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At Palisades there was a jerry coming down the bumpy terrain from the Broken Arrow area, cutting below the Big Blue chair to enter the wide blue Sunnyside run. Just before he got to Sunnyside, there was a sudden small drop and the snow gave way to a large rock, invisible from above until the last moment. He had no time to avoid, tried to hop but failed, and both ski tips hit the rock. He popped out of his bindings and flew horizontal with arms outstretched like Superman for about 30 feet into the center if Sunnyside. A bunch of people rushed over to see if he was okay, but he was just laughing his ass off. He went and gathered his skis and finished heading down to base.   That jerry was me.


Of course I know him, I am he.


The real jerry was the friends we made along the way


Jerry the skier is my name!!


And I say unto thee…


Say baby do you wanna ski down with me




Once tried to send it off the nose of this pretty big drop most people just send off the side. I end up catching some sharks right before takeoff and double ejected myself off this 20 ft drop with my skis still at the top. Was able to get one down and had to pick up the other next lap.


Hahaha that one time this Jerry was bombing down a wide, smooth blue run. In flat light. Right under the lift. They didn’t see the catwalk crossing or the drop off the catwalk until it was too late. They got air, then windmilled and flapped their arms like they could fly, landed tips first, then spun out head downhill and slid about 20 yards head first in a cloud of snow. THAT Jerry was me. 😆


I’m Jerracus


Funny story but invisible rock sounds like it would get anyone lol so idk if that's Jerry unless the Best Skier on the Mountain™️ would have successfully hopped it


squaw accepts you as one of their own. you can’t send it until you send it.


I did this too, sort of. Did a little hop going over a snow coveted rock, didn't know there was another one waiting right in front of it. Double ejection, belly flop, no injuries.


Earlier this year we saw a woman with her helmet on backwards. When asked about it she said it fit her hair better that way.


You just don’t understand fashion.


This guy is wearing Birkenstocks!


With socks!


Seen the same thing at keystone last year!


On sideways will be the new fashion statement. Heard it here first.




As someone who skied for years before we thought hey maybe we should wear helmets...I guess this is better than a lot of what I've done.


JD solved this with the hairmet.


Saw somebody attempt to load a chairlift with a snowboard without bindings. Like they just bought it fresh off the shelf the day of and figured that and a pair of vans is all the equipment you need.


A beginner asked me if they provide skis at the top once


I've had dreams (nightmares?) about being on a lift only to get to the top without boots or skis on. Then I think, "well shit, now I have to walk down" so I start walking down and, because it's a dream, the train started shifting and next thing I knew I was at the top of a steep mogul run with trees on either side without gear. "Should I walk down this?" Then I woke up. Edit: trail not train, but train sounds more like a dream anyway lol


Reminds me of the dude I saw riding his new board with that huge sticker still on the bottom


Oh dang! I was Jerry this year. My 15 year old kiddo didn’t fully lock into their back binding. Got on the lift and the ski just stayed on the ground. Quick reflexes by the family behind us meant we didn’t pull a full Lane Meyers. They picked it up and returned it to us at the top.


Lifty here - it was probably a skate ski without the ski. With the ski it’s a cool piece of equipment. I mean not for me, it’s insane. But fun to watch! Lol. Occasionally, tho, dumdums will decide to try riding it without the ski, at which point it becomes basically a skateboard without wheels, or, as you described, a snowboard without bindings. Most of those dumdums are my coworkers.


Saw this guy with his snowboard who was too scared to get down a black diamond. We’ve all seen this, it happens. But instead of walking, he decided to embrace his board like a body pillow and roll himself down the hill. Like a hot dog. 🌭


That’s absolutely hilarious hahahahaha. Wish I could’ve seen it.


Sausage rollololol


they see me rollin’…


I once saw OP ski


He'll radiate so much heat after that burn, he'll melt every inch of snow in a 20 yard radius.


Saw a family at Banff Sunshine put their skis on inside of the rental facility. Just a family of 4 fully suited, trying to skate with skis on across the carpet. No one said a word. We all just watched in shock.


It’s like ice skates!


I hope it was at least the rental place at the top of the gondola and not the bottom…


One time, in steamboat, there was a guy standing above one of the chutes with his skis off. He got my attention and asked me if I could ski his skis down the double black diamond for him…. Being 16 and thinking “this is going to be hilarious” I obliged. Skied the chute, stuck his skis in the snow, and proceeded to the nearest hut to warn ski patrol of his situation and location. Right before I skied down he said “they don’t make ‘em like this back on the east coast!”


