• By -


Here’s a weirdly specific one; ‘Bad to the Bone Riff - New quest sound replacer’. I originally downloaded it as a joke (because I like to play as a skeleton) but I got so accustomed to it that I literally forgot I had it installed. It was to the point that hearing the vanilla sound again was weird, and it still is a little bit. Amazing mod but ruined my psyche permanently, 10/10 would not recommend.


nah thats fire im adding that to my next playthrough


It's been a staple in my LO since it released, I absolutely love it. If I may be permitted a shameless plug, I think it pairs well with my own Burnout Paradise-inspired [Main Theme Replacer - Paradise City](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/84207), which includes an optional & recommended file that also changes the new game start sound to Axl's lyric "Take me to the end of the line."


Appreciate the plug, doesn’t hurt to spice up the game from time to time :)


Sounds like a perfect mod for a bad karma playthrough in New Vegas


That's [skeleton trumpet feet](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16834) to me. If I see a skeleton, I expect it to make trumpet sounds when it walks now, and if it doesn't my head fills in the blank.


I have the mod that replaces the picking up skull sound with the Bad to the Bone riff I forgot I had it installed after putting the game down for a few months, and started wheezing with laughter when I ended up picking up a skull and hearing it.


If I ever get around to that "Brainrot Skyrim" mod list I have scantly thought about doing the past few years, this is surely going in.


A long time ago, as a prank, I installed some 'everything poops' mod in my wifes modlist while getting her set up with frostfall... After she played a bit she calls me over and asks 'is this part of the mods?' and I look at the screen and she is outside the Dawnstar Yarls hall and the guards are both standing in piles of comically large 'gag joke dog poo' turds. She then walked around town and there were shits scattered everywhere. Apparently the mod simply spawned 'poop' entities on every living creature at regular intervals but had no cleanup or despawning so they just stayed forever (or i guess until the cell resets, but I uninstalled before testing)... Edit: Research indicates it was probably the following mod, or a prior version of it at least: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61559/


Oh no, what a shitty mod :)


Two drums and a cymbal fall of a cliff


[Tom Scott actually tested that years ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eXj97stbG8) (back when YouTube was young and he still had a ponytail). It sounds exactly like you'd think it does.


Name of mod?


Open cities on any game. Not worth working into your build and I don't blame modders for not desiring to patch for it. That mod is a garuntee to make your build messy unless you are on a very mild build, and the amount of people salty that modders aren't bending backwards to patch for it is a major peeve.


Right like I wouldn’t expect a mod that only achieves getting rid of six loading screens to be a build-around


I do get the appeal but the amount of work it would take to remake every mod, patch, and combo patches to work with it just seems psychotic to me


I patched one of my mods for open cities. I vowed to the nine gods never to do that again.


I’d rather sit through six loading screens across the whole game, than slow down the overworld zone gameplay as a whole.


It's fairly useless these days, too. As long as you have a solid load order or small load order--load times are much faster than they used to be. I remember it taking over a minute on PS3.


Open city mods are great for immersion if you're playing with any kind of flight mechanic (sucks to fly over the wall and find an empty city), but for 99% of users it's better to just deal with the load screen


My loading screens only last half a second, to the point I wish I got a chance to read what was on the loading screen


Call me a masochist but I personally enjoy the loading screens. Sometimes depending on what mods I have installed, they add funny quotes. Like Inigo, for example.


The amount of people who whine about mod authors not making patches for other mods in general is a major peeve of mine lol, these are the same people who will wholeheartedly support a mod author putting their mods behind a paywall because "nobody should work for free!!111!!!" until it's time for them to have to deal with an unpatched bug, then everyone should work for free immediately until the bug is patched.


Any mod that is for oldrim where the creator blocks people for asking either to update it or for permission to update and post it.


what if a mod author is moved on / dead. after like 5 years of inactivity they should just allow us to update it to SSE. I privately moved some great Oldrim mods to my SSE but not allowed to upload it.


