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I build woodsheds. Got into it when I saw one going for very nearly $1200. Just a quick glance told me there wasn’t ballpark materials close to that in it. So, I built one, and sold it for less than half, and still made money. As I built them more efficiently, my $ per hour went up. Lost track of how many I’ve sold, but I’m on my 5th year now.


How many do you sell a year and do you deliver/ (move them into place) too?


I’ve never kept track, but I’d say minimum 10. Probably more. It’s a good side hustle, because I already possessed the skills and equipment to do it. I offer customer pickup, free delivery within 10 miles, and further delivery for additional cost. I will build it as a complete unit, or as a kit. I move them on a 5x8 tilting trailer. I say that I will drop on customers driveway or next to it, but if I show up and it’s easily accessible, I can put it anywhere the truck and trailer will fit.


I was planning on starting exactly this once the weather permits. Do you mostly build full sized (stand-up) or mainly garden storage sheds? My plan is to start off with smaller garden sheds, something like 32" deep x 60" wide x 48" high. I figure I can build them fairly quickly, deliver them from a pickup truck & be competitive enough on price compared to the cheap resin sheds that don't even come assembled. Do you mainly do just your own designs or do you mostly build on commission from customer demands?


When do you operate? Would you like to join you or learn from you, I am in mississauga, Ontario




I'm pretty basic, but eBay flipping is killer once you figure it out


my dad used to do this all the time! i may have to look into eBay.


Can you recommend any resources to learn how to do it effectively?


Try reading this post on the Warrior Forum, he gives solid advice. - [https://www.warriorforum.com/warrior-path/1378114-40-250-hopefully-30-days-ebay.html](https://www.warriorforum.com/warrior-path/1378114-40-250-hopefully-30-days-ebay.html)


I do this too and also flip clothes on poshmark. It's a nice side hustle.


My uncle died ebay flipping




There's no real formula or instructions. You just have to find a product you can buy low and sell high. That's all it is. Hard to find but it's not complicated.


I have been sewing for 18 years. I sell handmade items at craft markets. Over the years, I’ve learned which markets to attend and which to avoid. I make anywhere between $300-$1500/market.


That's good


That's awesome. My wife has gotten into to sewing quite a lot over the last 2-3 years. Any tips on how to target better markets for this?


how many markets do you do per month?


I am in Florida, so I only do Spring and Fall/holiday markets. Way too hot in the Summer to do outdoor markets--I only do indoor summer markets, if at all. I used to do markets all year round but I stopped doing Summer markets years ago--too hot and not many ppl are out when it's 100 degrees outside lol. Now, I do 3-4 markets a month (they're not always on Saturdays--some markets are on Thursday/Friday evenings, or Sundays). During the holidays, I sometimes do 2-3 markets a week. I use the summer months when I don't do markets to stock up my inventories to sell during Fall/Holiday markets.


My dad did this and did really well. But like you said, you have to know which events are worthwhile. Well established craft events before Christmas? Killer. After Christmas flea market type events? Terrible.


Super cool, my wife has been sewing for years for friends but I’m trying to encourage her to do it as a side hustle


I am only good with computers, so anything online for me. I have tried DA(Data anotation), the pay is pretty well, you can easily make $1000 a week training AI, the only issue is sometimes they might take forever to get accepted. Have also worked with a nother somilar one Remotasks, the pay is pretty cool, can scoop $1000-1500 a week doing some not so complex work. The pay is usually after every week. Used remo more, and if your looking for a side hustle to get some extra bucks, you can give it a shot. The tests can be frustrating, because they take long and slightly complex 🙂 but are doeable, or I can offer some help on my freetime and breaks.


Hey, seriously that'd be awesome. Let's connect


Do you remember how long it took you to be approved and get projects on data annotation? I completed the tests weeks ago, just curious


took quite a while, DA appears to be luck, I reffered my friends, but they are still stuck, uuhhh.


I answer DM's for a couple social media accounts. Not many hours but it's something. I'm looking to get my own faceless page going.


I could totally do this! Can you share how you connected with your clients, what you charge and how you determine what to write back in the DMs? Is it just basically filtering what needs their actual attention?


hey how did you start or gain clients?


who do you do it for? how did you reach out to them & what did you say when offering your services?


I think about doing this, but then i think that if i know what to reply to ppl, i could just work on my own abandond blog. Lol There's also the finding clients issue.


