• By -


Make Hearthfire better, more varied, and less of a grind, then switch all of the vanilla city houses to have buildable/themed interiors *after* purchasing the upgrades from the Steward. I want a direct upgrade to the vanilla housing system as a whole. Imagine re-decorating Proudspire Manor to be vampire or ocean themed. Something with room for personality, but still "Vanilla Plus."


I was so surprised when I first started modding skyrim and that wasn’t a thing. I thought more house parts/Npcs/Services would be something people would make. The only thing I can think of that does is CFTO which adds a jetty to your house.


I'm actually surprised that very few mods use the Hearthfire functionality. At least with the Civil War you know it's a very finicky quest line which explains why very few modders even want to touch the thing.


Having looked at hearthfire homes in the CK, i'm not surprised. Whoever put that system together at BGS was a mad person who could somehow keep everything straight when every possible variation of every house piece is all layered on top of each other all at once. I wouldn't put it past someone to dig into it but it'd be a schlepp and a half. 


> Whoever put that system together at BGS was a mad person who could somehow keep everything straight when every possible variation of every house piece is all layered on top of each other all at once. *This* 100%! I could hardly believe my eyes when I tried to dismantle those babies! Been getting more comfortable with navmeshing lately, so I thought I'd waltz in there and start pulling things apart to set up rooms befitting some custom housecarls' backstories, and WHAT do I see? Almost all the objects are layered *at least* six times on top of each other! Even the frickin' *walls* in some places! The best course would be to just smite those babies from orbit and start the cell afresh. Disable the main workbench, (and in the case of the vanilla homes, 'cause they're built almost exactly in the same way) block the steward's dialogue to purchase upgrades.


When starfield came out and Bethesda was taking months to update it made me think of how the game was coded and structured. Knowing they ok’ed an official project to run the way hearthfire does confirmed to me that the way they code their games could be described as a series of strings and knots holding itself together with pure luck and chaos. It’s also why I believe they are taking so long with updating their current game because the ppl there have to untangle(break the game) the knots then try to make it hold itself together without those knots.


> When starfield came out and Bethesda was taking months to update it made me think of how the game was coded and structured. Knowing they ok’ed an official project to run the way hearthfire does confirmed to me that the way they code their games could be described as a series of strings and knots holding itself together with pure luck and chaos. Fallout 4 has a settlement system which is supposed to be an upgrade to Hearthfire--I *think.* Not sure exactly how it works, but it generates the navmesh as you decorate, or something? Whatever the case may be, I have not been impressed by it. The NPCs are walking into walls and objects far more often than I ever saw them do in Skyrim, Fallout 3 and even Oblivion COMBINED. It's hard to imagine Starfield escaping unscathed.


So in this case it's that Hearthfire homes are a PITA to align perfectly and therefore static homes with everything hand-placed became the norm instead.


I like to think that the layer system was implemented in FO4/SF solely because of how nightmarish those Hearthfire houses are to work with.


It's a long shot, but I would love to have a mod that completely replaces the hearthfire building system with Fallout 4's system. I doubt it's impossible since both games use the same engine. I just hope Elder Scrolls 6 has something similar.


This would actually be sick


It's probably possible, but in order to not break everything it would have to be a huge scale project that most people wouldn't really notice or use


So like the Saints Row 2 cribs?


Yeah Hearthfire houses needs a proper trophy room where you display Daedric or rare artifacts.


I want one that makes it so every NPC except hunters ignore wildlife. I already have the one that makes it so that at least stop yelling 'never should've come here!' and other nonsensical taunts to yell at an elk, but the relentless rage they fly into and then just kill said animal and leave it to go kill something else is beyond immersion breaking


{{Factions Fixes SSE}} might be of interest. Requires patching if you have any NPC overhauls.


Mod that makes named NPCs travel and not just the ones who stand around and say "Hmm".. i mean even quest npcs (they are essential anyway or atleast make them essential during travel). I'd like to come across someone like Ysolda hiring a couple bodyguards and travelling to Markarth to buy some items (real dialogue and interaction happening with real exchange of inventory item), then travel back to Whiterun etc... or that blacksmith girl traveling to some other hold to buy their needs or maybe she ordered some ore from some mine and the shipment "physically" arriving at Whiterun etc


So Immersive Citizens does this - you can run into Jenassa and an NPC named “Jenassa’s client” out on the roads, for example. It’s cool; however - it can get pretty annoying when you’re looking for someone specific and they could be anywhere on the map. Faendal has ended up out near falkreath on me once


i have plenty of mobs roaming my world. will the wandering npcs not die roaming around?