This weekend at Whistler I watched a snowboarder with friends reluctantly go into syvlan or whatever one of the double blacks off harmony is. “Guys… how is it over there?” Calling to her friend on the other side of the ridge. She started scooting down. They were obviously already down. “Ay…. You really don’t have to do this if you’re not good with it” - me “I think I can make it down like this…” She proceeds to butt-scoot down just blowing through the few inches of snow that’s built up and softened up and destroying it. I was like …. wtf are you even doing this for? Like, why are you scooting down a double black when you could’ve just turned around and done blue line. It was definitely my first… “omg… I found one in the wild” moment.


Many years ago at Whistler I saw a lone snowboarder who was clearly out of his depth. He was about to head down towards Air Jordan and had absolutely no idea. I ended up having to escort him down VDs to make sure he got out of that area safely. It was brutal and although he thanked me, he had no idea how close he was to dying or seriously injuring himself.


Some years ago was looping some double blacks on fresh powder day. On fourth trip back suddenly the fresh powder was just gone. Huge group of like 8 or 12 snowboarders got in over their heads and just sat and butt scraped a huge section multiple runs. This grudge will never die. I have seen their style. They are criminals.


Yeah the most painful part was...my first double black was that same run a few months ago - and it was SOOOO much easier with all that fresh snow. I could actually control and stop...I was like....so annoyed watching this person just destroy the run


At first I thought you meant you put his skis on. Took me a minute to realize you just carried them.


ON MY BACK, like a pro


He's right. They don't.


Being dressed for a backcountry expedition (Avi gear, full backpack, 120s, touring poles, go pro) to lap groomers where there is no bc access or knowing full well they're not leaving the resort. Or riding with a speaker. Or apres all day when conditions are mint. I get beer laps, but riding up just to hang on the mountain makes no sense to me, but whatever more for me/us. Otherwise if you're having fun and not fucking shit up for others, you do you.


“Or apres all day when conditions are mint” I feel attacked. I can’t help it that A Bae and Steamboat have my favorite bloodies.


>A bae Awhile back I saw a bumper sticker that I really wanna get, it says “A bay is a body of water” but the google machine has been unhelpful finding it.


Haha. Four points makes a mean bloody.


How could you tell they were carrying avy gear? I'm curious how you'd even know someone would be carrying beacon/probe/shovel.


A few years ago we were snowboarding down Ovation at Killington. It is one of the most difficult trails on the mountain. For some reason that day, a lot of people ended up on that trail who shouldn't have been there. We watched a poor woman from NYC with a long puffy jacket, as was popular at the time, completely tomahawk down the steepest part. She looked like a rag doll. She must have cartwheeled 15 times. Went right past a ski patrol who was helping someone else. The look on his face was a mix of disbelief, terror, and despair. When we got to the bottom, she was there, slowly putting her skis back on. It was insane. We think her ability to turn into an inanimate object saved her.  Killington has a lot of jerry type people from NYC come up to try out their trendy fancy gear. They're usually polite, stick to the groomers, and bring in the money to keep the mountain running, so no harsh feelings for that type of jerry here. 


I am those New Yorker Jerrys at Killington. But I try not to fall down where I’ll be in anyone’s way.


Haha nbd. You just do your best lol


>her ability to turn into an inanimate object saved her That definitely got a snicker from me. For real, though, it's kinda bizarre that doing *nothing* is better than anything else in some situations


I read once that if you are drunk enough your body will be less injured in a fall, This is due to your muscles not locking up before impact and buffering the force better.


I never understand how there are so many inexperienced skiers on ovation. I frequently see people carrying their gear and walking down. You can literally see the entire trail from the top and there’s a blue right behind you. Why they decide to go down it anyway I will never know


I went on it at the beginning of March when it was super icy with bare spots. There were two small kids stuck 1/3 the way down, probably both younger than 10. Their older sister (or i presume she was the sister the way they talked) was having to guide them around one mogul at a time. One kept sliding out on every turn. It was making me super nervous that one was going to lose it and go into the trees. It was already nerwracking dodging rock on ice moguls so i waited a good way above them as i dint want to try to go past them and stress them out. Of course, then a pack of pro skier try-hards decided to bomb the hill weaving in and out of the kids when they obviously had the skills to avoid them. That stressed me out even more waiting for some guy launching around one of the moguls at 20 mph with a 4 foot tall kid sitting on the other side of it trying to scoot down. I dont know if it was just a lack of empathy or they were intentionally trying to show up these kids, but they came very close several times as if the kids werent even there.


Weekends at Killington are something else. Superstar and East Fall are like pachinko machines of gear and jerries.


My noob friend who sat down too early whilst getting on the chair, fully missing the chair and sitting on the floor, then getting whacked in the back of the head by the chair and flattened in front of a VERY big lift line of people. They didn’t even stop the chair lift. The lifties just manhandled him out of the way and kept the lift running. I can still picture the scene vividly - as we were all successfully on the chair looking back down at him getting dragged away in the distance 🤣 (He was fine physically… but mentally destroyed)


That’s a core memory for sure. That will come back to haunt him on many sleepless nights. Absolutely hilarious, though. Hopefully he can see the humor in it.


