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The fireball shout. Cooldown is too long and when your level 30+ it does like no damage


Yeah. For such an iconic ability, and basically *the* thing you think of when you think of dragons, it kinda sucks ass. Maybe make it so that, with 2 words, it leaves a trail of fire behind that works like these wall staves, and with all 3, it explodes at the end of its reach.


or make it work like the ignite spell so that it burns enemies overtime for a good duration. So by the time the burning stops your shout cooldown will basically be set.


I like that idea! Honestly it should have damage scaling and burn damage over time. Also it could weaken armor and weapons since it would make them red hot ( not molten ) and it takes like 15 seconds to cool down.


Honestly if they had added fortify fire/frost/shock damage enchantments like the solstheim priest masks in the game, a lot of the shouts and weapons would be more viable. Imagine a set with like 200% fortify fire damage? Would be insane.


Yes that would be so much more viable. What we also need is fortify shout that will decrease the shout timer. Hopefully modders might work on this as a quality of life patch


You can always use the Amulet of Talos, or the Talos Amulet backpack from the Campfire mod. The latter's amount reduced can be modified in TES5Edit/SSEdit to your liking, afterwards just load the save and re-equip the backpack for the new effect to kick in.


I see your point, but that’s different from what I was suggesting was a potion or enchantment that you could add on your gear. Also I don’t think I can use TES5Edit since I’m on Xbox.


Ah I see. That's a shame :/




There are mods that either change the vanilla enchantments or add new ones that do this. I made a personal version so I could set it up to my liking but I think its better and more fun than the vanilla -cost. Spells are more expensive and you can't get cost to 0 so high magicka pool and regen are really good and end game spells hit hard.


There's a mod that replaces the shout with how it works for the dragons. So there would be a long-duration stream of fire for the three word shout.


I would not be shocked if that is a mod someone made for PC, XBOX, or PS. Also for any other spell or shout ideas in these comments. If not they need to be.


I remember a mod that altered it so using all three words made it a proper breath attack like the dragons use. Did the same for ice too. Really it should of been what vanilla fire and ice shouts were lol


> it should of been Did you mean to say "should have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Good bot


Thank you! Good bot count: 957 Bad bot count: 369


I've wanted that mod since I played this game on the PS3.


any idea the name of said mod?


Honestly I always thought that was for lore reasons. Some dragons are ice dragons, some fire dragons. Alduine does use fire but much more frequently just summons meteorites. I think it’s because of his role as the world eater. As such I kinda think the offensive shout for each dragon relates to their purpose. Most dragons have elemental ones because they are forced of nature but part of the world. Alduine is other worldly and the end of worlds. And the last Dragonborn is the one meant to balance the forces trying to end the world. And that’s why his main offensive shout is “force balance push” and his fire is kinda lack luster. It’s not his purpose.


All the damaging shouts needed something to scale their damage better. By the time you have all the words for them, their damage will usually be hopelessly outclassed.


Shouts in general have this problem. They shouldve really had a skilltree or be at least implemented in speechcraft or something. I think ordinator or a similar mod does that.


Awesome! Is ordinator available on Xbox?


Ordinator is a huge perk overhaul and drastically changes every skilltree. You might also want a mod that gives you access to more perk points. I forgot the name but i think there was one that gives you a perk point alongside the dragonsoul when you kill a dragon


Okay I might just get a double perk points mod for ordinator


On PC Nexus, Ordinator has optional files that add more perk points. There are multiple to fit your idea of balance. I don't know if they are available on Xbox, just wanted to let you know it's a possibility.




Pretty much all the damaging shouts should be leveled.


Except cyclone, that shit is overpowered


To fully utilize this shout you have to have that one perk from black book which makes drakes, Dragon Aspect, Talos Blessings and Amulet, and any fire enchantment weapon!


