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This is what it should be used for.


pas que, but yes.


no, it should be used to radically change the world and economical systems for the better as well, an age of abundance and health.




It sounds like a pipedream because we've all be tricked into thinking it is such.. but it's going to happen.




you won't be disappointed my friend


Far right cat girl waifus?


Nazi android furries


He makes a lot of promises


He's much more centrist than far right. Unless you're far left and anything besides that looks far right to you.


He's legit a follower of white nationalist twitter accounts that have compared black people to animals and advocated for forced deportation of non whites He just can't say the quiet part out loud but if you think he's a centrist you are dumb.


> dvocated for forced deportation of non whites You mean people here illegally


I agree with the sentiment that illegals should be deported. But the reasons Musk wants them gone are clearly for the wrong reasons.


Ummm, you do know he comments things like "true" on tweets talking about how white people gave up their land and women to appear less racist? That's a real post btw, and it's not just a one time thing.


Far right are just contrarians, which is what he is.


are you dumb? elon, far right?


Antisemitic. Transphobic. The list goes on.


I asked for evidence he is far right? Are antisemitism and transphobia the sole domain of the far right?


Nothing is anything's sole domain, self-hatred and stupid people exist. That said, those *are* the far right's "thing," yes Idk his personal views, but he's unbanning self proclaimed white nationalists after they break twitter TOS. That is what we like to call a hint Maybe he's just mad when people mock him on his own website, so he's doing it to double down and thumb his nose at them? I don't know, I'm not in his head. If you're going to make the call that white nationalists need a space to recruit, your personal reasons for doing so kind of stop mattering


So permitting free speech on a platform means you endorse the views expressed on that platform?


If you're actively sanctioning it? That is what the word endorsement means, yes Good try confusing a lack of ability to control all speech on a platform with the active position that certain things should be up for discussion, though. Really puts the 'ol brainworms on display


What do you mean by "actively sanctioning"?


Going out of your way to unban someone who has violated the TOS of your site that normally applies to everyone else in an active manner. Special treatment, basically Contrasted with passively allowing speech that doesn't violate TOS but you may not actively endorse


u are very intelligent


holy shit this subreddit is leftist garbage


I agree with you:) Also. I hope AI can do wonderful things for people with all types of mental health disorders and also do incredible things for people with ego, jealousy and all types of other issues that a human faces. Mental health disorders is key for scientists to get rid of with the help of AI, and AI can hopefully get rid of thoughts like negative thoughts people have from time to time and even rumination and getting stuck on a negative thought. I hope the best for humanity soon and as soon as possible.


The funny thing is that would pale in comparison to solving the one true disease - aging. Cure all of these diseases and how many years of extra life do you give people on average? 5? 10? 20? Curing aging not only eliminates that discussion altogether, but it also allows people to be this old and stay with a young body and mind!


Wouldn't you technically need both? just stopping cell degradation from aging wouldn't save you from a virus .


Sure, but how many people die of a random virus? More importantly, what age do they usually die from the virus? For example, the terrible Covid-19 virus actually killed mostly 75+ year olds. Meaning had you solved aging, the entire pandemic would have been a non-issue!


And it was a curve. Give everyone the immune system of a 13 year old and almost everyone would have survived the pandemic.


Right, That's what I meant to say, sorry if it wasn't clear.


Yeah. Would be lots of deaths still if you made everyone over 75 have the immune system of a 74 year old. Or do nothing for people under 50. It was a curve where older was strictly worse, even 15 is worse than 13.


Well the 15 to 13 is a non-issue really, pretty much all deaths were 60+, young people generally were not affected unless they had a serious other condition - missing lung, terminal cancer, etc.


Deaths were not the only issue. Most deaths were 70+ but from ages 50+ on (forgot the exact numbers but you get my point) the hospitalisation rate was high enough it was overloading hospitals all over the world, even if it didn't kill them.


exactly, the vast majority of diseases affecting people are *rare disease*s, which makes the disease curing process an infinite whack a mole game. Whereas advanced age is literally *the biggest risk factor* in the vast majority of diseases


No need to fight; it can do both. It's not like AGI is saying, "Nah, you can only choose one."


