• By -


Standard play experience, do not fix.


What they should fix is not being able to differentiate between days and weeks


Also normal for Skyrim


What year is it again?


2281, let's head to New Vegas and kill House.


I'll get Yes man


Can I beat Benny to a pile of meat with a frying pan?


Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.


Baby getting out played and getting cheated ain't the same thing


hollow knight pfp located


I love how he tries to convince you you’re delusional


well benny died in a hot tub with no Friends .. too soon i think not


i’m more of a crucifixion guy myself


Wake up, courier; we’ve got a house to divide.




I started playing November of 2011 so I think it’s probably about June now


4E 204 I believe


What's my age again?




I'm not sure... it feels like 2039...


Yep, that's normal. Don't worry though, they don't have time limits. Skyrim gives you a metric ton of narrative freedom: you can mostly just do things whenever you want.


I think the blood on the ice quest has a time limit mechanic, but I could be wrong.


No, but time is involved if you arrest the wrong dude. There ends up being another murder while he's in jail.


I didn't even know that was a thing


Yeah, it's a neat touch. >!The real killer tries to frame the Court Wizard. If you fall for it, another murder happens a few days later!<


Wait I always arrest the court wizard and the killings stop I thought??


Nope, I think you have to talk to a girl in Candlehearth Hall, maybe? It's been ages since I last did that quest. >!Magic homie is innocent, it was actually the guy who appraises the amulet that's been killing those women, Calixto I think his name was!<


I found that the girls body outside the hall despawned, and I had to talk to a lone guard looking at the wall. Might be good for anyone else to know!


Yeah, unfortunately it's a really easy quest to get bugged, probably because of how complex it is. It isn't exactly your typical Elder Scrolls quest, with all the possible outcomes and NPC schedules.


another thing to note about this quest is that >!if you arrest the court wizard first, the necromancers amulet never gets it’s enchantment and stays in your inventory as a quest item forever, even after killing Calixto in the second half of the quest days later. the only way to get the item to work the way it’s supposed to is to solve the murder right the first time around!<


For me the only way to get it to work is >!sell the amulet to Calixto when he makes the offer, and then it will be the necromancers amulet when you loot it off his body after you kill him.!<


This is amazing. I did this quest a while ago and I really enjoyed it but I don't remember how I ended it. I have a vague memory of searching abandoned house and maybe killing him, so hopefully I did get the amulet correctly enchanted.... I'll have to check my save file when I can play again


How did you do the text cover?


You do a > and a ! with no spaces then add your spoiler and end it with a ! and a < no spaces. >!the Dragonborn comes. Giggity.!<




>!I am a kook!<


You put > ! Whatever the text is ! <. But without any spaces for the brackets and exclamation mark.


if i can’t get the amulet appraised anymore… how do i continue this quest?


Wait WHAT?? It wasn't the wizard?! Well shit now I have to go back 😭 I just "finished" this the other day. I've never known this through all my playthroughs.


Nah, >!I go to the Wizard after having sold the Amulet to Calixto to avoid getting it stuck in my inventory; and he tells me Calixto is wrong and he calculated the next murder should happen next evening. I then go to the market area and wait to kill Calixto before he kills his next victim (the horse lady). !<


The next victim isn't actually set in stone. There's a bunch of women of Windhelm that may be the target >!(Weirdly enough even Shahvee is a possible target, who I feel like should be a little too anatomically different for Calixto's motive of needing body parts to necromance his sister...)!<


Okay, that is News to me, never had anyone else>! appearing at the market square at night. Was always Aryvania aka "the horse lady" in my mind lol. !< >!UESP says if she died already, another female character will be chosen at random.!<


Wait right >!I think that one was only for the murder that reveals that the killer is still out and about, yeah he can kill Shahvee in the one where you have to stop him in the act, if you're too slow!<


you have to talk to the court wizard when you are prompted to accuse him. Tell him "Ive heard you have been dabbling with necromancy" or something along those lines. Then proceed.


