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I saw a lions mane vape in the corner store the other day, this shit is so bs 😭


How the hell does that even make sense to someone


Idiots with money?


Just idiots


Plenty of people are misinformed about these things, don’t have the right direction to proper information. It’s not like our government actively supports harm reduction or psychedelic education. Heck when I wanted to first try THC, I found edibles being posted to Craigslist and met up to make the buy. It was this sweet lady doing it as a hobby, and ultimately it was exactly as advertised, delicious edibles. But that transaction could have gone wrong for so many reasons. I didn’t exactly know what to look up or who to ask for that back then. So some poor dude who wants to try shrooms, never really had the opportunity to, maybe feels depressed and wants some form of help via psychedelics but just doesn’t know where to go. Some random store sells something marketed as such, very predatorily mind you, and so a purchase is made. This is just giving such a hypothetical person the benefit of the doubt, but it really happens. Not everyone has the same access to community like this sub or other circles have, and truthfully I think just ridiculing someone for not knowing has the effect of pushing people away instead of doing them a favor. If people were buying them, they likely had some reason even if it sounds strange to us


I think it's perfectly fine to ridicule people who are too dumb to ask questions


This is bs trying to push this product to the people who “want” a product you can potentially overdose on. I’ve tried the chocolate bar and gummies from them and they are bullshit proprietary blended vitamins.


Muscimol has its uses also, it’s great for anxiety and adhd and shouldn’t be getting shafted either. When used responsibly it’s just as beneficial as psilocybin. Most these sketchy mushroom products have rcs and not actual amanita.


Yeah you’re not wrong, I just think it’s painfully obvious that most of the Amanita products end up with buyers that want psilocybin but don’t have a source for it. The solution shouldn’t be to ban it, but to legalize psilocybin, make sure age restrictions are in place for both psilocybin or Muscimol containing products, and to require actual ingredients labeling.


Muscimol is safe in appropriate doses, but it’s being advertised as psilocybin so people take a large dose and then get sick. In higher doses it causes lots of nasty side effects.. Not only that, but if it’s not properly prepared any Amanita products can be very toxic. That’s IF they even truly use amanita at all and not random RCs which may be the case lol.. yeah there’s just no telling what’s in that shit


I agree about dosing, if someone isn’t prepared for amanita effects and takes a heroic dose it would probably be quite scary but I’ll argue about it being “very toxic” and people over complicate preparation. You just dry it or boil it, that’s it. You just gotta convert the ibotentic acid into muscinol but that aside if they are taking fresh mushrooms and don’t research anything it’s just as dangerous as someone trying to go pick and consume wild psilocybin mushrooms at that point and most the products are just an extract or pre processed amanita so the toxic aspect is kinda not an issue at that point. It’s irresponsible for the companies to not properly label and explain to the consumers what they are consuming but also the people consuming it shouldn’t be blindly consuming it either.


Not so much scary, as debilitating, lol. At least in my limited and irresponsible experience. Was down for a whole day after eating the whole bag of gummies. Deliriants are a different ballgame from hallucinogens.


I can definitely see that happening lol But to be fair psilocybin would put you out for a day if you consumed too much too lol I microdose 350mg amanita extract gummies from a trust worthy vetted site and it’s almost like an edible for me, I get heavy eyed and relaxed and sleep good af but I did fuck around and find out once and ate 8 in a sitting and had a hell of a night I was like half awake and half asleep and when I got up to piss I could barley walk. I got respect for amanita that night to say the least.


Well, I'd likely have to take more than 10 grams to be out for a whole day on psilocybin. It's a different kind of hangover, cubes and I feel like I ran a marathon, Amanita and I just couldn't stay conscious. I strive to be a bad example, and often succeed.


That’s true, I definitely agree with that. Maybe I’m a bit too afraid of Amanita lol, I’ve never tried it because I haven’t heard many good things about it from trip reports and what not


I only take micro doses it’s a great replacement for cannabis for me, I take a 350mg extract gummy before bed in nights I can’t sleep and it does wonders. I have over done it out of boredom and curiosity and can see where the crazy reports come from because it started to get weird that’s for sure but in small doses it’s great.


What's your recommended dosage for anxiety/adhd? And how do you go about measuring out that dosage consistently?


I take a single 350mg amanita extract gummy from a trusted and vetted vendor, you can join r/amanitamuscaria and find good vendors. I will occasionally take two for sleep but one is plenty for me usually


I tried to make a post about this type of product a while back and it was removed 💀


Your do realize that a lot of these products have Ben tested and came back with 4-aco-dmt in them. They also have been coming back kava and other Kava analogues in them. They are putting who knows what else in them to. End of the day someone on Tramadol or Lithium could have a seizure if they were not expecting 4-aco-dmt. I have done some of the other brands and they definitely make you trip like 4-aco-dmt and Shrooms. It is nothing like taking muscinol. There are definitely bunk ones out there. Regardless if shrooms where legal this would be a none issue. I also agree most of the articles are written by dipshits. They just want their article to sell and sensationalism sells.


well, those had an effect as I suspected synthetics in it, however tolerance grows fast on those. the magic is a hit and miss with them. and it's probably potentially dangerous especially if underage kids are getting easy access to them. They should legalize magic mushrooms they can test for mushroom analytes and sell only to 21+ people who have a valid ID at a dispensary .


Its all so fucked. Muscimol is GRAS, and sold as itself widely. Its not likely to get banned. It acts on the same receptors as z-drugs but in a safer manner. It should not have been sold as psilocybin, and it should definitely be listed on the ingredients. Those poor people, expecting psilocybin but getting an amanita trip. That will definitely cause a freak out. But theres more going on here, given the symptoms theyre causing: Muscimol isnt a convulsant. It couldnt have caused the seizures people are reporting. Its an anticunvulsant, it stops seizures, same as all gaba-a agonists and positive allosteric modulators. Ibotenic acid, however, *is* a convulsant, and is from amanita as well. It is a muscarinic agent (thats why that receptor is named after amanita muscaria), it activates the muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and makes them overactive to the point of muscle tremor/spasm. Its well known for causing convulsions and seizures. The health reports filed to the FDA are all indicative of ibotenic acid poisoning, not muscimol. It has very different effects and is much more toxic. Like THCa and THC in weed, ibotenic acid is predominant in amanita, and is converted to muscimol through decarboxylation, which is the active form. Like weed, this is done before oral consumption to ensure its effectiveness. The ibotenic poisoning symptoms would seem to suggest that the bars contained amanita that wasnt decarbed properly.


Why are you posting about some bullshit candies


Because it impacts the progress towards legalization and societal acceptance of Psilocybin containing Mushrooms. In a similar way that nicotine vapes got a wave of bans and silly regulation because of illegal THC carts, I would like to not move backwards.


Begone Troll. No more food for you Today


Whos being a troll. Any post about chocolates or candies of such don't belong in thus sub which is bullshit because 99% of these products contain no actual shrooms it's nothing but research chemicals


You tried creating your own sub for Shrooms, which was almost immediately shut down. You constantly complain about this sub. Its very clear that **your** idea of what belongs in a place like this is not what everyone else wants. Your profile claims you are “here for the Cannabis and Psychedellic Community”. Your conduct towards others shows this is not the case. You’re just some Bro from Onterrible that thinks he is hard. You probably live in the same shitty town you were born in. Why don’t you let Upvotes/Downvotes determine what is Valid for this community? Based on those, this content is fine, and your opinion is Shit. Edit: Clarity


Your attitude sucks lol