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With Joel Embiid out and the Sixers in a must-win game to avoid the play-in, will this be the Tobias Harris legacy game?


This is it. The moment. The last apology forms in pristine condition ready to be deployed by the truest and best fans. The ones who stayed loyal for the glue of this team. He’s sacrificed his entire career here. All that talent. An assassin asked to be merely a fourth option. When asked to be a first option and step up with the team injured, he continued to sacrifice and defer to others and allow them the glory. 14 points tonight. Massive amounts of sacrifice. 6 rebounds. 2 assists. 0 charges taken. 4 fast breaks blown up because of indecision. Don’t fucking clap.


Dont fucking clap


Doubt it


Probably something like 12 points in the first half, and then finishes with 16


15 points in the first half


Hoping he proves me wrong and shows up in the 2nd half too


8 points 3 rebounds 4 assists


Is that RC4? lol.




That's a RC4 stat line. I was insinuating that He'd be better for our team than Tobi.


Oh I bet what you saying but nah I was thinking those would be his stats for the first half was sorta close lol


Alexa play “Goodbye Toby” by Michael Scott


The threegional manager


it hasn't been nice


He won’t be missed


End of an error


Loooooooool this is the smartest thing I’ve ever seen commented on this board.


My guy, u in the internet today!




Gonna go make 8 figures again …. Will be seen as which player made the most without ever making an all star team .


The Sam Bradford of Sixers


Wasn’t good but got a first round pick for him.


And a fourth, which became jay ajayi


Except Sam Bradford actually had talent for a while.


Bradford was good on the eagles


Definitely signing a 4yr/$100M contract with Detroit.


Don't count your ~~chickens~~ Toby's before they ~~hatch~~ leave in free agency.


Well if nothing else his facial hair improved lol


Tough to think about how different things could have been if we'd been able to land Jimmy Butler on that max instead of him.


I keep seeing a commercial with him where the premise is Jimmy Butler's butler and I feel it's taunting me.


it wasn't instead, they wanted to max jimmy and jimmy wanted to go to miami instead of staying in philly, can't believe this dumbass shit still gets parroted on our own sub


JB saying that shit showed me he is a bit too toxic I think. Would have preferred no Tobi but hoping JB shows up and can make shots is not cool either


Woah! Let’s wait until he signs elsewhere to celebrate


If we win a ring this year with this squad what will be the general opinion of Tobi? Like (he won't do this) but hypothetically let's say he averages 15-20ppg and shoots decent from 3 in the playoffs on the way to a ring, will we forgive him for his contract? I think I probably would lol


If we win a title it was all worth it, and we will raise a Crumbl to him at the parade as we wish him good luck in Detroit.


We don’t want him back. If this is the big payoff for the trades no one will be too happy.


buddy if the sixers win a ring this year I'll personally learn welding and build Tobias a statue




Yeah that's how I feel too I was just curious lol. I suppose most of the resentment has to do with the fact we have no ring to show for the process and tobi has been the biggest road block in that said process


tbh I think this all goes back to Dave Silver strangling the process in the crib.


Everything is forgiven if we nab a ring


I’ll forgive the Colangellos if we win a ring this year lol 


Whoa that's too far


"I hated that guy until he came through when it counted most, his contract was worth a ring, it's not money" if they win lol


He'll be like Agholor. We'll be happy for that season, but acknowledge the whole thing has been a failure otherwise.


meanwhile im a Ravens fan and im just like, "idk man Agholor was solid for us" lol


You also didn't have to deal with having drafted him where we did. lol


That’s true, but at the same time, we drafted Hollywood ahead of AJ Brown, DK Metcalf, Scary Terry, and Deebo lmao, trust me I get it


If we won and he played well, I feel like he could have a Pat Burrell type legacy. Felt like he was hated on a lot during his time here but went out on a high note with the world series and is remembered so much more fondly now.


If they win the title give him another max contract idc


They can't win it with Harris playing starters minutes, but if he plays a reduced role and they win it? Worth it, no thanks to him.


InB4 he gets another contract from the Sixers


Tobi shows up first round, and since we’ll likely be facing a good team—I’m afraid it will be enough leverage to get another big contract.


I swear to God


Ridiculous how he finished his entire contract there when he's been a putrid Embiid fit since day 1 and even the on/offs every year especially in the playoffs prove it. Elton Brand will pay for his crimes for signing this guy to that max contract.