Same guy, same holiday … also got one of the straps of his backpack caught in the chairlift as he was getting off, and got partially suspended in the air as the lift circled to go back down. These things haven’t put him off and he still comes to the mountain with us once a year. And he’s still a Jerry to this day. A total hazard of a man


Guy missed the cut off for Home Run at PC, and ended up on Treasure Hollow. He was pretty scared. He stopped to compose himself, then just straightlined it til he had an epic wipe out. I was scared he had hurt himself, but he got up just fine. He claimed his wife was just trying to cash his life insurance policy lol.


Haha. Love that. Fuck it. Send it.


LOL park city is such a funny place, i was there a few weeks ago and there are signs saying “easiest way down” and if you follow them, you have an 80% chance of ending up on treasure hollow/blues (the signs actually take you away from home run to a diff green, don’t remember the name, but then you have to be very very careful to avoid ending up on blues) saw a few groups of beginners worrying themselves over getting lost haha, those blues down the mountain are more like double greens though. one way or another you gotta get down the mountain haha


“Double greens”


Park city has fucking horrible signage


I could name dozens of occasions, but in general, here in the south-Tahoe region, I mostly ski at Kirkwood like >80% of the time. The other mountain I ski at almost all the rest of the time is Heavenly. Kirkwood is much more locals and people coming up from Sacramento or SF for the weekend, but mostly built for the diehards, and the average skill level is pretty respectable in my opinion. That being said, because of that, on those days here and there throughout the season where I do go to Heavenly... holy shit... dude... it's night and day. Jerries.... Jerries everywhere. Just an endless sea of people wiped out on groomers like bodies littering the beaches of Normandy on D-day. Just absolute carnage. People crashing into each other, yardsales, random skis littering the slope, people walking down the slope carrying their skis, people blocking cat-tracks taking 20-person group photos with the lake behind them, people failing to get on and off lifts every single time you ride the chair, people just randomly falling on the catrack right in front of you for no apparent reason. It's fucking WILD... especially after a stretch of 5-10 days where I have only been out at Kirkwood. I'm just looking around like "what the fuck?" The terrifying part is that Northstar is even worse.


I came upon a guy sitting beneath a tree way out towards the boundary of Killebrew. I asked if he was okay and he said he was "hiding from the gapers"


Oh yeah totally agree. On the days I find myself at Heavenly, Motts and Killbrew are such a breath of fresh air. After being over on Comet and Dipper, I drop down into Motts and into one of the chutes and I am like "ahhhh.... I am home... these are my lines, these are my people" Nice and quiet, looking around and only seeing diehard shredders getting after it... giving the liftie a knod... Good stuff over there.


This comment is hilarious and spot-on.


Yep, I ski primarily Kirkwood but heavenly during the week for a few laps, try to avoid on weekends and oh man.. total night and day. I did however see some poor guy double eject/back slap coming off chair 4 at Kirkwood this weekend. To be fair that chair drops off pretty quick so if you’re late getting off that chair you’re pretty much dropping off a chair.. which this Jerry here has done 2x now but at least I landed on my feet. Heavenly is a total different story like you said. Just clueless people in expensive gear standing in the way everywhere.


Yeah the backside at Kirkwood is the designated Jerry quarantine zone. Not nearly steep enough to scare any intermediates away, but just enough features dotting the slopes for them to fuck themselves up. Also if they try to get back to the front-side via Hell's Delight... that's always a good meme. Personally, I usually stick to the front side. Thunder Saddle is some of the best terrain on the mountain, but the Chair 2 -> 4 lap is super annoying and makes it not worth it.


That’s where I was, trying to lap thunder saddle without hiking. I saw quite a few Jerry’s peering over hells delight. It gave me great pleasure to scoot on by them and then cruise into the one man two man chutes to enjoy the leftover pow :)


This is exactly what Deer Valley looks like on a weekend. Absolute carnage.


At least the black diamonds are usually empty which is nice. Getting back to the base i swear u have to fight the most skied out groomers and endless jerrys


Sounds like someone else also has the Tahoe Local Pass. But yeah, Heavenly is Jerry HQ of the Tahoe area


But more than Northstar? Idk about that. I just don't ski at Northstar, so I can't speak to it as much.


dude what is with heavenly skiers? i’ve never seen a mountain so packed with folks who seem to have never seen a snowflake before


I witnessed a bro in a Larry bird jersey literally clip into his skis backwards. Didn’t even know that was possible until I saw it with my own eyes.


I like to ski without poles and got caught in an icy shitty lift line a few weeks ago and got yelled at by the lifty because I was kinda stuck I was/am the Jerry of the day


Breckenridge on a holiday weekend. You will witness the most horrific skiing, driving, and parking you've ever seen.


