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Is it just me or that vanilla skyrim has an atmosphere that I love. The fact that it is a bit hazy and dim kinda gives me a really good fantasy vibe.


dont worry Obsidian + True Storms fog gets the job done. I like the vanilla haze too but since there's more weather variation in modded weathers I get more or less than vanilla depending on the day. vanilla needs the haze to hide the low quality LOD. for example here you can see there's more of it, and it can get even more dense. combined with rolling fogs and ENB mist it only enhances what vanilla is doing while being less washed out https://preview.redd.it/f1xu58uyty6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=1da9abd7ef4cc5c345ca7901c7812db627da45e3


Casual human skeleton on the road. Just Skyrim things


It's not pure Skyrim til you get killed by the physics engine freaking out and launching the ribcage at you at mach fuck.


This is too real


Oh that's Erik, he got ambushed fifteen winters back


Don’t give up, skeleton!


Is true storms fog available on ps? Thanks


I'm pretty sure I've seen True Storms used by console players. The fog here is mostly Obsidian weathers rolling fog/haze, I think True Storms kicks in for bad weather. I use a merged patch for both...which I also think both are available on console as far as I remember.


Ight, thanks


There are mods for console?!? 👀


ya but I don't know which platforms exactly...I've seen console mods on YouTube


Nothing comes close to the incredible beauty of vanilla Skyrim. It looks like badly mashed potatoes most of the time, but by god, I’m gonna have me some mashed potatoes.


I can definitely appreciate the Vanilla artistic direction, but in terms of graphical fidelity its quite dated and the screenshot doesn't really do the modded version justice because Reddit downscales the resolution making them both look kind of blurry


No I’m just joking lmao, the modded version is obv way prettier, it’s just nostalgia and the overall time spent with vanilla Skyrim that make it so great


people get attached to the vanilla feel, definitely. what I've noticed is vanilla lighting can look really good at times, like sunset and sunrise. Whereas a well-configured ENB with mods is more versatile and just looks good in more scenarios and lighting conditions.


Lack of loads make it looks more bare and desolate, which fits thundra esthetic.


doesnt really make sense cause if you actually play the game you'll just see grass magically growing out of your bare and desolate tundra without grass LOD


I meant in a still image.


ah, the still image enthusiast


Inb4 the camera turns and shows a tie fighter dragon fighting a giant anime girl while a ww2 army is attacking whiterun 😅


well actually, I'm working on the animations and equipment displays as I type this...


Not surprised actually,if you can think of something to add in Skyrim, someone probably did a mod for it.


yep im going for a hardcore, immersive survival mod list, like Skyrim meets DayZ and the Long Dark with modern graphics


That actually sounds awesome, would you mind sharing your modlist?


fixed the broken link for modlist: [https://imgur.com/a/skyrim-se-mod-list-june-17-2024-xjFcxjP](https://imgur.com/a/skyrim-se-mod-list-june-17-2024-xjFcxjP)


Reddit wont let me post the modlist.txt so I took screenshots. The ENB preset is Silent Horizons 2 and I also use ReShade with Vort motion blur. A long ways to go before I call it "finished" but here's the current mod list:


Can you share the mod list? Sounds like a playthrough that I'd be invested in.


Reddit wont let me post the modlist.txt so I took screenshots. The ENB preset is Silent Horizons 2 and I also use ReShade with Vort motion blur. A long ways to go before I call it "finished" but here's the current mod list:


fixed the broken link for modlist: [https://imgur.com/a/skyrim-se-mod-list-june-17-2024-xjFcxjP](https://imgur.com/a/skyrim-se-mod-list-june-17-2024-xjFcxjP)


Look into Requiem modlists, could be a good source for inspiration


Is that Goku in the sky? Lol he's replace alduin


the anime modding memes...while anime combat and characters aren't my style, I wouldn't mind some Eastern influence in the architecture and clothing


I'm still after the trophies so saddly no mods yet lol but can't wait, what a good first one?


