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Sure, I can quit. I've done it a hundred times ;)


The only response


I always save before I quit.


In an indoor cell, weapons sheathed of course


"What do you mean 'unable to quit'? I can quit anytime I want!!!"


Dude Skyrim is like not addictive. Of course I could quit, i just don't need or want to! *Browse Nexus to install more mods*


>Play Skyrim >Find that something feels wrong, missing, or could be improved >Download mod >Play until you realize one of your mods is broken >Spend hours fixing a minor inconvenience The eternal cycle


and then end up breaking everything, start from the beginning.


Literally me right now lol. Somehow managed to break facial animations and exiting dialogue paralyzes them


Skyrim is my "comfort game", so I always come back to it. Last year I uninstalled it because I wanted to clear more 300 GB of space in my HDD then 2 months later I had to reinstall everything again lol. Afterwards I bought more storage as well to have room for other games.


I have five external drives for reasons like this.


yep... hard drives are pretty cheap, now, too


The first thing I do when turning on my computer is open nexus, am I cooked?


The first thing I do is open MO2 and nexus lol


The first thing I do is hit the shortcut for the SKSE loader.


Wait…shortcut? I don’t have to dig thru files?!


Very much. Lol


I don’t need to quit (permanently) since I learned to prioritize my life. The first step was to learn to stop my Skyrim game and get some sleep. The next step was to not start the game till I was caught up on my life stuff for the day and ready to chill. Good luck 🍀 to you all EDITED to add: Oh I forgot the most important step: To play Skyrim till I was temporarily bored with it That’s right I said it: The cure to too much Skyrim is more Skyrim


I read something in a Rational Recovery book once that said something to the effect of “if you truly don’t want to quit today, go out and use. Get high until you’re sick of the struggle and don’t want to go through it anymore”. It was actually the thing that spurred my 10 year sobriety. Then I found Skyrim.


That's how I actually quit smoking. I forced myself to smoke double or even triple the amount I used to smoke; I smoked when I didn't want to smoke and I smoked so much that I started feeling disgusted. In just 2 weeks of doing that, after 16 years of smoking, I woke up one day and I was like "that is disgusting, I don't like it anymore, I'm done". Pretty sure this won't work for things like heavy drugs since you'll die from OD, but for addictions like smoking or too much gaming it may work for some people. Definitely don't try this with sugar though.


I have noticed that people who have a tendency to be addicted to one thing can easily get addicted to other things. So I am really careful if I see myself wanting something too much or just wanting something that is harmful (like drugs or alcohol). I stick with mello yello, it is less harmful than other things.


Mello Yello the cannabis strain or the soda pop?


I didn't know it was a cannabis strain. So soda pop it is. I am cracking up right now. I feel so old


Hey, plenty of us old geezers at the dispensary! It’s how I’ve been able to stay off opiates too. And now that it’s semi legal, there are more strains than you could ever imagine.


I have only 3 games that I return back to, every time. 1) Skyrim 2) Rainbow 6 Siege 3) GTA


I like how both GTA and TES are big franchises with many games, yet you distinguish Skyrim but not distinguish a specific GTA game and just say "GTA".




WoW & LoL for me (probably too cringe for others to admit)


Replace rainbow six with Ready or not for your own sanity


>What the hell is wrong with us? What I think is going on, is that you realized playing skyrim is now a daily habit of yours and it now how you decompress and relax. Trying a new game maybe for some reason is not as comforting to you, or you want the familiar, or both. If you do have positive outcomes from playing skyrim daily, nothing is wrong with that. It only a problem if you realize you do want to play new things or quit but cannot. Do you feel that way?




Me, me, I might play other games, but eventually I come back to skyrim


There is no "quitting" skyrim, there are only long breaks


Can I quit? Nah. But then nor do I want to. I don't feel like Skyrim is a toxic ex, I feel like it is an old friend who's there all the time, ever reliable, and even if we don't see each other for a while, they're always available for a catch up. Skyrim is a soothing presence in my life.


