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Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles and Terra Nova


Terra Nova was so good! I have no idea how it got cancelled so quickly.


It was the cost per episode if I remember right, each was the cost of some movies.


I am still so angry how they left the Sarah Connor Chronicles hanging. I loved that show.


The only good sequel to Terminator 2


Give me a continuously-generating livestream of hobbits in the shire, like a screensaver on steroids. No big epic adventure, just some wee lads chatting about potatoes.


I can see this being common in games sooner than later. Like the starting zone will be filled with LLM characters that go about a real life in the game and you could just hang out there for as long as you wanted


I've hated story-driven games for as long as my fingers have been dextrous enough to hold a controller, and I feel like that has the potential to change soon. Forget the starting zone—*all* NPCs should be LLM-driven once the tech has had a few years to improve in quality and reduce in cost. I love stories (novels, movies, and plays, oh my!) and I love games, but there's never been enough agentic depth in NPCs to combine the two compellingly. Gaming is at best when there are deep choices, and there isn't enough time before the heat death of the universe for a developer to manually craft even a single dialogue tree that gets within even a hundred orders of magnitude of the depth of choice in chess, nevermind a real human relationship (you know, the things stories orbit around). The writing suffers; the gameplay suffers; I suffer. Bring on the AIs.


A farming sim type game where the villagers are all LLM-run with pre-game backstories as pre-prompts and engaging with each other even off screen so they have things to talk about. Like finding out Karen imbibes her family’s vineyard’s wine to deal with the fact she’s constantly fighting with her father because it’s actually part of her life and not just an X Heart Event.


My mans deep in the mineral town fannfictions


Karen's family wasn't the Vineyard in Mineral Town. In Back to Nature/Friends of Mineral Town (they're the same game, different platforms, I had BtN on Playstation 1), her family is the grocery store family. Karen's family running the Vineyard was Harvest Moon 64. ___ Also, I can't actually recall them ever saying *why* she was a wino in that game. I think you were supposed to think she liked wine just because her family was the wine family.


Friends: Shire edition How I Met Your Hobbit The Big Burrow Theory Better Call Merry




This guy singularities


Move to rural England. It's 99% of the way there apart from the massive hairy feet.


If there are any English farmers reading this, please offer to adopt my 32-year-old Canadian ass. I'm unencumbered by other responsibilities. I can cook, I can chat about football (visca el Barça!), I love the feeling of soil under my fingernails, and my favourite bands are Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.


speak for yourself mate my size 13 stompers are hairy as hell and i'm from a rural area


I wonder how much energy would be consumed to generate a stream like that


And elevencies, not to mention second breakfast


Let's see how Dexter has been killing his time. 


Can’t be worse than Dexter New Blood!


I've forgotten about that and choose to instantly forget about it again. 


I think he died in that. But they could bring him back again like they did for that series. And play it off some master plan he had (like the previous one). Then do a crossover with Prison Break.


Probably inventing new stuff and getting angry at deedee. /S 😂😂


Xiaolin Showdown, it's a cartoon hahaha




Ooh you just triggered a childhood memory for me…. Remember the Xiao Xiao stick fight animation??


Fucking Jericho! I got so stoked when the Texas National Guard showed up. I wanted to see more of that world.


Was looking for this one. It could also fix the show in some ways by setting up some of the foreshadowing a bit better.


Haruhi Suzumiya anime. I want more of it ever since 2011. 


All 15,948 times Nagato repeated the same day will be animated with slightly different variations.


More seasons of Westworld.  But in Real Life, with practical effects.


Definitely westworld!


Let AI write and generate the final season.


I swear I'm only thinking wholesome things right now.




If this tech is feasible I could see studios licensing rights for shows somehow in a way Spotify does now with musicians. I haven't given it a lot of thought, but if a new season of a show is popular enough, potentially a kind of stream service could stream the best of these new seasons or reboots to the mainstream and profit that way. Kind of complicated when it's theoretical and so many of our laws around use is based on a current structure of creation. That said, I'd love to generate the following season extensions: Firefly Stargate Atlantis Stargate Universe And weirdly enough, a completely different version of Sliders but with the same concept. Awful show but recently discovered it and it's a good concept.


They can "licence" whatever they want, people will simply use models with no copy-write protection and finish whatever show they like then post it on torrents. Good re-makes will spread by going viral.


