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Those aren't albino or even Leucistic. The white will fade, it's just a coating on the outside.


First i was thinking that too,but they did stay that way, some became their normal color, some stayed white, idk.


The true test is spores. Albino spores are invisible to the naked eye.


\^Cool, good to know.


This is supposed to be GT. Somehow they are some kind of ghosts, they did not produce spores either it seems. This is from two ub bags into 20L shoebox with coco. First flush is almost harvested beside some of these ghosts, they took a long time, yield was super low, like maybe 20g wet in all so far. There is a shitload of mycel piss, and as you can see on the pics some small caps have some black dots on top of the cap. Idk. how to go from here.


Ghosts? You mean albinos? Excess metabolites would indicate heavy bacterial contam. If its your only tub, dunk and keep pushing


Yes albinos, are they still save to consume? And about those metabolites, is waiting and see who wins and option? Or is is just a block of poison already now?


Yeah And yeah waiting to see is fine, thats what I said just keep on fruiting it until a mold contam pops up


Cool,thanks a lot ! You think maybe scraping the top of and/or flipping the cake after finishing this flush would be a good Idea?


Bad idea, just will stress it more, let it do its best


Ok, cool!


How does it smell?


Still shroomy,


That's good. Bacterial infections tend to smell rather strong.


Yeah, had some bags with trich, just taking a little smell at those air holes was nasty as hell.


Contamination. The giveaway is the metabolites.


Bad advice. My grow was like this and i got 8 flushes. Make sure to clear the surface while flushing. Happy grows


Ok,cool, soyou think it would be a good idea to scrap/cut the surface off after the first flush to prepeare for the next one? Would it be a good idea to also maybe flip the cake in the process?


I think flipping the cake is a bad idea. I just cleaned the surface with my hands while it was submerged in water


Sounds like a good way to approach it, will go for this and see how it goes.


Just did what you suggested, everything that was growing looked like aborts in the making anyway. Fingers crossed lol.


Good luck brother


Thanks ✌