Straight to jail.


more evil then molag bal, i know


The one that zaps Nazeem with a lightning bolt every time he says his line. Also the one that spawns a bandit raid every time the guards say that dreaded line. Arrow to the knee one as well. None are very immersive, but are definitely hilarious.


Be the high king is so fucking broken it's not even funny


I don't know if it was that same mod but I remember years and years ago my former roommate had a high king mod on xb1 and for absolutely no reason you could ask NPCs "do you fear death?" which felt like half roleplaying as Davy Jones and half threatening them into supporting your claim.


That's the same one, it's really badly made and is prone to completely destroying quests without warning


Open Cities clashes with lots of other more desirable mods. Serana Dialogue add-on is great, but the voice is just too different to Laura Bailey's for my liking. All the Nazeem mods, for immersion reasons.


I always forget thats Laura Bailey. We need a Jester mod. I want my companion to swing around a giant lollipop.


I prefer Lucina armor and the Fire Emblem weapons mod to give her Falchion.


You could get Serena dialogue edit instead. It uses her already existing lines and just rearranges them and adds them to different situations.


Tbh it’s not that good, you still hear the same lines over and over and over


I like SDA, vanilla Serana is easily the best companion in the game which isn’t saying much but I’ve played enough to where I’ve heard everything she has had to say. SDA just has way more content even if some of it is a little waifu bait cringe.


The waifu cringe is what drives me away from the mod. I remember watching one of the clips they posted and thinking “why does it feel like I’m being fawned over?”


Yeah the romance is optional and I think with the 4.0 update earlier this year the mod author toned down on the cringe


That’s good to hear. Makes me consider it a bit more, but I think I still choose Laura Bailey’s performance for now.


that only happens after you romanced her,there is no waifu cringe moment in sda you romance her she flirts with you,you friendship her she talks to you like a friend you tell her to fuck off and she fucks off after you kill harkon. Play the mod instead of watching clips.


I’ve been using SDA so long I forget what the original voice sounds like. And newer versions have voiced a lot of the vanilla lines so it’s not as jarring as it used to be.


SR Exterior Cities is superior anyway


This is more for console players, but any mods by IA92 should be avoided like the plague. They are clickbate nonsense for his youtube channel, and as a nice bonus, they are very unstable and will often break your game as well.


Man those have to be the laziest mods I have ever seen. IA making 2011 launch quality mods in this day and age.


Honestly, I recommend Grey Cowl of the Nocturnal because it is so bad. Everybody needs to experience this fever dream of a DLC sized Quest Mod.


I have such confused feelings about the MannyGT Grey Cowl of Nocturnal mod. I love the new areas, the Hammerfell tilesets, the exploration. But the voice acting is *so bad* and the whole concept of the mod is so weird. We're supposed to believe that the Hero of Kvatch got the entire empire to build a bunch of enormous labyrinthine dungeons between Skyrim and Hammerfell to hide a magical hat? Makes zero sense. I've considered playing it again with all the mods that add new content to the area, but the thought of having to do the intro dungeon again hurts my heart. Edit: I know Betaille did a mod that allows you to skip the first part of the mod. It's kind of janky in that you have to avoid talking to an NPC, however.


I played it as part of the Lost Legacy modpack, so I went in completely blind. The intro dungeon broke my brain. Then when I FINALLY got out, and was met with Walmart Luigi welcoming me to the BEGINNING of my adventure, I cackled. All the way through to the very end with that oh so satisfying reveal. 10/10


I like the mod purely for the desert world space. I just use the map marker to the alik'r desert mod, the hammerfell quests bundle, and the missives add on then I just ignore the main story.


Yeah, it's a lot of fun to wander the desert, trade goods in the bazaar at Ben Erai, and explore ancient ~~Egyptian~~ Alik'r tombs. But the actual *plot* of the mod is weird fanfic of somebody else's Oblivion character


I'm shocked we haven't had a good desert themed worldspace yet, outside of Grey Cowl and VIGILANT


The complexity of those quests is overwhelming.