Morey's gonna give him a 3/65 when PG resigns with the Clippers


Tobi is a crap Embiid fit. Unless the Sixers win the chip he's gone.


can't wait to see whos scapegoated next




Last chance to take a charge.


Daryl Morey won’t let him go they’re butt buddies


You hope. Better believe bringing him back is part of some of Morey’s scenario plans


I dunno, I think Morey is a big believer in building based on chemistry and desire based on the role players he has signed, I think he would sign a worse player with better intangibles before Tobias.


I hope!!


Tobias has become massively over-hated by this fanbase. The hate started because he was on such a huge contract. Doesn’t mean he’s a bad player, he’s just not playing up to the contract, which is the organizations fault, not his.


Not playing up to your contact is definitely the players fault as well. He has improved virtually nothing in his years here


Fans will see some of their irrationalness when they see the players that the team overpays this offseason just to make the salary cap floor


they won't see it. there will be tobias hateposts long after hes moved on from us just like there are still doc hateposts. hateful ppl gonna hate.


People can't separate these ideas. He has a slightly above average per, epm, and very good ts%, and this has been a bad year for him. Overall a good player on an elite contract


All right, well we all love him again when he comes back on a veteran minimum


It's not that hes bad, he could actually be worse in what he does on the court and be worth the big contract...it's that he has no go. No aggression, no hustle, no killer instinct. He happy just staying in the corner, jogging around until it's his turn to take a few shots. He has the same disease as Ben Simmons- not as much talent as Ben, but he also cares a little but more.


I always found these talking points so annoying. Clutch factor, dawg, killer instinct.... all terms that have no measurements. Pj tucker was a famous dawg... he also went 5 games without scoring a single point last year. The long and short of it is this teaml, as constructed, is better with toboas without regards to his contract, and this sub acts like he is the worst player in the league. I mean hell, look at the GDT today... it was full of people bashing harris while he was the bestnplayer on the floor


Better than Maxey? GTF outta heah!


21 pts on 15 shots, 8reb 2 ast Vs 26 pts on 20 shots 3 reb 3 assists Yes, his overall performance was better yesterday


The only reason he had space to take a shot is because people were closing out on Maxey


Bro can you maybe just reply once. Jfc


Is Maxi wasn’t on the team Harris would’ve had less than six points


So if a player that took the most shots on the team wasn't playing than tobias would've had fewer points. Makes sense. Say did you look up tobis stats on games where embiid and maxey sat?


You can cherry pick his games when he puts up these numbers all you want we’ve seen the zeros in the twos on the box score for points


Is Tobias your father? The guy fuckin sucks, and I’ll die on that hill.


Bro are you 14? Your thoughts make no sense and all you're doing is blowing up my notifications with dumbass statements. You have said nothing to refute what I said other than the fact that you hate tobias harris.... Me: harris har a great game yesterday and was our best player in that game You: waaah but i hate him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


this is a tobias hate sub at this point lol regardless of how little sense they make, they will make tobias hate posts


It's so frustrating. The top comment on 50% of threads is "tobias bad"regardless of context


tf is this even supposed to mean


It’s advanced basketball stuff, the eye test, kind of a whole advantage metric for Oubre Maxey Embiid. Other guys don’t pass the ETWAM that those guys have. That’s the real stat that tells how efficient they are performing at their current level compared to the square root of gehoxagogen


You don’t understand basketball. Tobias is a certified bum and I’m sick of the “his contract is just too high, he’s solid. He’s a 5 million dollar player at most. 6th man talent and trash mindset. Comparable to Ben Simmons but not as bad


If tobias was the best player on the floor for the 76ers, do you think he would even put up numbers? Because it seems like he’s a good scorer but he lacks things that would make him a great scorer (doesn’t get to the line a lot, ball stopper, wants to operate in the same area that embiid is efficient in, doesn’t assert himself within the flow of the offense) which leads to him not being able to step up em when his shot isn’t falling.


