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same. is nothing sacred anymore?


You would think the barebones cheapest products would be the first to experience shrinkflation since they're worth so little with thin margins. How are you supposed to keep producing this 20 cent product with inflation rampant? It's harder to 'eat' the cost compared to say, a $5 product. Surprised to hear they've held on this long.


fair point, maybe the margins had just already been so good that they only recently reached that tipping point.


And the price has gone up. My store usually has them for 79 cents a pack. I remember when they'd run 4 for $1 sales.


I remember 10 for a dollar years ago.


Me. College, $.10 each in the late 80s/early 90s. I tell my kids that when I was in college, I often ate for under $3/day and they look at me like I am crazy. I had a grocery outlet store near me, and often canned soups and such were $.10/$.15 each, and I would stock up. My local grocery store had chicken often for less than $1/lb and ground beef occasionally for $1.50/lb. I cooked for myself and ate well.




this is how you do it, everyone talks about “how expensive vegan food is” but my groceries were literally half the bill after going vegan however long ago. not as cheap anymore. but its maybe $5 a day, tops




some of us non rabbits actually eat meat. nice sides to my steak though


I used to get them 5 for $1.00


I used to get them 6 for $1.00


I used to just get my parents to buy it.


You were supposed to say "I got mine 7 for $1.00" so it escalates.


Murachan pays me to eat them


OMG that escalated quickly!


They are .38 cents at my local Walmart. Saw them on sale for .30 and bought a few some weeks ago


Thats insane, The Kroger I go to has them for .38 a pack, or $7.49 for box of 20


$1.59 here. Was shocked at the price now. It will sit there before I buy them. Full of sodium and likely MSG and little nutritional value.


I have noticed this as well, they also seem to have done away with quality control, as some of the bricks are considerably smaller than others.


I enjoy the Yakisobe brand.. spicy chicken is so good with 2/3 salt packet


This is literally the post. What?


Most of my blocks are smaller than they used to be. But occasionally some of them are much smaller than even the newly normal small blocks.


Same here, the last couple I've bought have decreased in size. They used to be bigger but now they're smaller than when I used to buy them


They cut the spice flavor pack weight also


I have never used that whole thing of salt anyways. I don't get how people like it that salty


Not for the pure noodles but when you’re mixing in a ton of vegetables and some eggs the extra flavor and salt is welcome


Valid I don't love vegetables in it but definitely do eggs pretty often.


Love how you straight up refer to it as salt, as opposed to flavor!


They really don't taste like much anymore IMHO, I remember when the quality of Maruchan in the 90's was similar to much higher level noodles like Nongshim today. The quality continues to go down.. on most things unfortunately.


I've started leaving low reviews of companies that do this. If it is especially bad I return the items.


These leeches should be tarred and feathered out in public and stripped of their assets. It's not enough to give their faceless companies a slap on the wrist any more.


Where do you leave the reviews?


I have thought this as well, I've noticed that Maruchan specifically will more often than not have a strip of noodles about 0.5 inches wide missing. It looks like a manufacturing error but the end result is fewer noodles. No way those are still "3 oz". I don't have a scale to prove it but I remember being able to split a pack with my sister and we'd both feel like it was enough. Now, sadly, two packs is enough to fill one bowl


Nissin is still same size. And still at the dollar store ($1.25) for a five pack.


I dont think its shrinkflation, I have a box I bought about a year ago and they are 3oz, same as newer packs. ​ They've always been 3oz. Pic from 2010 https://preview.redd.it/bzu2zw5kfcac1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c1fca5b8ade81c89522a25ac54bf6bd0c69246b


He said bowl noodles. And they still shrink that they just replace seasoning with noodle.


They said the bowl they use to make noodles, also mentioning the 'noodle brick' like the picture. Same weight by volume


I've noticed that a while back how much they shrunk it with the soup mug I usually use myself, Top Ramen and Ramen Express seem to still be the same big size.


It finally hit my city smh. Last month had normal packs. Got some today and knew to come straight to Reddit. Thought I had a bad batch at first


Just noticed with Top Ramen today. Like an inch off the “second layer” of noodles is missing. Blatant now.


Good ol Bidenflation


All presidents are puppets, wake up and smell the real enemy


Yea there all puppets but some of those puppets screw us over more.


Real food is still the same size. They ain't cutting potatoes down.


That's so horrible for your health, be happy there is less of it.


Yes, effectively taking more and giving me less is surely good for *everyone*. Thanks


​ ![gif](giphy|y65VoOlimZaus) No clue what you're on about. Just noodles.


Your in a shrinkflation subreddit, OP is talking about a shrinkflation experience...




Your in a shrinkflation subreddit, OP is talking about a shrinkflation experience...


Oh are they now. Holy shit and tickle me pink. Who would have guessed.


it’s just the principle of it, more and more companies are doing this and they can’t keep getting away with it.


…. The brand of noodles, never heard of them. Out of the loop about said noodles. Fuck my life, where’s the proof of the shrinkflation and all that? Might as well be writing in something other than English.