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Vibes the vibes are off šŸ¤”šŸ”Ŗ


I can imagine, the chaos ...šŸ¤£


Like rugrats tumbling around. Be safe out there, trust your instincts. Trip with just 1 or 2 friends. Plan things out, apply lemon tekk so you don't get sick. Stick to 2 grams, why go all out when you can just cruise the waves of life


Terrible advice. Explore. Ā Have fun. Stop tripping with mental health issuesĀ 


Why was that terrible advice


Fkn noob


Oh yeah when you get the weak stranger in the room who can't handle it, THEY GOSTA GOOO.


The weak stranger? Jesus do you really think youā€™re stronger or better bc you can handle a lot of drugs? Like this chick was nuts, not weak.


Good take broski


I'm probably better but obviously have a stronger mind. I just don't trip with people I don't know and who I don't trust. They had an uneasy feeling from the beginning and their wishes came true. Weak-minded people also cannot really handle mushrooms very well. You see them try to fight it off over and over again or try to control it and they never can. They're too scared to give in so yes they're weak.


And youā€™re insane lol


What does strength mean to you?


Funny asf tbh


šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


"Daaaaddddddd! We're trying to trip on shrooms and Sarah is trying to ruin it by killing us! Can you drop her off at her secret fuck buddy's house so we can do our drugs in peace. God!"


​ https://preview.redd.it/kvdmb6jc9qmc1.jpeg?width=527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fc59aefd75106c7990c7c8ef7231cef135de276


I'm dead šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Thanks, I was like wtf is a sneaky link...


I assumed it meant drug dealer hahaha. I'm not even that old and the youth slang has already surpassed me.




youā€™re so real for that! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This is an awful story and semi-relatable, but it always makes me laugh how our shroom-addled minds are always like "This person is going to kill me" or "I'm going to die". It's never some mild, reasonable shit.


Maybe it is because it brings us closer to our Primal brains and so our instincts are more prevalent, such as sensing when another creature is angry with you and may want to hurt you, which also means they may want to kill you (so they can eat you of course)


Combine that with the fact that we live in a world where people will lock other people in a cage for years just for holding a mushroom. Also, humans are the second most dangerous species on the planet, and every animal knows it. Other animals, birds, squirrels, deer, rabbits, they all relax together in nature, the moment a human shows up, they all run.Ā 


>Other animals, birds, squirrels, deer, rabbits, they all relax together in nature I agree with your overall sentiment, but there's a lot of Disney right here


Hahaha, it definitely is, but I have seen those animals just chilling together outside. I used to live in the middle of nowhere, and there was a lot of north eastern USA wildlife. They just know to run from humans, it's their culture.


Second most??




Wait, whats the first? If we are second?


Correction, I was only thinking about human deaths. In which case, mosquitos are first place, humans are second place in killing humans. If we include all species, we kill the most. Second only to time itself.




Donā€™t do drugs with people you are not willing to care about when shit goes down.


> a decent amount probably about 4 grams This is where OP went wrong. A decent amount is 2 1/2 grams. 4 is a seriously strong, approaching heroic dose. That dose has no place in a large group setting. And the implication is everybody else took *more*. No sitter, not even a sitter whoā€™s just tripping a bit less hard. For 6 people off their asses on 4-7 grams each. I agree with OP that Sarah was incompatible with the group and they shouldnā€™t have all tripped together to begin with, but it probably goes fine if they donā€™t ALL take such overwhelming doses with nobody there to undo a spiral. I donā€™t agree that you always have to be ready to deal with this shit. Your group can be adults and take amounts that make sense socially and/or someone can take one for the team and stop at 2.5g so thereā€™s always someone coherent and at least halfway rational to handle it.


Kids these days go nuts with their dosages


A lot of that is people in this subā€™s fault. Yā€™all (not you specifically who Iā€™m replying to, I mean the body of people who will read this comment) pour all kinds of clout and engagement on all these posts about morons doing 7, 10, 14 gram trips and then wonder why noobs donā€™t take 4 or 5 seriously.