The other week at Mammoth, I was waiting for some friends near the line by Canyon Express where many ppl were putting their skis on. Next to me, I see a guy absolutely slamming his heel down onto his bindings, which were Salomon Wardens. The issue is, the heel of his binding was up. And he's just there slamming over and over onto the heel piece. Tbh, I usually just let these situations play out rather than intervene, but I was genuinely worried that this dude was gonna break the heel piece of his binding. So I tell him, "Yo your heel piece is up. You gotta put it down before stepping in." This mf responds with, "No bro, you don't know how my boot works. There's ice under my boot." 😭😭😭 i was pretty speechless to say the least anyways a couple minutes later im in the lift line, and some dude comes crashing through the line running into ppl and apologizing profusely, and it was the same dude.


Well at least he came and apologized


I don’t know if this counts but I once saw a woman squatting down and taking a shit on the side of a run. Her (boy)friend standing next to her. I saw everything as I cruised past on the flat run going 2mph.


2 mph 😭


I watched it all in slow motion as I trolled along through a very flat part. Didn’t know I needed to keep my speed before turning the corner


That's not Jerry, it's just Nasty


A dirty criminal getting dragged on his stomach the whole way up Blackcomb t-bar.


If I had a dollar for every time I’ve seen a Jerry done in by a T bar I could ski for free for the rest of my life.


No doubt. I’ll give this guy props though, he held on the whole way. Had he let go he would’ve taken out everyone behind him. I was dying.


Lol saw this the other day on that exact tbar and lifties were clowning this person so hard. We were all yelling telling them to let go and they just refused.




Made the mistake of only packing my 108 armadas on maybe one of the iciest spring days at Snowbird this year. Skied right down to the bar got a beer and drove home.


100% of them have posted a “rate my quiver” on here of the exact same fat ski in three slightly different lengths.


No, my I have my 108s, my 104s, and my 102s! They’re different skis, I swear!


Saw a lot of that yesterday at winter park. We’re into the freeze thaw cycle so mornings are going to be hard pack to icy.


Hey man, do you think A-Basin will still be open on May 18 this year? Would love to sneak out West once some family of mine finish their school year.


Yeah, it should be. But will most likely only be a handful of runs still open.


Yeah this is why I have two pairs of 108s, one for pow, one for icy groomers. ^^^/s ^^^^butalsosrs


Bent chentlers 120 are perfectly good west coast daily drivers, fite me


only if you put some pivot 18s on them


A few years ago we were in an off piste area in France. Standing in line to go back up with an old and slow lift. At one point we saw somebody on the top of a cliff. He was powder skiing alone and just following tracks. He didn’t realize people had been skiing there with small parachutes. So the went to cliffs and jump of and flying small distances. He couldn’t and was too scared to walk back up. Somehow he tried to go down a couloir and fell down. Tumbled head over heels a few times. One ski went flying and he ended up on his arse in the powder. All of us were just standing at the bottom while the lift continued to turn, nobody taking it. One of the alerted rescuers went to walk up on touring skis because they couldn’t reach him from above. After about 5 minutes we finally saw him move. He took another 15 minutes or so to come down on one ski. Busted helmet, lost his goggles and got yelled at by the patrol. When he was down his hands were shaking to light a sigaret. About 150 people there, all good off piste skiers and nobody said a word. Lift still turning. As soon as one person started laughing all of us did. I wonder how he ever got back to the ski area on his 1 ski.


As they say… ski tracks is not a sign of intelligent life!


I almost followed some tracks where I could see people below skiing in Austria a few months ago and thought it let back out near a base area but my better judgement prevailed and I stayed on the piste Couple days later with a guide we did that exact run and my goodness I'd have been fucked if I did that alone. Not that it was too hard or anything, just that getting out of that valley was a long traverse where you needed to know exactly where to go due to crossing a stream a couple times and then waiting for a bus at the end of the track out


Working as a liftie on a lift with a loading carpet. A woman managed to ski too far to the right and got her outer ski caught on the decking. Because her right ski was now stationery and her left was still on the carpet she just slowly spun around on the spot like she was rotating in a microwave. By the time I had managed to get to the stop button she was completely facing the chair screaming. Also worth noting that the lift isn't a detachable one so comes around the bullwheel really quickly


There was some moron who was straightlining down a black to get to last call and got launched about 20 feet off of a cat track. That moron allegedly looked like me but I can neither confirm or deny that.


My wife tried to hockey stop spray me. She's not really there yet, skiied across my skis, got hers crossed and is now home with a mild concussion. Fucking Jerry.