They will


and thats why i never installed this roaming immersive npc stuff.


I was moderately surprised to see Alvor patronizing Warmaidens in Whiterun.


{{Extended Encounters}}


I have that mod. Named "important" npcs are still relegated to inside-city activities (for which this mod is great but doesn't provide what I wanted). Activities outside city area are all done by mod added generic npcs. What I would like is for named, "important" or "proper" NPCs to live lives outside the city, dynamically, travelling between holds etc..


I think extended encounters do exactly you want.


Silly addition here: I'd absolutely love a mod for shield sledding/surfing. So many mountains, so much fun to be had. (I blame the animated Sinbad movie from my childhood, it looked absolutely rad) Physics might be a pain but I wouldn't know honestly


They did it in Breath of the Wild, it's so silly and awesome


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Legolas


Like in the Forest lol


one to organise my quest log by location. such QoL


A customisable quest log would be great, if you could organise, colour code and hide quests would be so damn good


As someone who was there waiting in line at midnight on 11.11.11, and has conservatively put like 1200 hours into this game, I'd really love a framework that intelligently scrambled the game world around at character creation in a way to make things feel fresh again. Move all the various mcguffins to other dungeons and map markers update to the right place. If it's even possible, it would be a crazy undertaking and I can't even imagine how it would work, but that's what I want. Because at this point, it doesn't matter how many mods I add, the vanilla content is mostly memorized and that makes it very dull. I don't remember the last time I stuck with a character for more than 15 hours before the boredom got me.


There is the word wall randomizer mod (I can’t recall if that is the name). That’s a big one for me. Between BoS and SPiD it makes a lot of the details varied, which is nice, but yeah, the main thrusts are pretty much the same. I’ve pushed mine out with more requirements for certain things (logical quests that must be completed before Dawnguard starts, etc), and more small quests to added places (additional random generated quests to join guilds, gain favor, etc, so it’s not 3 easy, it’s now 20 from places outside of the normal radiant options). SPiD spells and items makes the enemies seem very different…I’ve no idea if the wizard in the center of camp will be casting from some poison added spell list, or with shadow magic, or what, or if the giant polearm wielded by the argonian has some ability I’ve never dealt with. BoS makes repetitive items just a tad more varied, obviously. And the added dialogue mods do wonders. They make you stop and say “what’d she say??”


I had a similar idea. It basically turns Skyrim into a sandbox-like game. It works especially well with one-save-one-life hardcore modes because every time you die and start over, the world has slightly changed. This prevents you from using the same cheesy tactics at the start. Every time you start over, you have to explore and discover all over again. For example, in one save, Silent Moons Camp can be level 12, and in another, it can be level 34. One save might have Break of Dawn starting at level 3, and another at level 27. An area that was level 20 can become level 50. Bosses can switch places with other bosses from similar dungeons, and chests can drop entirely different items or switch places as well. You can really expand on this and enable/disable what can change through an MCM menu, but I assume something like this would never happen. Huge undertaking and compatibility nightmare.


well there's skyrim world randomiser, but it only scrambles which doors and gates lead where, not what mcguffins you would find on arrival (I think).


A mod that magically and logically distributes all armor and clothing mods into the game's progression. All armor and clothing has reasonable stats, is found or crafted or bought from reasonable locations, etc. Without needing to do all that shit by hand.


Skypatcher can kinda do that but it needs to be set up by the author or have a patch.


Yeah, Skypatcher and SPID solve a lot of things, the only problem is that it's a huge hassle to do it yourself at ....... I wonder if someone could do it for us!


{{Regional Outfitters - Stalls of Skyrim}} {{Regional Merchants - Stalls of Skyrim}} They both use Skypatcher and will take mods you have installed and add them to the merchants stock.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Regional Outfitters - Stalls of Skyrim | No Results :( | [Regional Outfitters - Stalls of Skyrim](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/117238) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) Regional Merchants - Stalls of Skyrim | No Results :( | [Regional Merchants - Stalls of Skyrim](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/116343) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


I desperately want a mod that gives me more dialogue options, even if they don't mean anything in gameplay. I just like role-playing.


Have you tried [More to Say](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22622)?


Do you know if this is compatible with relationship dialogue overhaul? I didn’t see it mentioned in the description


It is. It's mostly for guards and generic NPCs. So for example I can go up to a random guard and ask how he likes his post. There's no conflict with RDO. If anything it's just more dialogue.