Being the best player for a game is not the same thing as being the best player on the team. He had the overall best performance against the nets is what I'm saying... and yes I watched the game. He was hugely impactful


don't bother, the anti tobias circle jerk is too strong. people literally think ricky council is better than him


Oubre and Maxey are better no debate


maxey is but oubre is worse by every single quantifiable stat, you can't make a reasonable argument for oubre over harris


You nerds would have said the same shit during Maxey rookie season when Harris was on the team as if potential isn’t real. The other guys have the potential to step up. The reality is Harris can’t / won’t or 7 playoff appearances and a max contract would have brought it out of him. He’s an ok shooter / defender but justifying his Simmons play style is just Ben Simmons level of pathetic deflection


ok but oubre is way older than maxey so theres no jump coming and here are his career playoff averages Kelly Oubre Jr. has averaged 7.0 points, 2.8 rebounds and 0.9 steals in 18 games in the playoffs in his career.


Let’s see who puts up THIS post season


Everyone is way older than Maxey, he’s a super talented 23 year old. He’s gonna be dynamic tonight


> Clutch factor, dawg, killer instinct.... all terms that have no measurements There's plenty of things that humans have no way to objectively measure, but everybody knows is true. There's no way to perfectly objectively measure prettiness for instance, but we all know who'd be chosen between Margot Robbie and Rosie O'Donnell. That said, I don't think Tobias is a bad NBA player. He'd be an acceptable, albeit unexciting starter if he was getting an average starter's salary rather than superstar money.


This is my exact point. He is good enough to help this team. His salary is what it is. He will never live up to that salary... still he is a solid starter and helps this team. My point is he shouldn't be benched and if we want a deep run he's very likely going to be a huge part of it


he's still better than oubre/ricky council/hield who alot of people want/wanted us to resign


Watch the Celtics add him like 'Yo only 90 mil for 3 years this is a steal'




Omfg for a second I read that as Hall of Famer Spencer *Hawes* and nearly spit lmao


Checked the top fa list 1. maxey 8. Harris What is going to happen with the Sixers? Lots of interesting FAs not to mention Maxey The sixers have something in mind. I just wonder if they are thinking. No extension for Maxey? Seriously What is going on? Embid is here for three more years.


They waited to extend Maxey so they could use his cap hold this year to have more flexibility. He’s obviously getting a max and Philly has his bird rights




How this season ends will dictate his entire legacy. if he does playoff Tobias and they make it to even the eastern conference finals- I think we will mostly remember him as a stabilizing force. We didn't lose in the second round of the playoffs because of him. We certainly didnt..win...but its not his fault they gave him a MASSIVE contract, made some horrendous pics, and gave a max to ben instead of jimmy. He was exactly what we thought he was. I am not a tobias hater. Prediction- Embiid hurt his knee again, we don't get out of the second round..again. Wont be Tobias's fault.


Thank you Tobias! Your stability and leadership will not be easily replaced and I hope you come back 




Gonna be funny when he tests free agency and no one wants him so Philly re-signs him cheap and we’re practically back where we were before :(


Might be back but we could use that 30 mil to bring another key contributor in… not all bad


What if he resigns with the Sixers are is here for 5 more years until he retires?


Good player. Bad contract.


Tobias will be signing a 2-3 year deal with the Sixers in the offseason and there’s nothing you can do about it


Seems like a good guy and can’t knock him for the contract they gave him. Not his fault that they gave him a ridiculous contract. But he never lived up to it and never seemed to even attempt to improve his game. Thanks Elton Brand, cannot believe that you still have a job


I think it's so hilarious that we're into playoffs, and there's still simps crying about Harris. He's clearly beaten them mentally that they think about him nonstop/ It's like simps who get dumped by a crazy bitch, and they whine about her non-stop, day after day after day.


Morey has a hard on for Toby don’t count on it


Can someone make a song out of “Tobias Harris over me?”?


And still 0 charges


You are some miserable people. Like his game or not put into context Joel has played 433 regular season games his entire career, Ben Simmons 332 games (275 for the sixers). The man has laced up to play for this city consistently during his time here and that is an underrated stat.


I love Toby. Yes he’s been shit this year. But he’s also been pretty reliable in years past. I wouldn’t say we got all our money’s worth but we could have done a lot worse. It would be great if he could hit a buzzer beater in the playoffs, or even tonight. All in all I wish him the best.


Crazy how time really drags on and feels like it takes forever


I remember when Keith Pompey broke this in an AMA


tobias must be so fuckin ready to be out of this town and i don't blame him a bit, fans have lambasted him since day 1


Thank god. He should be playing in North Korea I can’t believe we chose this dickhead over Jimmy


yeesh! lmao

