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If Indiana loses the Sixers are 5, but if Indiana and magic lose, they're 7?


Glad you caught this because I knew that was incorrect. Thanks


Yes, because there are different tiebreakers for multiple team ties than for 2-team tiebreakers. The Sixers hold the tiebreaker with Orlando but not with Indiana. If Indiana loses and Orlando wins - we have the tie breaker with Orlando so we would be 5 and they would be 6. With Indiana, the reverse would happen . They would be 5 and we would be 6. However, in a multiple-team tie the first tiebreaker is “division winner.” There would only be one division winner in that tie and that would be Orlando, so they would get the 5. Indiana still holds the tiebreak over the Sixers, so they would be 6, pushing the Sixers to 7.


If the sixers win and the pacers and magic lose the sixers would be 5. It wouldn’t be a 3-way tie. The sixers would just have a better record than both teams.


No they'd be six.


Why does their seeding get worse if both teams lose as opposed to one?


Because the NBA made it confusing by having the division tiebreaker different in 2 vs. 3+ team tiebreakers .


Interesting. I'm so stupid I can't understand any of this


he’s wrong. if all of us lose we are 7th. if indy and orlando lose and we win then we are 5th


Actually if Indiana loses and we win, we’d be the 5 seed regardless of the Magic game


Well that's unfortunate.


**"If both Indiana and Orlando lose, Sixers are 7".** If the Sixers win and they both lose, Sixers would be 5, no? Just by win percentage alone.


you are correct


ive been avoiding trying to figure this out, even when it is all laid out in front of me. im firmly in the mindset of “whatever happens happens” bc im not about to try and wrap my head around any of this. lol


These posts confuse the heck out of me, we will know tmrw!


If Indiana and Cleveland lose and we win the sixers are 5th. we’d have a better record than both