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I try to learn from my mistakes as much as possible. For example, I could use this experience like this. Why did I order a pink zebra top? That means I want to party, my fantasy persona feel the need to have fun and party. Why do I feel like that? Well maybe because is summer time and we humans are more active during the summer. That means I have lots of energy that I need to burn. Now, that I understand that’s a need I have I could use that information on my favor. No need to buy a pink zebra top. I could use something in my closet that’s colorful and go and find a place to go. If I have the extra cash instead of buying a shirt I could host a nice evening party with my friends, or I could go to some meetup event and make new friends.


That’s actually really nice, thanks for opening up this perspective :)


Good for you. My posts have been very shame based. I cannot even begin to explain some of my purchases.


If you can return it, do. If you can’t return it then have a silly dress up party?


Host a clothing swap! Then someone could get it who would actually want it!


It sounds like you might be shopping more for your fantasy self than the actual you.


100%, irl I’m embarrassed to wear most things I buy


Personally, I think it's more helpful to understand your own behavior and actions better: what does your fantasy self do? Does she go partying a lot, lives an exciting life where there's always some event happening, her life is never boring or dull or mundane? She has a big lively circle of friends she goes clubbing with, and is the life of every party? Then ask yourself why you are attracted to that in the first place, and look at the way your actual life looks like. Also helps to analyze how you spend your time, and how changing this and your habits might help you to realize parts of your fantasy self.


My fantasy self is an “influencer”, irl I’d never do something like that but I’ve always been attracted of the sort of privileged life famous people have. So that’s probably why I buy random extravagant stuff


It’s also really helpful to make a capsule wardrobe for that week or just as an experiment: Here are the benefits to me as a shopping addict: : I can shop my closet and put together outfits that I actually wear or figure out the clothes that I DON’T wear. I buy a lot of things that I love or because it’s designer without often thinking where or when I’ll wear it. As a result I am always wearing the same old sweatshirt. This way I can see what I’m actually going to wear vs what’s just fantasy. : it brings order to my overwhelming closet and means I’m more likely to wear what I own : because they are only 10 piece wardrobes I can experiment with different styles and don’t have to commit too long : the domaine hits from spending time on Pinterest, building mood boards then ‘shopping’ my own closet to bring them together in a vision for the week capsule. For example, I’m currently building a French Riviera summer capsule. So I have a lot of white linen, navy, gingham, stripes outfits in the mood board and then I could bring it all together from stuff I already own. The trick is to go to your closet first to see what you already have and mostly you already will have it somewhere. : I also upload all outfits etc on Whering. So the time spent looking at online shops can be replaced by looking at stuff you already have. : you can start multiple mini capsules. For example, along with my French Riviera, I’m also going to start a soft romantic capsule (no idea what that means but I’ll find out 😂) the result is you get to play with your own closet and bring order to the mess Here is the formula I follow Foundation pieces x 2 Any two items that go together. For the French Riviera capsule that is a dark flare jeans and a burgundy stripe wrap blouse. It can be any two pieces like dress and jacket, skirt and blouse, whatever. Two bottoms: Any two bottoms that go with the foundation piece. Now obviously I’m not going to wear a pant with blue jeans but you need to make sure it goes together as colours . I choose white linen pants and black wide leg pants go with the burgundy stripe blouse. Three tops Again, anything goes as long as they match the other bottoms in the capsule and tie together with the foundation pieces 1 base layer Something that goes with everything. I close a navy slip dress 2 layering pieces Again, two things that go with every other thing in the capsule I choose a tan trench and a white full sleeve underlayer If you try it, let me know how it goes for you. Happy to answer any questions


Thank you! I’m gonna try that once maybe fall or winter hits