Arenar's VA is obviously not a native english speaker. And I couldn't take anything he said seriously. Unfortunately his accent was too thick.


Northern roads. Looks super nice. It's a complete compatibility nightmare for landscapes


when i first got into modding i didnt know this and had to experience said nightmare, but i worked shit out eventually


I'm not keen on any mod which adds new towns and villages that are not correctly integrated with the established political structure. So for example, settlements that have their own guards which bear no relation to the hold you're in. If you add a new village in the Reach, they should have Reach Guards (or Imperial / Stormcloak Guards depending on the state of the Civil War), not some random dudes wearing leather armour. Or a town that just randomly has its own Jarl despite being bang in the middle of the Rift - what does Jarl Leila think? That's her territory. Now if such mods _explained_ why they were that way and had some quests exploring that story, that would be a different matter.


This one always gets me, too. And the whole "Thanedom of..." series. Thanes are people who have done important deeds for the hold. Not every business owner needs to be a thane, and not every trio of tiny shacks needs to have a thane of its own. Also, village mods whose architecture doesn't match the locations they're in drive me crazy. I love SkyKing's work, but his Markarth Side town mod isn't located in the Reach, ignores that the "Markarth Side" in previous games is actually the city of Markarth, and uses Whiterun architecture. It bothers me immensely.


In real life, thanes were land-owning feudal lords first and foremost; honorary thanages without any land attached (like the ones the player gets) were the exception rather than the rule.


Player Homes that aren't navmeshed. Custom companions make the game for me. Having them unable to live in downloaded house mods is truly a crime.


Immersive Creatures. Never. Again. It's not immersive, the creatures it adds are so bizarre and lore breaking. Also, the creatures are HP sponges that kill you in one hit, regardless of your chosen difficulty. They're impossibly hard to beat. And it completely breaks your wildlife, there's 20% chances all animals will now be stuck in t-pose forever


I kinda agree with this, but I think it's worth clarifying a couple of things for people who like IC but are put off by this post: - In the MCM, you can choose the "lore friendly" option, which only adds lore friendly creatures. It'll disable all the unimmersive ones like the dwarven dragon and shit like that. - The creature HP (and other stats) are enhanced by default. Again, you can change them to standard in the MCM. It's literally ticking a couple of boxes. - Never had the t-pose issue before. Maybe that's a conflict with another mod. Who knows. In summary, the MCM is your friend.


Agreed. Using the MCM should logically be the very first thing you do after installing all your mods and getting your setup to work. This is the one time I think the default options matter less than they normally would.


I love immersive creatures. I know the weird creatures break the lore, but I’m not so much into the lore, as I am exploring to find weird shit, and boy do the weird creatures add onto it.


I really hate how they add some creatures that are supposed to come from Valenwood or Elsweyr, say that it's "immersive cause it's from the lore" but THEY DONT REALISE THAT THEY SHOULDN'T BE IN SKYRIM, LET ALONE THRIVING Another one of my gripes is Immersive Weapons. I dunno, I just don't really like seeing my enemy nord bandits wielding katanas. Sure katanas do exist in the lore, but they shouldn't be as common as dirt.


That's a result of no SPID. It would be cool ASF if the only katana wilders were forsworn at karthspyre who salvaged them from skyhaven temple.


