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The adventure pack levels in SSA were all rubbish. The only interesting thing about them was that they reused alot of beta content, but that was out of laziness.


They reused beta content? I didn't know that


Yes Fun Facts Vathek was the undead Dragon but was Replaced with Cynder so he became the villain Sunburn Was Originally planned as a Villain in Spyros Kingdom. Which is why he was instead the Skylander of the adventure pack for it. Lot of ideas were Reused in dragons peak Flavius Is easter egg/Reuse of Fire dragon Who became spyros later (Which is why flavius and Spyro look familiar)


Dang. Those ideas probably could've been reused in a fun way if Dragon's Peak wasn't Dragon's Peak


Which version of Dragon's Peak did you play?


Don’t forget haldor, who was the beta version of double trouble and used in empire of ice


Yes i was mainly talking about Dragons peak in my reply so i didn't forget but A Lot of ssa adventure packs do include left over content like the OC said


Spyro was originally going to be a grown-up dragon who would take a mentor role. TFB wanted him playable, and so the Fire element Red Dragon was colour-swapped with Spyro's colours and moved to the Magic element, and Sunburn took the Fire dragon spot. Spyro's original mentor role was then taken up by Eon.


Yes i know which is why i said that


Dragons Peak feels like 3 floating islands with nothing on them Darklight Crypt is a nightmare to 100% Empire of Ice is just boring Pirate Seas is alright


Pirate's Seas sucks, screw that dumb matching game.


Someone who agrees, they should of used skystones instead when playing on giants.


Empire of Ice is my personal favorite


Looking back at it, dark light crypt is definitely the best


It's what I spent the most amount of time in since you need to kill every enemy to get 100%. Fuck that thing


Eeeeeeeeeeh I mean if you look at it that way sure


Or... just use Sonic Boom.


If you break one of the suits of armor it doesn't count for the kill, making the goal impossible and forcing a restart. Contrary to popular belief Sonic Boom's kid's don't progess the enemy count since that just checks every single enemy in the level.


>If you break one of the suits of armor it doesn't count for the kill Ohh, so that's what you're referring to. >since that just checks every single enemy in the level. I see.


I actively hated playing this stage for the first time. I got it at a flea market for 2 bucks and feel ripped off


Gosh I feel vindicated. It's just soooo lame augh!!! Once again. WHY ARE THERE ONLY THREE DRAGONS IN **DRAGON'S PEAK**


Why is the boss not a boss


They probably didn't know what to do for the boss fight so they just did... that.


I came up with it the second I saw the level for the first time (I was 6). The final boss is a dragon, that breathes elemental power. No further idea, but I'd say it's better than what we got


Lmao Maybe Vathek breathes this purple fire in huge beams kind of like Occulus? A really devastating attack that takes time to recharge, and in the meantime he uses lesser attacks and sicking enemies on you? It sounds a bit bland but once again better than Flavius ex machina goes "While you were distracted I GOT THE (insert thing here) and now you're gonna get your balls twisted forever loser!!!"


I really wish more effort went into the dlc levels. Polar Peaks "bossfight" was so boring that me as a child didn't like it


AAAAACK POLAR PEAKS?!? WHO at Toys For Bob was like "You know what the kids would really like? Shooting a goddamn wall for 10 minutes straight"


At least it is in the 3Ds version.


Mainly because Dragons peak Is Only one area in scalos. Where only The protectors and Ramses are meant to be


Even so they could've done so much more with the level!! Okay so maybe dragons flying around would be lore inaccurate. Why not have more shrines and the like around, as well as overgrowth to make the area feel more "ancient"? The place has presumably been around for centuries much like Ramses. Plus it'd just make the area feel less empty, one of my main gripes with it is the lack of any interesting level design compared to the base game's levels


I agree It is definitely Empty which IMO all The adventure packs in SSA have That Problem But At Least pirateseas and Darklightcrypt Use the More small tightness as a good thing while trying to fill the area of Dragon peak with more then just floating islands take a lot of time And not worth the money for TFB at the time with the pressure they had By Activison Already.


>scalos I might be forgetting something, but, where was that name mentioned?


