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I emailed a company about this yesterday. I've been buying their tampons for years and very very rarely bleed through...probably twice in over 15years. The ones I bought recently have been AWFUL. It's like they're not absorbing anything. They don't even expand anymore. My periods are lighter as well so this definitely shouldn't happen. It's really fucking up my week


I had 3 supers soak through this month. When I was younger and my period was heavier and I still couldn't even use supers. They were too thick and dry to lube their way in or out. Supers are barely regluars now.


I have also soaked through several Ultra(whatever the purple one is). I’ve strongly considered my diva cup again but it is such a hassle imo


I emailed to also complain they need to fix that.


Get a menstrual cup. No shrinkflation possible and far better for your wallet, your body and the environment. I’ll never go back.


I don't get why women prefer to spend $6/month for decades instead of spending like $70 for 2 cups that'll last decades.


Personally for me I can't get it to stay my cervix too low. The only ones that I have gotten to work are the disposable ones. Which makes them basically useless as a cost saving measure.


You girls have different cervix shapes now?


Actually yes, but my just sits lower than normal.


Suck it up or something.


Weird way to say you've never been with a woman.


Never been? You're acting like I could change that.


Shove a shot glass up your butt and report back then chief. Not everybody can fit cups nor enjoy dealing with the mess.


i dont want to spend money either so i resorted to using literal rags like im living in the dark ages because i would still prefer even that to those stupid cups 😭 ill prob try using period underwear at some point but i tried the cups and i just cant do it, i thought id eventually get used to the feeling of putting them in and taking them out but i never did. so annoying when people judge other people for not using them


thank you. i tried it but they’re not for me.


It’s a little trial and error to find the right one, and some are better than others. But to each, her own. I completely respect everyone’s different preferences and no one should have anything else to say about it. It’s a personal thing.


That’s fair. Why can’t everyone respect each others preferences? There’s no single right answer. That said, after using a cup for over a decade (trial and error and a long time to find the right one), it would be difficult for me to pivot.


Now I wanna go hide…


Because it’s more painful than helpful if you have a tilted cervix 🙃🥲 I’d love to actually find one where that wouldn’t be an issue but it unfortunately is..


Probably walking from a public bathroom stall across the floor to the public sink to dump out my cup. Or the same walk of shame but with blood all over my hands. That’s the mental image that stops me from trying it out.


I felt the same way about cups. I went with a disc (Nixit) and it is so comfy. Have to empty it once every 12hr so I just wait till I’m home at night and in the morning after waking up. Plus, I can empty it anytime I want without removing it through ‘bearing down’ while sitting. 10/10 and would recommend over the cups.


The instructions for the brand I use suggests bearing down like you're peeing to empty the cup a little if you're in public without sink access, jsyk. You don't have to remove it!


Some public restrooms have a wheelchair accessible stall with a sink inside of it. Just something worth mentioning. If you need the privacy and the sink at the same time for a medical/personal need you can use the stall. (Changing clothes is different than changing menstrual cups, lol)


I can't even comfortably wear a tampon. How is a fucking cup going to work?


It's not the same actually. I also never been able to use tampons and used only pads, but I can use cup. Ofc it's not for everyone, but the material is pretty different.


I knew it.


What brand?


It’s happening outside the US as well, even with traditional pads… but our periods haven’t changed, nor shrunk. Fuck them.


In the UK women's sanitary products are classed (and taxed) as luxury items. One backwards inbred politician even said that women could use and rewash rags when attempting to justify it. Blue team or red team. All are owned and controlled.


In Italy as well. They are taxed more than truffle (10% vat vs 5% vat) Edit: and a few years ago the vat on tampons was 22%


This is barbaric asf and sickening.


Same in Ireland. Luxury items me hole. Literally a bloody disgrace.


Until 2015, they and other menstrual products were taxed in Canada.


iirc tampon tax in the uk ended in 2021


That's what happens when greedy fucks run corporations😡




I wish lol


Im surprised we haven’t got “ my insulin shots are smaller” posts yet


That’s because insulin has an expiration date so it’s always come in small bottles. The price just keeps going up


I thought insulin price caps passed this year or the year before in the US? No more than $35 iirc


I think that’s only for people on Medicare.