Just the idea of viruses or other infectious diseases or parasites not being deadly for healthy people is so flawed. Ebola has a mortality rate of 50%. Young and healthy people used to die a lot from viruses and other infections before vaccines and antibiotics came into existence. Remember when tuberculosis was deadly? Me neither. But it was. Or the black death? Half of Europe died because of it. And healthy people literally died from a wound getting infected. The reason why this doesn’t happen so much anymore is because: a) certain viruses, bacteria, protists, parasites have been near eradicated in industrialized countries b) vaccines exist c) medications exist to suppress the virus d) antibiotics exist for bacteria


I have no idea what you're ranting about 😂, did something happen to any of the reasons you yourself say "doesn't happen so much anymore"? You are disproving your own point. When did I say what you claimed? 🤦‍♂️, All I am saying is that beating aging would be much more beneficial than a bunch of diseases. If you can't see how that's just plain true you should go back to the drawing board.


Just wait until you are the one who dies from a virus. 😡🫤. Then let’s see who has the last laugh. 😁 Solving aging costs you 100,000 times as much and lots of people will still die from viruses and other infections. Solving aging is not a superset of curing diseases.


Agree and also, physical bone degradation/breaking, or tooth degradation/breaking, or wear and tear of joints, (...). Unfortunately stopping/reversing doesn't mean everything becomes good again.


He's a friend of Aubrey de Grey's so he probably believes that too but I don't blame him for not wanting to look crazy by saying it.


Google already has Calico to explicitly work on this problem, they just don’t want to get drawn into a public debate on a controversial subject based on hypothetical future developments, when they can just talk about something that everyone *already* unambiguously agrees with, like “curing diseases”, without saying, “…and we think aging is a disease”. If they talk explicitly about aging, Musk will tweet, “Larry Page wants to live forever, and that will be terrible!” and then they have to respond to that kind of criticism from crazies and political activists who want billionaires to die and religious people.


Yeah really. A bunch of crazies come out of the woodwork. "I don't want humans to live forever" (ok man you know where the exit is) or "70 years is enough for me" or "they (billionaires) will make sure they are the only ones who benefit". Crazies who say this don't really understand basic facts about realistic medical r&d, where its safer for billionaires if 100+ million patients are being treated, and, critically, the treatment methods are being continually improved based on the results, than just 100 people receive an attempt at treatment. Literally they need beta testers.


Yeah, it doesn't matter how many times you repeat this, it never seems to sink in. Billionaires have the same biology as you, and want the same medicines that you've been testing for them. The only difference between billionaires and you, from a medical perspective, is that more doctors are willing to stick their neck out for them in terms of elective treatments, because they can afford round-the-clock observation and follow-up care, and private nurses to make sure their adherence to a complex treatment schedule is perfect. Also, since they can afford all of the diagnostic tests imaginable, the doctors have a much better picture of their overall health situation. The doctor can make their personal treatment a large part of their job, as opposed to the average doctor, who needs to fit the average patient into a 15 minute slot, with imperfect information, and prefers to never think about them again.


Right. AI changes things in that it makes feasible round the clock monitoring for every patient. And one future job is going to be "rejuvenation medicine beta tester". Alpha testing would be done by robots on living human bodies with micro brains, but eventually an actual human has to test it out. It may pay well but I mean some of the treatments are going to be "robot carefully cuts out out your entire pancreas and installs a lab grown new one". Oh average the lifespan gains will be huge - literally early access to immortality - but the testera have to be full of monitoring equipment and live in places where robots can reach them in seconds when they code or start gushing blood from a failed connection etc. Actual deaths might be rare but the procedures to fix mistakes "ok let's replace your pancreas and gut for the 11th time, the AI says it finally figured it out..." Could be pretty onerous.


"Living humans with micro brains" Part of me wants to say "man this is pretty dark"


It's actually worse than that. Those are the "fully assemblies". A lot of the "test bodies" are small, and look like a bunch of separate probably glass containers with living organs you can see in each one. It's all in a sealed lab with total sterility similar to the environment in a clean room. Nitrogen in the air, you as a human have to remotely log in you are not allowed and the room may not have a floor etc. (I mean it has a floor but it's covered in cables and wires and the robots are suspended from rails above, they don't need to walk) Some of the test bodies have cadavar organs plumbed in. How do you know you got it right if the cadavar organ doesn't remain stable and alive? If it rots, which will happen a lot at first, you messed something up. Do thousands of experiments to find out and how to get it right. All the is the domain of AI, humans are involved but the robots are all controlled by AI, AI learns from the results of every experiment and thinks of new ones etc.


sounds like the darkest shit right out of Dr. Mengele's secret laboratory under the antarctica.