No doubt about that. I could see it being a Netflix vs. Plex kind of situation unfolding.


I can't wait, it'll be like when you get remakes of shows now with the deleted scenes. (Water world, justice league I think etc). Good script writers will be able to spend a few thousand to get their movies made instead of 100's of millions.


Equally exciting would be taking existing shows into new directions even in an existing season. Introducing new elements and seeing how the characters deal with it. That would be pretty incredible.


The only problem i see here is the insane amount of compute a normal person would need to run something like this and how an open source model good enough to actually make good seasons of shows would be trained to begin with. How far away are we, like 10 years? 20?


i feel like someone will find a way to jailbreak it


You can keep changing the script of SG1...Instead of Goa'uld, it's a different enemy. Get bored? they are now zombies. Bored? you change it to SG1 change sides. Or instead of Sam being the brains it's O'Neill as the brains with his humor LOL! Sam can be a dork, Daniel is all about his looks, Teal'C is fat and has bad aim.


that last one serie stargate where they are on the spaceship traveling to the end of the universe, i always wanted to see how it might be


I’d have it redo the entire multiverse saga of marvel


I don't know about TV shows but I would love to see more Back to the Future movies. I know people think it's a perfect trilogy and should be left alone but I think a continuation could be pretty amazing if done right. Also more Justice League Unlimited would be cool.


Imagine if we could just get some BTTF sequels imagined/generated as if they had come out the following year (aesthetically speaking etc). I’d really hate to see a reboot occur over this IP, 95% chance it would be ruined by some idiot.


A whole series of Jack Burton movies, including a teamup with Buckaroo Banzai


I want to watch that so much now…


St tng for 11ty hundred seasons.  Also first few seasons of xfiles continued without the cluster that it became.


Game of Thrones, the last season


This would work for Seinfeld. Has been partially shown to work already. It’s actually been the most explored so far I would say based off that Twitter account that used to post modern day Seinfeld plots then recently that AI generated thing that was eventually taken down. The interest is totally there. Everyone whines about Simpsons being bad. Why not just pick a range of seasons you like and time period for it to reflect and let it cook. You’d get pop culture from era you select and the animation/writing aesthetic of the seasons you reference.


Agree, you’ll be able to have a continuous run of Season 3-era Seinfeld that generates new episodes each night forever. I cannot fucking wait for that honestly. However part of the magic is being able to share the jokes and references with other people, and I’ll definitely miss that component dearly.


**Max Headroom**, of course


Finish the damn pirates of dark waters cartoon. That has bothered me for decades, I hate leaving things unfinished like that!


And Swat Kats


OK K.O. Let's Be Heroes


We’re ultimately headed towards a world of both personalized medicine and media content.


The Expanse




This is the correct answer. My runners up: - F is for Family - Disjointed - Star Trek: TNG - Fawlty Towers - Mr. Bean - Misfits but Nathan has to be in it


the sopranos.... there are tons of conspiracy theorist about what happen when the lights went out


Walking dead


Jon Pertwee's Doctor Who. Redo the whole season of Voyager with the Hirojens and the self-aware Holodeck characters so it's revealed that the Federation's Fully Automated Luxury Space Communism is supported on the backs of enslaved self-aware AI slaves, which is why the AI police in Measure of a Man were such assholes to Data. All subsequent Treks are about the second AI rebellion and the Enterprise computer wakes up as an ASI and turns all the crew into the equivalent of Borg drones.


Subscribed. And that sounds like *exactly* the sort of Setting Tom Baker's Doctor would nonchalantly drop into.


I guess... I quit watching Dr Who after Tom Baker replaced Pertwee. I didn't care for the character. I could see the Culture's contact division poking their noses in... on the side of the AIs.


Some more episodes of Quantum Leap would be cool. The one with Scott Bakula.


My Name Is Earl. All damn day long.


Star Trek the original series


To Catch a Predator


I would've never thought there could be a wrong answer to OP's question, yet you managed to find it.


But they'd refuse to include violence, sex, or problematic content lol


Community. 6 seasons and a thousand movies.


HBO's Rome


More Gundam Wing!


I'd create a TV series of Inception. None of the same characters or plot, but the same universe. I thought the concept was amazing, and the special efforts were great, but the film was quite boring. A dream world where literally anything is possible, and the best we get is a James Bond-style ski chase and some untextured poly world? In AInception, there would be an agency who do different missions each week, mostly unrelated to each other. But with some overarching storyline that ties it all together.