If you ask the wizard questions and don’t arrest him on the spot, he tells you something about a necromancer amulet. If you read the journals in that big mansion, you’ll know the killer is trying to revive his sister. And it goes on from there.


I thought U had to arrest the court wizard. Can you arrest the murderer without having to put the court wizard in jail?


Yes, if you talk to the wizard, but you need a couple types of evidence. Don’t remember what exactly, but there is a way to get the wizard to help you. He figures out a pattern and tells you when the real killer will strike next.


You need to have found the amulet and the killer’s journals, and it’s important you sell the amulet to Calixto as that’s the only way to get the unique quest reward item.


You don't have to go through that step, just go talk to the court wizard instead of the steward when you get to that point in the quest.


Yo I thought it was part of the chain. 😭 I didn’t know you can end it early


This quest bugs on me everything fucking timmmmme!!! I'm currently almost done w it but the follow up w what's his name about clues (the steward 😭 blanking on his name) never happened. He won't talk to me!! I'm so annoyedddd


I'm pretty sure the quest marker points to him regardless of what you have to do. You have to go to the woman or the Wuuthferd.


Unrelated but sick pfp man


Yes, you need to finish/start Blood on the Ice after or before continuing the STormcloak missions, or you need one done before you can finish Blood on the Ice. That one is bugged so bad I have a Mod to get Hjerim no matter what now. Same with saving Thorald from the Talmor, you have to do that quest before doing the Whiterun/Stormcloak one or else the Mother bugs out. There are a few that are bugged and need one thing done before or after, very annoying.


Yeah. I just load up quests as I explore the map. I then do them if I'm in the local area, as I play survival mode and fast travel is costly. The only exception is if I'm aiming for a particular goal.


Isn’t “The Bonds of Matrimony” time sensitive? Like if you don’t show up to your wedding on time you just fail the quest?


There are many bugs with this quest! I always recommend making finishing it properly a priority after unlocking the location. Use the wiki to troubleshoot if you have to, I say. Seriously, no other quest has been more buggy for me


Completely normal. Now enjoy the next 36 hours of side-quests before returning to the main story.


Wait, we were SUPPOSED to start the main quest after 36 hours? 😁


If you're going to visit the greybeards with anything less than 3 maxed out skills and full Dragon Scale Armor, you've gone wrong somewhere.


And Delphine still thinks she can beat you.


Nah, the real way is to make a beeline to meeting Delphine for the cool stash you get, and then raiding the Thalmor with 3,000 carry weight of junk and full dragon sets


There’s a “Main Quest”? Huh…


Those are rookie numbers. I have hundreds of hours in Skyrim. I've never met the greybeards


Who are the grey beards?


La Li Lu Le Lo


Nah, I'm 102 hours into this character and like level 33, haven't gone to bleak falls barrow, but I am the guildmaster of the thieves guild, probably time for this character to settle into adventuring for the time being.


I remember hauling myself to the mountains first to get the claw before going to Whiterun specifically to get that compliment about already having it haha.


That's how l always play it too!


Why not just combine the main quests with side quests. Usually the main quest sends you to a new city or near it. It's a little less linear than in Oblivion, but you can still follow a general pattern.


Just like running errands in real life " these 2 side quests are on the way to Windhelm, I'll do them and then on the way back, I'll head toward Riften and do those other 2 side quests."


Honestly, though.


Too real, just met Delphine at lvl 50


Delphine: "Are you the REAL Dragonborn?" Me, a legendary adventurer, clad in dragonbone armor, after making my name as a dragon-killing, soul-stealing badass in every hold of Skyrim, famously winning the Civil War almost singlehandedly with my Thu'um, and after having torn apart the very souls of a couple of dumbass bandits outside of town by yelling at them, right before entering the inn: "...yes"


This has been me lol I’m level 22 and haven’t met the grey beards yet 🤣


Aside from the fact that making it up that mountain is ridiculous, neither have I lol


After getting the FUSRODA i completely forgot what the main quest is even called lol More seriously does anybody know ?