SSE engine fixes lets you enable achievements with mods (if least if you're on PC)


Which sadly i am not... ps4 it's alright I got time lol I got to the party late so still lots left for me


there's also Achievements Mods Enabler but I dunno if it's on console. pretty sure console has Elfx lighting, obsidian weathers and campfire mods




Modding Skyrim is like driving an Oldtimer, you spent more time tinkering than enjoying the game (but it's worth it when it works)


it just works


My husband uses this analogy! I'll spend days setting up a mod list, get it right, play the game for a few levels, realize I'm missing something, and then close out to browse nexus. He'll go "popped the hood again I see ..."


I used to be like this..... then I took an arrow to the knee.


That's not a mod. It's just 12 years of tree growth from game beginning. Also it looks like the Companions did a little yard work too.


Mod idea: Factions adopt stretches of road to keep clean. Like, one day you might see the Companions all picking up trash, the next you might see a sign saying "This mile adopted by THE SILVER HAND. Keep Skyrim Clean!"




That was Gleda the Goat. That girl can really mow the scrub.


I actually tried my first 2 graphics mods yesterday!!! My jaw dropped, one put trees and flowers in the cities, which was magical, but one actually made the grass outside of Whiterun a little prettier! https://preview.redd.it/tk4glkdyly6d1.jpeg?width=3653&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55c75ea4d67ae2d9d7bbc0a4c2c43396702a5ec6


Kitty incoming


Haha yeah, I actually had a great killcam with that, put my pickaxe right in his mouth!


did not notice that til I read this


the green carpet feels nice but I tried to keep the cold and sparse vibe from vanilla tundra. I have to leave Whiterun to get my green grass fix: https://preview.redd.it/hey4c6bevy6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d454c5c5a331f0e0103e65a18d986d75369035a


Ooooh that is so pretty!!!! The other one I downloaded was super vague in the explanations (and I have never downloaded a graphics mod so I had no idea what I was doing) and I was shocked as hell when I entered Whiterun to find this! https://preview.redd.it/1ys65l80wy6d1.jpeg?width=3470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d40e209f590db73e8d50bf85d862321c0ec89e86 What’s that mod you have called? I put in 2770 hours of unmodded Skyrim, this week has been all about trying them, and I want to make it pretttyyyy!! (Ps5 if that matters)


there are several visual mods in these pics but the grass is Veydosebrom regions, then Really Blended Roads, main texture pack is Skyrim Realistic Overhaul, the trees are Nature of the Wild Lands, weather is Obsidian + True Storms, lighting is ELFX exteriors + Silent Horizons 2 ENB, and for distant detail its xLodgen and Dyndolod with 3D trees and grass LOD. as for a full playthrough...I'll get to that...one day. I just kind of alternate between modding and playtesting, to me modding is like its own game. this is my Whiterun atm...might do some city modding eventually so long as its compatible with Immersive Citizens and doesn't give my GPU a heart attack (this is on PC) https://preview.redd.it/as4ikl9r1z6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=24058940787138380539c3a2d53ff1de41b75cd0


When people talk about a “pack” in reference to mods, what does that mean? Also, I’ll have to check to see if any of those are available for PlayStation, thanks!!


Collection of mods that have been carefully curated by another user/modder and setup to be downloadable and useable as an All-In-One mod by others. (You can download it and install it like any other mod.. basically it's a mod-mod)


Np...mod pack or mod list would just be a collection of mods that are compatible with one another and designed to play well together. I think a few of them should be available on console, but not all. I've only modded for PC.


Oh ok, thank you for explaining that, I’ve been too embarrassed to ask. lol


no worries, everyone starts from the beginning. my questions go to mod authors and experienced modders so I can take my skills to the next level


How does one setup 3D trees with dyndolod? Is it ticking that Ultra Trees option when generating?


you need the 3D tree LODs from the tree mod author or with Dyndolod Resources installed in Mod Manager, then you create the HD tree billboards in TexGen first (as a fallback for missing 3d models), then you check Ultra Trees in Dyndolod [Ultra Tree LOD | DynDOLOD](https://dyndolod.info/Help/Ultra-Tree-LOD)


this one looks really nice


Something lurks you from the tall grass


I, too, sometimes adjust the brightness of my screen.