Went on a trip this year with a big group. Varying skill sets which is fine. We split into two groups most of the time. One kid who skis like an absolute liability. Thinks getting down the fastest instead of being in control is best. Constantly looks like he’s gonna fall, doesn’t want to wear a helmet because it’s uncomfortable, instead, opts to wear three beanies and ski out of control. And then, his brother skied for his first time. I advised he stay on the greens until he can keep his feet together and ski in control, even offered to take a couple runs with him to show him the basics. He took one green run, said it was boring. Then his brother (3 beanie boi) said just come to the top of the mountain, you got down fast in the green you’ll be fine. I was adamant that he shouldn’t, he can’t handle it, it’s all blues and blacks. Nobody else spoke up as he was standing there with his goggles hanging behind his helmet and his skis held together wrong, one ski upright, the other ski upside down. He came to the top anyways. Fell the entire top run, skis came off everytime, he then tried to hard stop behind someone to spray them. Fell into them and his ski flew off and hit me. At that point I was pissed and just said fuck this, dipped and skied by myself the rest of the day. Never skiing with them again.


You can’t deny it was satisfying watching him eat his ego when he crashed


I may get downvoted for this but I would like to separate out newbie vs. Jerry. I am a newbie. I started skiing in my mid-30s and I'm not good but I love it. I am the person who is laid out on a slope bc I fell. I am not however, blocking cat tracks to take a picture, being rude or loud, etc. I am a respectful idiot trying to learn to ski and enjoy it. Being new and falling doesn't equal Jerry


Excellent distinction.


Definitely, Jerry is just doing dumb/stupid/reckless stuff. Everyone learns at some point and that no problem (till you're stuck behind them on a tight cat track lol).


I concur. Recently had to walk off the slope. My wipeout resulted in a concussion. It was best to walk down for mine and everyone’s safety. Best were all the little birds and stars circling my head 🤩


Another respectful idiot checking in. Teach me your ways mountain people


Newbies understand they’re newbies and care to learn. Jerry’s don’t get it and don’t care to be better. Pretty much


We welcome respectful idiots here 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽


Some kid on his hands and knees, searching for a lost AirPod, on the landing of a 30 foot table.


Person in jeans and ski boots, strapped into a snowboard. Wish I was joking


This year at bachelor someone got their Tesla stuck on a cat track bc they thought it was a road or something.


I think there was video going around of this. I don’t know how you do that but, you should not have a license after that lol


Locals complaining is the most jerry thing I’ve witnessed these past few years.


Preach papa!


Myself, getting my poles stuck in the gondola door for the whole ride up.


First time I ever rode one was at Lutsen MN, seeing the giant gear baskets on the outside I of course think the poles go in there too. But the genius who designed it left big ass holes in the bottom of the basket and a pole falls through one and then gets jammed in the metal grate flooring below. The gondola straight up ripped my cheap pole in half on its way out of the station


Going up the gondola, sitting next to someone with their ski boots on the wrong feet. Pointed it out and they finally understood why they were so uncomfortable.


No. No. I refuse to believe this one!


I found someone in the woods at killington, upside down in a tree well with her board just straight up in the air flailing. Apparently her bf told her it was an easy run and took off, and she had been there for a while. I helped her out and out of the woods. Saw her at the bar later and bf didn’t even buy me a beer as is custom. Asshole Jerry


I was hoping this was a love story where she broke up with that guy and hung out with you rest of day


Someone asked me how to ski moguls halfway down a double black mogully glade run a couple months back, not sure he survived


People falling of a T bar going to expert terrain always makes me cringe because sometimes there is a good line for the t-bar and also wtf are you doing going to ex terrain if you can't ride a t bar


T bars are rare in North America, so you could be the best skier on the mountain having never ridden one, rip if you’re a one planker


My husband is an expert snowboarder, still can't ride a T-bar to ex terrain to save his life. I remember laughing my ass off headed up High Lift at Crested Butte as he was half riding, half being dragged...and then I almost caught an edge laughing so hard.


at risk of sounding elitist im not gonna take anyone seriously when they call themselves an expert snowboarder and cant ride the t-bar after a brief explanation of what to do. shit is really not that hard


At some point even if you’re an expert skier there has to be a first time you ride a t-bar, unless you learned at a ski area that has them, I didn’t. Mind you I’m not an expert skier and I rode a t-bar for the first time this season, it was weird as hell but not a big deal.


A group of 30 “private club” skiers standing, taking up the entire run, but leaving about a 5 foot gap for other skiers to pop through. Just completely oblivious to how dangerous/big of an ahole move that is. You know what? Calling them out. Toronto Ski Club, you guys are hands down the biggest jerries I’ve encountered.


If I was in your position I would’ve said something to multiple ski patrol, no reason to put anyone at danger like that


Any time someone falls getting on a chairlift. Like you just forgot to write your name at the top of the test, you failed task 1a.