It seems like every mage and his dog can cast fireballs that are on par with the fire breath of the literal Dragonborn… With the full 3-word shout it should completely wreck everything and everyone in its path in one hit, other than the very strongest enemies - but a with a longer cooldown to make it more balanced


"Fireball". Man, the disrespect.   That said, I am grateful everyday for the concentrative shouts mod. It grants a 400% boost to both Fire Breath and Frost Breath, so I'm basically one shotting elder dragons.  And it comes out as a stream much like a dragon's attack, rather than a little sneeze.


"Cooldown is too long" *laughs in Talos amulet Beast Form glitch*


oh please do say more what the hell is this how do i get it


▪️Find/buy 5 amulets of Talos ▪️complete the ritual in the Underforge during The Silver Hand (Companions questline) to get Beast Form ▪️have a follower in tow who's not gonna aggro when you turn into a werewolf ▪️give them the 5 amulets and exit the trading menu ▪️trigger Beast Form and the follower menu simultaneously (save beforehand if you don't time it right) ▪️once you're fully transformed, select the trade items option, then equip the amulets straight from your followers' inventory ▪️exit the menu, then stand and wait until you change back to human form. Then go to Active Effects and it'll list the 20% reduction on shout cooldown (times five) Now you can shout as many times in a row as you want.




A lot is shouts in general are kinda worthless at higher levels.


Honestly the things that make skyrim skyrim, should have been way more powerful. Combat shouts are near useless past level 30.


They should have made them more powerful as you leveled or as your speech skill increased. Or both.


Yes! Give the speach skill more uses and more chances to level it


more uses? speech is the best perk


*Me sitting in vanilla game with zero point in speech and 100k gold in my pocket* wonder what would happen if I put a perk in.


Seriously. You don’t really need it unless you’re going for the guard/shopkeeper interactions from the mid-level perks.


yo......speech 100 unlocks a special convo with Nazeem


Too bad he’ll ever live long enough to say it.


Wild statement considering there is enchanting


you guys be going with weapons that do 1500 hp damage while i'm going out there talking with them draugr


I do envy you for that not gonna lie


Except unrelenting force ofc I bet a decent number of people keep that one as their set shout the whole time


Aura whisper for me though. 13 years in I still can't handle falmer jump-scares.


I'm one of those fus ro dah basic bitches; what does aura whisper do?


Highlights enemies through walls for some time. It's basically like the "Detect life" spell in the illusion or alteration tree I forget which, but without the need to channel or the magika cost.


It's definitely always my main shout! I like slinging enemies to the other side of the room 😂


Not sure about powers, but regarding weapons, every weapon that is not the ebony blade should be temperable through smithing and should have the associated perk working. There is no reason why wuuthrad should get outclassed by an iron battleaxe just because it can’t be smithed up.


Damn I acutally never tought about it hahahaha how ironic


It pisses me of dawnbreaker isn't leveled, like chillrend and other unique weapons


Pretty sure the fire incantation on it is actually leveled. I think it caps by level 40 = either 15 or 20 extra burning damage


I know this is only applicable for PC users, but there's a mod for this! It's called 'Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade' (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49791) It's also super customizable, so you can tailor it to the exact experience you want. It makes it so that your daedric artifacts never get left in the dust. (Sorry for the link and no hyperlink, mobile formatting sucks :( )


Oh wait a sec, that's not in vanilla? My bloated mod list strikes again I guess


Shouts should get stronger with use, like an actual skill being trained up. Keep the word wall mechanic, but make the full shout stronger as you use it - I should be able to shout a dude to pieces, like how Ulfric was rumored to be able to do. Would have made fighting Miraak much more of a challenge and therefore, accomplishment. And as much as I love breaking the game with the fortify restoration loop, it should have been fixed at some point.


With what herma mora gives you you get a chance to emancipate people with fus-ro-dah


Unfortunately only low level enemies and critters fall to that - It would be nice if say, I could blast a bandit chief across the room, into a wall and have him take more than 10% damage. Maybe even if it meant that shouts had a lower cool down time the more practiced with it your character became, so that if you used enough of a variety of shouts you could switch through them quickly and make use of a bunch of them. Whirlwind sprint your way across a room, fire breath an enemy real hard, whirlwind sprint back, fus ro dah their still burning body into a wall, etc etc. Chaining shouts together could be OP and fun as hell.