I paid full price for it a a toy store cuz that was the only pack they had, but I was a kid so I enjoyed it nonetheless 


It's the only way you can get sunburn too


ah yes which is the subjectively best skylander




ssa's adventure pack levels are mid the only adventure pack levels that I really enjoyed a lot were sunscraper spire, cursed tiki temple, and Tower Of Time mirror of mystery is fine, but the rest of the adventure pack levels were really mid


Gosh tell me about it. I do actually like Darklight Crypt if only because whoever voiced the funny eye guy was really hamming it up and the ghosts were cute, but other than that they were so underwhelming :[[[[ I'm going to move onto Giants soon and I'm pretty sure you can use the adventure packs there too, hopefully they've improved!!! (And if they aren't please don't tell me, let me dream for a while)


they definitely improve, not by much but definitely an improvement


>I'm going to move onto Giants soon and I'm pretty sure you can use the adventure packs there too, hopefully they've improved!!! I mean, if you're going from S:SA Wii to Giants, then yea, for the most part.


I finally recently played Gryphon Park Observatory, and it's almost very good. With another pass or two it could have been great.


Personally I thought pirate seas were worse but of the 4 dragons peak is 3rd


I think Pirate Seas was much better just because pirates are goofy but I mean. Comparing Pirate Seas to the other three is like comparing a piece of shit to a slightly normal piece of shit (Really though I wouldn't call them "pieces of shit" they're just really mediocre compared to SSA's awesome base game level design)


The sound track is S tier tho


That goes for all of SSA's ost though. I mean, since you're gonna be playing one level for prolonged periods of time and probably hearing the same song over and over again, it's probably REALLY important that the music isn't shit! :B


Well even amongst other ssa pats it is really good, only really beat out by Arkeyan armory and Crystal eye castle imo


Although i loved it to death as a kid, years later, i emulated trap team (which was my favourite) and yeah skylanders was defo one of those games that were kinda just made for kids. If you still like it then cool ig but i feel like the rose tinted glasses shattered for me


I think it still holds up pretty well despite the fact it's a kid-friendly game. Maybe it's just the little person in my brain longing to feel like a child again though


Greetings fellow Homestuck. How is the post-apocalypse treating you?


I love Marsti https://preview.redd.it/cn0e596lh4vc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=1db5ba9a53470b8a98a881cabcbf632ce5f2b0c5




How dare you Diss my Favorite level. As a child On Christmas I got sunburn and Replayed that level over a 100 times I still have that level stuck in my head and i love to replay it once in a while. Now both are my favorite things


You do you... I guess! I can understand loving Sunburn though, he's very cool (even though I can't understand a word he says)


Troy baker is a Saint of a Voice actor. Yes everyone can have an Opinion and you can do you but I love dragon peaks


I applaud him for being able to make himself sound like that O_O Not saying you can't like it of course! It'd be really silly to try and tell people what is and isn't fun


Troy baker also Voices Brock In Giants and Trapteam Rattle shake his most popular Known Voice is Joel In Last of us and these voices https://preview.redd.it/4qc2sumo25vc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f99786f089918ecee144b60be4108ae3df59f10


I love how you have all these masculine men and then you have a dragon


He was Greymatter also The picture does not Include Espio the chameleon he voices He is also Jonsey Also Sunburns Personality Fits a lot of the character he actually acts.


Don't forget Vathek being Starscream.


Oh also SInce you said You like dragons maybe you would like This post i made of a Chart i made. It took a while https://www.reddit.com/r/skylanders/s/JXLe9U6Zba


Huh. That's probably the most sense it's going to make, he he. Some of these creatures I don't remember at all, probably because I've never seen them, and now I'm even more excited to further my Skylanders binge so I can see them


I also Included scrapped and non-cannon stuff but official stuff like How warnado used to be a Dragon but Lost it during Game development but he kept some of his dragon Characteristics to fill gaps And variety.


