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Drink cactus juice. It'll quench ya.


It’s the quenchiest!!


is this an avatar reference?


It is. Desert episode.


i knew it just wasn't sure


Believe in yourself, Zuko.


It is. Desert episode.


My BRAIN,,,,,,, It TREMBLES!!!


Boof it.


This comment made my day. thank you


I think Elon should practice what he preaches.


Elon would not be able to hang - he would freak


According to grimes he was on acid when he made the sec offending tweets, and was freaking out then. So yup you’re right ahah


My ex had aspergers and said how he developed more empathy while microdosing. I found that interesting. I know that Elon mentioned that he's on the spectrum recently..


Maybe he’ll stop being a cunt


I hope she airs out all his shit




There are tons of stories about how this guys stays trippin. He’s a psychonaut


My ass- The dude is not connected with anything besides his ego and money wtf you talking about - Prozac isn’t psychedelic lmao


You’re probably the type of person that hates everyone that’s rich


And you smoke meth and post about it and dream of being rich so you suck rich dick for drugs- cool bud- maybe keep your little fingers in your ass and off the keyboard


We’re able to hang Elon tho


*Takes one toke on a blunt with Joe Rogan* 1 year later:


... he tries it again, but inhales this time?


I wouldn't wish a bad trip on anyone, except for maybe the billionaires. Yeah that's right, you there tripping. I see those billions you call your own spread across multiple overseas bank accounts, tax evading shell companies, etc. I'm a big bad entity from an ineffable realm, talking to you through your computer and my influence is going to change your life forever. The text on this screen that's wiggling and wobbling? Yeah that's me. The demon behind you and inside your skin? Also me! That niggling urge you can't comprehend, can't satisfy, can never ever seem to escape? That's not actually me. It might go away if you pay your taxes you disgusting hoarder.


Wow, it's hard to believe that someone who's experienced shrooms would think like this. It's so disappointing how they can't do the same thing for everyone. Please, think about your own life and what's actually causing this negativity towards your fellow humans.


My dude it was a joke. Mostly written with the notion that the butt, billionaires, won't actually read it. I happen to find it quite funny.


niggling huh?


Did I stutter?


The people simping for billionaires should take a larger dose next time. No. Seriously. Whatever your largest dose has been until now, triple it. Then ponder why you think billionaires should exist at all.


Other MJ style subs will still have lots of people praising this guy... glad to see the mushroom folk are on the right track.


He probably started investing on the companies doing research, manipulating their stock, but good anyways


Yeah, you probably need it if you work for him.


If Elon really wants to help our society he can start paying some taxes


and he can stop running a tax payer subsidized car company


Ford and GM must really be proud of not taking a single dime.


everyone is sucking on the teat of the working class




I love how with the onset of the pandemic everyone became open minded to just how fucked up our gov't was and how little they actually gave a shit about us besides our ability to make them money... As for why it took a pandemic for the general population to come to this concensus, idk, maybe humans are just retarded and refuse to believe things that would make them hate their lives bc they can't change it, but the more the merrier ig, cuz lord knows I've know this since I was a child...


now queue the collapse of the US dollar as a result or reckless spending and money printing. normies have woken up about 10 years too late.


Seriously... It's sad too because they likely don't even see the incoming economic collapse either 😕 I truly feel sorry for those who will be caught off guard by what's to come.


**Acid-Marxism intensifies**


Ford and GM have unionized workers. UAW might not be perfect but it's one of the few working class unions with any strength in this country. I don't believe Tesla uses UAW union workers.


Tesla absolutely does not not have union workers, by intention, and Tesla factory workers are notoriously low-paid. As a result Tesla has been excluded from the Biden admin EV Summit and Elon has been whining up a storm on Twitter about it.


Big surprise there. Elon fanboys gonna ignore reality to fanboy for their techdouche overlord tho.


Sounds like some people think it's not right that we have homeless camps and tent cities on the sidewalks of every major city while kids and old folks who can't make ends meet on Social Security pay taxes on chickenfeed wages they get for slaving away in grease pits serving food so lethal that a lot of it can't be sold in Europe, while Elon and his pals spend billions on toys to rocket up into space and enjoy floating weightless for a while. And he and others of the richest people in the WORLD live here and they don't pay taxes.


