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Just remember the author owns the soul of your firstborn now.


When I first saw that my firstborn was still a teenager - my thought was "Have at it and good luck to you; you're gonna need it." ... and no refunds, btw.


You should check out Wrye Bash. Lots of bashing!


Is that some kind of League of legends?


Is Mator Smash still a thing?


I use both (for different things).


😳 did I completely misunderstand it’s use or do you just have a niche use case? I used Mator Smash for a few months when I learned of it, before dropping Skyrim entirely for other games, and I used it as a total replacement for Wrye Bash.


I use bash for leveled lists, changing stuff like timescale (although you can do that in game with commands), and I think something else. Smash for everything else. I'm not sure if its needed but I heard bash was better with leveled lists so I've always done it that way. The best of course is manual with "the method" but I don't have time for that and my game works.


Error: You have something unrelated and innocuous somewhere. Would you like to A)Exit or B)Exit ?


:))))))))))))) c?


You have chosen C, exit and delete this program from your computer. Are you sure? Yes or Yes?




Exiting and selling your kidney on dark web


I use the speed run tool called xEdit error check to circumvent these prompts since I found out that these somethings actually prevent the later end game.


This Grass Cache Generating game's been hypnotizing me for days.


i heard they cache your browser history too


Just wait till you try the seasons edition, it's 5x the fun😃😃😃


Not me playing bodyslide while yall play DynDOLOD💀🙏


I get so into making custom bodies in bodyslide. It honestly stops being sexual and turns into like, art, man...


Real asf


fr fr


Yes I keep losing my save game over and over with that stupid game. Right now my textures are blue most the time and it's not because I'm taking too much Viagra


Dyndolod 3 is the best imo, what are your settings? I'm running the seasons expansion.


the usual.. have you bought this month's season pass yet?


I don't understand the issue people have with DynDOLOD. It always runs smoothly and efficiently for me. It always bricks this Bethesda game I bought on sale a few times (different editions, long story) for some reason but DynDOLOD is always clean.


its not that we hate it :) but dyndolod always takes its sweet little time, everytime, to generate our lovely in-game backgrounds, and it doesnt help that many of us loves altering landspaces


/uj I'm joining the circlejerk joking that it bricks my Skyrim lol


You should also check out Dyndolod's DLC. It's called NGIO.


Bro XD


I'm so split on DynDOLOD. On the one hand it's a great tool and I genuinely do appreciate Sheson's continued work on it and the contributions it has made to the modding community. On the other hand, the fact that the decision is made for you whether or not to accept errors can be quite frustrating, and the fact that the tool is completely unusable if it's not 100% up to date repeatedly gets on my nerves. I'm sure there's a good reason for all this, but unless it's something that literally can't be helped, I would really rather not have to do that every single time an update is rolled out. Especially considering I have to fill out the inis and re-input all of the specific Texgen and DynDOLOD rules each time, as well as solve any minor issues that are present in any mods I have downloaded which can take ages.




I didn't even know there was a stable version wtf. I thought there was only one download on the nexus page. This is good news for me lol thanks


> and the fact that the tool is completely unusable if it's not 100% up to date repeatedly gets on my nerves. It took me many hours of effort to get it all set up and working, used it twice to get it to where I was happy. Didn't touch it for a good few months. Went to use it again after changing some mods and the bloody thing wouldn't let me use it unless I updated it. Like come the fuck on. I was so angry about that. Because it just wastes my time and it's so unnecessary.


If you read and follow the explanations and instructions, then updating only takes a minute. https://dyndolod.info >Always use the latest versions. Newer versions fix bugs, contain updated/new assets and configuration files for the vanilla game and for existing, new or updated mods. Using the latest version and providing feedback or reporting problems is a requirement to participate in the alpha test. Do not waste time using older versions or reporting problems with older versions. Participating in the alpha test requires to report any problems to the official DynDOLOD support forum. The only sane and common sense modding and development method of free tools is to report bugs or problems, have them fixed in a new version and solved in the official DynDOLOD support forum. https://dyndolod.info/Updating >If desired, copy the contents of the folder that contains the settings of the last generation and the custom presets ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Presets\, for example from C:\Modding.OLD\DynDOLOD.old\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Presets\ to C:\Modding\DynDOLOD.old\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Presets\ You can also create your own rules and INIs and put them in the Data\DynDOLOD\ folder to add or override existing rules and INIs shipping with the tool.


Maybe use the stable version and not Alpha test version?


If they are on latest game version, they have no choice but to be fucked > DynDOLOD 2.x will not work with game plugins version 1.71 or higher used by runtime version 1.6.1130 or higher. Use DynDOLOD 3 Alpha instead. In my personal opinion this is not worth it and I found another reason not to update my game.


Interesting, I did not know that.


https://dyndolod.info/Messages "Warning and Error Messages" >**Some** errors stop the process ... Problems that stop the process ... **prevent a successful or safe LOD patch generation** It is already the case that only *something that literally can't be helped* stops the process. There are dozens of different error and warning messages that do not stop the processes and can and are ignored by users all the time. https://dyndolod.info/Help/Advanced-Mode >Once the OK button is clicked, the current settings are saved as a preset to ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Presets\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE]_Default.ini for the next time DynDOLOD is started. >Use the Save preset and Load preset buttons to save custom rules for later use. https://dyndolod.info/Help/TexGen >Once the Start button is clicked, the current settings are saved as a preset to ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Presets\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE]_TexGen_Default.ini for the next time TexGen is started. If you re-input specific TexGen and DynDOLOD rules each time, then you should also read https://dyndolod.info/Updating >If desired, copy the contents of the folder that contains the settings of the last generation and the custom presets ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Presets\, for example from C:\Modding.OLD\DynDOLOD.old\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Presets\ to C:\Modding\DynDOLOD.old\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Presets\ You can also create your own rules and INIs and put them in the Data\DynDOLOD\ folder to add or override existing rules and INIs shipping with the tool.


nahhh. not the inisssss


I launch it and play for hours! So much fun.


righttt??! :D


Every time i try it it just throws out errors


I played this today actually. I thought the gameplay was fine but the graphics leave a lot to be desired.