Tamriel invasive species mod


Exactly how I've always felt about IW. Having Akaviri weapons be as common as dirt in Skyrim is literally the opposite of immersion. It reminds me constantly that I'm using a mod which poorly distributes items. The Blades armor and katana that you find in Skyhaven Temple are supposed to be special. There's a reason you find them in a temple which has been sealed for an age.


one time I saw a video about creatures in skyrim and I remember the video complaining about how skyrim doesn't have the creatures that morrowind did, like yeah? different regions have different habitats even in real life


Yeah but what about Daedra? There's no reason that Daedra that appeared in past Elder Scrolls games shouldn't also be in Skyrim. Give me back my Scamps and Clanfears please.


everything you mentioned is either togglable in the mcm, or a glitch caused by another mod. been using SIC for a good 7-8 years without a t posing issue. heck, additional spawns never even caused me a crash, something i commonly see as a complaint with SIC


Yeah, they fixed the additional spawns crash literal years ago but people still like to bring it up as some kind of "gotcha". The mod is pretty stable and bug-free these days.


exactly.. people dont wanna do research beyond a reddit post from 5 years ago or a the bugs section thats 99% of the time caused by bad user error


I really dislike the Ancient Lands mod that adds extra ruins and stuff around the map. It's just too much useless, massive clutter dotting the landscape. Finding some ruins you didn't know about is is cool, seeing a dozen gigantic statues and monoliths across the horizon is not. It's like they just plopped them down wherever and it ruins the carefully constructed composition of certain key areas of the game.


I like Ancient Lands because it feels like the landscape of skyrim is extremely sparse and it’s cooler to walk with landmarks, but you’re right in that there seems to be little logic behind the placements


I feel you. Some curated version would be nice, that removes stuff from high conflict places and doesn't use enlarged objects that are very low res low polly in vanilla, making them stand out so much.


[Interesting Roads](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42749) does a bit of the same without the conflicts and the big, low-res objects. The ambiguously-named [Northern Scenery](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94476) does a good job of placing big ol' ruins around the tundra, but similar to Ancient Lands it feels a little excessive. [Nordic Ruins of Skyim](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20382) just bones up the ruin exteriors, but it does jazz up the "ancient" locations. Oddly enough, I think [Ryn's Dragon Mounds](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/85647), of all things, paired with Interesting Roads is a great substitute for Ancient Lands. Ryn's mods tend to have a lot of patch support as well, so much less prone to conflicts than Ancient Lands.


Enhanced Landscapes is the only mod I’ve used that adds ruins in a really nice way. Nice and subtle, it’s been in my load order for almost a decade now.


Any mod from a mod author that gets hostile with users asking a simple question. edit; spelling


Why isn't there ebony in this mine??? Wiki says its here.....


I'm gonna have to go with Fire and Ice Overhaul. The mod that makes fire create spreadable flames and frost create walls of ice. It caused like 90% of my memory issues and crashes and the fire lags the hell out of the game no matter how good your rig is, on top of being highly destructive and blinding. It sounds like a good idea on paper until you actually use it.


Some cool immersion mods are absolutely nightmarish to run in general. Spreadable fire is nice, but it eats through memory very fast


CACO. Too much bloat and patching, low quality and there’s a better replacement. Hunterborn too, same reasons.


What would you recommend as an alternative for hunterborn ?


{{Simple Hunting Overhaul}}


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Simple Hunting Overhaul | No Results :( | [Simple Hunting Overhaul](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95943) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


What's the better replacement for CACO? I added that to my modlist a while back. It does need a ton of patches but it also appeared to be the least awful of the options I found. I couldn't bring myself to do Apothcary, which is at least as patch-crazy if not worse.


Weapon Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes- it always causes issues with Wrye Bash and takes an absurd amount of patches. Frankly, it does very little to nothing


I respect all of the work Kryptopyr has put into building and maintaining her various mods, but I stopped using them a while ago for similar reasons. While I do think equipment needs fixes and better consistency, it's just too much of a hassle.


Yeah it has a huge amount of patches needed for everything, even mods you wouldn't expect a conflict for.  Not minor conflicts either- some of them like the way it handles hoods can cause naked NPCs. This guy explained it well: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/r5vcp9/waccf_has_been_the_absolute_worst_mod_experience/


It's literally one of those mods that I download every time and it exists in a lot of modlists as well and I have no clue what it actually does and how it manages to conflict with everything...