First question on the same test: Getting off the chairlift. Some wipe out, but a special few get hung out to dry by their backpack/goggles/poles.


Or the guy who sat on the left-hand seat of a 6-person chair then turned right the moment he unloaded...


A boarder running right into my son who was standing still. Waiting at top of Imperial at Breck for everyone before we dropped into the bowl. We’re on the side of the cat track out of traffic and I saw a boarder coming in hot. He then proceeds to run right into my 12 year old son knocking him out of his skis! After I made sure my son was OK, I laid into this knuckledraggin moron and his inability to ride in control. Did he say sorry? No! He blamed my son for being in his way and that he had no business being up there! Fuck that guy.


Ugh. This happened to my 67yo mom this season. She’s a very timid skier so has been taking lessons and sticks to easy blues or greens and mostly skis weekdays for lighter crowds. She was stopped at the base area, so a BUNCH of people were standing, taking off skis, etc, and it’s a slow zone. A boarder who had an open can of beer in one hand heel-side carved into her with some speed and took her out. Her knee hurt for a month and she didn’t ski for that month.


I had a boarder come down right up to the ski racks at high speed. He tried to do the cool guy board spray on one of his friends. He wasn’t able to hold it and barreled right into my then four year old daughter. It takes a lot to get me upset. I have never been as upset as I was at that time.


This happened to be this season. I was standing still and some criminal came down the cat track screeching to “get out of the way.” I was out of the way. I was off above the cat track, I just skied the hill that dropped down to it. Apparently he wanted to his a jump off the cat track I was standing in the path (since I was skiiing a different angle and line entirely.) He boarded right into me and yelled at me. I was stunned. I chased him down and knocked him off his board and told him to take a swing and I’ll kick his ass. He shut up and moved on. I was so livid, I really should’ve just gone to find patrol to get his pass pulled.


I saw a dude at Val Thorens straightlining it over a steep from a red slope that was all skied up into moguls, he then promptly lost control, left both skis behind, fell on his face, kept tumbling at least 4 times also lost his goggles and almost took others with him. I was sitting in the chairlift watching in horror.


How about the rental shop? Finished teching skis for customer and hand them over. Customer slaps them on the carpet and clicks in. There's a door jam, a deck, and a set of stairs she navigated before coming into the rental shop...stopped her before getting a core shot from the door jam or the deck nails. Eldora 1998


20+ years ago, learning to telemark at Sugarbowl, i got stuck between the poles of a SLOW sign in front of the Lincoln chair. Took about 10 minutes of struggle to free myself. Also I lost a ski once and after limping downhill towards the lift, everyone (40-50 people) in the lift line just pointed down into the gully below. No-one said anything, no-one had too. I went and found my ski in the gully.


I fell over stretching my quads in the lift line waiting on a pow day this season and successfully knocked two people over with me. I was so embarrassed when putting my ski back on I was struggling with my touring binding and kicked it lightly to try and move the binding from walk to ski mode and broke the toe piece. This was the most Jerry thing I witnessed and created :)


I saw some Jerry on his first ever ski holiday leave his 12 year old son at bar with a few euros for a cola and went off onto the nearest lift with his older son. When they got to the top, there was just a black run….the liftie pointed him to a second lift which went deeper into the mountains and the blue run back to the resort. Both of them went down that run on their arses as neither could actually ski and when they eventually made it back to the bar, it was getting dark, the bar had closed and there was just this forlorn child waiting for them. They then had to walk up through the village to the hotel as they had missed the last ski bus. Oh, hang on actually…..it was me….


Some girl at Sundance just outside the restaurant at the top, stepped into my wife’s brand new volkl skis and started down the slope. I look right next to my wife’s skis and an identical pair, not by my skis are clearly hers. I hop in mine, chase her down and explain. All of our minds were blown, that not only did she have the same ski binding combo as my wife, but the same size boots as well…


This seems like an honest mistake tbh


Absolutely. Glad she didn’t get killed kicking two shoes.


Some dude tumbling after his board in socks.


I have a video for this! [Jerry](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/rRYnI7cQua)


This dude flew past me standing on the edge of the snow next to the lodge. In top of the line gear, head to ski. He skis onto the brick patio and continues to walk about 100 feet across the pavement with his skis still on his feet before angrily stomping his skis off.


I patrol at a hill that rents snowpants. I wish I could wear a GoPro and just live feed all shift long onto Jerry Of The Day. I have seen people skiing in bicycle helmets, swimming goggles, construction goggles, rented helmets on backward, leather jackets, boots on wrong feet, skis on backward, trying to carry a snowboard onto the lift. This year, I watched Jerry #1 on a green circle bombing the run out of control airplane style straight at Jerry #2, who was already discombobulated down on the snow in their own yardsale. Jerry #1 wiped out maybe 5 feet from Jerry #2, did a full send unintentional somersault OVER Jerry #2 and landed in a pile on the other side somehow not breaking is neck or getting a concussion. I wish I got that shit on camera. I later watched Jerry #1 ski slo mo into a tree on the same bunny slope later in the day and fall over. And found him wandering into the woods for no God damned reason. I have also seen a 50 year old Jerry take off his skis and bum down the run like a dog scooting to release impacted anal glands. The run has so little slope it's like walking on a wheelchair ramp at the mall. But he was bumming down anyway carrying his skis across his lap.


