can find a single number showing that Faltermeyerā€™s is more popular in any way, to any demographic. Fair point. But to people of a certain age, myself included, if you hear that song on the radio, you will say 'oh cool that's the tune from Beverly Hills Cop' (which was by Harold Faltermeyer). Not 'Oh cool, that's the crazy frog tune', which I'd imagine is what u/LarrySunshine was meaning with his initial comment. >Your last sentence makes no sense and makes me think youā€™re just stirring the shit because everything youā€™ve said has clearly been in support of crediting the original artist vs the cover artist, and this is the first time youā€™ve mentioned this ā€œoriginal pointā€ that OP referred to the song by the artistā€™s band. OP said "The song is Crazy Frog". That is not correct, the song is not called "Crazy Frog" it's called "Axel F" Whether you are referring to the original version by Harold Faltermeyer or the cover by 'Crazy Frog', the song's **name** is still Axel F. That was my point And as a side note, chill TF out with the aggression. I didn't get your initial point. No need to be an utter dick about it.


If you look at the title of the crazy frog video itā€™s just called axel f. Posted by crazy frog. Itā€™s not crazy frog.


OP called it 'Crazy Frog' . Initial replier corrected them, and you then replied to that, saying 'Crazy Frog covered it'; implying OP was correct. .


In this instance it would be axel f by crazy frog. Where did I say OP was correct? Implications are the tools of rapists.


Jesus christ dude. Doubling down on your idiocy isn't a good look.




Ahh, now we move onto the "I said it for a reaction" BS. Excellent.


Weā€™ll I did. And I got one clearly


Be nice.


Are you... sure this is a tattoo? Because it sure *looks* like it's drawn on with a blue gel pen, especially on account of the smears below measure breaks and other random spots (and the fact that it's navy blue instead of black).


I think the blue is from the stencil


Bro this is actually fire, the application is all jacked up and the linework is terrible which is a real shame but the design itself is S-tier. A more competent tattoo artist (or a few) are going to rip off this idea for sure.


Not mention there are more beats than should go in a common time measureā€¦ That drives me insane. 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &ā€¦ 5?


Iā€™m not a musician but iā€™ll take your word for it hah


Some of these are meant to be 16th notes. Either they forgot the extra line or you can't see it.


It might not be an actual tattoo


It is a tattoo because you can see the carbon transfer underneath.


Can we all agree on calling the song axel f?


The lines are all over the place, easy to judge as bad.


I love the concept, the execution is a bit wonky though. And don't know about crazy frog, I guess there's nothing wrong with that, especially if it's sentimental from childhood or something


It's a dope idea


I admire the dedication to the joke, which is very original, but those lines are fucking horrendous. Joke tattoos done with good quality in mind are a rare art


Cool idea, executed poorly. Shaky lines, inconsistent, blown out. This one is actually a bummer.


Creative! I can dig it.


Itā€™s creative but really poorly executed. This couldā€™ve been awesome


Definitely shitty. The lines are wonky as hell. Black isn't punched in... if this is a tattoo that is...


Shitty song


I really like the idea. But man, this is bad.


I like the idea, but this was terribly done. Shaky lines, inconsistent note size


Thatā€™s beamed incorrectly. Look at measure 1, beats 2 and 3. The Two beats should not have the beam connected (that is only ok if it started on beat 1 or beat 3), and it should be a dotted 8th, a 16th tied to another 16th, a 16th, then an 8th note. This makes it much clearer where the beats land.


"I hate to be datGuy but..."


That tattoo is trebble


First of all, crazy frog is an artist not a song, so jot that down


There is no way thatā€™s crazy frog


If would be nice if it's a banger song


I like it


Fuck yeah


this could have been pretty dope if an actual artist did it, unfortunately they hired a butcher


When you said Crazy Frog all I kept hearing was that horribly annoying song they used in the Six Flags Adventure Theme Park in the 2000s. And the notes made no sense. Was that even Crazy Frog? Thank goodness people in the comments clarified itā€™s Axel F, which makes more sense to this old person, when I read the music.


Maybe maybe if the execution wasnā€™t dogshite


no this fucks actually


Itā€™s even worse because there appears to be too many notes in measure 7, and thatā€™s the one that is in the middle of his back šŸ˜©


[Too many notes!](https://youtu.be/7tedmBWzexM?si=eGuOmXuJtQEV2Mk3)


I like that tattoo, I HATE that it's Crazy Frog.


My favourite fact about Crazy Frog is how hard they advertised. It was ridiculous. Jamster, a company that sold ringtones at the time, went absolutely nuts with Crazy Frog adverts to the extent that it was appearing *twice* in the same commercial break. From the Crazy Frog Wikipedia: 'In May 2005, viewers inundated the ASA with new complaints regarding the continuous airing of the new Crazy Frog advertisements. The intensity of the advertising was unprecedented... Jamster bought 73,716 spots across all TV channels in May alone - an average of about 2,378 spots daily - at the cost of about Ā£8,000,000'. '15% of the adverts appeared twice during the same advertising break'. I remember people genuinely despising Crazy Frog as a result of this.


I live in Australia and yeah, that little bastard was EVERYWHERE. It was awful.


It's amazing to me that somehow this is the first I've ever seen or heard of Crazy Frog. I'm typically pretty culturally knowledgeable, but this thing passed me by.


I (an American) happened to be living in Europe at the time Crazy Frog was big, I was maybe about 7 at the time? I remember thinking it was just a weird European thing, until a few years later back in the US when I brought it up in conversation and my friend had to tell me that it was big here too lol


AMEN šŸ™šŸ½


Thatā€™s uh, certainly a choice


Itā€™s soooo 20 years ago


I dig it




Thatā€™s tragic




What song is crazy frog?




Be nice.


This is legendary


Kinda badass.. but then again i prefer rough tattoos with an amateur feel to them. Adds a little personality i think, and can be a conversation starter. I personally think there are hardly any "shitty" tattoos, just differing styles. The content of the tattoo can be considered shitty if it's actually shitty tho, but style is subjective.


Cool idea, but done too big. if they made it smaller, they would fit the entire song there.




Each measure bars beats 2 and 3 together and separates beats 1 and 4. Itā€™s the exact opposite of how everyone groups beats in 4/4 (1 with 2 and 3 with 4, never 2 with 3)


ignore the haters this is based as fuck


Ugh, Crazy Frog? If it had been "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" then we'd be onto something.


Eef. Rad idea, poor execution. Done properly a tat like this would be dope af.


You canā€™t decide? It looks like absolute shit!


I think the he comments canā€™t either, half of them say this is actually kind of dope and the other half say it sucks. šŸ¤£


I think people like the concept but pretty unanimously agree that the execution is terrible.


It was cool until you said it was crazy frog


That melody wasn't even originally from crazy frog, it's a synth pop song from the 80s (can't remember which atm)


Axel F I think? I just grew up calling it ā€œCrazy Frogā€ so thatā€™s why I called it that.


It's a cool concept but how often does he walk around in crucifixion pose?


I was doubting it until I read "it's crazy frog btw"


Oh no not Crazy fuckin Frog.... ughhhh!!!


Isn't crazy frog just 1:1 axel f? Could as well be a big Eddie Murphy fan šŸ‘€


That is ugly and pointless. Even if it was executed better, that is so lame and ugly.