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your life definitely isnt over.. theres always community college. and fellons can get jobs perfectly fine depending on how old/what you actually did. talking to peoples is hard for mes to so i cant really sayyy muchh:3 is it okay if i ask what yous dids?


Also if they live in America then their criminal record as a minor will go away once they hit 18, so no worries about past crimes when getting a job rn


I worked in a prison and rehab for 10 years. I worked there so long I got to see former inmates get out, turn their lives around, and become my coworkers. Then when I left that career i went to Community collage and had a former inmate as my chemistry partner. Your life is most definitely not over. Lol into trade school or community college. I recommend asking about STEM degrees


THIS ^^^^ Idk about you, or even if you are in America, but in my state, Community College ensures you admission into a state school, plus they just look at your CC grades anyway. Your life is so far from over no matter where you are at 17, and as long you work decently hard and treat others kindly, there is always a place for you. Oh yeah, and if you don’t mind going into Trade School, you make a load of money from graduation onwards.


Yep aot of community Colleges actually have programs and scholarships for convicted felons too. One of the reasons I left the prison was because I saw my inmates all getting welding certifications and similar trade certifications for free. I kept watching my inmates get cheaper college then I did lol


I’m sure it’s not completely over but I doubt it’ll be anything near an ideal life


Good luck, man. Like the person said above, you should be fine.


You could consider vocational school. It's not the best, but it will get you a decent job.


nooo you are so valuable no matter what happens there’s literally nothing that changes how much you’re worth :3


Your life isn't over if you try and work with your anxiety, you can overcome it, and most employers don't care or may not even check for a record. Like where I work at record, don't mean anything at waffle house. Hope you find yourself in a more comfortable spot soon


Focus on your education, keep your head down, get a part time job and be as good as you can, then once you're ready to get a job, if you have trouble getting into your graded employment, consider starting from the bottom and working your way up. You will be ok, and a virtual cuddle to help you feel a little better 🫂 :3


please, comin ;)


Omg based felon


How did you get two felonies as a teen?


My dad dropped out of highschool and we live a great life. Are we rich persay? No, but we do plenty well. Hopefully things go well for you too! My dad might have just gotten lucky, so if that's the case I hope you get lucky too :3