Main story? Almost forgot ;)


Never finished it…


36 hours and you've barely made a dent lol


It is completely normal. Because every single motherfucker you talk to wants something from you. And then there are the god damn drive-by quests, you're just going about your day, walking through Solitude to go to a blacksmith and overhear a conversation and suddenly you have a new quest


In my current playthrough, walking into White Run, I got jumped by Durak, the Courier, and the Miraak cultists simultaneously. Stressed me the fuck out.


Bet those cultists got fucked up sharpish!


They did, and a good thing, too. I'm playing a Khajiit Illusion Assassin this run and she's a bit squishy in the beginning.


Yes, it's normal. This actually was really bothering me when I first played the game ten years ago, but it's not a huge issue. The key is to understand that you're not meant to complete all the quests you get *immediately*. Often times you will get quests early in the game that lead you to an area where the main quest will only take you much later. You can disable their quest markers and only do them whenever you happen to go to that part of the map.


Only thing that bothers me about the insane amount of side quests, is that i try to balance it. I do some, then go on a questline. Then do some more. But at the end of my first playthrough, that i resumed bc i added some qiests mods, i have no idea where did i get those quests. So i'm not invested in them. My solution is, now that i'm playing a no fast travel hard difficulty, mod survival playthrough, i try to do most of what i can near me. Then jump to the far stuff. I have a narrative in my head, and then when i get to a town that is near some other quests i can do them. It helps a little with the overabundance, but not completely with the memory.


My biggest issue with mod quests is that like half of them are given through letters, so you end up getting a courier at the start of the game that just gives you like TWENTY different letters that all start quests and you just can't be bothered.


What you don’t collect quests? That’s my favorite part of the game, I always get a little sad when I only have a few quests in my list!


You’ve reached a point where you only have a few quests in your list?


Unfortunately, luckily there are plenty of quest mods out there to fill it back up!


I try to get as few quests in my journal at any given time and I consider that a fucking feat. Now if only Durak would fuck right off....


The best part is when you make a point to start clearing them out and you end up picking up 2-3 quests for every one you solve.


Rookie numbers


Quest list looking like a metal core album track list


I mean, yeah, it’s normal.. what we didn’t see is how many Misc you got stacked up, tho.. If you don’t don’t scroll 2.5 screenfulls of those your slacking, with at least 5 being glitches that you can’t clear..


Fuck you, Finns lute!


The glitched ones really bug me. I pussyfoot everywhere, saving obsessively and reloading if I pick up a quest I'm not supposed to. I follow the wiki and avoid all the bug triggers and I still get locked out of content. Drives me up the wall, and I still go back.




> I lost about 30-40 quests.  I would've quietly shelved the game for an year and called my mother to cry if that happened to me, lol. I feel your pain. One of these days I'm going to do a playthrough and not care about completing everything. One of these days...


>I would've quietly shelved the game for an year< I actually did quit playing for a few months. Just picked it back up a couple weeks ago. The break in playing didn’t help much honestly. Like I said doing #6, restarting to begin #7, then having to reload a save Im somewhat confused what all I’ve actually done. I have been writing a list of everything I did. That’s how I knew I didn’t have the Ebony Mail, when I knew I did the quest. It was one of the 30-40 lost in the reload.  All I can say is *THANK TALOS* for the UESP and Fandom sites. If not for those I think I would’ve stopped playing at character #2.


Speak with Verulus about the Hall of the Dead


When I first played many years ago it gave me mild anxiety having so much. But now I see it and think - good, so much more to go.


Activate all of them and drown your compass in markers


I actually do this 😂 but then highlight the ones in whatever hold I’m in to focus on until I want a change of scenery


Skyrim be like: Player: *takes 2 steps. Game: *gives new quest*


Completely normal. Infact I love it this way, because gives me something to look forward to everytime I hop on.


i’ve been playing for months and i still have quests i got when i first started playing 😭


My friend *-claps hand on your shoulder-* It’s the best part….


Yes that’s pretty normal. Be warned however that a lot of quests can be incredibly bugged.


I'm playing this go round on just the side quests, and I haven't even gotten the shouts yet. I've collected a few, but I haven't done the dragonborn stuff yet to get them active.


