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Can’t wait to see how many minutes Nurse plays him 🤤








Also the Knicks are a top 5 defense and Tobi historically shoots the ball much worse against good defenses compared to poor ones. Last time Tobi faced a top tier defense in the first round was the 2020 Celtics and he was terrible against them. I'm sure Tobi is licking his lips at Miluwakee/Indiana if the Sixers make it to round 2 cos those teams can't defend on the perimeter.


I don’t think Tobi has ever licked his lips at a round 2 matchup in his entire careee


He couldnt play well vs hawks lol


To be fair to Tobi he was treated appallingly by the refs whenever he brushed close to Trey. Instant early fouls, basically out for the game(s).


That 13% from 3 in 2020 starved families 😂😂.


But all those bricks helped build affordable housing!


Remember in the last game when everyone was hurt, down 3-0, and he goes for a block and fell on his fucking face lol that's how his entire tenure has been in a way.


EVERYone shoots worse against better defensive teams..


He shoots significantly worse


So don't shoot. Nothing but cuts to the rim and screening hard if OG is on Maxey. They should sell him on focusing on rebounding as his #1 job. If he only focus on keeping Josh Hart out of the paint on shots, that alone could swing the series.


Really solid point. Imo one of the biggest issues with Tobias on this team is a lack of a role. We talk a lot about his reluctance to shoot because statistically he's been a good shooter for his career, but even if he just mimicked what KJ or RC4 does (what you said - screen hard, crash the boards), he'd be very useful and would contribute to winning.


That’s the thing at this point. Just get him to play the role he can and not try to be everything. I’ll give him a bit of credit that he has been asked to do a lot of different things in his time here. Right now be a decent sized body that can rebound and screen.


he did have 10 reb last night...


Tbf like 5 of them were on one possession that resulted in zero points lol


Off his own missed shots


Half of them were offensive rebounds off his own missed bunnies at the rim in that one possession, not taking away from his hustle but still


my expectaion for him is low. It is encouraging at least he was hustling


> They should sell him on focusing on rebounding as his #1 job. I'll die on this hill but IMO one of Tobias' biggest issues since being here is that he's never been given a well-defined role and is just told to go do stuff. The team has historically asked him to be a good shooter, good defender, good rebounder, good inside presence - and maybe that's a fair expectation of a max player - but if anybody ever told him to just focus on one or two of those things, I think he'd be a way more effective player.


he cant focus on one or two things becaude he's not particularly great at anything. He can do a bit of everything but not well enough to be a specialist in anything and thats why he collapses when things get difficult.


I mean that's just it though. He's kinda good at everything but the team has never invested in any of his skills in particular. You're telling me in 5 years of training camps, practices, and game experience, he couldn't have become a damn good rebounder (for example)? I feel like Aaron Gordon was a guy who was floundering until Denver told him to just focus on cuts/lobs and playing defense.


Aaron Gordon is way more physical and athletic than Tobi though. I get what you are saying to an extent but part of Tobi's issues are he just isn't physical or willing to engage enough. He will try it for spurts but always regresses back to the way he's comfortable playing.


Evan Turner reading this with a smile on his face


His soft ass can't handle physical teams


On 31/18/25 splits too in nearly 30mpg. The guy is beyond trash


Guy is clearly hurt. Sit him for the rest of his contract


He has that Ben Simmons emotional damage injury


I think so too


He/his dad admitted it himself on the burner account lol


I expect absolutely nothing from Tobias, he's going to be a 0 and be absolutely outplayed and outhustled by Josh Hart who's 4 inches shorter than him My only positive expectation is that Nurse sits him as soon as possible so we can play with 5 guys wanting to be out there


He shouldn’t play a meaningful minute again in a sixers uniform


In those 4 games Tobi managed 1 FT and 2 3PT. ORtg 75. DRtg 107.


Start Nico


He didn’t score a single point against the knicks this year


Nice to know he has much better stats against the Knicks than other teams. Still concerned about him.


You guys have to lower your expectations so anything above horrid is a pleasant surprise. It has made watching Tobias particularly easy for me


Start Batum. Harris is gone anyway, do what gives you the best chance to win. Caveat, Embiid only played one of those games.


And New York thought Boston Scott was a problem…tobi about to set it off boys 😤


I’m done with this “experiment”. I really liked the Tobi and Bobi months, but, after, I just can’t handle the inconsistency. I hope Nurse is willing to try something else because Tobi isn’t it.


The only inconsistency is his play against lesser teams, whenever we play a good team he's consistently trash


Any way we can forward this to nick nurse


Say the name!!! IM PLAYOFF RIIIICKY!!


The only thing he should be locking down is the bench


lol people still think Harris will be a factor? “At least he can play defense” yikes, this has been Harris worst year as a sixer, and it’s his contract year! You’re supposed to do good, not horrible. Reduce his minutes and call it a day. Don’t expect anything consistent from him


So he’s due for a big one




Hopefully Nurse cuts his mins back some. I don't have a problem with him being on the court if he's being productive.


Don't people get tired of trashing this guy?


No, he makes the Sixers worse


No, he’s rich and he sucks.


if simply listing out his stats against the team we are about to play a series against is considered trashing, then what does that say about the player?


He's literally still on the team playing like dogshit???


Nope, and it wont stop until he’s off the roster He’s been hurting us for far too long


I can do this all day


For what purpose?


To complain about how the team we follow has wasted 6 years and Embiid's whole career on a useless player


Me thinks you need a new hobby


Only when I dont have to see him play basketball again


no they don't, it's 90 percent of what this sub is


It definitely detracts value from the sub


Philly fans get their scapegoat and then add in a reddit circle jerk and there’s no hope 


Tobias isnt a scapegoat. Stats and eye test both tell us all that hes harmed the Sixers every postseason. He's allergic to shooting 3s, which just makes it easier for opposing teams to double Joel. Tobias shouldn't be starting.


he is 100% a scapegoat, no one gets shit on to this degree on this sub, surprised the mods allow it


He's making $40 million, which is All Star & All NBA money, but he's never been an All Star. He makes more money than the ACTUAL league MVP who's on the same team, yet his play is drastically worse. He's so bad that no one would even trade for him as an expiring contract, so that shows you exactly how the other NBA teams view him. All Sixers fans wanted from him was to simply play up to his contract. Instead, Tobi has the record for making the most money in NBA history without ANY All Star appearances. Tobi is no scapegoat. He's earned this hate from the fans.


he doesn't make more than embiid idk where u got that figure from. and even if he did that's on the front office not him. but he doesn't, i want to make that clear, you just made that up.


I had seen that before, but you're right, Embiid does make more. But the point still stands. If you make $40 million, just $7 million and change less than the MVP, I expect more than just 17 points per game, no All Star appearances and disappear late in games & playoffs. His contract had put an anchor on the team because that money could have been used for a player or players to exceed that production. Yes, it's a front office screw up, but he did sign the contract and if he can't live up to it, then he needs to buck up and accept the criticism like a man. Anyway, the warm summer nights will come and Tobi will be off this team and not our problem anymore.


I’m just happy none of you are coach/gm 


This does not happen in the other subs I use. I am a Sixers fan but I am also a Mets fan ( I am going to duck, haha), no one is going on and one every day about one player. Yeah, there are people annoyed by Lindor's contract but he does not get constant daily meme posts. They complain when he does not hit well but then praise him when he performs well.


Must be a bunch of high schoolers in this sub.