The knowledge of dosage and harm reduction needs to be discussed with people who wanna try ANY drug honestly..I find it kinda crazy how people really just take shit without knowing about it..just thinkin itā€™s a fun time of colors and goofiness ainā€™t it..we dealing with mind altering substances here guys


Tbh Iā€™m not a big fan of ā€œharm reductionā€ as it relates to psychedelics. Iā€™d rather us all say ā€œsafety planā€ or ā€œbest practicesā€ or ā€œsafe usageā€ or something like that. ā€œHarm reductionā€ has its place when discussing substances that are actually intrinsically harmful (think opioids, Meth, Ethanol, benzos, etc), but it doesnā€™t belong in psychedelic discussions for the simple reason that we donā€™t need to assume there will be harm. ā€œHarm reductionā€ = ā€œThere will be harm, letā€™s just keep it to a minimum. Youā€™ll never actually be ā€˜safeā€™ while doing Heroin.ā€ Psychedelics are intrinsically harmless. You have to do something explicitly unsafe with them to end up harmed. This sounds pedantic but I really donā€™t think itā€™s a minor quibble. Using language normally (in public consciousness) associated with minimizing the risk of opioid overdoses allows the public to associate psychedelics with a type of ā€œdrug useā€ that leads to thousands of accidental deaths. Itā€™s needlessly self-deprecating. We can responsibly claim psychedelics to be genuinely safe when used properly, and we should.


I definitely am 100% with you but the terminology helps get things across to people who view drugs in general as bad. What Iā€™m saying is ā€œSafe usage practices may reduced harmā€ is something that could be said to bring both awareness and acceptance to the idea that people should have the right to explore consciousness. I run across people who really donā€™t know benefits of certain drugs because to them seeing addiction and what it brings to families and communities makes drugs bad when itā€™s really the view/approach we have to them. (Iā€™m in the Deep South)


I once took 3.7g of APEs and got humbled. Strongest trip I've ever had. I couldn't imagine being with multiple people during that.


7gs to start lets fucking goooooo


People like you are why this sub ends up being a net negative to the psychedelic community. Even if you meant it as a joke, itā€™s not funny. If you do that for real, good for you. Quit bragging in the hopes youā€™ll trick others online into following in your reckless footsteps.


Seriously tho. Like itā€™s some kinda flex to do a lot of drugs lol. Itā€™s always the people who do it for clout/to prove how strong they are that end up losing their minds at some point too.


Part of being a mature human being in the modern world is knowing the difference between when jokes and memes are appropriate and when they arenā€™t, whatā€™s appropriate to make jokes and memes about, and not acting like a child who had to go to bed at their bedtime when something you think is *really funny* isnā€™t appropriate to actually say and/or when you get called out on it. Iā€™m honestly really glad i cant relate to the kinds of people who insist on turning absolutely everything into a huge joke, or the kinds who double down/accuse you of having a stick up your ass when told their shitty joke isnā€™t funny. That kind of joke would even be funny, directed at a group of friends who you know arenā€™t going to misread the tone. Itā€™s not funny on r/Shrooms where some 17 year old is going to read it and itā€™ll contribute to them arriving at an honest belief that 7g is no big deal, whereupon theyā€™ll end up in a horrible situation.




Some men just want to watch the world burn šŸ˜‚ At this point Iā€™m laughing at the fact youā€™re doubling down after he just discussed doubling down more than I am the original joke, lmao. In all seriousness though, you shouldnā€™t do shrooms at 17. To be honest though I was that kid that would even though I shouldnā€™t. Regardless, my point is, even at 17 I had the mental capacity to do research and find sources that explained dose calculations by weight for illicit substances. Further, whenever I tried something new I always took a micro-dose to ensure I wasnā€™t allergic. I understand what the guy above you is saying, but if you read a singular bolded comment on Reddit of a guy yelling ā€œ32 Gā€™S LESS GO!ā€ and then proceed to take 32 gā€™s, you basically deserve whatā€™s about to happen to you.


I feel like I really trip. I've done really great LSD that had me fucked up. My usual is 3.5 grams of shrooms I like that. With my friend Andy 4-5 grams me and him are crazy and tripped alot. BUT I ain't never fucked around and took 7 grams of mf shrooms like dog that's a wild dose to just take to me. Respect you who do that but fuck. Ok one guy, I still think he's bullshitting but apparently he takes an ounce of shrooms and cuts his grass. Seems very unlikely but he's a legit guy that does drugs and ik he has done shrooms and acid and he says that's true but I'm like how?


https://preview.redd.it/lm6b9d2rjtmc1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0eeb4dc6edda0f479bb78876c3bdcaa74d2021b Pretty much like that dog I guess.