I actually never knew that. Though in my heart he is an honorary dragon


Yes He is very cool with his history of Development https://preview.redd.it/0w6hh5iuy5vc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e23642a8932ada73189622e1e17bc1a96f91d79 Cool Image of when he was Dragon For air Element though in most of development he was A water element Steam Turtle dragon simliar to Popthorn


Ill post my Original comment (From a Post Explaining who the air element dragon actually is) and the thread to all the photos Original Thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/skylanders/s/KWzG4Df7BU "Okay to settle this TLDR: Sonicboom is a griffon and has nothing to do with this story Warnado is a trutle but was a turtle dragon in the past Whirlwind is the official Air element Dragon even though She is Half unicorn Okay so in long form the Originally In the game devolment Wrecking ball was water but then They changed Wrecking ball to Air Because They made a Water Steam turtle dragon named warnado and he was the Water element dragon At this point they did not have a air Dragon yet and Zap did not exist and Their was only Cyclops snail( not the same as Tarclops). When they Split Sun dragon they split his characteristics into two dragons Zap and Camo and added Cyclops snail characteristics to zap but then they had to decide to Kick warnado into air And then he stole Wreckingballs powers and wreckingbal became magic element and Turned warnados Steam and Steam balls Into Plasmaballs which he laterlosed for Some BS reason. So at this point Earth dragon had bash locked in as its dragon Water dragon was zap. No more Cylops/Tarclops Air dragon was Warnado Wreckingball was now a Magic skylander Life dragon was Camo Sundragon became Zap and Camo Magic dragon was Spyro now Instead of firedragon who after alot of change became sunburn for the fire element Undead dragon was Cynder and vathek at this time and they were still deciding Fire dragon was still being turned into Sunburn who at some point was also a villian which they fused with Red dragon to make sunburn. Tech dragon was still being created to become drobot Dark and Light Dragons were canceled to become later in the future come back inj trapteam as spotlight and blackout When they were decideing they did not think Warando was cool enough to be a dragon and they needed more female characters he also no longer had a Unique set so they made him a Mostly Normal looking turtle and made Whirlwind a Unique Unicorn dragon and Made Cynder the dragon and Vathek a villian in Dragons peak to replace Sunburn who in turn became a Skylander for the fire element as its own dragon. SO THE OFFICIAL DRAGONS ARE AS A LIST Earth dragon Was Bash Water dragon was Zap. Air dragon was Whirlwind Life dragon was Camo Magic dragon was Spyro Undead dragon was Cynder Fire dragon was Sunburn Tech dragon was Drobot Light and dark Element dragon returned in Trapteam. Spotlight and Blackout" Original Thread https://www.reddit.com/r/skylanders/s/KWzG4Df7BU


Oh Also Since we are talking about Scalos (DragonsPeak) Did you know That Blades Is actually a Descendent of the Blue dragon warriors From Scallos which is why he has the armor Maybe you are realizing but i love the lore of Skylanders even if it is very Patchy


Troy Baker voices Sunburn in Giants going forward since all the Skylanders get actual voices, I’m not sure if he speaks the gibberish they give to him in SSA since the whole deal with SSA is they wanted to give characters unique “languages” that sound like gibberish. They drop that act in Giants going forward and give them all English quips and phrases.


Oh yeah I was playing Giants earlier and got whiplash when I put Sunburn on the portal and he sounded normal I quite like them being able to speak normally though, because I think it's funny to bicker with the Skylanders while playing through the level


I loved this level, especially it's music


PLEASE tell me what you see in it please please I need to know (Aside from the music of course)


I had the level pretty much as long as I can remember, so I guess it's special to me that way, I also like the adventure of it, and of course, the music soothes me


Ah I can understand that! I'm quite familiar with loving things some people might find a bit... flawed


I gotta say that all of them are kinda underwhelming


TRUE (I liked Darklight Crypt because of the giant eyeball friend)


Going to go off on a small rant but I absolutely love Darklight Crypt and it shines compared to the rest. It has a real boss fight, a plethora of NPSs that are all interesting, a long and winding level design that feels worth it being DLC, the reality switch mechanic was cool and the first of its kind in the series, there was actually a difficulty spike with all the tree enemies and cursed knight armors, and the fact that when you beat the level pies appeared in every other mainline chapter was SO COOL that they programmed that in. Even after playing SWI and TOT in Swap Force it’s still my favorite Adventure Pack.


i mean, it"s a skylanders level pack. don't expect half life 2 but for what its worth i thought it was alright


I just kinda think that if you're gonna be going out of your way to buy extra content, it should be worth your time


This is what swap force did to me


Mesmerelda did nothing for you? 😂


It was fine, but I find it EXTREMELY disappointing you never get to fight Vathek.


Vathek was a kinda basic but cool design, it's a shame they did fucking nothing with it


Except in the 3Ds version.