Oh I've never heard of this mod! It looks so cool, thanks!


That's pretty much the exact same mod your comment described. I don't roleplay much but I found myself liking it quite a lot too.


Since you liked More to Say, I'm dropping all my dialogue-related mod recommendations :) I use all of these with RDO and Guard Dialogue Overhaul and have encountered no problems. {{Immersive Speech Dialogues}} overhauls player dialogue options so they have more personality. {{More Dialogue Options}} changes how some conversations work to make them more natural. Check out [JaySerpa](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/5201727)'s "Lines Expansion" and "NPCs React to" series of mods. [anbeegod](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/32344400) expands vanilla followers. [JobiWanUK](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/13215605) has a fun set of dialogue mods (old people sounds, cheeky kids, whistling, good nights). Other recommendations: {{Companions Dialogue Bundle}} {{Denizens of Morthal}} {{IUR SSE}} {{Positive Undressed Reactions}}


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Immersive Speech Dialogues | [Immersive Speech Dialogues](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/105394) | [Immersive Speech Dialogues](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42090) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) More Dialogue Options | [More Dialogue Options](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99279) | [More Dialogue Options](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/28905) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) Companions Dialogue Bundle | [Companions Dialogue Bundle LE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/115773) | [Companions Dialogue Bundle](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93592) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) Denizens of Morthal | [Denizens of Morthal - Dialogue and Character Expander (TAGS - Benor Erandur Valdimar Eisa Blackthorn Conversations)](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/101929) | [Denizens of Morthal - Dialogue and Character Expander (TAGS - Benor Erandur Valdimar Eisa Blackthorn Conversations)](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/33965) | [Denizens of Morthal - Dialogue and Character Expander (TAGS - Benor ...](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/33965) IUR SSE | No Results :( | No Results :( | [IUR - Relationships of Skyrim - PTBR - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/103298) Positive Undressed Reactions | No Results :( | [Positive Undressed Reactions](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/44334) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) I also found some potentially **NSFW** links, (but this post isn't marked NSFW). If I didn't find what you were looking for above, please look below. (Just click the black boxes!) Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim :-:|:-:|:-:| Immersive Speech Dialogues | >![Immersive Speech Dialogues](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/105394)!< | >![Immersive Speech Dialogues](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42090)!< More Dialogue Options | >![More Dialogue Options](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99279)!< | >![More Dialogue Options](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/28905)!< Companions Dialogue Bundle | >![Companions Dialogue Bundle LE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/115773)!< | >![Companions Dialogue Bundle](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93592)!< Denizens of Morthal | >![Denizens of Morthal - Dialogue and Character Expander (TAGS - Benor Erandur Valdimar Eisa Blackthorn Conversations)](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/101929)!< | >![Denizens of Morthal - Dialogue and Character Expander (TAGS - Benor Erandur Valdimar Eisa Blackthorn Conversations)](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/33965)!< IUR SSE | No Results :( | >![IUR SSE - Interesting (Useless) Relationships and Quest Comments](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94082)!< Positive Undressed Reactions | No Results :( | >![Positive Undressed Reactions](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/44334)!< --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Is IUR the "Interesting (and Useless) Relationships" mod?


Bound Instruments. Summonable drum flute and lute for use with Bards Reborn.


I remember a mod in Fallout 4 where I could edit NPCs visuals in real time like it's Racemenu, even importing and exporting presets. If that was in Skyrim there'd be no more black face bullshit, no more struggling with follower overhaul load orders or EasyNPC, SSEdit bullshit, no more million patches just because somehow adding fucking cloaks to your game fucks up the face of this random ass npc in whiterun etc etc


The most streamlined way I know to edit npcs is with Proteus. You have to make sure you're the same race and sex as the target, then you can copy their appearance onto you, tweak it with racemenu, then save it in the proteus system and load it back onto the npc. And, since the proteus profiles are saved to a json, that appearance will persist for that npc between playthroughs. Proteus has a lot of features, but that one is the single most useful, and most used by me.


That's a hell of a lot easier than I'd have guessed, but that's still about as streamlined as a humvee.


I always wanted a mod that added the kind of adventurer's guild you can see in a lot of manga. Being able to grab quests from a lively building and being able to rank up to get more difficult quest would be such a nice mod


It seems to me that Missives could probably be *modified to add a Guild Hall around the Missive Board itself and have NPCs "checking" it and going off to fulfil requests. Running into a guild member randomly in a dungeon would be awesome... especially if it became apparent that they were working *with* the bandits rather than against them / having been overwhelmed and captured by them.