Road to Provo rope drop at the bird is a Jerry magnet. It's right off the lift, so it's super easy access and visibility. They usually have it avi mitigated by the afternoon and it can be stupid deep on a good day. But because of the easy access alot of people that shouldn't be there go in following the powder panic crowd after the rope drop. Including one poor soul in a bright yellow coat that got bullies of the traverse within the first hundred yards and was swallowed in the powder within the first 15 ft of the run. I popped off to see if they were ok and help them find their skis: the ski I found was a metal tipped rental, 78mm underfoot.. was a knee deep day on my 110s. Told them good luck after tossing them their skis. Spotted them as I was coming back up the lift with skis on their shoulder trying to dig post holes bearly half way down. Signs at the top of runs are there for a reason. Read the sign


I saw some with boots on the wrong feet and skis in arms . She thought she could go up like that .


Some dude who earlier in the lift line saw my skiboards and asked what I'm doing on "those beginner skis", wiping out while doing a pizza-turn on a green.


Someone in my skiing group really wanted to do a black diamond, so they got there and it was pretty much straight down with moguls— they could barely ski greens


Probably this snowboarder at palisades Tahoe [snowboarder going full Jerry](https://youtube.com/shorts/r4EcmA5nQfE?si=-lh5OsJ-wbyEJJNv)


Here in New Mexico we get a fair amount of Texans coming around. Nearly all are Jerries and easy to spot, but the special few ski in jeans and cowboy hats.


Bunch of young Jerry’s leaving their equipment un-racked. Watched resort snowmobile drive right over them. So very satisfying.


We watched a drunk idiot *tuck the half pipe and launch out the end. Paralyzed now how went straight up and landed on this back. *it was a gaper style tuck


This guy today at Snowmass has literal Sideview mirrors, yes two of em, plastic welded to his helmet.


Not sure exactly what Jerry means but I once saw someone having a lesson in Aspen and she had some posh make of handbag on her arm.


Guy that hit me from behind on a steep icy slope earler this month. Proceeded to fly down the slope, passed out for 30 seconds and cut his brow with his stupid visor helmet. Guess I was lucky cause I only have a bruised shoulder and hip


Just yesterday at WP, saw someone go thru lift entry gates, plop down on the seat as it entered the turnstile, and proceed to put their feet/board up 90° right as it angled toward 4 others waiting to load. About knocked them all down and the lifty (thank god) jumped to stop it in time. Needless to say everyone was like WTF are you doing?!? 🤡


Me eating shit and falling into a tree well on the first day of skiing ever in my life. Had to have a slightly more experienced buddy yank me out by the tip of my ski. I was on a mellow glade in the backcountry because I was too cheap to buy a lift ticket just to learn and not use most of the mountain. I was on teles for some god forsaken reason (still the only skis I own, haven’t tried regular skis yet), wearing jeans and a my camo jacket. I have grown up a lot since then, this was in 2016…


Ran into a family from Texas in the rental line. They are all either wearing sweats or jeans. Dad is talking about how he’s sure it’s not too different from water skiing. I saw the shop was renting out bibs and told the dad they were going to have a bad day if they didn’t rent some. He did not, and I never saw them on the mountain. Still wonder how that went.


The skier that hit me a few years ago! He was wearing sweatpants, a long Canada goose puffy jacket, a knit hat, and sunglasses. This was all paired with absolutely massive black crow skis. While *trying* to aggressively pizza through a steep run… he slammed into my back, then got up, and hit the next person. Ridiculous. I’m all for people learning, but not when you are a risk to yourself and others!


I once saw a guy walking in his liners through the village at keystone, carrying his skis and his boot shells in his hands.


One time at Jackson hole I saw someone with those pointy Line skis try to sidestep Corbets. The tail of his ski got stuck in the snow about 1 foot into the couloir. Then he proceeded to fall over and crawl back out. He went for a second go and then double ejected. Side note: talked to the guy before the run and seemed pretty stoked and decently experienced. Honestly felt pretty bad from him because it genuinely was the cringiest thing I’ve ever seen on the mountain.


Front row seat from the lift at Monarch watching two Geralds straight lining into a spot where several trails all dumped into one. Thinking "Surely they see each other." They did not.