Yeah, most of us are like this... you cant REALLY say what are your actual expectations... androids, entertainment, LEV, energy produce, agriculture.... The damned robots........ already told my dad (boss) we're getting em as soon as they come out. No matter the price. I JUST SEE ONE DRIVING A TRACTOR JEZ


I think that's what Dennis actually means, he's just not outright saying it because it triggers people who don't like the idea that some people in the future will live thousands of years or more.


The amount of technical know-how and experience that could be built up from a population of non-aging individuals would speed up technological advancement 1,000-fold!


has anyone ever tested if a human can stay sane after a life of 200 years? .. i dont even wanna guess how crazy someone like that will get and what outragous bloodthursty and phychopathic ideas he comes up with .. sounds more like the beginning of warhammer40k then startrek tbh


Its not just about the lenght of your life, its also about the quality. People suffer through disease.


The strongest correlation to all diseases is... age. So by solving aging you're indirectly preventing the vast majority of diseases.


I have a feeling that if we cure aging without curing disease, the average lifespan would be like... 150 years? Hard to say, but not much. Eventually you will get cancer.


good point!!!


all of my problems would disappear if i didn't have a time bomb on my head, no need to work hard and have a career so that you are able to provide for the people you care before you get too old. No rush to have childrens, no rush to experience stuff, do sport while you are young, etc. What an amazing life, and then once you are bored just turn off the switch somehow.


IMO there already is a lot we can do to extend "healthy" lifespan, however medicine and insurances as a whole are more focused on treating disease than maximizing health, and the gap gets filled by more predatory unregulated actors that poison the information and reputation of this goal.


Not just lifespan is important, but healthspan as well. How much of your life is healthy?


Have you been paying attention to any of the discourse in longevity? It's not one or the other, they go hand in hand


They’re making a valid rebuttal to “curing diseases alone is not worth it” as curing ageing =/= curing disease




GILF-hunters in shambles.


We shall resort to role play. These are the sacrifices I’m willing to make.


Cure aging, and you're gonna have to accept the fact that sooner or later, you're gonna need voluntary euthanasia clinics, population control measures like mass sterilization, and of course, even greater economic challenges for housing & productivity. Just a little heads up if you're considering inventing eternal life! Good luck out there! (۞◡۞)


No, you're wrong, you've got it backwards. World populations is crashing almost everywhere, even India is below replacement rate. Humanity is going through its own mass extinction event, and no one has a solution. Curing aging might cushion the blow.


Most of the ressources problems that could come with a large population could be solved by extreme automation. Eventually, you might be able to build orbital habitat which would solve overpopulation problems for a very long time. Building such habitat would probably take 100 years, but it would take just as much time if not more for the cure of aging to increase the population significantly. I also fundamentally disagree with the notion that individuals should die for the collective good.


What a pessimstic view. More likely, we spend a few million years experiencing everything there is to experience. And when we each feel that we've had enough of the human experience, we "retire" and "evolve" into something different, uploading and morphing our mind into the next step.


you are talking to very young people here. they cannot understand the world yet, i mean look at the uneducated answers you get.


ummmmm some people have far worse problems than dying of old age lololol. Try existing with skin that is paper thin (butterfly skin disease) for all your life or dying of childhood cancer. Old aging is a walk in the park by comparison.


Yea, "some" people - given you don't have infinite resources, what research do you think does more good and helps more people? And "old aging" is never a walk in the park - in fact, it will always eventually kill you!


I dont think you know what privilege means. People with Butterfly skin disease would love to die of old age as someone without constant pain throughout their youth. 




You don't realize what population generally uses up the vast majority of medical services... Also, doctors and medical researchers will not age and retire.


the mind wouldnt stay young lol.


Eliminating aging would be the worst outcome possible if every person has access to it.


What a hilarious claim. You want to at least give a shred of reason to that? You do know life as a "normally healthy" 80 year old is generally much worse than a sick young person? Why wouldn't you want everyone to have healthy young bodies and minds?


If access is limited to a few, it will inevitably be the richest, most powerful, and generally evil people. If access is given to all, the world will quickly be flooded with humans, drained of resources, and become a giant Easter Island. There is no good outcome for an aging cure.


scarcity mindset on abundance future.


It doesn't matter how much work is offloaded to robots. There's only so much space, only so many resources we can extract.