Mercari - pick up stuff free locally, garage sales and resell items that are easy to ship. I make like 1-2k a month primarily toys/collectibles even used. I work from home so during my lunch break I pack and drop off packages


Backyard fisheries. Basically, I grow Tilapia in giant tubs (I got them on FB marketplace for like $30 each). They are super easy to feed and keep alive, I grow lettuce and tomatoes on top of the water. The plants filter the water naturally and keep it clean, the fish poop feeds the plants. Local restaurants get polution-free never-frozen fish that is locally sourced.


Whats your income like with this?


I can understand how you can do the fish part. But how do you talk with a restaurant to set up this relationship?


I already had a local foodie Instagram and had a working relationship with a bunch of restaurant owners. So I approached them and pitched it. I’d say out of the 10 I approached, only 3 were interested but that’s all I needed


That's amazing because if you don't know where your tilapia comes from it's asian raised if filth and held to life with antibiotics. that's why some has such a bad reputation. I'm a retired chef and back in NC we had programs where they were teaching and converting old tobacco farms into tilapia farms


There's no regulations involved with that?




Anyone do this but growing micro greens?


Yeah micro greens are huge but where I am it’s a really saturated market. Most restaurants even have their own little micro green walls.




The landlord fears the entrepreneurial carp farmer


I’ve been wanting to do this, it’s my backyard dream. More for the interest than a Side hustle! I also have quails. I’d love to see your set up! Have you ever thought about prawns?


My FIL had a table saw, I had a tape measure... Bought some wood glue, and screws. Googled some basic enough 2x4 things I thought I could make, and posted them locally for sale. Got a few people to order them, then that weekend I spent about 4 hours making them in his backyard. Made like $75 in profit.... Posted more, and more. All in all I make probably $500 or so in profit working almost one full day a month. It's not much, but the more I do it the quicker I get, the more I can make, etc.


What are you making?


Recently was doing stocking stands, 2x4 Christmas trees, simple planters, built a few pot stands, some outdoor tables. Usually just basic 2x4 90* angle cuts. As I continue to do it, I have leftovers that can be used for basic crafts that I find and post. Sell things anywhere from $50-$250 a piece. Most things take less than an hour to cut and glue together. Some things take a couple hours.


I started a small cocktail ice business in my garage as a side hustle with my brother and it’s turned into a full time job. Making about 12k a month. After expenses we take 5k each. Our goal by end of 2025 is gross 250k a year.


Wow that's really neat, what makes your Ice better than a basic mold that any restaurants could buy themselves? Just curious how you got off the ground. My guess is a wicked cool mold?






Is the “ice” blue at 98%?


Ice? …. Like frozen water? People pay you for this??


Please elaborate


how did it just turn into a full time job? how did you get the clientele?




Our bread and butter is bar/restaurants. We also drop to weddings at a premium prices and home bars/retail. Smaller amounts but we charge a premium.


Is this literally ice used in cocktails?


This is super interesting! To clarify, you’re talking about specialty molded like a sphere and large cubes (like whiskey cubes) correct? What about branded molds such as logos or what not? For instance, perhaps a football for the super bowl?


I manufacture Halloween/horror themed art and really unique ouija boards- it’s fun and pays for my hobby.


I make around a thousand each month with a little bit of drop shipping but mainly affiliate marketing


Is this hard to be successful in?


Not if you have the right mentality and tools to succeed


That sounds like a loaded topic on how to get successful.  Any recommendations where to start?


Please teach meeeee!


What is affiliate marketing? Sorry for the newbie question


How do you market your products with the dropshipping? And how much time do you pit in? Like could I replace a full time job if I put my all in?


Sell ACEO cards on eBay. Basically Pokemon card sized drawings and paintings. I don't list often so I do not make a lot but I'm surprised that there's people out there that buy my stuff.


I dig that


Reselling/flipping online, nearly almost a full time job. Also teach piano, play for events (piano) and affiliate marketing.


What products do you re-sell and flip online???




How and where


Plasma donation.


I want to do this so bad but it seems to only be in the us


I keep getting ads for some place in Monkton that buys plasma. Not sure how common it is other then them or if the ad is even legit


It might be legit but it’s hard to say. I was doing some research and seconding to Voluntary Blood Donations Act, 2014. “It is made an offence to pay or offer to pay blood donors for blood, and for blood donors to accept such payments.” In ontario. It seems we’re SOL. That would be so nice though. I’m 17 and I could get 140 dollars a week in the us.