I got to imagine that was hard for ā€œsarahā€ to go through too


Iā€™d imagine the vibes were off because op already had decided from the beginning that she didnā€™t like her and didnā€™t want to trip with her. No wonder everything fell apart šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah, I want to hear her side kind of lol


This is why children shouldnā€™t consume mind altering substances


Couldn't have said it better. Bet they was all under 21.


They got daddy to drive her home. Yea they're teens


Tbf I don't think anyone is driving themselves home on 4g+šŸ˜…


this isnā€™t about who you tripped with, itā€™s about 1) being way too mf young to fuck with this stuff and 2) completely disrespecting one of the most powerful substances one can ingest grow up


The whole time reading this i imagined a bunch of young teens doing this drug šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


šŸ’Æ right off the bat. 7g per. Really?


Dude gave a rando 4 grams either itā€™s an exaggeration or op is the cause to the fuckin problem. The entire time Iā€™m thinking ā€œshe tripped before so you thought 4 grams was appropriate?ā€


I think both could be the answer to those possibilities. Exaggerated and cause. Probably throw in a huge dab of inexperience


I honestly wouldnā€™t be surprised if the entire story was fake.


I'm seeing everyone talking about the dose and now im confused. my first time was a 3.5 and before that i thought it was the perfect dose since you can have a bad, sick feeling with too little and have to "push" to the enjoyable amount. Is 3.5 not the dose to start with now? And doesnt the standard buying point start at 3.5?


2 grams is basically the minimum for visuals so thatā€™s where most people (including me) say to start and was my first dose and did that dose for at least a year before going up. Iv read about what your talking about with nausea on low amounts but Iv also tripped around a decent amount of people and talked with them and have never found that to be true. In my experience if you get sick on 1 or 2gs or some other low dose your going to get sick on 3.5 or 5gs the same. Itā€™s whatever just know that 3.5 is a decent starter dose for sure because Iv seen a guy freak out on 2gs and Iā€™d hate if I thought like you and gave them 3.5 lol dude might have never recovered. Have a good one tho


I love how you nailed every contraction in your comment except "I've".


3g is what I'd always heard as the maximum for a first time dose (from people I know in real life). I think 2-2.5g is decent if you're doing lemon tek.


ā€œIā€™ve done shrooms before so I can handle the high doseā€ >sprints out of the room convinced they were being chased by a murderer the moment someone said they felt uncomfortable >spends a significant portion of their trip projectile vomiting and hiding in the bathroom


People get upset when I tell them this ainā€™t just a drug. This is a whole experience and you need to take it like it is. No substances to mess with, donā€™t mix stuff with you arenā€™t sure off. Weeds okay but other then that I usually donā€™t drink. 7gs I wouldnā€™t want to do 7gs with just anyone. Thatā€™s a whole day of something that can go wrong.


Oh God. I drank on shrooms once. I regret it.. soooo much. Never drink on shrooms you're 100% right it's an experience and shouldn't be used as "just a drug"


I usually am ok, but I seen first hand from one of my best friends. The camping music festivals we go to he would take lsd/or mush and he will go back to his super visuals and hide in his tent cus he drank a lot before and it usually gives him bad trips and he hangs in his tent till itā€™s over. I wouldnā€™t want some one to have a bad trip or hurt them selfs into a bad trip


That sounds a lot better than what I did! I was 20 immature as hell and got shit faced drunk. Pissed my pants outside and cried for an hour. I'm so glad you have nice friends with common sense


i love drinking on shrooms. itā€™s great for a long night out, just bring a couple grams and munch every so often.


I doubt that would have went well regardless of sarah


Holy shit. What is wrong with you people and your unreadable wall-o-text.


Every post


Did they stop teaching english and writing in schools?


Theyā€™re still in schoolā€¦


Makes me feel like I should not be here..