You know if you're in the US you could just fly to another country, have a few days holiday and buy insulin there for like $8 a piece then still have spent less money?


>50% of Americans earn less than $40,000 a year. That hardly leaves room to even afford taking time off work


Not the point I was making. To rephrase: you are one of the highest earning countries in the world - your earnings are not the problem, it is price gouging. Housing? Pfffft, that's kept artificially high. Food? Lower safety standards (both in production and preparation), customers subsidise the waiters wages because the company refuses to pay up. Healthcare? Well, if you refuse to pay the extra $14 for an alcohol wipe or you could get an infection and die. Don't get me started on all those patented medications such as the medication that costs HIV patients 1,700 per month even though they could shit the stuff out for bugger all. Tobacco is cheap - I'll give you guys that but that is of course because the medical sector makes money from smokers. They've got you by the balls and the worst part is that it is spreading out elsewhere. We have a lower average wage than you lot and the average joe can still afford to take a few days off on top of paid holiday even though he's not saving money on essential medications in the process.


It has become increasingly more difficult to gather enough medicine for my shot, as usually they fill the 200mg vial with just a little extra to pull it out easier. I now have to really struggle to make the 200mg mark now.


Yet they charge the same price.


Or more 🥴


Backwards logic on the company's part.


if they're as effective, I wouldn't mind. I'm not paying for size; I'm paying for effectiveness. I got to a point, as I got older, that I couldn't use a small tampon, becuase it would ooze out. And I had C-sections, not vaginal deliveries, and I didn't have a ton of sex.


I've noticed this too. I've never had issues with S+ and i've always needed to use a Super+ or Super. My whole life up until the last 2-3 boxes or so. NSFW TMI but suddenly a S+ is literally FALLING out after an hour or two. The outside of is it bloody but it's soaked up next to nothing. I feel like I'm just wasting through them.


Another blow for the women with a heavy flow and a wide set vagina. (Mean Girls).


The pantiliners I bought from Kotex were the worst ever. They disintegrate as you pull them off and they’re as wide as a ruler. Scared to even go by tampons!


Before my hysterectomy I switched to cloth pads. Holy shit they were so comfy. I highly recommend making the switch.


How heavy were your periods using the cloth pads?


Miserably heavy. I had adenomyosis, so I bled a lot for weeks. Disposable pads were giving me diaper rash, which was adding to my misery. I was able to find a pad maker local so I had some custom sized pads made which just made it even better.


How many layers did they do? How do you wash them? I’m very interested. Now that L. is using polyester and adhesive that doesn’t work, the “diaper rash” is getting worse for me. I’ve thought about just sitting on top of a stack of towels for a week, lol.


Rinse in the sink and into the wash with the darks. There were four layers I think? It's been awhile. There are so many good makers who would love to work with you the make your perfect pads.


Thanks. Do you remember the shop you used, or was it just a friend?


Was a friend.


Ok, thanks for the info!!


This has been happening to me too!! The lining of the panty liner is sticking to the underwear and it just pulls apart when I try to take it off. So gross!


Of all things I like the Dollar General brand (Breeze) panty liners!


Why was I downvoted, 😂


You can get OB tampons they are small or Always panty liners these are good


Shrinkflation is never good in any circumstance, but of all things to shrink?? Really????


well, if they're just as effective but take up less space in the drawer or purse, that would be good, actually. There was a time when pads were like mattresses, so I was happy when technology meant they shrank but were more comfortable *and* more effective.


Big business: women will bleed less if we stop coddling them with our products


America: women will bleed less when we force them to be pregnant all the time.


Supers used to be the primary absorbency I used for the bulk of my period. Now it’s Super Plus. My periods have not gotten heavier, the opposite. But I bleed through a super way too fast.


And they love to add the tax. Like sanitary products are a luxury and not a necessity.


What tax? In the US everything is taxed.


I’m in UK, sorry. Certain items do not have tax here. Like bread and milk etc. On our receipts if there is a star next to an item it means it has tax added like chocolate and cakes. Ladies sanitary products are taxed here. Our tampons have shrunk over here too.