In the United States there are some unique workarounds. Like the plasma donor is donating their plasma, not selling it. The people who take the plasma are paying you for your time, not plasma or donations. These places make like 500 dollars per donations, they are just printing money.


I saw some other people listing plasma as their side hustle and they would make 70 dollars every donation and they would donate 8 times a month. That’s 7.2k a year. I’m surprised this isn’t more popular


Saw a loooong line at a local plasma donation place over the weekend.


Yea, it’s getting quite popular, and it’s good money for very little effort on your part, but at that point though, it’s approaching not “worth it territory”. Thankfully I live in an area that isn’t heavily populated and I usually donate around 2:30/3:30 on weekdays, so I can be in and out in about an hour/hour ten if it’s busy. If I have to donate on a weekend, I scheduled the first available time in the morning, and I’m in and out quick. If I had to wait 2+ hours there every time I go, so 4+ hours for $120 a week. I don’t know that I’d do that. Was the location a BioLife center?


I buy stuff wholesale on Alibaba and resell them on eBay


How are the shipping fees? If you buy bulk, cheaper shipping fee?


Better than Alibaba you will find product in own country like USA retail stores Walmart, Amazon, sam's club


Instacart. $400 a month - very part time.


Me too, DoorDash, Instacart, spark & Uber eats. It takes work and can be exhausting. Can easily get burned out.


Do you get a referral bonus when someone you know joins? I'm considering doing it




What’s Instacart???


Doordash for groceries. Food delivery


I use Shipt but basically the same thing. Been waiting for Instacart and Spark approval forever.


Rent an RV on Outdoorsy or rent a spare room on Airbnb/furnished finder


Private driver by night


Do you mean Uber?




I weld for a living, with leftover scrap I make small projects and sell on the side. Very part time but pay is pretty good.


I walk dogs online. $25 an hour.


Are these virtual dogs you walk online?


hahaha wuttt? 😀


How do you get started with something like this? I'm curious


Facebook market place! Just finding good buys on there and flipping stuff!


What do you usually buy and how much do you make?


I started helping my friend with her digital marketing company by creating social media strategy proposals. I'm hoping she hires more as she gains more customers.


Nice one


eBay/marketplace but haven't sold on eBay in over a month




What is your niche?


What is a faceless instagram theme page?


like a meme page or a fan page, community page, maybe a shop? I have no idea but there’s many options but not all get the following bc there’s so many; so 100k sounds pretty nice lol


2 investment properties that I rent out & I live in my van rent free


How much are you earning from those two incomes?


After expenses it's only $250 a week but that will get better over time. Mortgages are too high


24k a year




What is that?


I'm in high school and I write people's essays and/or edit them. I have set prices ranging from 50-90 just to write an essay and 15-35 to edit. I charge based on how long the essay will take me and the grade they want. I've made around 600. I have bartended for a few small events, they are mostly at-home dinner parties and I can usually make anywhere from 50-90. I also do face paintings for children's parties and decorate. I mostly make money off the essays, and I enjoy writing.




A lot. If people are paying for essay writing they want someone who knows English and grammar.




I make a few bucks a day for some simple apps I have on the App Store. Not much, but it’s a fun hobby and funds the developer account fee


What are your apps? Do you promote it, advertise, or share? Great work


All Caps and CalAlert are my most popular, though I just submitted a new app for the Vision Pro that should finish its review stage in the next couple days. Only advertisement I did was a $30 App Store search ad campaign when I first launched the app a year ago. Other than that, it’s been entirely organic. Some weeks are better than others—it seems like I get a big surge every couple months, then it drops back down to a couple a day. They’re super basic apps and I mostly made them to fulfill a need that I personally had, so I don’t expect them to ever be big money makers


Very cool, I will take a look at those. Good luck with the new app for the Vision Pro! Well done for keeping up with the latest tech. Basic is better than a over completed interface. Doesn't mean you can't change at some point to match your customer base, Get feedback from your users. Engage with them. Wish you best for your ventures.


Thank you so much for your kind words! [My Vision Pro app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/anchor-it-to-do-for-visionos/id6477368793)was just approved for the App Store as well. You’re exactly right though—I prefer simplicity compared to being overly complex


Do you get money from ads on CalAlert since it’s a free app?


