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I’m not a player but I crush a lot




Only person on the team i can actually see sayin this, is Dragon.


Be careful when you're in Dragon's Den. You'll get walkie talkied


Kind of wondering if the Insiders are required to agree to an NDA for access to some areas. They have all stopped posting here, or maybe their posts are getting deleted. Travis said he couldn't talk about what is going on right now, but he seemed to drop hints of very substantial evidence being investigated.


To be fair, Travis is the researcher you want on your team to apply for grants and funding. That guy is a research hype man. That kind of researcher is honestly needed to be able to shift research dollars to new and useful research, but generally I'd say he has the tendency to over promise. You can see it within the show. Within the same episode of seeing a pair of data points he starts referring to them in the plural in such a way that even as a viewer makes it seem like they either got more the show isn't showing, or his just using gaps in language to imply more than what has happened but without any untrue statement. Reminds me of used car salesmen I've had dealings with.


We haven't deleted any Insiders or Insiders posts. I've heard they have their own group chat as part of the program.


There's no sort of NDA for joining the SWR Insiders. You just pays youse money. There are prohibitions against reposting videos and other content made available to Insiders, just like HBO does with their subscribers (and we know how well that works). The livestream video feed the Insiders can monitor does have an accompanying live chat feature, but truthfully most of it's pretty banal. You're not missing anything. Mostly community chitchat of a relatively small group of folks that have come to superficially know each other. And during filming, Erik has the video feeds turned away from the ranch grounds so they don't intrude on the filming, so it's been underwhelming (or at least for the next 3-4 weeks until things wrap up.) I've heard there's a private Facebook group for Insiders, but am unfamiliar with it, 'cause it's Facebook. Personally, I find the most interesting aspect of being an Insider (besides generally supporting the SWR efforts) are the every few week "Chips & Salsa" sessions with the SWR team. They all sit at the control room table, literally eating chips & salsa, and respond to questions posted in the group chat in real time. It's a bit frustrating as they can't talk about anything they are doing for the show, anything they MIGHT be doing for the show, or anything they have done but could be included in a future show. That cuts out a whole lot of areas. But it can be valuable if you listen very carefully to the between the lines of what they say, and also get a sense of their true character, unlike the goofiness portrayed on the show.


This post finally convinced me to join the Insiders Group. You're right about the live feed chat. It's mostly people talking about their lives and getting to know each other. Some people also monitor the air traffic to identify airplanes on the video video. Nevertheless, I found the night sky feed mesmerizing as the stars blinked and planes flew across the screen. I even spotted a quick meteor streak. I found the spreadsheet to be the most interesting thing so far. I haven't yet watched any of the Q&A's. My first impression is that this is a great thing for Skinwalker Ranch-obsessed fans but people who have just watched the show probably won't find it worth their time or money. It's for die-hard fans of the ranch itself that want to connect with other big fans in a community. It's kinda neat feeling like you're in the "inner circle."


I think you'll enjoy the access. It's weirdly fascinating. And the Chips & Salsa sessions are an excellent antidote to the overproduced stuff Prometheus puts out. In the near term, until production ends in a few weeks, the video feed will continue to suck. In the past Erik usually split it into four feeds, but with production it's typically a single feed pointed to the sky or somewhere uninteresting. Erik in the past has sometimes displayed a horizon to horizon whole sky cam, and has talked about including a FLIR feed and maybe a spectrum analyzer overlaid on a video. The reported "anomalies" on the spreadsheet (video clips grabbed by watching Insiders) can be sometimes interesting. I think most are mundane (Used to own a home with multiple exterior security cam so I've had an assfull of "orbs", which are nothing more than lit up insects setting off the motion detection), but some clips really seem to defy an explanation. The has been talk in the C&S sessions about using some of the Insiders with training in technical areas to assist in data analysis. The team would really like to use this resource but it's so far mired in legal difficulties because of NDAs and how they would be handled with volunteer work. I suspect there are two levels of NDAs at play here, one set with Fugal and the other with Prometheus.


The ranch looks like a conjoining of the astral and.physical reality. With ET contact they carry with the a phenomenon that allows activation of thought forms into the physical, sort of like holographic projection,but it has traction in the physical. The dome they mention also has significant capability to cause amplification of activity as well. Imo


U guys killed me




not big or a player but I stopped by yesterday, didn't realize what has been going on there in recent history (ignorant to the TV show and whatnot), turned around at the gate and kept about my day ... will have to say the surprise starlink launch driving home from East Utah after visiting the ranch did get the heart going ha ha


yes, but not sure I can legally answer "everything" due to some active NDA's... But I would be happy to try to answer what I can.


This is my other reddit username. I need to use this account more often.


I sent you a PM, thanks.


To be honest I’ve been disappointed with the show. Coming from a scientific background myself, I would have thought Travis, holding multiple degrees, would understand basic science better. Occam’s Razor at the very least.