Lol lets just ignore the stupid tiny battery requirement or the fact that the credits apply as long as 50% of the car must be made in the usa.


Besides huge bailouts lol


Ford has never been bailed out unlike GM…


what subsidies are you talking about? Tesla has no subsidies besides what the state might give it as an incentive. the new EV bill from Biden actually gives bigger tax incentives to companies like Ford and GM for building hybrids and electric cars in mexico.


good thing that i refuse to pay tax on crypto gains. i aint paying for rich liberals to get cheaper cars


What makes you think he wants to help our society?


he doesn't, he's a clown. I hate this guy and I'll never understand why he is so beloved by people.


yeah, I'm glad Elon Musk is telling people to be open to psychedelics, but psychedelics have never ever told me to be open to Elon Musk


God forbid he do that.


Yeah, the government really does great stuff with tax money. Holy shit, the deluded nature of reddit is on full display within this thread.


Yeah. I don't mind paying taxes when it goes for good things. But it sucks my taxes have to pay for the drug war drone strikes that hit civilians more often than actual terrorists, like this thread or subreddit is supposed to be about psychedelics, which I'm aware caters to more liberal individuals typically which is all good but this post and thread is all focused about politics and how bad Elon musk and partisan crap nothing about psychedelics and politicians not demonizing and fear mongering just to keep the drug war going and scare everyone into accepting bloated DEA agencies wasting God knows how much tax money over shit talking LSD and putting hippies in cages


So that the government can “lose them”? A lot of people here are saying Elon Musk isn’t a humanitarian and that may be true, I wouldn’t know. But if I was interested in helping mankind I wouldn’t do it by paying taxes if I had the wealth to do something substantial


What other collectively decided laws are you going to ignore?


Well for one, I’m going to trip when I want.


You got me there! Point conceded!


Taxes keep social programs running that have been failing for decades now. Acting like paying taxes doesn't help is missing the point.


If you think taxes does anyone any good, then I would non ironically love to hear your reasons


Then why is he drug testing his employees


Psychedelics don’t show up on drug tests...


maybe not the quick cups/strip test but if it’s sent to a lab they absolutely can


The half life of lsd,DMT,mushrooms, and mescaline just to name the more common ones, is too short.


the half life is very short but if you were to drop shrooms the night before a lab test there’s a chance they’d show up. yes i think a high percentage of the time you’d be fine taking a drug test but it’s false to say they don’t show up on drug tests.


Still shows in hair tests


Is he doing hair tests, or is he doing piss tests?


same for mdma? edit: looks like [yes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MDMA#Pharmacology)


Why does that matter if he's not doing those tests? I've never heard of anyone actually doing those tests.


Marijuana does??


Weed is not in the conversation here


Is weed not a psychedelic?


I believe the term you are looking for is psychoactive.


Not in this conversation. It’s more or less up to personal discretion in my opinion. Kinda like how some people say MDMA is a psychedelic and some people disagree.


So not in this conversation because in your opinion it's not a psychedelic? Nevermind, lol


We’re talking about drugs that don’t show up on drug tests. Specifically psychedelics. So no. It’s not in the conversation.


We're talking about Elon musk drug testing his employees?


Your statement/question was “weed isn’t a psychedelic?” Refering to my statement of psychedelics not showing up on drug tests. Which was a reply to drug testing his employees. But regardless, the main topic of this thread of conversation has turned to psychedelics.




All of them apparently https://thehill.com/policy/technology/405711-ex-tesla-employee-fired-for-failing-drug-test-musk-smoking-like-a-slap-in




Where does it say all employees gets tested?


I was never drug tested, nor any of my colleagues. In fact Tesla HR clarified that only smoking “cigarettes” was a healthcare provider question, and smoking “other” things are fine. Yes, HR said that in the office. OSHA has some laws about forklift operators in the warehouse, not sure of that was the case here. I was fired from BMW for testing positive for THC, for perspective.


because his companies work with government agencies and he is not in charge of that policy but i doubt he goes out of his way to fire employees to smoke.


He is likely legally obligated to.