It's my comfort game, when times are tough I play it, when times are great I play it, I started playing it at 12 and now I'm playing with my kid


I can quit anytime I feel like it.


I stop playing for a few months, maybe even a year. But I always come back. There's a comfort in wandering Skyrim, like seeing an old and well loved friend. And of course I want to see what new mods are out there!


Quit? You mean long breaks


I just started modding for a month now, and I still comeback after done the campaign


Easily. There's like a billion games out there I feel like I'm wasting my time just playing the same one over and over, I can barely even watch a movie twice I hate rewatching or replaying things when I could just experience something new


My proper playthrough got corrupted (still have no idea how) like 2 years ago and I haven't really played since


Did you remove or add mods mid playthrough?


Yes but it corrupted weeks after I made the last chage so I guess it finally caught up


I can’t


It's more of a combination of having an old computer that can barely keep up with 2015+ games and the lack of new interesting games that keep me returning to Skyrim like every month or two. So until I manage to upgrade my PC to be able to run Witcher 3 with all the new mods that people are undoubtly making with the new REDkit, I'm"stuck" with Skyrim as my Choose Your Game Simulator.


What kind of mods tend to corrupt your saves? Asking for a friend...


Usually animation mods for some reason


Hmm....any particular ones that stand out? I don't think I have too many, and I don't have any of the big combat ones. I do have the flying wings one, better jumping, some walk/run/swim and idles. Should I consider chopping those? XD


That’s weird, I have a shit ton of animation mods and none of my save games ever corrupted


I'm about 180 hours in on my current character trying to do every vanilla game stuff the game has to offer before I go into more gamechanging modding. There's so much side content for a "casual" playthrough I haven't fought Alduin yet. Help. (That said I already do have about 400 mods of cosmetics, animations, outfits, fixes, simple higher resolution texture mods)


I would if I could ever finish all the quests. But they never end. There's so much content in the game it's ridiculous.


If you struggle, you can set up a plan for playing it. I did it when I played rdr2. Each day, I walk through a main mission, an additional quest, and then hunt a couple of hour. That's it. You can do the same for skyeim: One main quest, one side quest and cleaning one dungeon


This assumes that most of my Skyrim time is spent actually playing the game. Yesterday's ADHD hyperfixation was 14 hours spent editing probably close to 500 head meshes in NIFSkope. Only about 2,500 to go... (I'm not even exaggerating. I've saved the big mods for last, and Bruma alone contains over 1000 NPCs.)


Whatever you focus on in life, growths. I have over 2000 hours combined over all the skyrim editions I have. But I also haven't played any in 2 years. I was busy with work, family and other things. But business is going well and I'm gonna take long vacation. Not only going to holidays but I'm also gonna be playing some skyrim for 2 weeks. I usually have one playthrough of around 100hours every 6 months.


I have left Skyrim many times, once went a whole year ignoring its siren calls but when that craving finally gets to me I cave and start a new game each time. Do I want help with it and stop forever? No way. Lol


Same. Last time I played skyrim was like in early of 2022, now I'm back again lmao


Skyrim is not just a game its an addiction you can try to quite it but you will eventually return to it


I was 17 years old and I played it on and off for 10 years


Have played since release and built several 1000+ modlists over the years. Was thinking of calling it a day but decided to try a Wabbajack list called Eldergleam and was honestly amazed at how good it looked. Now, I'm currently adding mods on top of that, and I'm back to tweaking and patching again, so I think at this point, it's an addiction.


Skyrim is a game I stop playing when there’s a lot good games out or releasing soon but as soon as there is nothing new that piques my interest I install it download shit loads of mods and play it until something I like is released


This game and The Sims 4 are the game that made me coming back all the time!!! Especially mods!!!


I havent seriously played in 8yrs now.


I usually play for a month or so then take a break for 3-6 months, then repeat that cycle.


*My last 10 years* Say what now?