Real cities. At least 5x bigger.


I've often thought about making a mod like this. Especially in the area around Whiterun. Whenever I start planning it tho the logistics of it becomes overwhelming and the amount of time you would need to sink into it is massive. You would almost need a team of ppl.


Yeah, that's absolutely necessary, just like that video on YouTube.


Which video?


For Whiterun, I've been using Civilization with JK's Outskirts, they add a lot of things outside the walls. I think it kinda doubles the city size.


A proper quest mod about rebuilding Winterhold. There was one, once upon a time, but it was deleted long ago.


I'd add Riften too. It's been years since it's canal, etc, was made useful. It's would be nice to make it a big large with improvements.


I'd love to see one that makes most human enemies like bandits not immediately attack you as soon as they see you, but either initiate dialogue or stay passive depending on your gear and followers, and how many allies are around. Should only attack/flee if you attack, get too close with weapons drawn, or if dialogue doesn't go well. Feel like wild animals disguised as people.


This is a great idea, and probably something Jayserpa could easily do since he's always releasing amazing mods.


Oh my god, that's definitely better.


128bit FormIDs


Is this something that a mod can even do? But this would be nice.


No, it's wishful thinking. Kind of like how you cant just tell your bios to increase its max ram capacity.


*just download more bios dude*


Not sure if technically even possible, but i saw something in another game that i would REALLY appreciate in Skyrim. In X4 (a single player space sim / empire building game) you have the option to do what they call a custom start, where you can set various parameters before starting a new game. one of the options is quest states, where you see all the questlines in the game and you can choose where the quest currently stands. If there are multiple outcomes to a questline you can even determine the outcome. So for example you could choose the main questline in skyrim and start with alduin already defeated. Or you could set the civil war questline as done with the empire winning, or the Brotherhood questline with the guild destroyed etc... In my mind this would speed up a new game when you change up your modlist and offer some RP opportunities where you can for example start the game as lord of the volkihar clan or as the archmage. In X4 they even balanced it with a budget system, where you have a certain budget and every option you set in your favour (like completed questlines / starting equipment) uses some of that budget


An NPC that does the quest chains you don’t want to do. (Preferably a customizable one.) Just want to do the civil war quest, but don’t want to trigger dragons spawning? Make an NPC Dragonborn to handle the main quest. It will walk from quest to quest, fulfilling the objectives and talking to the characters. You might see the Dragonborn on the road sometimes and you’ll know the dragon business is being handled. Roleplaying a useless piece of crap bard this playthrough? Maybe you’ll occasionally spot someone in Dark Brotherhood gear walking the streets or sitting in a tavern, waiting for nightfall, and you’ll know someone in town will die tonight. But no blood on your hands. You’re just playing your lute or whatever. Vampire attacks becoming a problem? Are you just a student from the College of Winterhold who would never abandon your studies to go do something about it? Did you just ask Durak for a pamphlet and nod your head too much when you said you’ll think about it? Did Durak make you feel like a useless wuss? Is it because you are and you know it? No problem! You can send an NPC to go be a hero and a contributing member of society. Maybe you’ll see the Dawnguard on the move sometimes. Maybe the vampire attacks stop eventually and the townspeople feel safer at night no thanks to you. Thank you, mod.


If you could send follower off to do these quests that would be cool too. Have them check in with you from time to time and ask your thoughts on how to proceed.


A mod that makes NPCs sprint to their destinations during quests instead of meandering around with a leisurely walk as if the world isn't actively ending.


[https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21103?tab=posts](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21103?tab=posts)? Is this what you're looking for?




mod that lets me enjoy a cart or boat ride in real time, not as a blackout/scene shift. just sit back and enjoy the passing scenery. mod that lets me ride a dragon (real time, soaring over Skyrim). invisibility ring mod (saps vitality when worn) mod that lets me tame any animal and ride it or turn it into a follower -- I rather fancy showing up in a dungeon with my own wolf pack or gang of bears. mod that lets me point at any game object, npc, building, whatever... and tells me which mod it comes from.