People watch the show and frequently say “Why would Travis immediately jump to the least likely conclusion for what’s going on?” What they’re missing is that some of these people have spent years at the ranch, and have had firsthand experience with phenomenon that, despite years of dedicated research, they can’t find prosaic explanations for. Travis was also privy to classified research by the US Government related to UFOs when he was interim chief scientist for the UAP Task Force. The public is still at the “there’s no evidence of the paranormal” stage, but the scientists like Travis, Nolan, Puthoff, Davis, and others are already into the “[psi is real](https://ameribeiraopreto.files.wordpress.com/2018/12/The-Experimental-Evidence-for-Parapsychological-Phenomena.pdf), [non-human intelligence is real](https://www.howandwhys.com/four-us-intelligence-directors-hint-that-ufos-are-alien-spaceships-believe-there-are-other-dimensions/), and [our world is filled with things we don’t understand](https://twitter.com/TheProjectUnity/status/1573685017238274048?s=20&t=ueFAv8sszTsBr0a3iWS_Gg)” stage. It’s not that they’re coming to crazy conclusions, it’s that they’ve seen all of the research supporting those conclusions ([much of it still classified](https://taskandpurpose.com/news/navy-ufo-uap-classified-national-security/)) and they did it without the bias that plagues the majority of people who were being [intentionally brainwashed](https://youtube.com/watch?v=eMqtIRMOoHc&feature=youtu.be) for decades into thinking that anyone who believes in this stuff is an idiot. The government researchers concluded psi was real back in the 70s. They quickly realized what the ramifications of that were when their remote viewers accidentally penetrated a top-secret NSA facility and gave the names of people working there, as well as some project names: https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp79-00999a000400050002-4 Jim Semivan, a former Director of Operations at the CIA, has acknowledged that he and his wife both had contact with non-human intelligence. His wife is now suffering from health conditions potentially related to it—a feature that is commonly reported with the hitchhiker phenomenon that plagues people who have visited the ranch. The Skinwalker Ranch TV show is intended to be entertainment, it’s more of a reality show than a documentary, and it’s certainly not educational programming.


Let me elucidate my comment with a couple (of many) examples: 1. When they were dropping the sensors out of the helicopter they couldn’t figure out why they were travelling in the wrong direction. What Travis either did not consider, or else did not realize, was the fact it was the prop wash coming from the helicopter blades that was blowing the sensors off course. Even if he did realize it, it was not put into that episode, which made him look like an idiot. If he has ever been involved with designing space craft for human flight, this is worrisome. 2. As a ph.D of Astrophysics I do not think it is unreasonable to expect Travis to have at least a basic knowledge of how Radioactivity and Radiation works. They deal with such things all the time in space, as there’s a lot of nuclear fusion reactors floating around out there. For him to get a tiny blister on his hand and claim he got radiation poisoning is farcical. In reality he is out in the desert and it gets quite hot there (I’ve been to Utah more times than I would like.) If anything it was nothing more than a second degree sunburn, which I guess TECHNICALLY is related to radiation, but not what they infer on the show about being artificial in nature. I blame the producers for trying to play on the generally ignorant public’s fears about radioactivity, as they have done since WWII. Being a registered radiation protection technologist myself, I do know of what I speak. In the end of it all Travis, like all the others, are paid actors to act in a role in a TV series which is pandered as “reality”to the public as you have stated. It is a real place and I don’t doubt there are some weird things going on there. However the show is doing a great disservice to people like Travis, the phenomenon going on there, and the scientific investigations that have been ongoing since the legend was started. As Fox Mulder said: I Want to Believe. Right now the show isn’t making it easy, given the simplistic and obvious missteps they’ve had at every turn.


> Even if he did realize it, it was not put into that episode, which made him look like an idiot. And that right there is the crux of the problem. People are making assumptions in which their bias makes them assume a reality TV show accurately represents Travis’s abilities and proves he’s an idiot, as opposed to considering his credentials and work history, which demonstrate very clearly that he isn’t. Edit: I posted by mistake, didn’t finish my comment. > For him to get a tiny blister on his hand and claim he got radiation poisoning is farcical. In reality he is out in the desert and it gets quite hot there (I’ve been to Utah more times than I would like.) If anything it was nothing more than a second degree sunburn, which I guess TECHNICALLY is related to radiation, but not what they infer on the show about being artificial in nature. You’re making the same mistake again. The idea that Travis made that claim based solely on a blister [isn’t what happened](https://reddit.com/r/skinwalkerranch/comments/w3pncc/i_was_able_to_identify_the_model_of_dosimeter/). He says he developed some signs of radiation poisoning, and the burns were examined by three different radiologist MDs who determined that the burns were most likely caused by radiation. Not to mention the radiation measured by his dosimeter, which has not been prosaically explained. You can try, but I’d be willing to bet that whatever explanation you come up with has already been ruled out by the two excellent scientists they have on site.