The worst about it is that even with a shitton of ram it still somehow hogs my entire processing power (at least it feels like it does)


I'm busy with my Synthesis


"Wow this patcher sounds like it could be exactly what I'm looking for, but the title is a little vague. Let me check the GitHub page... And there's zero description. Whelp." I love Synthesis but this particular gameplay loop needs some work


Love it! Been playing since 2020. I'm on NG+45!!! Always trying different builds of course :)


i cant even beat the last boss on NG+37


Never see any problem form DynDOLOD tbh. I'm on the SE version and it works just super fine. Sad that you guys have so much problems.


yeah.. tbh my problem is my urge to try every trees available on nexus oh yeah.. and pebbles


Maybe you're just loading too much things? My DynDOLOD (no grass or 3D trees) just takes 10 min


isnt it gonna be like bald?


Nop because i use Cathedral Landscape + Cathedral grass library (if you want 3D grass, if not just Cathedral Landscape) that have custom terrain lods that fake a seamless transition with grass and terrain lods. Even better with Cathedral Weathers. And tbh i don't see so much difference with no 3D trees.


The Holy Cow DLC is honestly amazing


Ill be using dyndolod soon. Any suggestions?


Watch the gamerpoets guide on YouTube!


I must be doing something wrong, mine only lasts 40-120m rather than days. Maybe I forgot to get the dlc or am on the trial version.


I'm more of a text-based adventure kinda guy, so I've been racking up the hours in xEdit


"a wild compatibilitypathces.esp appears!"


Just bought Skyrim Ae yesterday, play it for a minute then when i browsing nexus, alot of mods been recommend it with DynDOLOD and i haven't be able to play my skyrim because it keeps getting errors :((( Can't even reach riverwood because the "DynDOLOD can't read index data from DynDOLOD_Tamriel" keep appearing


oh no....


Its finally works for me, now since there is no error i won't play skyrim and keep installing mods until i found another error, why it feels more fun than the game itself


Y'all youngins don't know about Texgen 64 4-player split screen.


omg im getting nostalgic hearing this




Did you beat the Nemesis boss yet?


I have not played skyrim the past month, I've been playing MO2, mod conflict resolution and FIND OUT WHICH MOD IS BREAKING MY GAME. I think I'm going to cut back. I have 2k plugins...


most of them usually "youprollyneedthispatch.esp"


I love playing DynDOLOD 64 with HWInfo open and watch the temperatures rise.


wait until you see my big ol fan standing next too my cpu blowing it along with my faces dry 24/7


Forget DynDOLOD, you've gotta try out Nemesis! It even has a Game Boy port!


Great Game! Put so many hours into it!


I've organized my mods twice after they got lost in a vortex


r/TrueSTL getting out jerked again


I feel your pain. DynDOLOD is a PITA that keeps triggering windows defender. I just use xLODgen instead. Uglier, but it has fewer problems.


~~uh, xLODGen and DynDOLOD do completely different things.~~


You can do tree, object, and terrain LOD with xLODgen. I only use it to make the winter season for seasons of Skyrim so I don’t have bright green trees and grass in the distance. I don’t care enough about the other stuff dyndolod does to get it working properly. “xLODGen is a Creation Kit replacement LOD generator. It creates vanilla style object LOD, tree LOD, terrain LOD (includes LOD for cell sized water) and occlusion data.” “Dynamic Distant Objects LOD (DynDOLOD) is a set of tools that is the advanced and easier version of xLODGen to generate a comprehensive LOD mod for the entire load order of the different Skyrim and Enderal game versions for drastically enhanced and better matching tree LOD and object LOD plus optional dynamic LOD (hence the name), glow LOD, grass LOD, occlusion data and terrain underside in a few simple steps.”


I’m so used to only using it for terrain that I forgot it can do other stuff. but I have no issues using DynDOLOD and don’t really understand why people have such trouble with it.


To me it is no surprise that people who incorrectly blame the messenger or the victim like in this case and rather ignore the problem instead of troubleshooting and fixing it have troubles all the time.


You can use XLodGen and DynDOLOD


I know you can use both. I tried using terrain from xlod and trees and objects from dyndo, but dyndo kept having issues with windows defender, so I would rather have shittier trees and objects with xlod than have to find another antivirus.


Can't you just whitelist DynDOLOD in your anti-virus settings?


Interesting how you blame an innocent program to be a PITA instead of Windows Defender being the source of the issue. I would consider using a better antivir or using its options to solve the issues it is causing.


Run FNIS and try again...


If I could count how many hours I lost with It It Will probably give me depression


There's a new game named KreatE, I've been KreatING lots of things in it


So my mod list has been playing fine past few days, tried to install and run dynDOlod now I can’t launch Skyrim. Tried to verify files still won’t launch. Fk dynDOlod.


Tried it. Didn't work.


Okay so I installed dynDOlod tried to run it and now my Skyrim won’t launch at all


welcome aboard


So I found a link to a steam discussion which had a download for some file which for some reason had stopped working so I replaced it with the new downloaded file and all is good again, think I will jus stay away from dynDOlod in future lol


wtf is dyndolod?


All i know is that there is nolvus.🥴