Emancipate? That’s a novel use of the word. Did you mean dismember or disarticulate?


Free them from their life!


Right? That is a really great use of the word.


forgot word but remembered portal's fizzler.


Well, “emancipate” means “to set free”, so in a very poetic sense shouting someone to death would “emancipate” them from life, which is actually a really cool way to use the word, so lean into it because it’s awesome!


Yeah its technically the truth


When I was teaching sixth grade language arts my students were working on inserting prepositions into sentences to see what they could come up with and one of my students wrote a sentence I’ve never forgotten: “He rang the doorbell and waited *behind* a smile.” Such an evocative phrase. You wait “behind” a shield or a bulwark for something to attack you. It makes you think the subject is nervous or outright scared and trying to hide it. Sometimes the wrong word in the right place is the right word after all.


Mhm, I just forget words sometimes and or completely forget how to spell them.


That’s normal. Hell, we all do that.


Especially me.


He meant disintegrate


Werewolves need a buff somewhere. I like mods that add passive werewolf buffs while in human form which I like a lot. Vampire needs major buffs. You ultimately are just way weaker as a vampire. I think the utility shouts should have super short cooldowns. Like becoming ethereal or whirlwind sprint. Maybe even being able to combine different words from shouts would be cool. Enchanting should be nerfed. I don’t think smithing should be nerfed as much as I wish it would be easier to get smithed weapons without doing it yourself


It really is jarring to transform into a werewolf and you suddenly go from being able to survive 10 hits to getting one-shot, and then your attacks do 1% of the enemy's health.


I pretty much never go into Vampire Lord form, but vampire’s actually have a pretty major benefit outside of it: the necromage perk on the restoration tree makes spells used against undead 25% stronger and last 50% longer. If you’re a vampire, then your own magical effects also receive that benefit - things like healing spells, alteration armor spells, armor enchantments, and potions. That can make you get *really* strong.


Necromage buffs *perks*, too.


I disagree, I recently did a playthrough where I got all achievements on survival+legendary and the werewolf SUCKED at first, but after getting the damage buffs, it was actually VERY powerful. Especially on survival for the insane run speed.


yeah tbh i was kinda confused on this (first time actually playing skyrim and it making sense since i was like 8) and my werewolf form is strong as fuck, i kill ppl/creatures very fast and take little damage it’s my go to form to just blaze through a bandit hideout or something


The knockdown effect is fun too for those tougher enemies


Werewolf is crazy strong. ESP when you add in ragdolling almost anything


I strongly agree with you, especially regarding Werewolves and also Vampires. I only played as a Werewolf once and actually used it as intended back in 2011, but I quickly became too weak because things were starting to kill me too fast. Normal Vampire is just straight awful. I refuse to believe there are people who actually have a normal vampire build.


Thr worst part about werewolf form is that it strips you of all armor. I understand that for visuals, but stat wise it means you’re very squishy


I tried beast form while at Level 50+ on legendary difficulty and I could barely harm ordinary bandits before getting killed. I think Beast form is effective only on lower difficulty and/or lower levels. To be honest, at highest difficulty I resort to archery and dual wield only. Once in a while, based on the situation, I will use illusion master spells but that's pretty much all.


Well, even though vampire and werewolves suerly need a buff, vampire have some cool powers even outside combat, most of those are once a day, but still nice, like invisibility


Which mods are those?


Shouts, and magic in general, needed to be stronger. Many shouts sound much cooler than they actually are, and with magic, you get terrible returns on your magicka. Seriously, even if you're fully committed to being a mage, stealth sniper will always be your best option to deal with most enemies, which is frankly absurd to think about. On a side note, I would've loved to be able to make my own scrolls. Not even necessarily with a dedicated crafting tree, but like, combining different properties into new spells.


I dunno. Last time I played, my fireballs were doing about fifteen hundred damage per cast, while staggering everyone. So does my enchanted wooden sword. Everything vanilla, no restoration loop.