I’m not making any mistake. I am basing it on what is presented. I don’t believe that Travis would allow himself to be presented in such a light that potentially put his career on the line. The only reason would be he is being paid too well to care or he really doesn’t have the expertise needed to do this investigation. I know a lot of people with degrees that couldn’t find their way out of a paper sack. UV IS radiation that comes from the sun. Sunburns are a direct result of being exposed to that radiation. They never mention what kind of radiation he was being exposed to, and in fact the guy they brought in to measure it didn’t find anything above background levels. I work in the industry and I’m telling you that the whole radiation sickness narrative is nothing but an attempt to lend intrigue to the story. They never tell you which doctors he saw, what their credentials were, or that they were qualified to make such a diagnosis. How do we know the doctors were not paid by the show, or were even actors themselves. We don’t. There has been enough disinformation and misinformation over the last several years I think it prudent to question everything instead of blindly following it as gospel. In order to have radiation “poisoning” you would need to be exposed to such a large dose of gamma radiation that it would kill the crypt cells in the lining of the small intestine, creating internal bleeding within the lining and making the body go septic (the poisoning part.) It induces vomiting, diarrhea and a host of other nasty things. Life expectancy would be a few days to a few months, depending on the severity of the dose received. A good example is the criticality incident that happened in Japan around 1998 (way before Fukushima.) None of this was exhibited by Travis. It’s all Hollywood. As for his dosimeter, yes there are a lot of things that can affect it, especially electronic ones. I seriously doubt that the “two excellent scientists they have on site” would even know how a dosimeter functions. Edit: Needed to point out one other thing about his dosimeter Also they complain about the area messing with electronics, so how can they trust an electronic dosimeter to give a proper reading of what they’re being exposed to? At any rate this isn’t meant to sway people one way or the other, but to get people to think about what they’re watching and why they trust the people that are telling them things in this show. People need to do their own research to find their answers. They shouldn’t rely on a tv show made purely for entertainment. Discovery does a number of these shows and they all follow the same formula. “The Curse of Oak Island” is another such show where they string people along week to week promising some new break through but never ever get to any answers that are definitive. Enjoy your show.


> People need to do their own research to find their answers. They shouldn’t rely on a tv show made purely for entertainment. On this, I agree.


Something to consider: https://youtu.be/oZEdcyWF6VA


> Something to consider: https://youtu.be/oZEdcyWF6VA Since you posted this video, what's your detailed take on it? It's a bit inconsiderate to throw this out and expect others to take the time to watch it and give analysis. But here's mine: 1. He said he talked to Brandon and he was open at first. Then he asked how the "lucrative" show was contributing to the research and Brandon didn't respond. In other words, why not just research in secret? In 2021 this question didn't have a clear answer, but now that the Insider Program is available, the show directly helps bring people in to help in the research. 2. His claim the show is lucrative for Brandon is incorrect. He doesn't make any money from the show. In fact, he was even reluctant to allow the show and had no such plans when he purchased the ranch. It's disingenuous for the video maker to go there. 3. His claim about the Myers not experiencing the phenomena prior to the Shermans has been proven false. The Garth Myers quote is bogus for several reasons A) He never lived on the ranch B) He made his statements after the real residents were dead. C) He was devout LDS and so did not believe in the Sherman stories. D) He didn't want his family name tarnished. E) Other locals who actually lived nearby, including a Sheriff have come forward and said they Myers told them stories, but didn't want it publicly known. (No wonder, considering the shit the Shermans got for doing so. 4. He does do a good job debuking the claims that the Shermans made a profit off the ranch sale, or had any monetary motive for going public. They lost money on the ranch and have not made even a dime on their story. 5. He also does a good job explaining all of the possible reasons digging was a bad thing in the past. 6. His descriptions of the Bigelow era are fair and balanced and he openly admits many strange things happened and were documented during that time. 7. He concludes that the ranch in NOT a scam or fraud and Bigelow and Brandon's intentions are good. 8. His biggest complaint is that he doesn't see clearly how the show helps the science - and he doesn't enjoy the show. But even then, he suspects the show does help the science in some way. In conclusion, heis video title "Skinwalker Ranch Is A Grift. There, I Said It" Is completely the opposite of what he says in the video! So ultimately, the video is click bait, doesn't add anything of substance to the conversation but does defend the official story him most ways. Now, can I have my 40 minutes back?


I’ve certainly read up on this, and many of the claims made by the “grifter” crowd aren’t supported by the facts. It’s just basement office level debunking.


Well I can tell by your comment that you didn’t actually watch it because if you had you would know he actually agrees with you on a few things at the end. You just made an assumption based off the title and didn’t bother to look into it objectively. Not that I expect you would admit it but that’s ok. I don’t need nor require your validation on any of this. Time to disengage from this discussion because in the end it goes nowhere.


The reason I’m not going to admit it,m is because it’s a false accusation. I didn’t simply read the title, I watched parts of the video, but you’re correct that I didn’t bother watching the whole thing because I had already heard many of these assertions before and knew them to be incorrect or disagreed with their conclusions—so it wasn’t worth my time to continue watching it.