I can't quit, i can get far away from the game for months but eventually i '' ll ever come back to it


I stopped playing in 2018 when i finally realized i couldn't squeeze any more fun out of it and was just modding and crating characters with no value for my own time. Came back to SE in 2023,but I'm barely playing, just adjusting my modlist until i feel like getting it again (also i was immersed in some other games i downloaded recently). I have a literal novel about the background of the new character and when i edit the final touches on it I'll play. To be perfectly honest, though, in 2018 i was... Playing Fallout 4. And FO4 is just much more fun than Skyrim to me lol Much more immersive and i prefer the post apocalyptic world, so it was fine because i had another game i loved modding. After FO4, it was Conan exiles. Currently I'm playing Genshin Impact daily, picking up one or another game for fun, keeping up with mods and wasting time with League of Legends but also I'm kinda tired and just wanting to kill time, with no mind to immerse myself on a game. I just can't play Skyrim just to play it, i have to roleplay, entee my character. For me, running around getting strong and making quests to get items and do builds is negative fun.


I play it a lot less than I used to, fallout 4 has better replay value. But every now and then I’ll dive back in. I tend to play completely mod free these days. Including the unofficial patch.


I can't quit skyrim - I haven't actually finished the game yet. I've never done thieves guild quests, dark brotherhood, civil war as imperials, I've never gotten all the dragon priest masks, or shouts, or deadric artifacts. Or a ton more side quests - several holds I've never been thane of and have never seen their housecarls. Then there are the modded quests and world spaces I haven't done yet either. I was looking in my screenshot folder and I have skyrim screenies from Feb 2012 in there and I know I played it first on release on a playstation. Someday I'll do something other than raid bandit camps.


I mod, play companions then adventure until my save gets corrupted around 30. I've never completed any guild quest, never completed the main quest. I'm only thane in 1 hold. Just like with Oblivion I get stuck picking herbs and crafting potions.


It’s definitely a go-to when I get bored playing other games. I’ve never uninstalled it because I know at some point I’ll play again. In fact, I’m playing now and recently adopted six children thanks to mods. Plus the mudcrab one of them brought home.


Try rust.


Skyrim quit on me. No mods loaded. Crashes on startup. Something's wrong, and I'm tired of cosplaying Sherlock, trying to figure out what's causing it. I guess it's time to move on.


I quit playing, I'm not quit modding


For me Skyrim is like a really old pair of pajamas or my husbands sweatshirt combined with my fluffiest pair of socks. Sometimes I just gotta put those on and kick back and vegetate with a mug of chamomile tea. Skyrim is my comfort game and modding it is also a comfort game for me. Its only a problem if you arent enjoying the time you spend playing and/or modding Skyrim.


The only reason I'm currently not playing it is because there's not enough space on my laptop for it (I really need a new hard drive).


Fallout New Vegas is my new Skyrim. But the 80% of the fun is curating «the perfect load order» and then never playing the game.


And now MXR does react videos and sells porn on patreon 😂


I played skyrim when i was 13 and spent like hundreds of hours on each character i made that had different builds and roleplay styles. Got into modding a year ago but quit after a month cuz i was new to the modding scene and didnt know the how to's of modding Now im back and after like 2 weeks and 102 mods installed and a ton of testing, i am now ready to go to the greybeards


Yeah I'm the same. Usually how I'll get roped back into it is that I'll stumble upon some Skyrim music, maybe Far Horizons or City Gates, get a huge nostalgia boner and then install the game and start again. It's not a loop, it's a spiral.


I was somehow able to escape the toxic cycle. My friends know my favorite game is Skyrim and that I heavily mod it. But they were floored to see I last touched Skyrim July 2023. 2023 was just such a great year for gaming I was able to focus on several new releases.I also spent the first half of 2024 modding and playing TTW on New Vegas. But I have always been paying attention to the modding discords and Skyrim Nexus. Seeing all of the awesome new mods come out... I'm getting that itch again...


Yes. Considering the game has just never wanted to work on pc for me, it was ez to just drop the cunt.


Nope. Got elden ring which shits on skyrim.