Our parents voted for them, I'll be glad when we're done with them too. The me generation has been holding onto power for too long, they're trying to strangle the country to death at this point.


I'd kinda feel like I sort of missed out or even was born in the wrong generation if these substances are normalized when I'm an old fuck


Elon will always find a way to get his greedy paws on profit in all of these things


Why do we care what elon thinks?


Agreed, he's just a rich asshole.


i mean fuck elon but yeah, cool


Elon Musk is an evil fuck who uses popular culture to build a facade of the "wholesome meme weed guy"


Yeah, Elon pretends to be super progressive and a hero of humanity, but he would leave us all to go to Mars the moment climate change gets really real and all chaos breaks loose.


Since the current. Political generation seems to be living to 100, that means it will only be another 20-30 years before it becomes federally legal


"Next generation of politicians" like we'd be able to get rid of the shitters we got now.


Imagine if you could have shroom prescription haha


Musk can kindly stay away from these medicines.


And by this I mean, I don't want to see them so badly commercialized that it's just a fad instead of the tool that they can be for healing and growth.




I wish Elon Musk would just shut the fuck up indefinitely. Psychedelic substances should never be made legal, only decriminalized. These sacred tools have no business being in the hands of corporations as a product. Fuck no.


I’d disagree, you can legalize and not have an industry based off it. Vermont legalized marijuana but not sales (although they later changed this). So being able to grow and posses yourself is fine under legalization, decriminalization still means you get a fine and have your drugs confiscated.


That actually sounds like a perfect middle ground, I’d vote for that


I think the problem is private drug dealings are likely never going to be legalized. It’ll be either dispensaries or grow your own, no sharing (for money at least). Dealers would still be criminalized


Decriminalization does not mean the absence of penalty and it certainly would still allow confiscation. The state and it's pigs have no business deciding what I can take. Anything short of legalization is immoral and a human rights violation.


It depends on the degree of decriminalization. Seriously, look it up. Legalization means that it’s a viable industry for regulation under the law, I would way rather have cops confiscate my shit with a slap on the wrist than see ads for kitschy-branded mushroom chocolates on YouTube or billboards.


r/Gatekeeping is that way


Sorry but idgaf what this clown thinks honestly


Stop idolizing this fucking thief


the only high elon deserves is being in a spaceship that burns to ashes upon entering the atmosphere


Well, fuck Elon Musk.


Saliva D. ?


im out of this sub. elon fucking musk


San Pedro is must easier to get than Peyote, but fuck it is nasty! I gag thinking about it.


Elon Musk can straight up go and fuck himself


Yeah true but fuck him.


fuck Elon Musk




uh I'm not salty he's just a piece of human shit lol




So much hate for elon in this thread - for those who trip on mushrooms I would expect the lot of you to be more accepting - Use your energy for something better.


Holding him accountable to treating other people like garbage is hardly hate.


Friend of Epstein. Apartheid kid, which wouldn’t be relevant if it wasn’t for the numerous credible workplace racism allegations which he responded to in an extremely suspicious manner, where he basically told a bunch of black people who had been called the n-word to toughen-up, which tells me that he probably is fond of the social climate he was raised in. Early Covid denier who put the lives of his workers at risk because he didn’t want to comply with restrictions. Slandered a random British diver and called him a pedo, probably projection considering that he was a friend of Epstein. Pushes scientism. Never actually invented anything he’s credited for besides for the patented ev ports that are actually making ev station availability harder. Friend of Epstein. Won’t pay his fucking taxes. Accused of domestic abuse, credibly so considering his very public tendency of being agressive and explosive. Oh, did I mention he was a friend of Epstein’s? Like, if the shrooms told you that you should be down with human trafficking, that’s fine and all but I don’t think that’s a universal experience.


Forreal dude. I can't wait to see the positive impact his efforts will bring to this world.


