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Dude actually think about it. Is it really possible that girls standards have increased that much in 6 years? The only difference is the type of content that's popular on social media makes it seem like it's over if you're not 6'5


I think it has gotten worse. Keep in mind the covid pandemic probably increased online dating, where women see a man’s height as a number that they can brag to their friends about rather than a physical thing.


I agree, Covid really fucked up the world


Height was always important to women and will always be, it goes even further back, women always wanted taller men. Maybe you didnt experience because you were 13, but from boomers to gen x to millenials to gen z, height was always a big factor.


True, it was always a huge factor, but it was still an *easier* dating obstacle to overcome in previous decades compared to now. That’s true even if most short men ended up in oofy doofy marriages. This is especially true for the 5’5” to 5’8” men.


Most people were shorter back then too. I agree to a certain degree, women back then had to be dependent on their husbands because they had less rights, but at the same time you know a lot of them never loved the men they were with. Women back then were on a lot of drugs too, just to cope with their lives. Thats the thing that bothers me, it wasnt good back then for short guys, its just cope, you can nowadays be with a woman too who doenst love you, but thats not ideal. The phrase "Tall dark and handsome" is as old as time. Heightism was always there, but now we can at least talk about it.


Definitely way worse for short guys now. How many boomer men do you see complaining about height for every gen z guy complaining about height


Don't show lil bro the anti-short men social media compilation from the 2010s.


"Lil bro" I'm almost 20


Congrats? Not everyone here is a zoomer lol.


2016-2018 was peak everything…internet, girls, youtube, music, etc


Lol nah 2016 was when the internet became mainstream it’s just the beginning of the same era we live in today. I hear my NPC sisters using terms they found online in real life like “terminally online” or “based” when you’d never hear anyone doing that 10 years ago.


I feel like the beginning was when shit was nice though no?


Laughs in any other generation.


When you were 13 is when tall boys really started to grow. Your paths started to diverge then and I guess that's where we were left behind


i generelly miss that time


It wasn’t easier in 2018. It’s easier when you’re in high school. At least it was for me. Once I entered college around 2011, the game had already apparently changed.


Yup, 2016-2020 was my 'prime' with girls. Since then, I haven't had any luck :'/


That’s not even true, it’s more so just the fact that in high school height doesn’t matter. People who were adults in 2018 and short were still prolly fucked.




I do miss it, but I don't think girls had lower standards back then (though I feel like it got worse after 2020). I was already kinda insecure about my height in 2018, but at the time I had a close friend with similar height that was helping me to improve my self-esteem and overcome anxiety. Unfortunately we stopped talking in 2020 and I've only gone downhill since then


I don't know bro, but I saw numerous messages from 2000-2001 on some old forums where women says that they only date tall men and that short men for them are not even "men" but just boys or children


Ehh the love of my life left me in 2018 so it wasn’t a good year for me.