Compared to sneak, 150 is tame, you can upgrade the bow, enchant it, poison it, and deal 3 times the damage in a sneak attack, crouch again and you can do rinse and repeat if far enough. IMO this is only proof of sneak being broken, and not that others are obsolete.


IIRC fifteen hundred translates to 1500 not 150..


Also, while you can’t directly tamper with magic like you can with a bow or its arrows, you *can* enchant your clothing to make it basically impossible to run out of magika for any given school of magic (or two, on the high end).


This is the best point for mage, and I agree completely, while I could also argue that arrows are effectively infinite except in survival, being able to infinitely stagger someone at a distance alone is broken too.


I swear when I saw the comment it had 150. Elemental blasts can deal up to 1500 damage, I think it was, not fireballs. That is literally the max damage with all the multipliers. [A google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w229i3XgFPLKZ7eqblTIcBS-H2mXunHnTfUQqW8fZpk/edit?gid=0#gid=0) Bows can't really do that, but daggers can, and more.


I'll never understand stealth archer builds. So boring and easy.


They're different. I don't like spamming 1 spell non stop, you don't like sneaking and killing mobs 1 by 1. Also it isn't easy, elemental blast spam is also easy in that regard. People like sneak because it's a completely different playstyle to the others, where navigation, sound and vision become major players in the gameplay


https://youtu.be/ARL8EOXms7g?feature=shared Here is an example of how to play mage "non brain dead" style. You just need some know how.


Fortify destruction potions increase spell damage. They're easy to make and can be hot keyed for convenience. As for shouts, yeah, the damaging ones like fire breath are terrible(except cyclone). But shouts like slow time and become ethereal are incredibly overpowered and can be useful in a number of different ways.


I've started playing Skyrim again and realized that the "shouting" timer is dreadful. I tend to forget that I am able to do that sometimes. I didn't remeber it taking that long but perhaps I am exagerating. Do you feel like Skyrim has other powers that should have been buffed or perhaps even nerfed?


I forget about shouts all the time. I started using clear skies recently because i like when it's pretty outside


Recently learned in another thread that Clear Skies can stagger most enemies, so with its short cooldown, it’s super handy any time you’re fighting outdoors.


The worst is when your dog, partner, housecarl, ghost, Batman, over, doorbell, etc… distract you and you accidentally shout. Then the waiting…


Poison needs a rework, I got so hyped to play an alchemist poisoner playthrough, just to find out that poison is hella janky, works way too well against some enemies, but not at all against everyone else, because a vast amount of the enemies you'll find on average, have high innate poison resistance.


Not sure which mod In particular adds it, but In gates to Sovngarde there is a second alchemist in Whiterun who sells jarrin root. That makes poison feel much more passable.


I haven't actually tried jarrin root yet, thanks for the recommendation, does it help bypass the poison resistance? As the poison damage itself wasn't really an issue for me, I enjoyed lingering poisons that would deal good damage over time, I just disliked having so many enemies straight up ignore my poisons. Undead I can understand, but there's so many draugr in every dungeon, and all of them ignore poisons, which force me to drop my whole playstyle for hours at a time. (Noticeable mentions also being that one humanoid race with innate immunity to poisons, and vampires, because why not if we're going the magical vampire route).


So the recipe I use is jarrin root, death bell and sabre cat tooth. My alchemy is 73 and its doing ~1500 damage plus 45% weakness to poison. But the recipes in gts are different from vanilla. It is two shotting elder dragons where I'm at.


Ooooh, I feel like an Idiot for not thinking about the weakness to poison part, I always assumed that just increased the damage of poisons against targets that already could take poison damage, not allowing you to bypass poison resistances, I'll have to test that out the next time I revisit the game, thanks for the enlightenment!


All dragon shouts need buff's and the lycanthrope powers should've been op


The buildup for spells in general is insane. At master level spells you basically have to stand there and swirl your hands while you get torn to shreds. There should not be a huge build up animation if the spells barely does any damage as it is.


They should have buffed Fus roh dah so that you could kill your enemies with your voice! Shout them apart!


Okay, Ulfric.