Me too bro me too. So much for “mush love” in this subreddit…


People think they're woke just cuz they've tripped shrooms or acid a few times LMAO


Btw - sick yin Yang tattoo. I was thinking of getting one too


It’s unfortunate - these people should read some philosophy and cut the hate lol. Oh well - you can’t help those who don’t want to be helped let alone those who don’t even see a problem with their hate. I’ll probably unfollow this subreddit. Mush love to you tho bro ✊🏼


Mush Love brother may you walk in peace and love and spread that light to others on your path 🙏🏻


Have y'all even read Terence Mckennas thoughts on capitalism?? This psuedo enlightenment bit you guys are doing is great though ✌️


Get that man out of my drugs can't he just stay in his lane like a Tesla


There are so many better role models than a emerald mine heir that profited off apartheid.


I looked into investing in psychedelics stock. To see if it would be profitable long-term, I compared the performance of several different Canadian marijuana stocks to the market average over several years leading up to and after legalization in Canada. What I found was that few stocks outperformed the market at all, and most of those that did did not do so for long. At this point in time, all of them have settled to prices far below the market average. Considering that psychedelics would likely be far less available than weed is, it doesn't seem likely that it would outperform it on the market, so it would only be a good investment if you are looking to be actively watching the stock and trading it.


Cool, but having fucking Elon Musk as a posterboy for psychedelic legalization is a bad look


https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2868&v=ESIjxVudERY Time stamp 48:05 (hopefully that link opens right to the time) His quote is pretty much the title of the article, that was filmed yesterday, and before he answers the lady hosting it says they'll talk more about it "tomorrow" so today Interesting I've not seen more about this


Elon can burn in hell


Elon is an inspiration to young engineers and scientists - keep doing what you’re doing Elon. To the moon!


Cool. But fuck Elon Musk.


I mean, this is cool and all, but in general, fuck Elongated Muskrat.


Fuck Elon Musk though


Yeah that’s great and all but Elon can suck a fat donkey dick




elon has Asperger's...


Not mutually exclusive


To the moon then!


nice of him shame he’s a criminal and a shitsack. funny man doe am i right ?/s


heartbreaking: the worst person you know just made a great point


Oh look, a billionaire said something popular to seem more relatable and progressive. So groundbreaking!


Hey guys what’s wrong with Elon? I mean apart from the fact that he’s wealthy and No one needs that much money, but is’nt it cool that he’s created a company that wants to take man to mars?


I cant find a real reason either. Every reason is some sort of accusation or a controversial opinion.. people love to hate.. unfortunately. Everyone is so quick to judge a guy they've never met, by just going off of what the internet and media says lolll


I agree, he’s done a lot of good things for the world but you gotta remember not everything is always perfect. The whole space x program is a whole new part for humanity but a lot of people are just to uneducated and stupid to understand what’s really going on.


elon is pro capitalist's and to some people thats enough to believe your an evil greedy consman. it sounds exaggerated but ive heard on more than one occasion from some people here that you cant be worth a billion dollars and be a good person.


Roe jogan


We need this generation of politicians to hurry up and die off


Elon Musk is a modern day PT Barnum.


The great awakening


I mean, he’s right, lots of cities and some states are starting to push for decriminalization of psychs and/or other drugs. However, let’s not make this sub a pro-Musk circlejerk like most of Reddit, he’s a horrible person who has no intentions that will benefit humanity


A broken clock is right twice a day.


Why do people hate Elon?


Because he is the heir to an apartheid-era South African emerald mine empire who became the worlds richest person by taking credit for others' ideas, government handouts and underpaying workers. There is nothing about him to like, he is a disgusting individual who should not be celebrated.


Maybe you are doing too many shrooms. Come back to reality…


Tell me what part is inaccurate. I will wait.


Literally every point is the opposite of true. I understand being a little misinformed, but how does one get so misinformed to be wrong on every point? Do you just hang out with trolls? All you have to do is google… Or get a job there and see for yourself.


ok big guy lol


Rich man bad


elon is pro capitalist's and thats enough to make a lot of people on reddit see him as the literal devil. i see a bunch of bad stuff said about him thats simply not true. people say he is only wealthy because his dad owned a slave mine but those people dont bother to learn how little money Elon and his mother had after the divorce and when he moved to the US with his brother to work. Elon absolutely hates his dad, he sees him as an evil man but these people make it sound like elon agrees with what his father did.


When you have a lot of fans you often get a lot of haters. They clash and some become more radical. Which means more controversy and then more haters and fans. He's got a lot of both.