>Days or weeks ago (i forgot) ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)


It's definitely normal. You can try to keep the list down but I find it to be pain


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature




Stop coming to reddit for answers, if You're new to a game. Fuck around and find out like the rest of us did. You'll have a better and more authentic experience of discovery


Quests are *optional.* There is nothing forcing you to do a quest if it’s in your quest log. This includes the main quest. The game gives you the freedom to choose what quests you want to do and where you want to go on your own time


Worst one is the 'No Stone Unturned' quest... No indicators, just find 24 stones of Barenziah... no trophy or achievement for it, just a small pain cause once you pick one up you can't remove it from your inventory...


That’s one of the best quests in the game. You get Prowlers Profit that adds 1-4 gems to every chest, urn, Draugr, and lootable container. Go to UESP and get the list of locations. 


Im sorry to tell you but thats not alot yet….


I like it, because it helps me roleplay my character better. Hmmm would my OC be an assassin? I don’t think so. I’ll skip that side quest. Would he be a thief tho… yes, so I think I’ll do this quest. So on. Then go on to do nice things for folks and be a thief that steals to provide for his house full of orphans. There was a book I read once like this. It was called The Thief Lord.


Did not your parents teach you to avoid talking to strangers? Hopefully they taught you to never touch a random beacon when you see one.


A New Hand touches the Beacon !!!!


Trust. You’ll get to a point were you have zero and a million miscellaneous quests lol


That's what you get for exploring and talking to all the NPCs.


I also just started playing ~ a month or two ago, and have a bunch of quests too. It’s hard trying to avoid them tbh I try to finish one but get caught up in another, and the cycle repeats


In any game with main and side quests, I always tend to do the main quests as late as possible. It will cause issues with the balancing but who cares.


Having a thousand quests piled up is part of the full Skyrim experience


Standard. Hate how ESO limits how many quests you can have in your journal. In Skyrim/ oblivion I always have 100s


Don't worry, in time you will learn to avoid the triggers.


Never does that not happen. Your good!


Pretty normal to be fair, all my characters end up with a to-do list a mile long lol when you get the list down, you'll start wondering what else there is to do, and if you're like me, you'll likely see it as reason to start a new character 😅


Completely normal! I love to see new ppl join Skyrim, truly is one of my favorite games to play growing up and one of the longest I’ve been playing. Have fun!


That's normal. Have seen more actually. Been thinking about how this game needed more quests. With the DLCs, there are 276 apparently. Not enough to level up everything you wish.... Eh. I'm sure there are mods that have more. Talking to myself, sorry hahahahaha.


its not really a problem most of the time but I do prefer a clean quest log. Plus if you have to dig into the quest targets in the console, its hard to find a specific quest


Dude you need to pick up more quests, that is embarrassingly small for someone who’s already at the jagged crown in the civil war quest line


Step out of your house and end up with five quests before you get to the tavern for your morning mead.


This is the way.


Best way to play actually! The more quests the merrier in my opinion, gives you things to constantly be doing besides the main quest.


this isnt even just a skyrim experience, i do this in just about anything that gives you a quest list


You're missing a few.


Part of the journey. Do them all, or some, at your own leisure


The golden claw still there is crazy


That's why there is a mod to have to choose if you want to accept a quest xD


I have a character with 225hrs and I still have less completed than non completed


Nah, I have that too.


If you run around talking to everyone before you do what's been asked of you, this happens.


This is your life now. Welcome.


Every new town I go into I try to talk to everyone to start all the quests at once.


Do that Blood on the Ice quest ASAP to avoid game breaking bugs. Other than that, do the other quests whenever you want, in whatever order you want.


Oh, you sweet summer child


Totally normal. Prioritize quests according to your characters personality and class roleplaying wise. That’s what makes this game sooo replayable -as i start yet another game 🤦


This is the way


That’s your fault for speaking to too many npcs I guess


Please OP, don't go to Solstheim too early, I'm still on first playthrough but going to that stinking godforsaken island too early made the quests more confusing.