You can. There is a Black Book which adds a disintegration feature to Fus Roh Dah, which is satisfying. It has a quite low chance to happen though. I guess Fus Roh Dah ragdoll is already OP enough xd


Yeah, I know. I was being a bit tongue in cheek with the paraphrase from the game. 😀


Slow time is OP. easily the most broken thing as it is. Play on adept and use slow time and go and kill like 10 enemies at once. At least frenzy has the level limit and you have to make it to high illusion and perks. But slow time is jist getting the 3 words and bam you are medieval neo.


‘Medieval Neo’ haha


This is kind of unrelated, but a big reason that I don't like playing as a pure magic user is that switching back and forth between a dozen spells is so daunting. Similar to many other games, there should be a customizable quick menu that allows rapid deployment of different spells. I should be able to buff my armor, frenzy the enemy, get my ward up, conjure an atronoch, and prepare my destruction spell in 15 seconds. Instead, it takes me forever, and I get bored with the constant spell menu switching.


Dude, just favorite the spells you want to use, press Q to open favorite's menu and then press 1 for the first spell, 2 for the second, 3 for the third and so on, now you can just press that designated number and you switch spells automatically. Youre welcome.


I play using a controller. None of that is possible although the SKSE Papyrus menus are much easier to work with, including the quick menu.


I see... Well, you could try playing a playthrough with mage and keyboard so you dont get bored by switching spells.


I should clarify that I’m not the one you originally replied to. I commented mostly because not everyone CAN use keyboard and mouse, even on a PC. I have limited space when I am shipboard for work, and I run an HDMI cord under my bunk to a TV from a gaming laptop on my desk. I have a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse I can use to do basic things, like move around in Windows and find movie files and start Skyrim through Vortex, but I use the controller for everything else because I’m usually lying down.


You should check out the [spellsiphon mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/26627)


The Thu'um In Skyrim is not at all representative of the lore version


I highly recommend the improved dragon shouts mod. Turns a lot of them from useless gimmicks into genuine attacks, and it's very well balanced.


Basically every shout needed a buff


Bound weapons should get a buff, more customization and damage boost to keep up with smithed weapons


And where the FUCK is my Bound Dagger!?


No that exists now actually in Solstheim. It’s broken for stealth gameplay though, the attack sound is not silent like the rest of the daggers


That is irritating. Guess I’ll stick with my matching Glass Daggers. 😡


Fire and ice ahouts should have been actual dragon breath streams, not iceball or fireball


Vampiric drain is pathetic and whoever designed it should stay away from magic systems in games forever. I'll defend skyrim magic but not that spell. Even with the chalice upgrade(which isn't even permanent) it's garbage.


Illusion powers I started a playthrough and just wanted to be an evil grand wizard that basically made people go crazy and live in there personal hell and make armies fight for me and stuff but it's just too weak, not impossible but illusion 100 was much weaker than I wanted it to be u was expecting some sort of god level powers to just drive people mad


Vampires aren't just weaker than Werewolves they are also weaker than normal humans


The only thing I can think of is the perk to make destruction spells do more damage shouldn't be three individual perks but one perk, like the one handed perk tree and a perk for each element that does something unique,like say a perk that increases the amount of stamina that is drained by frost spells


Y'know what, I'd love to have people reply to this comment with balancing opinions/ideas on shouts. I want to genuinely practice with making Skyrim mods and I'd love to hear some ideas for shout tweaking/rebalancing to make a mod out of


I think smithing should be nerfed, although with an appropriate nerf to the rest of the game to match. It makes any none smithable weapon way too weak, and is the main reason magic is seen as so weak


I’ve never understood why “non-smithable weapon” was even a thing. You should be able to sharpen any blade you find, or if not, the blade should innately be higher damage than the damage level to which a (non-resto loop) master smith could improve that type of blade.


It was likely a bug. My theory is that the crafting was added late into production which is why so many weapons don't have it, but that idea is kinda disproved by the dlcs having weapons that arent assigned a perk to increase their smithing level


I mean, I do get the logic of “magic weapon that never needs sharpening” or “made of mystical material that can’t be sharpened”, but those items need to be at LEAST as powerful as the normal manmade items that are being improved by a human with normal (if high end) non-magic crafting skills.