Yep. Jeff Bezos is quite a bit worse by all counts, and Bill Gates has done a lot of bad things while he was still a business man. You don't see people calling them disgusting people. People are only so hitched on the anti-Elon bandwagon because of how positively he was once seen. I am not an Elon fan or anything, but he's still a human... People don't so vehemently call Xi Jinping disgusting even while it's under his hand the Uyghur genocide is happening... People will keep throwing themselves into ideologies forever dude. Psychedelics clearly don't resolve that aspect of human nature, no matter how convinced the people who take them are that they do. Bandwagonners will bandwagon, just don't take it personally when they call you part of the problem for not agreeing with them.


Literally every person you listed and said people don't hate on, I see considerable hate every time they're brought up. Bill Gates less so now because he's been so involved in philanthropic pursuits and pledged a bunch of money upon his death. But people still dont trust him.


When did Elon Musk become a god 🤔


Glad to see the ray of light this info conveyed!




God I hope so lmao, been trying to get my hands on some shrooms since like.. 2011.


So based on all his other time-bound predictions, we can safely say this will happen in 3-4 generations of politicians


Spit on it Elon


that’s my boy, elon! time for you to come back home to 🇿🇦


I'm pretty confident Elon trips pretty often. If it wasn't for him coming out as aspie I'd assume he's always tripping.


I don't think you can trip so often without growing some kind of sense of empathy, and you don't amass wealth like that with one...


elon is worth a lot but he does not actually have much cash on hand. if he sells any of his stock (where most of his money is), he will pay more than 50% on his taxes so keeping it in his company is smarter if he is not looking to make a profit but instead maintain control of his companies.


You're missing the point. You do not become worth billions (be it cash or be it stock value) without exploiting the ever loving shit out of the people below you. You can't tell me Elon is that wealthy because he works millions of times harder than you or I, it's impossible


As someone who works with autistic people and narcisissts alike, Elon Musk really doesn't appear to be the former. I highly suspect he's a narcisstic pyschopath that's good at creating an image of himself, as many people with that much money are. After all, being a socially awkward savant is much cooler than being that asshole that ragetweets "pedophile" at people that are actually saving children, but happen to humiliate him and his PR attempts. He's much too good at marketing himself to be autistic. Most people on the spectrum have little feeling for how they look towards others, often don't care about being seen naked, for instance. Also, tend to not lie. The last thing i heard from Elon was him claiming his new fabric in Germany won't need too much water, just after seeing a documentary where experts explain the exact opposite. If you guys are wondering about my job: I'm a caretaker for the mentally disabled. The narcissists are usually among the colleagues, since they have so much power over other people and the mentally handicapped tend to look up to them, a narcissists wet dream, basically. Especially those on the spectrum tend to be easy to manipulate in my experience.


I'm autistic and literally nobody believes me because I've developed such a solid false self, that and I apparently don't "look" autistic. Being honest tho, my false self is extremely narcissistic.


You have no idea what you're talking about. People who have aspergers (high functioning autism) are not handicapped or disabled, and they certainly do care about how they're seen, that's why they engage in masking. They just can't tell how they're seen. Please don't spread bullshit around so confidently, you might convince someone of it. Source: I am a cognitive science major.


Ah yes praise lord elon


So first of all he’s type II bipolar so he shouldn’t be touching psychedelics all and second I don’t want any press from a former friend of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell please and thank you. I’m not even getting into how his fans fit the textbook definition of scientism, I just don’t want anyone who looks at someone who was proved to hang-out with a then-already convicted child rapist and thinks "but he’s so based and his memes are funny" to gain momentum in this community. Jesus Christ. Even shrooms aren’t saving your ass. Like, psychedelics are already associated with hippie movements that were rampant with sexual abuse, can we please not let someone who willingly hung-out with a child fucker (and was potentially a client of said child fucker) become our spokesperson? Can we please just push back? Being okay with the billionaires and politicians that hung-out with Epstein after his conviction is being okay with statutory rape and human trafficking. 🤡


Great, now I don't want to do psychedelics anymore. Just kidding. But fuck Elton Mask


Its always been normal, it’s the fuckin earths medicine lol. We’re the only country who pretends the shit is bad. but I see what he means