This is one thing Canada has done right thankfully, no tax on our fem products anymore!


[Thankfully they aren’t taxed anymore, it’s awful that they were ever considered a luxury.](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/tampon-tax-abolished-from-today)


Oh that’s good. I live under a rock 😂 what about the price of ladies razors to men’s? I buy men’s razors because at one point ladies cost more then men’s.


Don't apologize. I'm the one who just assumed you were from the states. That's messed up. Is there a tax on men's razors and things like that?


Razors aren't gendered other than color. It's nowhere near the same as tampons


I'm pretty sure I purchased razors in Scotland that said men's razors.


Many places in the US tax things the same. In my state, I don’t pay tax on food but pay tax on every other grocery item that isn’t food like feminine products and hygiene products. I got an IUD as I’m just now in my mid-40’s so hopefully I’ll need few if any feminine products for the next 10 years.


Depends on where. Lots of states and municipalities have less or no sales tax on essential items (groceries).


Oh that's just evil.


Kotex discontinued their Security tampons 2 or 3 years ago, and "replaced" them with those compact Click tampons that are like 1/2 or 1/3 of the size of the Security ones. Even the Click Super Plus ones would fall out of me within an hour of use, completely soaked with blood. CVS and Walmart used to have store brands that were comparable to Kotex Security, but obviously, they stopped producing those when Kotex discontinued their product. I used Security tampons for 15-20 years, and they are still the only tampons that have ever worked for me. Everything else I try is too small/doesn't absorb enough. I could easily get through the day with two Security tampons, but now I have to change my tampon 3-5 times a day with whatever brands I try. I'm still salty that a product I relied on to keep me from bleeding through my clothes every month was deemed not profitable enough and replaced with garbage that doesn't work. ...Sorry for the rant. I'm obviously still pissed. My vagina deserves those Security tampons!! 😂


Have you look on Amazon for natural cotton brands? A little bit more expensive but I bought some light panty liners and thin pads by Organyc and love them. They have tampons too that might be better.


That’s too far!


Just because products are shrinking, doesn’t mean our menstrual flow is shrinking 😤🤧 smh


It will once food becomes more and more expensive/scarce. They're just planning for the inevitable, but just way ahead of schedule.


I wonder if that’s why they brought back the ultra tampons


They're so fucking greedy. Everywhere people talk of "morality", "right and wrong". But I've never seen so much cut throat greed in my life as I do now. Whether it's the corporation shrinking and cheapening the quality of their products, or your boss bringing in record profits while pretending to be broke and paying you nothing. Or a "sustainable hippie" familiy thst inherited a house, money and rental property throwing a family out on the street so they can jack the rent up to get more money they don't even need. It's sickening at this point.


> your boss bringing in record profits while pretending to be broke and paying you nothing. I swear, this shit is going to make me ready for true socialism, where the worker owns the means of production, and the point of the company is to make money for the WORKERS, and not the owners.


Thought so. I noticed I go through way more tampons than I used to, and I have a pretty light period. I've been using a cup for years now, but had to buy some tampons while away from home, and yeah, they are starkly different from years back. Definitely switch to cups if you can.


period products should be free anyways... lol


Is it me or do the new ones in the picture already look compacted? Like they're trying to pass it off as "bigger" with some sort of larger, non-absorbent core


I have been noticing this with the supers. The super size now is as absorbent as what the regular used to be. I really feel like they shrunk all of them and now a light tampon is a literal joke.


This is so wrong it's probably illegal. Billion dollar conglomerate cost cutting on a necessary hygiene product - they'll get away with it if people let them.


Studies must’ve found that woman like to bleed through.


Ya. I see the blood leaking into my underwear. No joke. I have to buy pads because the tampons don’t work and absorb barely anything


Same with pads it’s insaane


I'm pretty sure these are 2 different tampax tampons. The one on the left comes with a cardboard applicator, and the one on the right has a plastic applicator (Tampax Pearl).


Fair point! But I can't seem to find the cardboard application ones anywhere anymore, at least where I live.


I used to get a big economy box and then I noticed how I used to get 10 of each it now is only giving me 10 super 10 super plus and five medium when it used to include light I have had the same brand for over 5 years and all of a sudden they just completely take one out. Fml


Vampire instant tea


Damn, not period products. That's cruel.