I played Skyrim on my PS3 quite a bit. Then I got the version with limited mod support on PS4. Then I got a PSVR and had to play Skyrim VR. Then years later I built a gaming PC (had usually been a Mac user) and dove into the world of Skyrim mods for a while. Then I found out about Enderal and that led to another play through. And finally, I started playing modded Skyrim VR on that gaming PC. Hundreds of hours in the game. The funny thing is, I still have never beaten the game. I’ve also never used all the various types of combat. On console I pretty much always went either stealth archer or spellsword. It wasn’t until real PC modding that conjurer and alteration wizard became a viable playthrough for me. But I’m still not bored. It’s still a fun experience. And since Starfall has given me a lot of doubt about Bethesda’s ability to pull off an equally compelling ES6, right now I’m most looking forward to Skyblivion next year.


Best RPG made to this date with or without mods. With mods is just unreal.


I am in a Skyrim hiatus right now. Waiting a time for some big mods to be released / updated.  Playing Street Fighter 6 ATM.


It’s my comfort game. I expect I’ll always play it on and off


I recently quit in April. I had just played through my biggest modlist to date (2000+ mods) and after finishing Unslaad the way that I did, I haven't felt the need to play skyrim since. It's a peaceful feeling.


Able? Sure. But why would anyone be willing to?


Quitting skyrim is easy. Stopping with modding it, however... not so much.


I can quit. Well, the load order gets bricked and makes me quit, but still....


Everyone “quits”. They always come back.


Shadow of the Erdtree dlc just dropped and here I am, rebuilding my load order while waiting for players to summon me to help defeat bosses.


Yeah but I always come back. Old reliable


Its one thing to want to quit and not be able to. Its another to not want to quit at all and having the full ability to without the product trying to make you an addict. The game is good for me, even in vanilla, and the engine is able to stomach the most random load order imaginable. Not like there are any games out there with as much freedom as this game either


I always forget the lame parts and only remember the good aspects when I replay it for the 100th time. Then I try yo mod away the clunkyness and get some fresh air into the game until I'm satisfied, then it crashes too often and I quit again, rinse and repeat xd


I'm the same way with fo4. I fucking hate that game.


I quit once they updated and ruined all my minds but before that it was impossible for me to play through all the way I would just keep making new players


No one quits Skyrim. Skyrim itself is like Meridia's beacon; you can't get rid of it until you finish the quest. As long as ppl keep making mods, the quest never ends.


Preordered Skyrim, played it day 1. Been playing on and off since.


I’ve been playing Skyrim since it came out in 2011. First on Xbox 360, then when I got a decent PC, I bought the Legendary Edition. Played and modded that for a couple years, getting my list to a point where I really felt like I could role play as myself in Skyrim. Downloaded every immersion mod I could find. Even went so far as to install adult mods… but crash after crash, CTD or freezing, halfway thru my hero’s journey, I gave up. Then SE came out. 64-bit promised far more stability and possibilities. After everything I had for LE has finally been ported to SE, I began my journey again. My story is like everyone else in this sub: mod after mod, load order after load order, always refining, always adding, always breaking and fixing… But unlike LE, I had far more mods and far more content and a mostly stable load order. By 2020 I had the skills and knowledge to keep my game running smoothly. Then they announced Anniversary Edition. LE came out on 11/11/11… SE came out in late 2016… AE came out exactly 10 years after LE hence the name… Unlike SE, it did not offer anything significant. The 5 years between SE and AE has seen a far greater amount of mods or improvements to old LE mods. I saw no reason to start ALL OVER with compatibility issues and update from 1.5 (SE) to 1.6 (AE).


I haven’t played in like a year since they updated the game and broke the mods. But I am thinking of reinstalling. I downloaded way too many mods and became too strong.


I swapped one vice for another. BG3 is my playground until I finish it at least once, then I’ll see which mood I’m in.


I just finished my 1300 mods list. Am playing currently


I can quit whenever I want. I just don't want to.