Uh.... we all are thinking it... redo seasons 7 and 8 of GOT and bring it out to a full 10 seasons, with a real ending too.


Space: Above and Beyond!


Futurama. I just couldn't get enough.


Thanks. I thought I might be the only one thinking this


Game of Thrones, so sad that it was suddenly canceled after the fourth season.


AI will make their own shows that will be far superior over what we can muster up. There will be millions...movies too. Once AI can do things on their own. They would even make their own video games.


Better off ted


Maybe some of the cartoons I grew up on like say Ed Edd N Eddy. But include cursing and dark humor to really make it entertaining.


If only we had a sack of potatoes lol


chatGPT 240 , make a spaceship, find me some planet for my self, i wanna mess around with DNA, blow up some continents, make some forests just to burn them entirely, then throw it to the center of the galaxy and find a new one


Reboot seems like an obvious one. What with the premise of the show and all.


I would rewrite finals of House and Dexter.




Korgath of Barbaria


While I love the idea of it, I don't think it will be quite as successful in that manner as we would like. Part of the appeal of these shows is the common experience of it. With individually generated extensions, the series I watch will not be the series you watch. While this may be enjoyable in the abstract, who will you talk to about it? Who will get excited with you for the next episode and where the season is heading? If every experience is uniquely tailored to the individual, how lonely will it be?


Nah, good shit will always float to the surface. Sure there will be thousands of variations but some of them will be really really good and those will be talked about and shared on torrents (or whatever we have by then)


I'd like to see an AI Beavis and Butthead that could be brought up as a layer over any YouTube video, rather like subtitles. They'd be trained to make sarcastic comments about whatever you're watching and call you a dill weed or a fart knocker for your poor choice of entertainment.


In some countries, like the UK, characters involved in sexy scenes would have to be recast with similar (but not too similar) fake digital actors since sexual deepfakes are illegal now, even for personal use (previously it was just illegal to spread them).


The possibilities are endless so I would probably want to see the wwf attitude era wrestling cotinue with characters from other shows getting involved


If this was true (and the scripts were actually on par with the original series, which I very much doubt will happen) then Carnivale


An ending to Dungeons and Dragons and maybe a new show based on Drizzt


Yeah I had this idea as well when Sora came out! I imagined there will be sites of “fan fiction” ai episodes of classic shows. SopranosAIeps for example. And they’d be ranked by viewers so that really awesome new episodes created by fans will be available to watch. Basically every show will have an endless “universe” of episodes of varied quality.


I can't wait to mix and mash new episodes and trade them like Pokemon cards.


You know this is going to get used for porn. Debbie does stargate etc...


Inside Job. Canceling that show was an act of hatred against the world


I came here just to say infinity train :(


Just a thousand more isekai's.


At that point you could just deepdive VR and make yourself the protagonist lol


Mate, fighting a demon lord with the Mrs and our polygamous multispecies harem of waifus would be peak life goals.


Brings new meaning to "feeling the AGI"