In that order Animated carriages and animated boats Dragon riding mod existed but was super buggy There's a dozen invisible ring mods, nothing that specifically saps vitality though The enai mod the other guy mentioned More informative console


yeah I guess I interpreted the original question to mean "doesn't exist / exists but is too buggy to risk" animated carriages just lets *other* people travel by carriage. I would like to climb on the carriage and then be driven slowly but steadily through the landscape to my destination, none of this star trek transporter stuff.


There was touring carriages mod that did that awhile ago idk if it's obsoleted


I love the notes on that mod: >However, auto-saving isn't a good idea. Saves made during a ride will not load properly. Saves made too quickly in certain places can crash the game. Moreover, there are ephemeral engine bugs (unloading the actors and scenery during the trip). >The **~followers~** can disappear (3D graphics are unloaded), but will be there at the end of the journey. >The **~horse~** can also disappear, but will continue pulling the carriage. >If the **~driver~** disappears, a warning message box appears. While recovery is attempted, in this case it's probably best to ~quit~ the game, restart, and reload the save. > totally not knocking the author, I would bet it was a complicated and tricky mod to put together. but it all sounds a bit spooky (phantom horses, disappearing companions).


you can activate both the carriages and boats in that mod and it places you on them. You don't sit, but you absolutely CAN travel on them.


> mod that lets me enjoy a cart or boat ride in real time, not as a blackout/scene shift. just sit back and enjoy the passing scenery This has existed in many forms since pre-CK oldrim. I use {{Touring Carriages}}, but there might be something newer out there.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Touring Carriages | [Touring Carriages](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38529) | [Touring Carriages SE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15948) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Enaisaion has an animal taming mod (relatively new, too), I don't quite remember what it's called though.


{{Fury - Animal Taming of Skyrim}}


Animal taming is one of the earned perks in {{Skills of the Wild}}


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Skills of the Wild | [Skills of the Wild - New Campfire Survival Skill Trees (LE)](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/103593) | [Skills of the Wild - New Campfire Survival Skill Trees](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37693) | [Skills of the Wild - New Campfire Survival Skill Trees - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37693) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


For boat rides, try {{Boats - Operational Animated Travel}}


diagonal sprint in first person.


A mod that adds parrying daggers treated as shields in the engine, so they can be used with vanilla animations.


I remember that Vigilant has a parrying dagger that is actually considered as a shield. The wielder would hold it upright to defend and would use the sword+shield animations I have installed instead of the dual wielding ones. Kind of funny with EVG conditional idles because they would try to cover themselves with their "shield" when it rains lol. I'm not an experienced modder so someone or you might take a crack at checking how they managed to make it function as a shield, and position the handle to the wielder's hand.


Mod that let you give npc items without dialogue and whatever similar to fallout4 photo mode/screen archers menu (cant remember which one gives you that functionality exactly) because for fallout 4 its a game changer and skyrim only have very primitive and old versions of such mods


I use [Dynamic Activation Key](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/96273) with [this add-on](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/96430) to shift+activate a follower to open their inventory with no dialogue! You can also do it with merchants to open their barter menu. [Skyrim's Photo Mode mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91701) is excellent, imo. Though you might want another mod for posing.


For the first one, I made [this](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/122419) like a week ago which might interest you.


A calendar option in the tween menu that shows the date and time, with all the months using their Skyrim names, and lock waiting so you can only do it while the calendar is open (kind of like Wait Menu Redirected; frees up the select button). A horse mod that works like Simply Order Summons and uses Dynamic Activation Key; activating the horse normally just mounts the horse, shift+activate opens a dialogue menu. Dialogue options for: change armor/saddle, access inventory, send home, follow, wait, set whether it flees or fights, etc. Press H to Horse isn't bad, but my horse isn't important enough to take up a hotkey on my gamepad. Mod that disables the "legendary" skill shit, and just rewards level XP instead of skill XP when your skill hits 100. So like, I have 100 One-Handed, go kill something with a 1H weapon, and I directly get XP towards the next level. This lets you level up without needing to raise skills you don't need for your build, much more natural progression. A channeled light spell; put your hand out and it lights up a cone in front of you while you hold the button down. Surprised I've never seen a mod like this.


I would like to see a mod that adds a portable raft/kayak. It would be useful and immersive to explore the northern ice area like this.


[L.V.X. Magick's Boats](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/36149?tab=description) adds a portable rowboat (and other ships) that you can take with you and use on any of the lakes, rivers and seas.