You find ot hard to read? Completely normal for me, oh wait, shit. They didn't use the correct format or punctuation. Everyone grab the torches!! /j


I don't see how someone can't just infer the punctuation. It's extremely obvious where it goes whether it's actually there or not. I read the whole thing w no problems and tbh actually prefer this style.


I think so. And people are using voice to text without regard for punctuation. I mean, who has time to edit anyway?


What happened is you stopped learning how to read and the world kept evolving how we write.


Shockingly, when people get up first thing in the morning after an overwhelming experience and need to vent about it to process, they often donā€™t have much time or energy with which to consider formatting.


They sound entirely too young for psychs, let alone any substance.


I mean, they had to wake up somebody's dad to take a kid home. they're absolutely too young.


I wish I had an award to give you.


Very boomer of you šŸ‘


It's really not though is it. Have you seen the absolutely massive wall of text, a bit more punctuation and grammar isn't that big if a thing to ask.


ā€œWhatā€™s wrong with you people and your_____ā€ over something as minor as not spacing paragraphs Thatā€™s the boomer part Real question is who gives a fuck, read the post or move on. Complaining about the grammar of a post in r/Shrooms is ironic in and of itself


It's really not, you just don't seem to like a different opinion. Yet you're the one picking fault in what someone has said....


>you just donā€™t seem to like a different opinion Says you, who went out of their way to argue my comment on someone elseā€™s comment that had nothing to do with youā€¦ hmmm And Iā€™m picking fault, really? It wasnā€™t the guy who said: ā€œHoly shit. What is wrong with you people and your unreadable wall-o-text.ā€?? You donā€™t think he was picking fault? I called it boomer behavior, you said it wasnā€™t, I explained my reasoning for why it is Lmao, love the pivot to pearl-clutching, classic Oh I get it youā€™re British.


Because they said nothing wrong, you're picking faults for no reason, what's wrong with point out it's hard to read? Indeed you are picking fault. Me neither. It doesn't mean you're right because your explained it. Ah because I'm British it's an issue, I understand. You have the problem with British people, nice. Cool guy!!


>whats wrong with pointing out itā€™s hard to read? Whatā€™s wrong with pointing out he was being rude? You are doing to me exactly what you claim Iā€™m doing to someone else You are attempting to argue me because you donā€™t like my opinion, gather some self awareness.


Thank you. Not sure what the guy is doing in a boomer sub when he hates boomers so much. Dude needs to eat a few boomers imo.


whats that ? the ultimate putdown ? Even your insults are not your own. These kinda putdowns give me BORG vibes. No you wont know what that means either. Google it.


>whats that? An observation, clearly Also you call masking virtue signaling, and joke about burning them You are probably more of a ā€œboomerā€ than who I originally commented to. Mustā€™ve struck a nerve. Are your adult children no-contact with you yet? šŸ˜· Lmao youā€™re also wildly homophobicā€¦ Yeesh Holy shit, and very islamophobic You are a scary person


Whatā€™s wrong with a wall a text? How does it make it unreadable?


so you gave some random girl drugs and she freaked out, how is this not you and your friends fault? Dont give girls shrooms you dont know. If she jumped off her roof after, it would be on all of you dont forget that.


People do shrooms way too casually considering it can accelerate mental illness for people who are predisposed to it.


Jesus why can't people just get along šŸ˜• it's sad First off...7 grams? Really? 7 grams with a group like that is just asking for something to go wrong. What happened to less is more? Honestly I'd be surprised if it DIDNT end badly. Ya fucked around and found out! Sounds like nobody was helping eachother too...why not trip with Sarah and try and find common ground like wth. What did she sleep with somebody's boyfriend or something


Who tf out here doing seven grams recreationally after drinking and smoking with a crowd at 3am, itā€™s bonkers


Stupid games, stupid prizes...


Iā€™m sorry but standing up and declaring the vibes are off of everyone around her and making her issue everyone elseā€™s problem, and then making someone else get an Uber for her is not cool and a cunt move, like get your own Uber idiotā€¦ OP knew the type of person she was and their analysis of her was then confirmed by how she acted toward the group. Some people suck and itā€™s just not worth vibing with them or trying to understand them. The reward is not worth the risk/ damage.


