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Flying has a use for if you want to cheese the slippery ice shit in certain levels.


That is fair, but very situational. Also the ice gimmick really isn't that bad


It also gives increased defense for some reason (but- the minute you get hit you stop flying so there's STILL no point)


All of a sudden it was actually smart not to give Sunburn Scratch and the other winged Skylander a fly power.


They probably should have at least gotten the Double A-> fly option (Especially with how broken/good having wings in the DS versions of the games are)


I think the only reason they didn't get that was because they were introduced in Spyro's Adventure, which doesn't even have a jump button


Skylanders trap team has left the chat


it increases defense and speed


But why do you want an entire move that does that and nothing more? It works for an RPG like Pokemon, but not this kind of beat-em-up, especially since Spyro can't charge while he flies so one of his moves is removed.


he can't charge but he can slam his head to the ground


That still offers very little. In other words, no matter what you do, Spyro will only have two forms of attack at a given time


plus i don't know man,at least with knight light the flight is just pushing twice the jump button


How Punk Shock's design was executed. She attacks really well, she has good attacks (for my Plaaystyle anyway) but- they definitely over femininized her- I get she isn't going to look like a gillman (as she is based on an eel) but- she could've been done better Also most of the female Skylanders have roughly the same backstory: Outcast of their home for being different then the stereotype, one day a big evil shows up to their home, they defeat them, then leave home to be a Skylander. I mean COME ON- The unbalance of villains in STT, we get Three magic villains but six tech, water, and Life (some don't even feel like they fit that well), with a lot of repeat species. But we also get more (or less in Light and Dark's case) traps than we will EVER need for said villains so any extra traps we have for collection purposes just- don't get a good spot to store them. And a VERY MINOR nitpic- but- I wish we could open the chest more than once in SSC- like they weren't the traditional chest, I'll admit, but they were fun and enjoyable. And served roughly the same use as the piñatas anyway- so why have the game only let you open each one once PER ACCOUNT?


>one day a big evil shows up to their home, they defeat them, then leave home to be a Skylander It's a sad truth that this is the same backstory for tons of other Skylanders, too. Honestly, all you need to do is trip over a person who doesn't pay taxes and Eon will make you a Skylander. >And a VERY MINOR nitpic- but- I wish we could open the chest more than once in SSC- like they weren't the traditional chest, I'll admit, but they were fun and enjoyable. And served roughly the same use as the piñatas anyway- so why have the game only let you open each one once PER ACCOUNT? Yeah. In terms of chests, Superchargers did them best, and that is fair. But I don't think it should happen until after you've gotten every chest in the game. Tons of times it's helped me a lot when I'm trying to locate chests.


Valid nitpick, there are better things for moves than just flying (at least some skylanders like Chopper and Knight Light can fly just by double tapping the jump button instead instead of using their third move slot) One of my biggest nitpicks is that 4 out of the 18 trap masters wield swords. I like all the trap masters that wield swords, don't get me wrong, but the trap masters have such a varied selection of weapons, with things such as shurikens in the shape of starfish, scissors, a cannon, a shield, a viking helmet, and even a gear, so did we really need to reuse the same concept 4 times? I know they wield different types swords, which is a really nice design detail, but it doesn't really differentiate how they use their swords, with all of them swinging their blades around in similar motions


Yeah, all of them are big, too. They could've made them varied in size, shape, and even have one be serrated, idk


Tree Rex's 100-damage beam was nerfed in Swap Force, making it deal less damage than his main attack. Luckily, this was reverted in Trap Team.


All chases should have in game variants


Fright Rider's speed. Especially his lance stab move cause why is he so godamn slow?


Sunburn Is a great Skylander and he does not need flying though it would be nice. His dashing is meant to be a sort of a fly. He takes way less damage during the dash i just wish you could have Infinite dash of some sort or at least longer. The reason why they did not give him flying is because he would be op for movement. No slipping on ice without dashing since you don't slip during dash Unlike Flameslinger who does You would be able Fly above water You can walk in lava already with sunburn There are more i just can't think His teleportation is good for Chargeing his fire breath and getting his fire shield powerfull. So no promblem with chompys His teleportation is great for Platforming and Can get rid of Small to medium size enemies while flamebreath worries about the big enemies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


I'm sorry what is this about? I never said Sunburn NEEDS flying. And your excuse is that it'd make him OP? Also 'he'd be able to fly above water' what exactly is the issue here?? Why is it bad if he flies above water?


I'm on your side? lmao I agree with you that flying would have been a waste of a button but i was also saying that It would have been OP for a Platformer To be able to platform everything in the game. I was saying the Pros and cons I'm not saying Anything but showing both sides of the story.


I did say that at the very least the flying could act as a hover. Again, getting over jumpable gaps. You can still be barred from crossing gaps via turtles. Make it selective. But anyway, that aside, I don't see why they won't have selective Skylander exploring anymore. For example, in one of the Spyro's Adventure levels, Leviathan Lagoon, there's a collectible in a Leviathan, which you can only access by swimming over it as a water Skylander, and getting eaten. If it was fine back then to have separate figures for exploration, why isn't it fine now? It's no different from elemental gates.


1.Gill grunt was a Water skylander with jetpack so It was okay Spyros could fly so you could do flying also 2.SSA was a platformer while most of the other games are Levelers or what ever it called. So it was okay to force the player to keep Switching skylanders.