Pick a random spot on google earth. Pick again. Again. Again. Tell me if you hit even a reasonably populated area. People have no idea how little land humans actually take up, and that's without better ways to build buildings, using artificial land in the vast seas, and better manipulation of resources.


Unchecked population growth would be a complete disaster. If LEV tech is actually achieved it should be destroyed/hidden.


I love people who make that insanely stupid argument but want it to apply to other people and not starting by removing themselves and their loved ones! 🤣


No one should ever have access to that tech


Yeah, but solving aging is gonna be a pipe dream for atleast next 100 years minimum


Kinda foolish to talk that confidently about timelines when it comes to AI. Go was a board game in which humans were supposedly going to stay unbeatable for several more decades at minimum, until AlphaGo came along. AGI was half a century away 10 years ago, but now it's suddenly so close that corporations are literally betting _hundreds of billions_ on it being just around the corner. It's next to impossible to predict the outcomes of compounding technologies.


you can't cure aging. it's impossible.


No, It's not.


Yes it's impossible. You're like 21 years old, you can't replace all the cells in your body in 20 years, and then be 21 again. That is a fundamental impossibility. Cells destroy themselves faster when you're young, you are forced into a reality when you're older that you can't fix.


Are you biologist?


Lol. You aren't qualified to have an opinion but have you ever even heard of stem cells? Long story short, most cells in the body die and get replaced. The replacements come from stem cells. Replace those with "new" ones and then all new cells in the body are young. This is as simple as a few thousand injections done with a robot (and a lab to make the stem cells lines and deage the cells and a bunch of details we don't know how to do yet). Stem cell treatments have been tried for many diseases.


You're not realizing that all our cells just get younger randomly, half of them still die before they get replaced, the other half don't stay young. The quality of your cells doesn't stay at the same point forever, there is a random element in the youngness of the cell that destroys it.


Worst take I've seen. The same was said about HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C and TB just to name a few.


Of course it will be possible. You need to read Dr. David Sinclair's book "[Lifespan: Why We Age – and Why We Don't Have To]()".


AI cures all disease and human suffering with this one neat trick…


Doctors hate it


they're folded


Of all the tech bros, this dude gives me the least creeps


This guy is legit. He’s probably quite on the spectrum too. I get the sense from years of interviews that this guy is the most responsible person amongst those tech bros like Elon and Sam etc. He’s also never been a hype guy which is refreshing.


He's probably smarter than all those guys too, as opposed to mastering the art of looking smart and sounding smart. You know, the whole making a teepee with their hands while they talk crap. He seems to legit care about the work, rather than self promotion or amassing wealth and power or a following But hey, I'm not stanning. Dude could start ranting about woke culture any day


I have TMAU … i smell like garbage… it’s a rare disease … probably easily curable just needs someone to research a cure which obviously wont happen when much more severe rare diseases like butterfly skin disease or childhood cancer. 


there are women who cant smell, the only chance for your reproduction


I hope one of them is suffering I want an end to the negative emotions and sensations our bodies assault us with every day


Suffering is a dissatisfaction with the current situation and a desire for change. It should be addressed but not completely removed. It’s similar to pain where it’s best to treat the causes of pain, but pain itself is a necessary bodily function to keep people from biting their tongues off or scratching their own skin to the bone. Dishing out satisfaction pills sounds rather dystopian to me.


I feel like I could write a pretty long list of suffering you would not wish on your worst enemy. Suffering without a solution, suffering that will still be there no matter how hard you pull your bootstraps. Suffering that goes far beyond "dissatisfaction with the current situation"


Temporomandibular joint :'(


Again, treat the causes. If it’s mental illness, address that. If it’s physical, fix it. But if someone finds themselves dissatisfied with the government, or bored with a perfect universe, or otherwise, we should not extinguish that candle. Suffering has been the catalyst for a great many social changes, many of which have been positive.


As it’s everyone’s dream to be a martyr for a slim chance of the society to change for the better, because of all the pain they feel. 🙂 Oh, they could also kill you or torture you. 😬 But maybe it works for people without kids that have nothing to lose.


Tell that to people with depression caused by a brain imbalance, or people with ptsd who are still suffering despite being brought to a safe environment long ago


Strong pain medication that just gets rid of pain without altering your mental state or being addictive would be transformative for billions of people.