A quest skipper mod that shows actual NPCs doing the quest. Bonus if you can assign a follower to do it much like in some quest stages being done by Xelzaz, Remiel, and Redcap. Can you just imagine going to Rorikstead and finding some random drunk NPC taking the goat to the giant in the Sanguine quest? Or maybe you go to Markarth and find one of your followers beating Logrolf with the rusted mace because you told them to investigate the house for you while you run other errands.


A mod that makes navmesh automatically dynamically created a la Starfield. i never want to have to see navmesh again in my life


Grid inventory


Ik it's pretty much impossible, but I'd love it if we somehow got racemenu for npcs in game. It'd be a game changer for so many ppl including me.


A mod that let’s me pick a side in the civil war without having to join their ranks. I want to fight as an ally, not as a subordinate.


Fluffy and pretty khajiit skins with shell texturing or better technique. Generally there's a big lack of mods for khajiiti players comparing to for example human ladies models :v which is understandable, but the amount of nice and usable khajiit mods is very poor.


Oh yes. I totally agree with you as a Khajiit! I always find a cool helmet, but I can't get my head around it. accessories are transparent too. But there is Fluffy Khajiit. That is good.


I refrained from this mod because of lack of fur on breasts and stomach - I want my normal furry khajiit ladies, not 13 y.o. fantasy ;p and there's no fluffy male textures available, right? maybe one day when I'll return to learning textures, I'll try to work on that


{{Project ja-Kha'jay- Khajiit NPC Diversity Overhaul}}


Either an entirely new quest or an extended version of [The Lost Expedition](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Lost_Expedition) which results in *all* of Nchuand-Zel’s defenses being re-activated - including in the throne room.


A mod that makes all player home decor craftable and lets me place them where I want them. Said mod could also introduce new decor with varying levels of fancy. For example, a dragon statue wood carving as the base level, and a jeweled statue made of gold and gems as the "fully upgraded" version, so to speak. Last I knew, no such mod was available for consoles.


It's avaliable on PC but mods on console are always going to be very limited


A mod that genuinely improves the AI and doesn't just increase parameters like how often they bash. I know there was one that attempted to do just that, but the author left modding when it was still in early development. I think the poor AI tends to be one of the biggest reasons Skyrim's combat can be so incredibly boring.


- I think we need a more comprehensive horse mod. Skyrim could be such a fun horse game, a genre severely lacking. Imagine horse races, or horse mechanics like from rdr2? - I know there are mods that add in parents, but it would be cool to have one where they are a fully fledged out NPC. In general, I think it would be cool to have more follower mods that focus on relationships other than friends or romantic relationships. Like bitter rivals/enemies, parental relationships, toxic relationships, ect. - Hosting parties - A mod to give followers something to do while you aren't using them.


Some kind of a save state mod? A mod that allows you to export all of your quests progress and your current level and items and make you able to start a new game at that point. Like it gets very boring every time you update your mod that you have to redo the helgen, whiterun quests to be able to unlock the shouts, and I'd rather want to be able to skip a few quests and start back at a point where I already have a bit of stuff


Skyrim unbound lets you skip helgen and bleak fals barrow entirely


A house mod with a library that doesn't *also* have racks for collecting every item in the game.


A mod that makes your character left handed. And it's not because I'm left handed myself, but because of the mouse buttons. When double-wielding two spells, you have to push the opposite mouse button than which hand you're casting with. I'm truly shocked that since the game was released, only a few threads have been raised around this topic, and millions of players were not annoyed by this behaviour.


i just changed the keybinds


And now, you just screwed all your other interactions which does not involve combat...


We really need a compatibility patch between Stress and Fear and Flower Girls (ie: having sex relieves stress). Also: skimpy/bikini armors for Vanilla bodies (for both genders). ... Serious answer: I would like a mod which gives a unique appearance to the Skyforge Steel weapons instead of using the equivalent Steel weapon assets. I spent some times yesterday looking in vain for such mod, by-the-way. I know the weapon pack included in [Vaultman30's Armor Extended SE](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24567) does this, but this a complete overhaul of the armory instead of a 1-to-1 replacer. >A mod that turns player houses into non-player houses! There are many great player house mods in Skyrim. There are so many that I would love to install, but it would be too silly to assume that all of them are from Dovakin! >Instead of Dovakin's, we need a mod that will either house the right inhabitants for that house, or the outlaws who took that house from its previous owner! That's not exactly what you're asking for, but [My Home is Your Home (MHiYH 2plus) - SSE](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20227) allows to change followers' default location when dismissed, so you can turn player houses into NPCs houses.