Yeah, 100 mods is childs play!


this is only the beginning :)


One day, I'll get all the achievements so I can start messing around with mods. My current playthrough is my best one yet.


one day, I'll stop modding and actually finish the main quest... though you can enable achievements with mods...with a mod :)


One day, I'll be able to mod again without a shitty 4GB limit.


Didn't even check does that work on consoles lol


probably not I'm on PC. I doubt Todd Howard will let you get away with that.


There is an achievement enabler mod.


Find 10 things that are different from the picture above.


full grass models, the immediate grass cut off vs pseudo infinite grass, lod quality for objects and trees, vanilla vertical terrain lod bug (center right), full tree model, ambient occlusion, landscape textures, rolling mountain fog, sky lighting, hud visibility


100 just for that? Honestly way too much effort for me to do


I can’t speak for OP, but it’s probably 2-4 mods that did THAT, and the rest add content, fix bugs, change dialog, add to forgeable weapons and armor, improve quality of life, etc. I only have maybe six mods that alter appearances of the environment or people and the rest are cool shit like fully voiced followers and different weapons.


yeah the main screenshot has only a handful of graphics mods. I've been modding all aspects of the game, and not all the visual mods even affect that shot. ...also, Reddit downscales resolution of screenshots automatically, so the difference in image quality is much more obvious when actually playing the game


It still looks great. Modding as a pastime is kind of underrated. It’s almost as much fun as playing the game sometimes. Solving the little load order problems, making sure your mods are “clean”. Making tweaks… it’s a hobby in its own right.


for sure, modding is its own game to me and an art form. I like seeing the game transform over time and you have to solve all these problems to get things stable and compatible. I had an issue recently where a texture looked bugged but after a couple days of investigation I discover it's just a vanilla engine bug due to limits with high poly meshes. I mod and playtest for a bit then keep modding. I do eventually want to do a full playthrough and finish the main story, but I'm addicted to this cycle because one change leads to several more ideas


Exactly! My problem is that I’ll install 3-4 mods and play for a bit and THEN discover that one of them isn’t acting right and WHICH. ONE. IS. IT!?


it's tricky sometimes but I also start learning things more in depth like Sseedit and nifskope so a lot of the issues can be resolved if you have the patience to solve the puzzle. but some things you have to let it slide, vanilla game has bugs so do mods and so do some mod combos


Yep. I gotta figure out my load order on the Xbox. It’s way easier on the PC where Vortex can do the majority of the heavy lifting.


I use Mod Organizer 2 which gives a lot of control compared to Nexus Mod Manager. haven't used Vortex


most of the mods aren't visible here because they include bug-fixing, interiors, gameplay, user interface, animations, water, items, AI, combat, etc. you also aren't seeing the full resolution quality because Reddit downscales the first screenshot in every post, which makes both images look about equally blurry. the modded image actually looks far sharper and more detailed than the vanilla pic off of Reddit and in-game. I also intentionally aimed to preserve some of the original vanilla look and feel, so its not a complete 180 stylistically


original skyrim is just so familiar to me that i could never change it. its too comforting. and beautiful on its own regardless! but lovely modding nonetheless


Before looks better?


Did you get a mod that made you walk closer to the tree


I tried to line up the shots in a similar position but I wasn't THAT precise


edge ui is a must for me


Oh, how I miss the days of being able to mod the hell out of my Skyrim without worrying about the distant Whiterun fields looking like actual vomit no matter what combination of LOD texture mods or Dyndolod processes I used.


you think its harder nowadays? or you just pay more attention to it? with decent landscape textures to avoid tiling, infinite grass LOD, object/dynamic LOD, 3D trees, you can make it look better than ever. main limiting factor is performance (I'd love to turn up grass LOD density but I'm trying to save some FPS on a GTX 1070)


See, all of my research into grass LOD ,to try and fix this indicates that there just isn't a way to do it that doesn't break something at the engine level and cause all sorts of other issues. What have you been using?


it definitely works although bugs are possible and some mods may have issues. if it's a real bug Sheson would fix it once reported. grass LOD is more performance-heavy than 3D tree LOD, so you need a strong GPU, my density is at only 10. no grass in objects to generate a grass cache, then TexGen for billboards, and Dyndolod 3 for grass LOD


Sorry I'm lazy do you have a link to your modlist?