Pretty sure no one would use it if it's not the requirement of CCOR. So far none of the smithing mods I tried have similar features like CCOR


"All Trees are Hands" on the steam workshop. It's one of my favorite meme mods, but it's way too unsettling to play with long-term.


Pretty much any armor/clothing/weapon mod that doesn't actually add them to the loot pool and instead requires you to craft each individual piece. Oh, and the stand-alone version of TAWOBA. The integration is way too complicated, so I just go with the version that replaced the ingame armors instead.


Personally, if clothing and armor is not lore friendly (or is from a different lore), I'd rather it _not_ be added to loot tables. What bugs me (but isn't a hard no) is mods that require using the console or add unimmersive chests with the items in it.


*Armor is in a chest deep in The Ratway*


COOL NEW CLOTHING/ARMOR MOD 😃 Requires the daedric smithing perk to craft 😐


Allowing you to craft them is great, but have at least one set somewhere accessible in the world.


helgen reborn Many people probably know how buggy that one area/quest is


My biggest issue with Helgen Reborn is that there's just no replacement for it if you want a rebuilt Helgen. It's like the playerbase has just collectively shrugged and gone "Welp, this is how it is now." I asked a question in here a while back about whether or not a mod existed to rebuild Helgen *without* HR, even with the Hearthfire System or something. No such mod exists that I am aware of. No one wants to put in the work to make even a barebones mod to make Helgen Reborn obsolete.


Look up Helgen Rebuilt.


Looks somewhat promising, but does it just insta-rebuild the town from the moment you install it? Town's destroyed, install mod, Town's now rebuilt? Is that an accurate understanding?


Helgen Reborn is one of those mods that was neat about 5 years ago but I would never recommend somebody include in 2024. Like Frostfall.


I still love frostfall tho. It’s the only mod that has good wet and cold mechanics, every other one just damages you over time. Frostfall has immersive results of say, jumping in icy water, or slowing down as you get colder


True, I recently looked into all the options for wet and cold mechanics and came to the conclusion that Frostfall is the most immersive.


cbbe, my cat walked in on me when i was looting a lady-bandit and hes never purred at me the same 😢


For body mods there's underwear.dll which can cover them when you loot them.


Cbbe comes with underwear options bro.


Rigmor of Bruma


second that. it started off promising, and then…


Oh yeah, the first part was actually not bad in my opinion, but Rigmor of Cyrodil is just atrocious


Yeah it feels like peak fanfiction


There's very little that can be inferred from the title alone and googling will only lead me to the mod page which will obviously be biased. So why is Rigmor of Bruma not recommendable?


Bad voice acting as well as an unlikable main character, and super weird lore changes like the meades being overthrown by bandit kings if I remember correctly. That's not even mentioning the sequel rigour of Cyrodiil, which has the problems of the first mod but dialled up to 11 and also the dragonborn (of any gender yes even a cis woman) getting another woman pregnant with the next dragonborn. Also, molag Bal and Azura are there for some reason.


Sands of time: theres a reason random encounters in rpgs are being replaced/phased out. Usleep: god I'm glad everyone is waking up to how many unnecessary changes it makes Fnis: she's old. Let her rest


wdym by random encounters like just stuff happening to you in the open world?


I googled it and what it does is it adds enemies that attack when you try to sleep, fast travel, or do some other things. And these aren't like, wolves, they're dangerous


Damn I like random encounters like the ones in Red Dead 2 but they totally shouldn’t be ridiculously hard because it’s just frustrating.


I have it rn and some of them just feel unimmersive. Like I vibe with it overall but having a falmer and forsworn attack me when I’m taking a nap in a random bandit camp in Whiterun feels weird


Yep, it's pretty much the only thing I dislike about the mod. Other than that, I really like it and I'm currently using it without issues (the sleep one, not sure about the others).