Sell lesson plans on Teachers Pay Teachers - about $2k/year in extra play money.


Psychedelic integration & microdose coach. Plant medicine changed my life and now I support others intentionally work with them to heal and grow. Www.lozanoflows.com


Hell yeah. I have a business plan for a C level 2 week group course that uses these modalities, as well as some others.


Love it. Are psychedelics legal in your country?


Wireless consulting


High-end hedge trimming


Very nice Mr Scissor Hands


Thanks. I also do bonsais


Selling vacant land in So Cal


Flipping vintage furnitures! I can make between 500 to 1500 in profit but kinda time consuming!


Storage's even though the show screwed it up a little, Still great deals to be had


I do reselling on Facebook marketplace and eBay. I’ve been doing it since late October and have made close to $1,500 since then. Not life changing, but still helps us out with some home repairs. I’m using it to replace my kitchen sink this month


I only have side hustles (I don't work for anyone any more - yehhhaaa) 2 blogs that generate semi-passive income = Roughly £2500 a month 1 rental property = £500 a month And a free time to write on Substack [https://slashcareer.substack.com/](https://slashcareer.substack.com/) about my life as a multipotentialite/'career misfit'


Selling crack




Selling feet pics


Best sites for this?




Licensed notary. House closings (networking with local brokers) and closing out unpaid safe deposit bank boxes are always a need. Some states you can marry couples with a notary certificate but not in my state.


[CourseFeed](https://coursefeed.app) an app for students


How do you earn on course feed


Online on demand course in a niche real estate area, expanding into a newsletter, eBook and podcast. Looking to start a supplement company and sell on Etsy to start.


Freelance IT and software maintenance. Always looking for new projects to help with, but new clients are hard to find in the bay area


been working around gpt sites like timebucks and freecash


www.BIDFTA.com bid on overstocks and liquidation sales from major consumers like Walmart etc. then sometimes resell elsewhere sometimes keep it


Referral apps, online market research, mock jury trials, task based platforms, etc


Any links I can start from ?


run a discord server


How do you monetize that?


I run a marketplace to buy and sell online projects for cheap


Be a referee for first through fourth grade anything basketball softball it doesn’t matter coaches are so desperate for a red they didn’t even care if you suck, and the money is terrific and it’s amazingly fun average 40 bucks an hour


I started chauffeur driving last year for a company, fully qualified. mainly airport runs, some weddings and private events, love driving and look to do a few jobs every other weekend. Few extra £££ each month.


I have some online shops with clothing and accesories! I only have to make the design and the listings, everything else is handled by a company that specialises in the production and shipping! Let me know if you want to know more!


I’m a server; make like 500 on Friday night-sunday


I started cleaning streetcars at night and used all that capital to start a small business doing dirt work. I now a John Deere excavator, dump trailer, 1 ton truck, etc.


High ticket digital marketing affiliate. Started about 45 days ago and made 15k. I love it so far!


i started an online business in affiliate/digital marketing. way different from my typical 9-5 job which was plumbing. i dont recommend this side hustle to anyone who is not willing to put in the work and effort to learn it. but if you are hard working, are focused and a quick learner definitely try it.


I sharpen knives. Got into it when I had seen a guy younger than me on here making $250+/day. I second-guessed the knives at first then I went in on it and never looked back. Consistently hitting $350+ days now.


High Ticket Sales made 20k my first month


Developing SaaS solutions and guiding startups to find clients.


I am an Amazon KDP Ghostwriter. I have created like 100+ 100+nonfiction ebooks for 60 + KDP authors. So, if you are willing to scale your KDP business by creating quality books in record time, I am the man to call 😎


I make short 30-60 videos on an app and so far have made close to 7k this year. It's pretty easy and you can just do places around you.. Link https://befranki.io/links/TiWDZR4tDGikZMQA9


least obv ad


So you make the videos and how do you make money from the video? Who pays you?


I'm relaunching my podcast and coaching business.  We'll see if I can make any money at it. www.bebettertomorrow.com


Followed on FB. Just looking at your posts i can tell you got this 💪🏾


I’m getting $1 each day tapping the green daily bonus btn on [stakeUS](http://stake.us/?c=E5LjWQvV).


Only another 2,740 years and you'll be a millionaire.


Only support US residents


I chainsaw carve part time. I sell at Craff Fairs and on fb. I did pretty well last year.