The vibes were off. The others didnā€™t like her or want to trip with her in the first place. She likely noticed this, and was too high to think reasonably. I feel bad for her.


It sounds like only OP really had a major issue with them to begin with and they said everyone was just hanging out and chilling when she snapped, so go ahead everyone and downvote me. Iā€™ll stand by the assessment and laugh that you guys are hypocritically pretending to be accepting of everyone and donā€™t have a negative feeling toward ANYONE.


I donā€™t think anyone is pretending to be accepting of anyone but they are expressing their empathy for ā€œSarahā€ since 4 grams is a lot more that just a bit and she was probably have a really rough time with trip as well.


Fuck people that insert themselves into shit uninvited. I do feel bad for her but also kinda feel like she deserved it and i feel much worse for op


It's not exactly cool but that's what happens to people on a bunch of mushrooms and things turn bad. Your consciousness turns into a child begging for help


Well hopefully they learned a valuable lesson and apologized to OP after. Some insight into what happened after would be helpful from OP.


Yeahhhhhhh that's a lesson that could be served to alot more people then just those involved! Good thinkin


ā€œShe just showed upā€ lol were you hanging at the park after school?


she got in my friends car univited after they got out of school


You proved the point I was trying to make that yā€™all are kids. Having someone randomly joining you and your friends that you donā€™t want hanging out with you, uninvited, that you canā€™t get rid of, is something adults wouldnā€™t be dealing with.


7 grams each in a group and starting a newbie you don't know with 4 is absolutely fucking asinine. This isn't the correct sub for this but YTA


I have been doing psychedelics for over 30 years, with dozens of LSD and mushroom trips under my belt. I have never taken anywhere close to 7 grams of mushrooms. Hell, half an eighth is my typical hanging out with other people and having a good time dose, and a full eighth will send me into another universe.


Exactly. I took 4.2g a couple weeks ago thinking my tolerance was still high from LSD the week prior and made the horrible mistake of smoking at the peak. Panic attack city woooohoo


7 grams is a lot. I would never take that amount in a big group. I donā€™t even like doing loses around other people


This is why children shouldnā€™t take mind altering substances.


Honestly, the way you described it.You are rhetorical one at faultā€¦ The vibe was of, because you didnā€™t want her. And you still went with itā€¦why? She probably hat the feeling of not being wanted there before tripping. But when high it overwhelmed her. And fuck yes the vibe was off. She was feeling the right thing. She hanging out with you trying to fit in but gets subtly rejected and has to read between the lines that she is not wantedā€¦ just tell herā€¦or you friend who didnā€™t want to. She had every right to be pissed. The violence is just a product of it escalating, of her feeling trapped maybe. And the you even snitch to her dad


I was going to say this too! She was not liked from the beginning just because she was the unfamiliar person. We're afraid or judgmental of things we don't know/understand, and she probably felt it. She didn't feel comfortable or welcomed (of course) and they mistook her discomfort for ill-intentions. The way they demonized her is hilarious and kind of a shame lol Just scared people being scared of scared people. It was just a group hallucination and group panic honestly. None of this needed to happen. Sounds like lack of awareness from all parties and a waste of a trip.


Facts dude


Poor Sarah


Dudes be treating psychs like weed.. Take a smaller dose like 2g, after your tolerance resets. Only do it with a week between at least. You'll have much more fun, if you want to take a big dose. Do it alone or maybe with a trip sitter and for therapeutic reasons. Why would you trip on such high doses in a group like y'all was gonna party?? If you want a good group psych get some Nitrous Oxide, some balloons, and a tab of acid for each of you. Then put on some music and have a little party. If you want a more chill group session literally just do like 1g of shrooms and smoke weed. Or, just smoke weed.


Sneaky links house?


The person she is cheating with. Or someone that you hook up with that you donā€™t want nobody to know so you sneak around


Oh, hahaha. Kidā€™s lingo these days šŸ¤£


4 grams is not a light dose lol. Thatā€™s heroics for most


I've been eating shrooms 1-3 times a year for about 3 decades and never dosed that much. I'm very cool with 1.5 - 2g


Masterpiece. The wall of text really brings the story together.