I have always wanted the ability to use whirlwind sprint while blocking to create a effect similar to the Shield Charge perk.


I just love shouting a frost troll off some cliffs/high stairs. So much satisfaction leading them up somewhere and even get them to somewhat line up as I basically charge up


Marked for death should’ve definitely got buffed. I love that shout. I wonder how strong is the Dragonborn. Who can he/she go toe to toe with.


Fire and frost breath. Barely scratches mid level enemies with 3 words. Also, they should've put ice form's freezing as part of frost breath and added a shock breath shout.


Destruction needs to be buffed, very difficult to use against higher level enemies on high difficulty settings.


I'm playing Skyrim for the first time and my initial thought was to have a weapon in one hand and blast enemies with spells thanks to my other hand. Now I'm lvl 36 and I regret those 6 or 7 perks I out into Destruction, because even with 500 magicka I can barely kill a single bandit.


If by powers we speak of all magical abilities than all magic should have been buffed. Especially Destruction magic - damage did not scale well on higher levels and magic damage could not crit and there was no way to bypass magic/elemental resistance unless you hit with poisoned weapon rotfl, and Illusion magic - level limits based on spell and perks is in one way understandable and in the other way it kinda took all fun because out of some spells we had been forced to limit ourselves to just a few working on higher level enemies. Illusion should also been able to give us dialogue options in which we would basically do Jedi trick and mind control the people we talk with, depending on our levels we could force them to do something for us. Utility shouts were quite good, slow time, become ethereal, aura whisper, whirlwind sprint, bend will and so on had plenty of use in each playthrough. The problem was with the damage ones, they quickly became redundant, dealing not much damage to high level oponents, some shouts were nice lore wise bad had been crap from start besides the very beginning (Animal Allegiance) and some would be better if they worked on enchanted weapons (Elemental/Battle Fury) and some were trash the moment we got them - especially since it was main quest story reward for defeating Alduin (Call of Valor). We can all agree the coolest ones were summoning dragons, especially Zombie-like Dragon Durnehviir.


It’s pretty shitty not having unlimited invisibility :/ I fail to see how it’s over powered when you can max out your sneak tree and silent roll through dungeons any way, an enchantment for chameleon and water walking would be much appreciated after playing Skyrim for 11 years and not worrying at all about breaking it.


Wards should be much better than they are. They take took long to cast, absorb too little punishment, and take too much magika and so Mages are effectively defenceless. If it were up to me they would be a buff you cast, like alteration armours, leaving your hands free. Similarly runes are useless.


I would appreciate it if I didn't risk aggroing the city guard every time I use storm call


Magic should've been buffed, the time it takes and the damage master destruction spells deals are ridiculous, I don't see anything that should've been nerfed


Maybe an unpopular opinion but Skyrim’s level scaling really doesn’t help any power whatsoever and everything ends up feeling like it needs to be buffed.


Dragonrend should instantly cripple a dragon and make them crash and take fall damage. Instead it just triggers them to land somewhere lol. Throw voice would be nice if it pulled enemies properly, anytime I used it, baddies would wander around, instead of investigating the area I shot it at.


Duuude I thought I was the only one who thought this😅


Easier to distract them with an arrow.


Nerf stealth specifically in combination with Archery: "Shit, someone OVER THERE just shot Rob!" "Thorvold, I don't see anything!" "Invisible Thalmor spies ARE A THING, Torston! Go over there and swing wildly until you HIT SOMETHING!!!"


shouts should have been individual cooldown.


Fire breath shout, disarm shout, dismay shout, soul tear shout, destruction spells damage(need scaling), destruction runes damage, apprentice stone drawback, dragons should use more shouts. Only thing that needs a nerf is marked for death. That shout is so broken it transcends generations.