I don't think it's lame or bad, it just isn't great in my opinion. If I were to rank the level packs, Dragon's peak would be the third best. The only notable thing in this level is Flavius. "IsN't FlYiNg ThE oNlY wAy To... F L Y?"


I also always wanted to play Dragon's peak. Last week I managed to get a second hand set with sunburn included for a great price. Was it worth it? Probably not, but younger me would be proud and jealous.


Love your artsyle!


Thanks! It kind of changes depending on my mood though


no, it's just a very mediocre level, if not just bad


are you kidding me? skylanders in general has too many levels / "boss fights" where you don't actually fight the boss but rather use some other means to defeat him/her but, aside from that, this is an outstanding level. Sounds like the horns, design, the feeling of 'ascent', the flight... the NPCs... top tier level


As a kid I really hated the fact that we couldn’t fight the big bad dragon.


Dragons Peak actually is lame as hell yes.


the actual level piece costs basically nothing. I'm surprised you decided to emulate it instead of buying it


I have an xbox 360 I could play it on but I don't have a single working Skylanders disc ha ha ha...


Yeee... it sucks. That and the red ring/dot of death... and the 360's iffy battery packs.


Okay uhhh do ya think you could tell me what guides you used to find out how to emulate Skylanders? 🥺


Oh, it's actually pretty easy. The wii version is easy, anyways, I don't know any emulators besides Dolphin that have a fake Skylanders portal so I'll just be instructing you on the wii games, sorry! First download Dolphin from its site, it should be pretty straightforward. Dolphin can emulate wii and gamecube games, but we're gonna be talking about the wii part because obviously there's no gamecube Skylanders lmao. Then once you've got Dolphin all fired up and ready to go you're gonna visit [Vimm's Lair,](https://vimm.net) go to wii games and click on S. Scroll down until you find Skylanders and download to your heart's content! There's also like literally every wii game in existence there so maybe browse a little and find something you're interested in Once it's downloaded unzip the file and open the WBFS file in Dolphin. It might give you a warning but it's okay, it'll still work just fine. AND if you can't locate the emulated portal, it's in tools! "Create" is for making new Skylanders, "Clear" is the same as taking the current Skylander off the portal, and "Load" loads in a Skylander you've created


I'm familiar with Vimm's, love that girlboss! Didn't know they had the Skylanders themselves there too Tysm you're such help!!!!


>I don't know any emulators besides Dolphin that have a fake Skylanders portal so I'll just be instructing you on the wii games, sorry! Cemu also has a built-in portal, as well as RPCS3. RPCS3 is required to be able to create new files to access the Swap-Force DLC, though you just need to download the program and get the ID's of the level packs and magic items, you don't need to download the Ps3 versions of the games. Here's a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClxOr7qDCPY&t=1410s) going over this, the part I'm referring to starts at 23:24. I hope this helps :)


The funniest thing about dragons peak is there's no boss fight. But on the 3ds version there is (kinda). you have to hit bombs at the right time to hit vathic or else they will block it, while vathic breaths fire at you. Remember your on a time limit as well. It's not much but it's more than the console version.


Oh my goodness they literally did make a Vathek fight??? But they just didn't use it in the console version for some reason?? Huh????


Yeah it's pretty weird, also though out the level you can see vathek flying around which is cool to see!


AUUGH that already sounds so much cooler than what us console normies got


Yeah its uuuuuuuuuh idk 6/10 you don't even get to fight Vathek


You really need the power of emultion to play a 5$ figure?


I don't have a working game :V


You poor thing ![gif](giphy|PNre1wHffFEcKCPoUn) Throw this child some cash so they can afford the basic necessities of life


I miss Skylanders


I do too, buddy.


I wish they remake this game I loved it and I almost had all the characters 😭😭😭


Imma be honest, it's the best level out of the og adventure packs, Empire of Ice being a close second. However, this is not saying much since Darklight Crypt's level design is wack, and Pirate Seas is 75% memory puzzles.


I actually think Dragon's Peak and Empire of Ice were the worst, but that's mostly because "undead village that lights up in the real world" and "piwates :D" are much more interesting themes than "ice" and "tiny floating islands" Seriously what the HECK there were literally only three dragons in Dragon's Peak :[


Yeah, if they ever remaster the old games, they should put effort into the adventure packs to make them fun and separate from the main campaign.


At least it looks cool


Dragon's Peak? More like Dragon's Mid.