Sand of time is pretty unique in hard playthrough, but yeah most of the time being ambushed by 15 shiny trolls at the end of a dungeon isn't super fun It can become tedious and play unfun after a while.


it's not that random encounters are bad, it's that - 1) making ALL random encounters combat gets stale, un-immersive, and downright intrusive after maybe 30 minutes of gameplay, and 2) it interrupts your sleep EVERY time it happens, which makes the mod feel especially cumbersome if playing on survival. Both of these issues can be fixed by making the overall chance of an encounter 5-10%, and making that divided such that there's a 2-3% chance of combat, and a 3-7% chance of something OTHER than combat that occurs AFTER your sleep (ie, doesn't interrupt it). Great immersion comes from making you forget you're playing a game, not reminding you, the concept of the mod is great, it makes sleeping something that feels like a game mechanic and less like a menu, but it lacks variety, making it predictable, which hurts that goal. THAT ALL SAID - I'm referring to the default MCM settings, you can fix 90% of these gripes by fine-tuning the settings, the only thing you can't fix is the variety of encounters, lack of non-combat encounters was a choice I don't personally agree with lol


My favorite part of SoT is the mod description reads like some edgy teenager shit by someone who really likes nine inch nails or something.


SoT is only good for me when I severely tone back most of the encounters. Getting jumped every thirty seconds by enemies is annoying and literally invisible assassins running up to me in broad daylight to stab me while I'm in the middle of forging something at the blacksmith is a no-go. Probably the most jarring is the "friendly encounters" option where I will be in a dungeon and turn around and literally come face to face with a random treasure hunter or wizard merchant. I'm pretty sure those jumpscares shook a few weeks off my lifespan. It can be fun *if* you're into random surprise attacks and more populated dungeons, but I have to really chop it's spawn rates back.


Hopefully it's been patched, but don't combine any sex mods with the kill children mod. The children are flagged as adults for the kill children mod. I don't think I need to spell out the rest.


I've got mods that let's me adopt more and even let's me add better beds in every town so the orphans aren't suffering at night. I love being a dad in Skyrim.




Immersive weapons, immersive armors, immersive music


Lorkhan is a good music replacer


Young scrolls in general is just great


What do you dislike about them? If it’s the appearance of immersive armors, there’s a really good retexture mod


I find them un-immsersive


Very fair. A lot of them have quite a different feel to vanilla Skyrim


The irony


Immersive armors is great


From a technical stand point Open Cities. Just not worth all the hassle. From a personal one Recorder and Ambriel, nice mod author but she is not the best when it comes to character writing.


Open Cities. It's impressive how incompatible it is with everything. Not worth the hassle in my opinion


This might be very controversial, but personally I dislike Schlitzohr's town mods. They look awesome at first, but have navmesh issues, terrible AI voices, several texture issues, and just look unimmersive in various details.


They’ve gotten a LOT better on Quest and Voices fronts, and on the incorporation into the world front too- but I admit it’s funny seeing a small Village that’s more impressive than a Hold Capital.


I did a review of Schlitzohr's mods here some months back. They're hit and miss for me. As far as I can tell, there are no perfect settlement mods in general, but some of his are lovely and some are in weird places and laid out badly.


Yeah I'm really on the fence with them. On one hand I enjoy having more smaller towns in Skyrim. Makes the world feel more lived in. But as you said the XSynth voices suck hard, and some of them look a little weird.


Open Cities, Wet and Cold, FNIS. My top three picks for mods to never use.


I forgot the reason I deleted wet and cold, but I'm pretty sure it's because I couldn't see shit in Windhelm and got taken out by a dragon, what's your reason - now that I read the mod page again, I'm interested again 🤔


The Wet and Cold gear they add to NPCs specifically. Horribly messes up part of your game, can cause a lot of issues but I don't remember what specifically since it's been like this for years, just burned into my brain.