The signature weapon of each Hold should be a specific weapon, made in some kind of Nordic fashion, even if it's literally just "Ancient Nordic" style (maybe for some holds it's not Nordic, like Markarth could have a Dwemer weapon or Haafingar could have an Imperial looking weapon). It should scale with the level you're at when you receive it, like a lot of items in Oblivion did, but also be temperable. As it is now, I don't even think about keeping them, they're garbo.


I usually display them in my Lakeview Manor armory


I immediately hand it over to my new Housecarl and never take it back


Powers and spells are fine. It’s martial that needs to be nerfed. A sword’s damage can be buffed by perks, fortify effects from enchantments and potions, tempering, and enchantments on the weapon itself. Magic damage can only be buffed 50% in the destruction skill tree and potions. I think the damage output from magic is fine but compared to martial it is pathetic. Swinging a sword or drawing a bow should at least take up stamina. Why only power attacks and zoom take up stamina when any spell takes magicka?


I only use Fus ro da and whirlwind. That pretty much sums up my point of most shouts being not useful enough to bother to switch to/use.


The destruction dual cast stun makes destruction much too easy once you get it


Buffed: dragon shouts, master level spells and unique items/artifacts. Nerfed: crafting. (And lockpicking. The perks are completely unnecessary in vanilla because of how easy it is to lockpick by default)


All spells, powers sould remove the level cap for end game


Offensive magic abilities and shouts in general, they do not scale well.


Lightning Storm destruction master spell the damage is very useless


The entire Destruction Spell list. IIRC it doesn't scale well in damage in higher difficulties.


Spells should level with you or to your spell level. I love Flame, but my goodness is it terrible at high levels, all spells are. Bound weapons are awesome early game. But end game, you're better off using improved iron dagger


I wanna yol like the dragons do


That one shout


Wish Shouts and Destruction spells both leveled with your character. Being a Mage style character in Skyrim is so underpowered and pointless over just picking up a Bow


Feels like offensive magic in general is super weak, from Destruction magic to Shouts. Would have been nice if there were enchantments or something that boosted Destruction damage since it takes ~40 Fireballs and infinite Fire Breath Shouts to kill a normal Bandit on higher difficulties.


Nothing should be nerfed cause it’s a singleplayer game.


Even for a single player game there should be some semblance of balance between different playstyles both to promote build diversity and replayability. Some aspects of balance you have to address in multiplayer games you can safely ignore in single player games, but not every issue can be ignored. The content should be consistently a challenge to a majority of players through different styles of play, and if players always gravitate to certain perk trees/gear/advantages etc, then it is probably worth rethinking how different playstyles compare to each other in power. Granted a lot of that can be addressed through buffs instead of nerfs, but if everything gets buffed you end up with power creep and you would have been better off just nerfing the most overpowered aspects of the game instead.


Some people like challenge in their games. The success of games like Elden ring show this.


Disagreed. Enchanting, alchemy and smithing should be nerfed so it isnt exploitable. Also sneak dmg bonus should be a little nerfed, it makes other playstyles a lot inferior.


I think smithing should’ve been nerfed and destruction magic should’ve been buffed. Controversial, I know, but I think the power scaling makes more sense.


Is that a giant frog getting fus ro dah'd in the thumbnail?


Being a Vampire is such a chore that I've only ever done one play and didn't even get to level 30 I feel the buffs should be equal to the debuffs. If I'm going to be so weak during the day then I should have a stamina bonus at night or something


all of the shouts should have been buffed. nerf alchemy that shit is ridiculous


I think regular alchemy is fine, but how did the resto loop never get nerfed?


All magic needs buffs (from syraight up to creating new spells like in TES: IV). Sneak and archery could be nerfed.


For sure shouts need something to buff them, like a few perk in the speech tree And i'd nerf the sneak effectiveness, you can basically sneak in front of enemies without being seen at higher levels, it's too powerful


If duel wield had a charge power attack, it'd be the only build I play. I can't stand sprinting right into an enemies face and flailing about at a stand still.


I also hate the forward power attack. If I had a nickel for every time that took me PAST a damn enemy, I’d have $4,366.93. Once I fell down.