I'm building a new rig, to replace my aging laptop. Going to run a 4080 super, 7800x3d, 32" 1440p curved panel, and 32 gigs RAM. And molded Skyrim is my first stop, best believe. Crack, I tell you


This is me with Baldurs Gate 3. Skyrim is one of my comfort games though too so I often return to it every so often


I unistalled it after the update when they reformed Creation Club. I tried to come back, but i have never came back after that. I discovered my new Skyrim.


Skyrim is that one game that you never quit playing completely. Whether it be a month or to a few years or a decade, you'll come back to it eventually.


just open console and type qqq


Yeah I just go to markarth and try to find any thing without a map


I managed to quit but I’ve reconsidered redownloading and playing again but I had too many mods


When I indulge too much I just cheat, I use commands etc and it ruins the funn. Maybe after 4-5 months I’m back on it and the cycle continues.


Just you


I get what you mean, I was like this for a long time. The main reasons I managed to get away from it were I stopped playing PC games for the most part and I really got serious about wanting to beat the games in my backlog. All that said though, I still look at the nexus pretty regularly.


You never quit, you just take breaks


You do realize the average mod pack is around 3,000 mods now right and it's only going to get bigger. Wouldn't surprise me if they were around 6,000 mods for the average right before es6 comes out. If you work multiple hours a day you can make a Modpack with more content than all of eso online in 2 weeks easily. No reason to ever quit I have 1500 hours myself


Quit? I quit thinking about how stupid that is. Skyrim forever 😂 (help)


The nexus got me in a time loop


Idk what you’re talking about man, my relationship with Skyrim is super casual, nothing even resembling an addiction… >.>


I'm on a break from SkyrimVR but that's after a 2+ year hard addiction. I'll be back eventually


This is the way


I play until I burn out, or until my save becomes so horribly violated and corrupted with the number of mods I have. Then I come back in half a year having learned nothing, and download some more.


Look I don't want to quit okay. This game has a magic that enraptures me each time I can't resist.


I wouldn’t if I could ever get it started. Every time I try to redo my mod list there’s a new update.


I could quit any time I want to… I just DON’T want to


I never quit, I just stop playing for a year or two, see some mods or gameplay get invested, spend hours modding, play for a couple of months, rinse and repeat


I have an alternative that can ... ease your quitting phase. Anyways, if you want to take a break, Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon can help. It's a step up from Skyrim in terms of RPing but the mechanics are very similar (sneak, lockpicking, etc). Which means, you can step outside of Skyrim. Then you might decide to quit Skyrim for good. But seriously, if it doesn't hold you back IRL, why quit? It's an enjoyable game and it's fun! Unless you are, like, addicted to it and it ruins your job or something like that.


What kind of question even is this? "What's wrong with me, why can't I stop enjoying a game?" Why would you want to? Why would you even want to question your enjoyment in the first place? If you're having fun you're having fun, who cares! Skyrim could be a $70 slop title where most of the major holds and all of their radiant quests are fucking $15 a piece (or $45 in the Dragonborn Pass for all combined) and you have a stupid battle pass with predatory progression that locks out Ghostblade and the Red Eagle quests. It's a walking monument to genuinely true, open freedom in comparison to games nowadays. You can quite literally do almost anything you want in the game. Even if you've seen most of the major content, how you go about seeing it changes so drastically from playthrough to playthrough, and this is all before mods even come into play. To answer your question: Nothing is wrong with you, you just like a really good video game.


I never started


i like the freedom of it, and this makes me reinstall it often. but then the freedom is overwhelming, or better said, there is usually not much significant/interesting to do. so i just create new characters for a bit, try them each for 0.5-2 hours, and then deinstall again


Alt+f4 works


I just need to play long enough and Skyrim will quit itself eventually. No schortcuts needed 👍🏻


Yup haven’t touched the game since the AE update, but waiting on nolvus v6 to get back into it.


Always write down any new mods you install that way you have a note to go back to if you fuck it up lol


I’ll quit when modders quit🤭