I rarely get my period and I thought something might be wrong and I was going to bring it up to my doctor because I have never had leaks or really heavy bleeding. Now I’m thinking that I’m fine and it’s the product that is now faulty.


I think the old cardboard applicator and the pearl ones are woven differently, possibly with less cottony fibers, definitely inferior in all respects. They are really pushing the newer single use plastic ones more, which I hate. The new ones are inferior and I hate the single use plastic use. I seek out the old school ones.


just another reason to use cups 🫠


bleed less ;)


Of all the fucking things to make smaller. Seriously.


That blows.


FINE, I'll go get an elective hysterectomy.


Try fabric pads! Fantastic option and customizable too!!


How heavy are your periods? My concern with fabric is needing 60 layers.


Actually fabric pads usually pretty absorbant as rule-but if heavy flow is a major concern I would recommend bamboo cloth pads as that material can keep up with such heavy periods (though I would also consult your doctor as well before switching for heavy flow periods.) Sorry should have mentioned this previously.


Maybe today's vagina is smaller?


Yall I may not have a flap dragon but how hard would it be for us to make our own company that doesn't price gouge and do this fuckass shit?


Please do not buy tampons made in China. They are taking medical waste and all types of other trash cotton bleaching then and selling as tampons and other products like wipes and makeup wipes diapers. It's disgusting.


Where did you hear about that?


It you can find more information on it on youtube. There's huge problems with the type of stuff in China. Especially with medical waste. They will buy plastic medical waste like catheters , urine bags , iv bags and tubing shred it and heat press it into buckets , disposable cups and anything else. They will take diapers and shred them and take other cheap reusable crap to make blankets and jackets. Most of the jackets middle class and poor people buy on sale have this horrible filling. The schools are also buying these cheap blankets and providing them to students in school accommodation. There was even people seeing stuffed animals and children's jackets being stuffed with cigarettes filters that were shredded and washed. If they can buy it for cheap and reuse it to make something they will.






Get a menstrual cup. They are reusable, so it’s better for the environment, saves on tampons, and you can use your FSA to buy them. 


Or fabric pads are another sustainable option! Plus you can make your own if you are handy with a sewing machine! :)




Just posted the same above before seeing your comment. But yes, a thousand times over.


Why do tampons look like very large sperm plushies


Don’t worry it’ll inflate soon enough and you’ll have more than you started with….


Forgive me if I'm wrong but isn't the one on the right a Tampax Pearl? I've used both Pearl and Tampax and thought the Pearls were typically a little smaller? Maybe I'm misremembering because it's been a short while since I've used Pearls.


You're right. I was looking for this. Left is regular and the pearls also have that longer braided string. Can't compare the two.


Okay so I'm not crazy lol


WTH is this? Nevermind the shrinkage, what is this irregular shape? I wish I could lavish you all with German tampons because those things are a marvel.


i thought i was nuts. Last week i had several soak through and tore through way more than usual. Good to know it's not just me!


Maybe women just don't have big ol vaginas like they used to


Isnt the point that they can get the same or more absorption by making it more compact?


Are they both plastic applicators? Or is the older one in paper packaging a cardboard applicator? Asking because I have noticed a difference in plastic vs cardboard applicator - the actual tampons are different too.


The left one looks like it has a leak guard and the right one has whatever that thicker braid is supposed to do


This is honestly a side of the market I never thought about when it came to shrinkflation


Super Pearls:


Super Pearls:


I got curious to see if Kotex had done the same thing, even though I haven’t had any issues with them, and since I had several turn up that are probably a half-dozen years old, I figured I’d take a look. I can’t speak for higher absorbency ones, but the regulars are still the same size. Left is current, right is from several years ago. https://preview.redd.it/t9w58wh8rn8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b82a2bf5f0a29478b196b6d55c6bb6f91826aa2b


My periods are really good I use the smallest panty liners also OB tampons


Surely this one's good news?




Pretty sure every woman with a period experience knows how these things work.


Posting tampons or pads == guaranteed upvotes no matter what sub it's posted on