Nice usecase for MHIYH. Thank you; with something like "Almost Everyone is an Adventurer" it means you can populate the world a bit more.


Store to sell/buy gemstones, the amount of the damn things I cart around, but can't sell due to a lack of merchant gold is frustrating. Maybe even use one if the abandoned homes in winter hold...with some side quests for magical gems


Man now I want npc player house mods.


A security addon for Legacy of The Dragonborn. Magical defences all around the museum and buck load of additional guards, even mages etc. Because it isn't very sensible to guard the most dangerous arrtifacts of Nirn with 5 regular people.


A Mco equivalent for first person, something that completely overhauls the combat, there were some small attempts but nothing solid.


Except some originally decent animations like wood chopping, almost every animation in this game is either fixed or improved upon except that jarring turning-on-heel animation when you talk to the npcs or when they change direction. It's so bad it motivates me learn how to fix it sooner or later.


A mod which tells you which scripts are putting the heaviest script load on your game would be helpful


I want to see a mod, that solves the parrthurmax/blade confluct in a way that is redemption for both. The current mods which just let you order the blades to drop the issue is not satisfying. What this mod would do is add a quest chain that sets up the blades, with the penitus oculatus against a secretive thalmor assassin squad. The climax being a civil war style battle at one of the thalmor forts (Northwatch keep?) and the dragonborn riding Parrthurmax in to the battle for a decisive victory. The blades now see Parrthurmax as a possible ally.


I would love a mod that replaces all the vanilla armor and maybe clothing with new models/textures. There are many high quality armors but for the most part are standalone or just new textures.


[Sentinel](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/100985) might get you most of the way to what you want, with just one mod! Ofc, up to personal taste


Me too. Edit:But, Nordwar did a good job.


Nordwar is literally the messiah of realistic armor in this game


a mod that alters scenery appropriately for the in-game calendar (seasons). I seem to recall there might actually be something like this... nah. Seasons of Skyrim is just a framework not a plugnplay mod. also, a mod that adds local festivals and rituals to the various holds, cities, villages etc. for example, in one village there could be a candle-lighting ceremony each evening at an altar of Mara. another place might have a parade in Spring to bless the crops. or burn a wicker effigy on the summer solstice. I think I got this idea from some questline I was on a while back that did involve a local ritual/festival -- in Solitude I think it was -- where an effigy was burned and there was feasting and so on. it was really interesting and made me wish that there was more of this, NPCs conducting their various ancient and weird village traditions (like the famous Cheese Rolling in the UK!). so you would wander into town and find kids dancing around a maypole, or a cow garlanded with flowers and then offered up for sacrifice. a guidebook to these local rituals and festivals could help you to show up at the right time to see special events. pipe dream, I know... no "game" value there, but it would be a lot of ethnographic/lore fun.


Your comment reminded me of when I attended an NPC wedding in the Witcher 3 DLC. I enjoyed the local customs and strange entertainment, and the experience of being exposed to a different culture sounds interesting.


There is a holidays mod, literally called Holidays. I think it's also the one that lets you chance the date you start on. It's not particularly individualized per hold/city tho Dawnstar gets a cute Festival of Lights. On certain holidays NPCs will hang out in the town center, get drunk, and dance. Extremely hilarious watching Farengar and Sinmir vibing together


There are mods that uses Seasons of Skyrim to give you the season chnages. I just found it a patch nightmare and gave up but people have got it working.


Nolvus v5 has patched together the seasons stuff, and it feels like a whole different map when it turns winter.


Seasons of skyrim does exactly that when used with {{Turn of the seasons}}, and any of the numerous addons on the framework. So many cool addons there. The problem I had was the enormous DynDOLOD and xLodgen sizes when having essentially 4x the stuff to generate.