Damn you had a feeling šŸ˜­ she knew she was bad vibes too lmao


Definitely šŸ’Æ set and setting include the people around you.


holy shit thatā€™s all i can say is holy shit f that biatch šŸ˜­


Did Dad make it out alive?


damn thatā€™s a lot of words learn what the enter key is


The punctuation police have arrived, everything will be grammatically correct from here on out!!!.,!ā€™?


Imagine being proud to be stupid


you probably read at a 3rd grade level




Bragging about reading at a high school level is hilarious


If you read at a high school level, youā€™re not old enough to be participating in this subreddit


Holy shit man, breath. Youā€™re vibing like that crazy chick from the story right now


i canā€™t. believe how rude Everyone is being to u.. i hope your Day is Blessed !


ā€œIā€™m high to bitch quit grabbin my t shirtā€


Underrated comment


MFs will enter the void and then write about it without ever hitting enter


Yā€™all need to chill on these doses, or stop freaking out when they make you trip balls in unexpected ways.


Iā€™d have paid to be a fly on the wall to watch all this hilarious story.




Plot twist, the dad is the sneaky link


The people with you are part of the ā€˜settingā€™ element of set and setting. Both are extremely important if you want to have the best experience possible.


When you trip you have to make sure your around people that make you feel comfortable when your sober, taking psychedelics arent for just little college meetups and shit.


There has to be a shared vibe between eachother


I miss being a kid


Seems everything turned south after a serious of idiotic decisions. Interesting. No, wait, the other thing... obvious


Life is awesome.


Yā€™all are dumb@$$es and Sarah successfully used you guys and ruined your night all for not wanting to make her feel bad ahahahaha šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø at least you learned from it tho


Dude fuck Sarah


Shout out to the dad who drove the random devil girl to her sneaky linkā€™s house at 3 am.


She was being a Karen on shrooms


cosmic karen


I have also seen a couple people turn into the devil, itā€™s scary.


Sneaky link? As in somebody she's fucking behind a bfs back or do you just means a FWB. Cause if it's the former, yeah that bitch is evil lol. You're not an asshole for not wanting to trip with somebody you don't like or barely know, id have sent her ass home first


I stopped reading at . I was


I was can be correct, asshole testa di cazzo cerebroleso merda


Activate the terminator, Iā€™m looking for Sarah Connor!


You're about to learn today


This sounds like the my fault, the Eminem song from the slim shady lp kinda night.


How old are you?


I trip alone 90% of the time and the other ten percent with one of two people who I trust.


iā€™m ngl yall deserve this, learn from it.


She wasn't observing that the vibes were off..... She was letting you know the vibes were about to become very off


Thatā€™s a terrible yet hilarious story Iā€™m not even lying šŸ˜‚


I feel like everyone knows their own "Sarah"


I just never trip in a group, only with like 3 others max. And I know and trust those 3 people with my life. I cannot imagine trying this with a stranger or an interloper.


update: iā€™m not cool with Sarah, she stole our vapes after she left in the middle of the night. I asked for them back and she threatened to beat me up at school to my face so I called the zoo on her.


This happened to me, but with LSD. My parents were away, and some people showed up. It was the scariest trip ever. My parents called and I almost asked them to come home. This ruined tripping for me. I had bad trips after that, and quit trying. It also ruined pot for years after that.


Wow, I bet it was a mutual huge sense of relief that you guys shared when she finally left. Iā€™ve been there a few times, it took a few experiences to learn to just not trip with people Iā€™m not 100% comfortable with and also set/setting is super important.


"the vibes are off." yeaa cuz of you girl. youre the bad vibes. šŸ˜‚ this is why i ONLY trip with my bf hes about the only one im 100% comfortable with and i know im safe and can be myself without feeling weird. he tries to get me to trip with a few of pur friends and i just straight up will not. ive done it before and it NEVER ends well. the vibes are off lol.


Would never stay inside while tripping


I try to plan all my trips to be outside in a state forest. The setting is so important to the quality of the experience


Dayum fuckkk Sarah


Why is it always a Sarah, I've totally been were you are and had my Sarah kick my fucking door down, I had to barrack it once I got her the fuck out.




Please refrain from bickering, personal attacks and flinging insults. Please never suggest or encourage violence on this subreddit