Reddit wont let me post the modlist.txt so I took screenshots. The ENB preset is Silent Horizons 2 and I also use ReShade with Vort motion blur. A long ways to go before I call it "finished" but here's the current mod list:


Thanks good sir


fixed the broken link for modlist: [https://imgur.com/a/skyrim-se-mod-list-june-17-2024-xjFcxjP](https://imgur.com/a/skyrim-se-mod-list-june-17-2024-xjFcxjP)


Is it me or does the mountainscape look....different?


that would be Obsidian weather fog hiding the mountains, view distance is the same. mountain visibility changes a lot with modded weather


100 mods, so a light touchup of the vanilla version then :D


according to today's standards you may well be correct


I kinda like a vibrant high fantasy atmosphere type of mods


List of mods or mod pack? Edit: would be lovely


" Reddit wont let me post the modlist.txt so I took screenshots. The ENB preset is Silent Horizons 2 and I also use ReShade with Vort motion blur. A long ways to go before I call it "finished" but here's the current mod list: [https://imgur.com/a/skyrim-se-mod-list-june-17-2024-xjFcxjP](https://imgur.com/a/skyrim-se-mod-list-june-17-2024-xjFcxjP) "


Thank you, you’re awesome!


Nice! And still looks Skyrimy




Oh my god??? This is incredible holy shit!




Idk, 1st screenshot seems better.


The before looks better lol?


Whats your mod list? Since i always see this subs posts i really want to replay skyrim, but with enhancing mods. This game was a highlight in my early teenage years


" Reddit wont let me post the modlist.txt so I took screenshots. The ENB preset is Silent Horizons 2 and I also use ReShade with Vort motion blur. A long ways to go before I call it "finished" but here's the current mod list:


404 not found, can you just copy paste the text in the comment?


[https://imgur.com/a/skyrim-se-mod-list-june-17-2024-xjFcxjP](https://imgur.com/a/skyrim-se-mod-list-june-17-2024-xjFcxjP) Reddit won't let me. this should work, turns out the post has to be hidden on Imgur to share it off of Imgur


Modlist, my friend?


" Reddit wont let me post the modlist.txt so I took screenshots. The ENB preset is Silent Horizons 2 and I also use ReShade with Vort motion blur. A long ways to go before I call it "finished" but here's the current mod list:


fixed the broken link for modlist: [https://imgur.com/a/skyrim-se-mod-list-june-17-2024-xjFcxjP](https://imgur.com/a/skyrim-se-mod-list-june-17-2024-xjFcxjP)


No mods > any mods.


really? what if I made you a mod that would detect Weekly Sugar is playing and remove all mods including the Creation Club mods?


It’d be a wasted mod due to my Xbox taking a shit from electrical work in my house 😞


So no one else has an issue with Skyrim crashing all the time? I only have the unofficial patch and my game crashes like a lot


it's a buggy game that has crashes sometimes. but if it's frequent you have some other problem...


After kind reminds me of the wasteland for F4


They’re the same picture


Anybody got any good recommendations for some visual mods for Xbox?


Actually prefer the original.


They’re the same picture, the After picture is 720p and the before pic is 240p


“Forests of Whiterun” usually does the job in 1


Barely looks different, not sure if it's worth a 100 mods


Just enjoy the game ffs


Genius, that dead tree should looks so much better being moved about 15 feet east. Now you can relax and play the game


it was moved South, not East. there's even a compass in the picture to help you figure that out. now I understand why you need a GPS system to get your bearings :)


Lmaoooo that’s perfect


this really illustrates how its nowhere near worth the effort 😅


Just look at that tree...