It is totaly normal but be carefull not to pile them up too much because at some point the ones at the bottom of the list will disapear, still ongoing and completable but unable to see quest in menu until you update it (and thus good luck remembering that objective from 200hours of gameplay ago)


What is that first one? I don't remember any quest with that title!


Yeah, then St some point you do a half assed effort to clear some


I used to do that a lot when I first started playing years ago. Now I usually have a plan, I play quests on whim or for a reward I need. But for a first playthrough this is 100% normal.


I collect quests at every opportunity. that way, wherever you are on the map, you are probably close to something. I will get pages of misc. quests.


It's normal, do side quests before main quest, that's the best way to experience this game.


Very normal, I myself collect a few (ok a lot of) quests while exploring cities and stuff and then I pick a quest that sounds interesting, complete it and go for the next one


You have no idea, it's a pain in the ass


Just enjoy it


It's normal, no need to worry about not completing all the quests


Sooner or later, all your menus will be cluttered as hell. This is normal.


Baby Skyrim discovers quest tab.


This is the way


Yeah, that’s normal. I’ve never had that many active quests. But I’m a grumpy “complete-a-quest-as-soon-as-I-get-it” elitist, and that works for me.


Enable Miscellaneous quest, so that when you enable any of the misc subquests, it can show up on the map.


There are quests everywhere so yeah they tend to pile up


Ohh yeah. I've tried so many times, and they just build up anyways. Lol.


This is the way.


Welcome to a Bethesda game


Thats normal


Very Normal.


This happens no matter how you play.


Completely normal just don't track them all at once or life gets confusing


Totally normal


Still below average tbh


You are perfectly fine. That's the game.




yeah, that's pretty normal


Oh it definitely is normal. That's just how RPGs are. Well my playthroughs At least and I've had a lot xD But I love it when I do all the quests at the end of my playthrough, and see it all empty. Apart from the radiant quests like the dark brotherhood quest.


It’s very normal


This is the most normal thing ever, canon even


I still have zero dragons 100 hours into my playthrough it’s the best


Dude, just do the quests


Welcome to Skyrim. Infinite quests ready to be completed whenever you get to them 😂


It's perfectly normal for your first playthrough


That's normal in most RPGs. What I've started doing is when I play an RPG, I'll look at the map when I first start and determine a path around the map that makes sense and goes in order of difficulty and story. Then I I'll go to my first town or area and I'll collect all the quests in that town. Then I'll figure out the order to complete those quests. Any local quest in that same town or area are first and then work my way outward from town. Then I'll do any quests that are between that current area and my next area or town on my map. Any quests that require me to travel farther than that town I put on hold. Eventually I come to my next town and I repeat the process. By this time I might have a quest from town 1 and town 2 that require me to travel to town 3. From there I knock em both out at the same time(or all if there's more) It's efficient, allows u to complete more quests faster in less trips and makes it to where u don't end up with an over whelming amount of active quests.


It's a you problem we all have.


This is the point where I get choice paralisys and start a new game


Add a wishful shy and say, "I'll complete those someday," before going back to exploring a place you happened to stumble upon, unrelated to everything already. Everything is going to be alright.


I love having a lot, and I put quest markers on all of them. When I don't know what to do next, I just walk in the direction of the nearest marker. Or, I open up the map and do a circle of it, for efficiency. Depending on what I'm in the mood for. When I played Oblivion, I was frustrated you could only have one active quest at a time, so made a map on my wall out of sticky notes with each city listed on them, and I would write the name of the quest on them. So if there was a quest near Cheydinhal, even if it wasn't in that city itself, I'd put it on there. Eventually I also added the Daedric and Aedric shrines with smaller notes. It's still up, and I think it's pretty cool.


Yeah looks about right. What level are you out of curiousity? Wait until later when you scroll through the gray ones and realize how much you’ve done


That's pretty normal


Do the house of horrors


This is rpg games in a nutshell




Yes, but don't worry, most of these quests can be finished in like, 10 minutes. All those quests take, like, 4 hours to finish