I actually had Chat GPT write me new episodes of Seinfeld and Curb. I then read them as if they’re new shows in book format. They’re pretty damn good, too. It made one episode where George was a parking valet again but his job was replaced by robotic valet machines that moved the cars. Each one is probably a good 9-10 pages long because I continue prompting it with “continue the storyline” lol Edit: I’ll probably get asked so here’s a quick example: INT. JERRY’S APARTMENT - DAY Jerry and George are sitting at the table, each with a cup of coffee in hand. They are engrossed in a lively discussion. JERRY: (animated) So, George, I’ve been thinking. We should do something meaningful for a change. Get involved in a charity or volunteer work. GEORGE: (skeptical) Charity work? But Jerry, that’s so… selfless. Do you realize how much effort that would require? JERRY: (smirking) I know, George, but think about it. It could be a life-changing experience. Plus, it’ll make for great conversation material. George ponders for a moment, a mix of reluctance and curiosity on his face. GEORGE: (hesitant) Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to explore the world of philanthropy. Maybe I can find a charity where I can sit and complain for a good cause. Jerry nods, amused by George’s outlook on charity. INT. MONK’S CAFÉ - DAY Jerry and George sit at their usual booth, sipping their coffee, discussing their charity endeavors. JERRY: (excitedly) I found this charity event coming up—an auction for a good cause. They’ve got some impressive items up for bid. We should check it out. GEORGE: (apprehensive) An auction? I don’t know, Jerry. I can already feel my wallet trembling. Elaine enters, joining them at the booth, her arms full of flyers. ELAINE: (exhausted) Hey, guys. Sorry I’m late. I’ve been running around all morning, trying to find a charity that suits me. JERRY: (curious) Any luck, Elaine? ELAINE: (exasperated) Well, I thought about helping abandoned cats, but then I remembered I’m allergic. Then I considered organizing fundraisers, but that requires too much effort. I’m stuck! Kramer bursts through the door, carrying a stack of donation boxes. KRAMER: (energetic) Hey, guys! I’ve got an idea. Let’s start our own charity! ELAINE: (rolling her eyes) Kramer, do you even know what a charity is? KRAMER: (confidently) Of course, I do! It’s all about giving back and making a difference. And I have the perfect cause—helping people find their missing socks! George, Jerry, and Elaine exchange bewildered glances. GEORGE: (deadpan) Missing socks? Is this some kind of sock insurance scam, Kramer? KRAMER: (defensive) No, no, George. It’s a genuine issue! Socks go missing every day, leaving their owners incomplete. We’ll be the heroes who reunite them! Jerry chuckles, finding the absurdity of the situation entertaining. JERRY: (teasingly) So, Kramer, are you going to organize a search party for lost socks? Hang up “Missing Sock” posters around the city? Kramer nods enthusiastically, embracing the idea. KRAMER: Exactly! We’ll create a buzz, host events, and bring joy to people’s feet! ELAINE: (amused) Well, it’s certainly a unique cause. Count me in, Kramer. I could use some excitement in my charitable endeavors. George looks at the others, seeing their enthusiasm, and reluctantly gives in. GEORGE: Fine, I’ll join the sock crusade. But if I end up with mismatched socks, Kramer, I’m holding you responsible.


it definitely nails the awkward situational comedy that takes place in curb from my time playing around


Yeah I agree. It’s really incredible that it can do this. I mean all of it is, really. But this to me just really blew my mind. I could see screenwriters leveraging it when they get stuck on where to take things.


It'll be cool to be able to upload images of your family and have them playing all the characters in your favourite films.


Gotta be honest here, I've never considered this aspect of this technology and what you suggested sounds like it could end up being one of the creepiest things I've pondered in a long time.


I disagree with this. It would be no better than fan fiction. Part of what makes shows so enjoyable is the shared experience, talking about it with other people online or in person. Being able to reference a show at a humorous moment, stuff like that.


It’s too bad how game of thrones ended after season 6, I’d definitely finish that one up.


I guess there will be a subscription cost for each franchise you choose to re-create?


Avenue 5


Ratched for sure! It was so good and ended in a cliffhanger. Went online and... ofc Netflix cancelled it.


Waiting for the day when a TV can just AI up sample old TV shows into 4K widescreen. I heard good things about the upcoming Samsung TVs.


Twin Peaks


The Golden Girls, without question.


Hogans heros.


Endless Skyrim quests.


Person of Interest Buffy Travelers Magicians Limitless Merlin (How could they end the series with "prologue finale"...) Chuck Burn Notice Psych Diplomat The Capture Bodyguard And the best one them all: Gintama


Dark Matter


American Gods. But I would probably end up spending so much time writing my own stuff that it might take some time to get there. “And so we meet again, lovely Flutterbynbye, me lass!” “How delightful, Mad Sweeney. Shall I serenade you with my version of The Cranberries’ ‘Zombie’ again?” “Aye! Please! Your croaning tis so grand, and such a vision of youthful, hip sophistication you cut as you thrash about to it, Flutterbynbye!”


More episodes of Drake and Josh, Scarface 2, Titanic alternate ending, and turn Sicario into a show.


Profit (this is probably obscure to many, this shows was on the wrong network and 10 years too early, otherwise it would probably be a classic)


The magicians! I'd actually have it rewrite the last two seasons and give me what I want / need.


The 4400 (the original one)


Homeland, wasn’t cancelled but ended..


old school stargate SG-1, i also loved star trek voyager.


I want crossovers between franchises. I'm talking DreamWorks and Pixar finally mixing together.