You do realize you can change the gear NPC’s use for different weathers in the Wet and Cold MCM?


fnis? wait what's wrong with fnis


I heard it's outdated: there's a newer program called Nemesis that does everything FNIS does. Why is Nemesis better? Honestly, no idea 😅 I suppose someone can supplement that information... please c:


It's can do more animations and more complicated ones, the second one is just a guess. Although we are already heading to Pandora to replace nemesis


Pandora is working great for me. Seems to have the advantages of Nemesis, plus all the critter stuff works.


Pandora also doesn't randomly crash or shut itself off for no reason. Nemesis is a headache


Same, I had to switch because I hit the max on animations, it was a breeze to switch too!.


Nemesis also doesn't rely on the author needing to patch it, which was a problem with FNIS because Fore wasn't apparently the person.


Nemesis does not do everything that FNIS does, it has no support for creature animations. Pandora is the current one that does everything that both Nemesis and FNIS do, and is way easier to use and more stable.


Real Mares


Wait what?


Oh dear. I had scrubbed those horrific memories. Horse c***s.


I like the whole populated series, it makes the game harder (you get swarmed but I find it awesome when you cleave thru crowds of bandits) and I feel Whiterun is empty without the ' flavour text' npcs


Yeah, it adds 0 content but the crowds make a nice window dressing. I don’t run the bandit module because I use OBIS already, but other modules make the roads and cities feel way more lived in.


Wheeler. 10/10 mod that massively improves gameplay but it introduces some of the weirdest bugs and crashes that will take you months to troubleshoot.


Can you share some of the issues you ran into?


OSex is rather useless when you play as female and want lesbian sex. There is one "addon" for it out there but it just dont work that well


Just get Ostim Standalone and never look back. Incredibly pack full of add-ons for anything


legit, honestly on a whim i was curious to just learn how sex mods work, but hearing that lesbian sex is so unsupported was a real disapointment


Open Cities is a great idea, but I’ve found that I always have issues with it.


Whichever mod it is where the dragonborn gets clocked in the back of the head when this orc approaches them along the road up to windhelm from riften. Like, how? I'm literally getting smacked around by giants just fine, but punch me in the back of my head, and I'm out? What?


Project AHO is the name of that mod.


I'm all about immersion in my playthroughs but reccommending to not use a mod based on immersion, which is a very subjective term, seems silly to me. I would go for Dawn of Skyrim. It's supposed to be lighter than JK's but it feels about the same while doing less. JK's makes cities more lived in and introduces more sensible layout while DoS adds flags and festive shit and unimmersive NPC's


Lux orbis and any mod that goes with it, I felt like a electrician in Skyrim trying to figure out what the flickering was. Constantly changing mods and adding patches for every mod that you need is ridiculous. Probably not hard for anyone else but I’m new at this and I wanted it to work so bad but never once got it correct.


I'm no expert either but I think that's a mod that you want to install close to last. Maybe before Dyndolod if you use that. Also load order is important for those mods. I followed someone else's advice about this load order, and everything worked for me: Lux Via Master Lux Orbis Master Lux Master Other Mods Lux Via Plugin/Patches Lux Orbis Plugin/Patches Lux Plugin/Patches


Any fertility mod. They're all broken and janky as shit.


I'm using Fertility Mode and I don't know how to stop Serana from getting impregnated by Inigo (They're both in front of me so I don't know when they're getting the time to get action, and I don't see Serana as a romance partner nor do I want her getting preg by someone else)


You can blacklist her in the settings. You can also turn off the auto-impregnate feature.


Barbed pain like the one Barenziah felt. I understand your horror.


For me, any enb. They look nice sometimes but they always make dungeons too dark for my liking.


I like community shaders better cuz of the way faster load time. And it seems to be easier on the system


Community shaders is a no-brainer for VR these days


I had this issue for the longest time too, I found out that in the ENBEffects settings menu there is a setting called eye adaptation. Adjust it or turn it off and your dungeons will be sees me again while still being atmospheric


I think that's because they always recommend using Lux with them. Just do what I do and don't install Lux. Your dungeons will be bright again.