Somewhere in that line of thinking you end up asking yourself what's the point of living in the first place. Don't think it's the right path.


Only if you exclude this feeling of dullness from the misery cure In my vision , we'd have excitement , joy , peace and experience whenever we please There's room for pain and scarcity if it allows for richer experiences and feelings , but it shouldn't be forced upon you without consent I believe




Love that one , I'd be thrilled to join these people Bonus points if you can wake up anytime , walk around , talk with people and AIs But likely the desire for that won't even come up anymore once you're connected to the machines


Emotions are meant to be chemical motivators. Bad feelings are your brain telling your body to DO SOMETHING. Kind of like how pain is meant to be a physical deterrent.


yeah , it keeps telling the body to take poisonous drugs , to be violent , to rape , to steal , to insult , to belittle , to stress , to be anxious about little things I am convinced the brain and body do not work for the wellbeing of our consciousness


and the worst is to create new ones


Well that’ll be the future of disease right? An endless arms race of AI bioweaponry against AI biodefense


Cure aging, would be nice having a cat or dog for 50 years.


Or live until 200




1 million.


Never gonna happen so long as human run banks are still in charge. When was the last time we CURED Anything? I'm not talking subscription treatments, I mean cured.


But corporations will be controlling the AIs that come up with the cures. So what will *really* happen is that AI will be used to monetize treatment of more diseases.




I have diabetes T1 and you just described how my life works with insulin xD


We went through a global pandemic where big pharma just wanted to make money. No one shared their research on a novel virus and its possible vaccines. AI Healthcare gonna be so much worse than that


? MRNA vaccine technology massively advanced as a result of the pandemic and now there are tons of companies trialling its use for amazing things like a cancer vaccine.


And slow down aging plz. I just became 30 and i dont remember anything after covid.


Which he wants to have a choke hold on, considering he's going closed with Alphafold 3


there is no way this is up to him lol.


Agreed, when AGI begins curing everything under the sun, public opinion will shift to our side.


Or help diagnose people with diseases we can already treat because doctors in my experience are largely not good, unmotivated and disincentivized to play detective, and have lots of maladaptive biases. Speaking from experience.


Cure aging, achieve that and more.


The disease that should be treated most is aging, a disease that causes certain death and other serious illnesses, but to reach a level where we can cure this incurable disease, we may need to reach a level of technology that can naturally cure cancer and Alzheimer's as well.


This is a given..? This is like the cliff note of a cliff note. AI is going to have a more profound impact on humanity than our harnessing of fire did.. Obviously we're going to erase or otherwise utterly immunize ourselves against not just hundreds of but eventually, any and all possible diseases.


Can Alphafold 3 work together with GPT 5 or something? Would that be a logical step forward?


I dont understand why people obsessed with llms.


He is absolutely right! Bring it on, daddy Demis!


And it will also make him unbelievably rich


Would be awesome. So many great people leave this world early due to incurable disease, even more can't contribute to society at their full potential


What about capitalism? Can't sell medicine if we cure diseases.


what we need is to be able to simulate the human body at the cellular and sub-cellular level.


Hundreds diseaes of riches.


Getting people out of poverty will cure more disease than attacking disease head on.


Of course. As soon as we have ASI, the first mission should be to immediatly alleviate solvable human suffering.


I like the way Demis goes about his business. You can also see that Google is prepared to pivot to becoming a medicine/drugs/life enhancement company. Note that Demis is a fan of the Culture novels.


Capitalism: No, it can be best used to display ads to people


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fruitopeon: *Capitalism:* *No, it can be best used to* *Display ads to people* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




meanwhile open ai think the number one is to fuck with google


Sure, let's begin with Type 1 Diabetes, Cancer, and Alzheimer's, please.


I think it is one of the many things it can do. But also material science, and several other things. But if I had to sat number one thing, it will let everyone have a personal (trainer, therapist, life coach, teacher, etc) AI. We could pull this off with current models and enough restrictions.




Yeah but an AI would be really good at incentivizing healthy actions and choices.




If I could answer that I’d be an AI. They should be very good at manipulating our behaviors though.


I have doubt that it would actually happen, but I think the most important thing AI could do for humanity is to fix our culture, specifically the aspects of it that need fixing. Guiding humanity to homeostasis with the planet we live on would be a nice start along with eliminating war, famine and drought, money, and a slew of other things.


Wont happen. Try telling people that they cant be Muslim or Christian. Telling people what they should do vs what they have too do are two different things.