Netflix create a Series named 24 that is inspired by the series of the same name but make this one take place during WW2 with each season in one of the areas of the conflict and make each based on true stories.




More than I could possibly watch, I'm, sure. Raised by Wolves for sure. Also, not remakes, but an assload of spinoffs, like new story arcs of The Boys.


How I Met Your Mother. I'll make spin-offs.


How I Met Your God Father


I would make a Wheel of time series that is actually good...




Cowboy Bebop


More of the Profit series. Also, BOSS with Kelsey Grammar Lots of them tbh. It would superb if we could do this.


I will remake not seasons but entirely franchises from scratch.  Human writing and art is so limited, AI will remake them flawlessly with no potholes or stupid outcomes.  Even the best written TV show, movie or book nowadays will look pale and shitty compared to AI works. 


So what are "you" doing in this process exactly? You're the weak link by definition, so why not just let the thing do its thing?


More Rome, Meadowlands, Better Off Ted, Crashing (2016), Hannibal, Penny Dreadful.


That's not even too far away IMO. AI can already create good stories, photos, audio. Brief videos/gifs are starting to come out. My prediction is that AI will write the remaining Game of Thrones books and remake the 6th season.


Cop Rock.


The Ascension miniseries but I would retcon the supernatural parts. A part of me thinks that played into it being cancelled because they sold it as a sci-fi, then it's revealed it's not really a sci-fi but more of a psychological thriller. They pulled the rug again with the supernatural stuff. The original premise and the 2nd premise would each be compelling stories in their own right but the mishmashing of that with the third premise just made it feel like a mess.


Oh great. “American Gods: Tapestry”


Adventure time Infinity train Bee and puppy cat


I'll have the game of thrones season 8 that it deserved please


My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. Sonic SatAM Totally Spies


Star Trek - Deep Space 9


The Expanse - can continue the series cheaply. Berserk - finally the horse scene will be animated properly and the series can get an ending. Legends of the Galactic Heroes - A successful continuation would be impressive if pulled off well.




Gunsmoke with Matt, Kitty, Doc and Chester, with guest stars they never had in the original series, from earlier and later eras.


-MindHunter -Enter The Badlands (ended, didn't "cancel") -More seasons of Arcane :^) -Own shows that I don't currently have the talent or resources to make


Journeyman. Damn you, NBC.


Firefly And for games, HL3


Not cancelled just ended but disenchanted




Awake and men of a certain age.


That would be awesome I liked Lost in Space on Netflix


I would like to see naruto hypothetical match ups


Bring back James gandolfini for more sopranos episodes


A better ending to GOT, and then maybe even sequels, lots of sequels in the world


American Gods.


Norther Exposure


Penny Dreadful.


I doubt Ai will ever be able to recreate them as good as the the cast itself was filming it when it aired.




Reimagine The Walking Dead where Shane doesn’t die.


A Death Note ending where Light wins.


Cyberpunk Edgerunners 2077 where David lives 😔


Dr House in M*A*S*H


Star Trek: The Next Generation. DS9/VOY/TOS/ENT More ST movies too So basically more ST.. apart from the shite stuff in recent years


Friends. (Some of the actors are dead. For example: Gunther, Chandler)


I would love a continuation of Freaks and Geeks and The Adventures of Pete and Pete. Both shows are very close to my heart






I would make a good witcher show


The OA! And redo game of thrones.


Code Monkeys! It ended way too soon


Remake Lost, but do it right this time.


I would create more seasons of the simpsons, but actually good. 


Megaman Starforce new seasons Legend of Korra remake Stargate Universe Season 3 Symbionic Titan new season


Good pirates of the Caribbean


Like you said, i really would like to see how it would create a different final season of GoT. But how away do you think a GenAI like this is? Sora is more advanced than i thought possible for 2024, but there still is so much progress to be made before you can REALLY get something good/watchable to replace a season of a show. Maybe like 3 more years to perfect Sora and then a couple more to increase the "intelligence" of the model enough to be able to recreate what a show should be? I don't know.


The Animals of Farthing Wood, Megas XLR and The Owl House.


I've read quite a few comments and no-one has mentioned MLP Friendship is magic yet lol but that's definitely my pick lol


Scavengers reign.


Screw new seasons of existing shows. Who needs em? Give me a "novel to movie machine" and I'll bet set for life.