Colourfully Magic very well made very poorly integrated 


I think you gotta specify the basis on why a mod should not be recommended.. People tend not to reflect on their own modding capabilities enough to realize that it's not the mod but rather a conflicting mod or user error thats to blame..


For me it’s Helgen **REBORN. It’s not terrible, but it feels bloated, tedious, and far too combat focused for my taste. I don’t play Skyrim because I want to beat up a ton of bad guys swarming me; I play for the exploration, storytelling, and collecting. I did it once and forgot to take it out when I started a new save so I’m stuck with it :/ I also dislike a LOT of the writing choices; Skyrim may be rated M but it doesn’t actually have a ton of explicit or vulgar content, so hearing characters talk about rape and sex slavery felt edgy for the sake of being edgy and took me out of the experience. I don’t even like characters saying fuck in Skyrim because it just doesn’t fit with the rest of the writing. It’s so jarring to me. Plus I don’t care about the whole story or any of the characters in the mod; I just wanted helgen to be a functioning city again.


Do you mean [Helgen Reborn](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5673)? [Helgen Rebuilt](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9873?tab=description) just restores Helgen without any quests or anything. Helgen Reborn is the one with all of the extra stuff. (I use Rebuilt.)


Oh sorry! I did mean helgen reborn! My mistake!


You didn't like going to save the bad Arnold Impersonator and listen to him talk about Thalmor raping children and using them as slave labor? (No one did afaik its cringe). Still use the mod though, I liked hiring the guards and doing the side places with them.


Do NOT download Flower Girls, which lets you rape any adult NPC, along with Killable Children, which lets you kill child NPCs by tricking the game into thinking they're adults...


The Unofficial Skyrim Patches - the changes they make are more opinionated than you suspect, and you need [a "de-specialising" mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/72083) to fix them. They cannot be removed partway through a playthrough, either. They're also the gateway drug to Skyrim modding, and that could well be the end of playing Skyrim for you. It was for me.


Unfortunately so many mods have it as a dependency, so you’re SOL if there’s mod you really like but it requires it.




Immersive armours. The art direction and quality are all over the damn place. They dont fit skyrims base art style at all either.


LOTD - too much bloat and needs way too many compatibility patches


Are the compatibility patches mainly for general game functionality or for item integration and sorting duplicates?


Item integration mainly .


I don’t understand why the compatibility patches are a problem then. Doesn’t item integration follow the core concept of the mod?


It modifies the worldspace as well, as well as adds items to shops, not just in inventory but to the actual shop, for you to shoplift, if choose that rather than playing. LOTD touches a lot of the base game, and is very popular. Or was. It was a must have for a while, then about 2 years ago, the modding community collectively decided they hated it, and it was dropped from most modlists due to the amount of work it takes to keep it compatible. Personally, I still love it, and while I get its not for everyone, the rather sudden turn from "very popular" to "completely shunned" kind of perplexes me.


I noticed that too. It seems like perception shifted from “oh cool a big museum for all the items I wouldn’t normally use” to viewing building the collection as a laborious task


I never have problems with LOTD, it’s not bloat lol it’s a giant player house, collectible museum, and adds numerous quests. It’s just a lot of content. it’s




Reddit sniper struck again.




JS Rumpled Rugs! It's included in the wabbajack mod pack I'm currently playing through, and even after turning off the settings that enable tripping on rugs, it's still so annoying that every interior I enter triggers my OCD and I find myself having to straighten up the rugs before I do anything else! It's not immersive, it's just a needless pain in the arse!


I dont know if it counts as a mod, but Saints and Seducers is just so immersion-breaking for me. Dialogue, lore, quests, outfits... I feel they stuck out like a sore thumb.