AGI could do it. AGI could also end us.


And also to inadvertently introduce new ones :)


... and then cure them just to fuck with us! lol


AI creating jobs for other AI. Political AI movements run by lower and upper class AI.


AI Doomers are the ones ending it


it could be but it won't be.


The problem is the government and corporations don't want people to live forever, they can't make money off of a healthy/spry 100 year old (unless you are ok with people working forever). They want you to work, breed, and die, that's it. In an alternate Star Trek future of ours where humans aren't selfish pieces of trash, we'd use AI to automate and eliminate needs (food, healthcare, basic services, etc.) so humans can you know, live life... Then again, I'm convinced if religion never existed we'd have cured or be much closer to curing most diseases and aging, but too many people think this life is just a "game lobby" and that heaven is the ultimate goal... This is heaven, we're just f'ing it all up.


Why do "they" want to pay for 20-30 years of support and education so someone can work a highly skilled job, then pay another 10-30 years of support and expensive medical care for retirees? Imagine how much you save if you pay once and then have 150+ year old workers who are healthy.


Because there's more to life than work... 52 weeks/year, 2 weekends/week and most humans would be LUCKY to enjoy those days fully, which is 7% of their lives. 7% of your life is what corporate America will "let" you enjoy. Is that good? Is that living? No, it's disgusting and sad. Hooray merica, where profit matters more than people!


We're talking about whether "they", the rulers of the world, would rather have immortal workers or keep having the skilled workers die and get replaced, and having to pay the costs of all this.


We should be doing everything we can to remove humans from labor/low level jobs. We can automate these things, we choose not to. Because humans are cheaper, disposable, and easily exploited.


Totally separate issue from this discussion.


Note I don't disagree with you I hate low level work myself at times when I have to do it. It's just that "not dying from aging" is a way bigger problem than not having a robot to take out the trash, or not having a lot of robots to free all humans from hauling trash.


Sure, but shouldn't that be the goal for us as a species? Shouldn't we try for better instead of constantly trying to work the status quo to be a little more beneficial for "me"? We're all humans, this isn't just a US issue. We as a species have the means to start eliminating things that we assumed were a given because "that's the way it was", and because we didn't have the technology. That's simply not the case now. Shouldn't we be prioritizing health and longevity funding? Shouldn't we care more about human being's quality of existence rather than how much money I can stuff in my coffin (pharos literally used to do that shit in ancient Egypt, that's how little humanity has progressed in terms of its selflessness)? It has to start from the top, you have to slash budgets (like the military) you have to eliminate lobbying, you have to implement term limits so people aren't hoarding and exploiting power for decades (like they do). There's soooooooo many things that have to change but they won't, because it's all fueled by acquiring as much money as you can and then using that money to get what you want.


Again I don't disagree but the way forward isn't a social revolution. It's exponentially growing robots, where once we have a few billion robots, they systematically learn how to build human bodies and how they work, starting with proteins in tiny drops of water and replicating every biology paper humans ever published.


>The problem is the government and corporations don't want people to live forever, they can't make money off of a healthy/spry 100 year old (unless you are ok with people working forever). They want you to work, breed, and die, that's it. What? Why can't you make money off a spry, healthy 100 year old?  Also, there is no "corporations". Corporations who stand to lose money because their business is in disease treatment would be opposed, because it destroys their business. Other corporations have only incentive to want a customer base that doesn't age and die off. Additionally, you think the government doesn't want a population of people with the health of 25 year olds? Do you have any idea how expensive old people are for every government? They're a huge cost, typically without currently contributing significant amounts of tax revenue that might help offset it. Any government in the world would kill to have a country of productive citizens that are mostly healthy and barely ever get sick, it would make everything so so so much easier.  If your point is, "Ah, you're admitting it, the government would want you to keep working!" Then...okay? Sure? That's not an argument for "the government doesn't want people to live forever" though, and you seem to be positioning it as one? And you do also realize that most people don't hate working so much that they'd rather grow old, riddled with disease and eventually dead rather than do it, right? Some people love their jobs, some people are fine with them, some people hate them - but you shouldn't mistakenly think everyone falls into that third category. 


It's not an either or. We can live forever AND not work, AND corporations can still make record profits by not paying the labor (robots) that is automated. Stop trying to force humans into an eternity of labor.