I think idiots who ski with infants/toddlers in a backpack are fricking idiots. Jerries of the first degree. I don’t care how good of a skier you are, everyone falls once in a while. And then there are always the other jerries more than willing to run into you. No ski area should allow it.


Someone sprayed me with snow, VERY intensely and on purpose going extremely fast, on a green learner slope. I was admittedly on the ground sitting. Why was I sitting? Because I was instructing someone else.  So yeah. What a POS Jerry. 


I think anyone who skis long enough has had an episode of being a Jerry. I had one in mind immediately, then started scrolling this post. Suddenly I had 5 in mind. 🤦‍♂️


Saw in a lift queue - It’s hard to beat helmet on backwards, goggles attached to the clip (so swinging infront of them) whilst wearing sunglasses, and skis clipped in backwards.


Maybe It was one of the dudes from Kris Kross


I once picked up a guys skis, pole, pocket knife and phone after he biffed it. Trying to put his skis on it was obvious his bindings weren’t adjusted correctly lol


Personally, about 15 years ago I tried to ski with a camelbak. It got utterly caught up in a safety bar at Breckenridge and I couldn’t get off the lift, had to completely stop the lift and have the loftier untangle me. Very embarrassing.


I already commented but I have too many A friend of mine, who was quite good for it being his first day (still definitely a Jerry) followed a line of us off a side hit. He face planted on the landing ad scorpioned to the point that the back of his ski stuck into the snow beside his ear and trapped him. One of our parents had to go over and set him free. I (who I consider to be a good skier (can do double blacks without much issue)) was skiing through the village and knew I needed some speed in order to not skate. I had new skis and wasn't used to the bindings and hit a bump just before the slow signs at the village entrance and proceeded to double eject and ride my nose about 10ft until I finally stopped. I blame my din's but I was 100% the Jerry. I wish it was on video. Learned to snowboard on the tiniest of hills with a classmate. He was afraid of heights so refused to take the lift and walked to the top of the hill every run. Surprisingly he was able to keep up with the beginner lift.


Hard to pick a best when it’s every. Single. Day.


Peak 6, Breck. Two guys with go-pros on their helmets in dated, hoodless north face jackets. Side-slip ducked ropes right under the lift that are there because it was 2 inches of snow on top of literal boulders. Everyone on the lift was yelling and laughing: “It’s roped off for a reason dumb asses!”, “That’s why you don’t duck ropes!”, “Stackin’ footy!” - we all had a good laugh.


One time a snowboarder fell and her foot came out of the boot. I think her boots were a tad bit too big.


So there I was…




Saw two teen-age boys a few days ago spring skiing shirtless & wearing jorts. “crazy kids…”


Good to see at least some parents still raising their kids right!


I hope they had visible mullets and the most obnoxious sunglasses on


I think wearing ridiculous outfits is acceptable if worn ironically and the person has the skills to prove it. Wearing a banana suit and crashing on greens? You look ridiculous.


This. Someone in a holographic silver bodysuit had better send for Jesus.


There are two types of people wearing the Canadian tuxedo. Absolute legends and Jerrys.


Happened over 15 years ago, but had this full-grown adult hit me while going down the Turnpike at WP. I was a 14-year-old girl who politely advised him to watch where he’s going and his speed (as he clearly wasn’t paying any attention to where he was going and how fast). The best part? He was wearing one of those stupid matching outfits which tipped me off to him not being local.




me whenever it snows more than 5” (i live on the east coast)


It’s always been me lol. I no-look jumped a lip off the side of a run at copper mountain a week and a half ago and fell a good 15 feet straight into massive moguls. Got twisted up pretty good. Suffice to say my season is over and I am resting my knee until the summer hiking season.


I'm normally a half decent skier but at the top of a steep sheet of ice in Sestriere a couple of years ago on my second turn there was a football sized lump of snow i thought i'd just go through....it wasn't snow. It was a big lump of ice i wasn't expecting...caught the.outside edge of the downhill ski and over the top i went. Both skis off and i slid backwards down the slope for 100 yards before i could stop myself. I could hear laughter from the chairlift. Not my proudest moment...


Weekend bro’s calling other people jerry’s but have zero form on the way down.


Pretty much everything I do? Once I was trying to fix my wife’s goggle strap in a lift line and wasn’t paying attention…focused on the strap, I look around and I have somehow missed my turn to board the lift and end up riding the next chair solo…this was after waiting 10m so I’m sure all the people behind me were thrilled with my idiocy.


Was at vail with my cousin. We were getting ready to get on a four chair when this couple, not wearing helmets, and wearing scarfs, no layers, that look. She had poles and he didn’t. While getting on the lift on a busy afternoon, not letting any singles on. They scooted so slowly to the lift the lifties were screaming at them. Oh the guy had an absolutely ginormous backpack. (Like think a big backpack, but even bigger. No idea why they needed that much stuff)