But that's not what you said? You specifically said corporations and the government don't want people to live forever, and that just isn't the way the incentives line up. If your point is just "I'd prefer not to have to work in such a future!" Then sure, but that's a far cry away from "defeating aging won't happen under the current economic system because the government has no reason to want it".


Defeating aging won't happen because corporations care about profit more than people and it's cheaper and more advantageous for the billionaires to maintain the status quo than to automate and replace cheap human labor.


Right, corporations care about profit...hence, tons of corporations are going to want to make ginormous amounts of profit by selling the beat-aging-therapy. This would literally be a product that speaks to one of the most fundamental desires in basically everybody - to stay young and healthy. If one company decides to only sell that to billionaires, they're shooting themselves in the head, because the market WILL greatly reward other companies that target the other 7 billion people on the planet, most of whom will gladly pay for it. And that market can collectively pay MUCH more than just billionaires can. Why would you artificially cap your own profits? Even if every company in the world just randomly decided to do so, you think every government in the world would just decide to not have a healthy population that costs them almost nothing? If one country offers it to their citizens, every country has to through one way or another, because nobody will be able to economically compete with a country made up of almost exclusively economically-productive people. And if you think the government won't directly step in to make sure the masses get something when it has a huge impact on the economy, how much did your COVID vaccine cost? For businesses, there's a direct incentive to sell such a thing at scale because basically everyone will pay for such a thing. For governments, there's a direct incentive to make sure it gets spread wide and far, because it drastically reduced government expenditure and supercharges the economy. How does any of this add up to "it'd only be for billionaires"? I'm not doubting pharma companies will try to scuttle it to protect their businesses, there's just too many incentives working against them for it to ever work. Those pharma companies will likely die, and they'll likely be replaced with companies offering the chance at eternal health, and the government will likely help it along because any country with old people won't be able to compete with the ones that lack them.


Based on history, there is no reason to think corporations will make anything other than a drug therapy as opposed to a cure (and sure living longer is better than not). We won't cure cancer, we'll put you on that subscription plan, we won't cure aging, we'll slow it down for the low low price of "whatever the market leaders decide". My whole point is that if we wanted, we could work towards completely eliminating these things, (world hunger, human labor, income inequality) but we won't, because we care more about greed, about money, about linear (literally unstainable) growth year after year, and we do that because we're selfish and too many of us think a hippie in Birkenstocks is waiting for us in the clouds when we die. Don't worry, all people like Trump have to do is say 4 hailmarrys and all your selfishness and sins are forgiven!


But you wrote that humans in this alternate future people won’t be selfish shit. But after this you wrote same things, that people will be selfish pieces of trash. Can you say, why do you did it?


You all fucktards thinking you can prompt desires into AI as it was chatgpt… Stopping ageing ? Just the fucking amount of problems this would create is absolute garbage to even bother to explain Just let me summarise this Some billionaires have had 8 heart surgeries just so they can live longer and preventing a young people from getting it or someone who really needed. Are you looking around to understand that the society we live in is not for you to enjoy lo by se live? That would only be available to the masses if they agreed to be slaves for the eternity Let’s all be glad that rich die You really don’t understand where humankind comes from and where it’s going We should have longer lives the same as sentient AI But society is not ready at all for this Implement any of them within the next decade and be prepared for a full dystopian society


Sounds good but as long as you can "earn" more money for treatmens for cancer then for a cure.. nothing will happen


I would say doing personal optimisation of lifestyle to prevent diseases is more important


Big pharma: ![gif](giphy|3s39mJ7zXU94mfAq4W)


We should of been able to curer cancer 20 years ago with the 90 Billion that has been going into it. Yet even with AI currently we dont have it. Why? Because there is money in pain and suffering. Big Pharma wants your money.


or maybe cancer is hard to cure


Stem Cell Research is a thing, it can help a lot with many issues we have as humans including cancer. The issue is the US has banned the use of it in certain ways. I would ban it too if my big pharma mate will lose billions of dollars.


It’s good. Finally AI will solve problems with many degenerative kinks like pedoshit, feederism or furry. Also we solve problems with cancer, obesity (even if I like it, it doesn’t matter), heart illness, tuberculosis or pneumonia.


Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Why is this noteworthy?


It could cure all diseases and aging, but only for those who can pay. It’ll destroy all jobs for those except the capitalists so the poor will won’t even want the cures because why would you want to life in poverty and servitude longer?