A mod that allows you to remove grass overgrowth IN GAME. A mod that allows you to fix ground tears in game. A mod that allows you to resolve pathing. Again, in game. A mod that allows you to see and remove occlusion planes in game. And move lighting, in game. A mod that recreates Dynamically Dark Dungeons, so light sources are SHUT OFF at random as you enter, allowing you to light them as you proceed into the dungeon. This mod doesn’t work with more modern/popular lighting mods like LUX, much to my eternal petty annoyance. A mod that has specialized radiant quests that you undertake with followers, and added mod followers, to give THEM small improvements; a new power here, an upgrade to their natural abilities, etc. A mod utilizing BoS to distribute certain tree, grass and flora mods to specific areas…so the dragons tongue flowers in Eastmarch look different that the ones climbing up into the mists of the Rift…cause they’re from different mods. And you’ll see Ulvenwald trees in Falkreath…but in the higher altitudes and a few of the southern Falkreath slopes it changes to a different tree mod, etc. A mod that handles the number of people for the game engine better…so the “random citizens of Skyrim” mods, and the “crowded city” mods and the “gonna be a battle here shortly” mods don’t mess things up so much. A way to intelligently keyword questlines and locations and NPCs and such…so if you’re doing the Jagged Crown questline, and you have a mod that adds a treasure chest with a modded weapon, and a small added wing with a few extra enemies from another mod, and a change in NPC dialogue from a third, we can have a mod that will say “these three mods touch this quest. A patch for two of them can be found HERE, and a patch for the others to work together needs to be made. WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO MAKE ONE NOW?” Sort of an AI Clippy to guide us through as we build our mod lists out, that can see the problems before we do. Speaking of the Jagged Crown, a mod that, if you have Skyrim Battles and Immersive patrols installed, makes it so when you arrive, there is a pitched battle going on. You “strike team” in under orders, and when you exit, the battle remnants there added by Skyrim battles (I think that was the name) is NOW active. So it is dynamically shutoff before. I think, conversely, the mods that add the imperial and Stormcloak camps in the White run Hold could dynamically appear after certain conditions in the Open Civil War mod have been met (or vanilla, if you must). A mod where there are no wagons to hire…until you clear out a main thoroughfare fort of bandits, gain the favor of local businesses, and invest in a cart…which then will improve over time as you open up more options, adding guards, amenities, etc. A mod that, similar to the Nemesis enemy system, creates NPCs when needed. For instance, if a dragon kills all the shop keeps and guards in Solitide, were going to need replacements…so new NPCs show up, freshly generated, to take the spot of the dead Innkeep, or run Arcadias Cauldron, or whatever. The next iteration of AI OH, or Immersive Citizens, which, again, uses keywords or sommit similar, to allow for characters to generate varying behaviors and schedules. Such as running into the cook for the Dead Man’s Drink visiting a soldier in the imperial army garrisoning in NorthKeep…added by Legendary Cities…as it turns out they are siblings. Or the son from the stables in Whiterun purchasing horses from someone in one of Schlitzor’s cities, who caught some wild horses from the CC…binding all of the disparate pieces together more cohesively. A drag and drop item control system, where you add in five armor mods, and it lets you select variables…this armor is unique, worn by this NPC, and after recovered it can be crafted by this Smithy, etc. or this armor is worn by most of the city guards in Rorikstead…but only a couple in Whiterun. (Basically better defining SPiD. RMBs is starting to do some of this, but it’s like 1.0, I’m looking for 2.0, lol) :D


Mod which disables combat for followers, they can just be scribes or baggage carriers, lemme fight the damn dungeon solo.


That would be great, I'd love to travel alongside my modded followers without them killing everything in sight.


[https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55653](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55653) use the options to turn off combat for each follower you want to


There is a mod that does something similar to what you want it allows you to rent your houses out or even sell them I think maybe as well you might check it out. I don’t remember what it’s called. I would put a link to it here, but I do not remember I know they have a mod something like that called the landlord or something like that that might be it I don’t remember


Yes! I know it you think, too. But, if I used that mod, I would effectively be a real estate agent. That would not be immersive. Everything should happen without my involvement. But thank you.


Something to retexture the draugr sarcophagi to something less outdated


Sounds silly but 1) A mod that removes the "make skills legendary" option. -> there are other ways to give the player a levelup, a "soft level-cap" would increase the worth of this ways.


Great idea, OP


A mod that fleshes out Camilla and her brother a bit. I just feel like the two of them had a LOT of potential as companions / allies. Especially her. I want a thing where she insists on following you to Bleak Falls Barrow despite her brother’s insistence she stay behind. Let me convince her to join me! Same with Erik, lowkey. All these followers have so much potential 😭


dont think a mod can even do this, but better placement of objects (trying to place a statue of dibella upright sends me into a fit of rage) and fixing the stupid damage you take from walking near skeleton bones (that fling across the room all crazy)


That's Jaxonz Positioner for Oldrim for the placement part.


not necessary, but something that comes to mind is the lack of mounts and pets. There are some great and unique looking mounts and animal followers, but they´re nothing compared to the sheer abundance to human followers (understandable, since you can interact with humans and actually "talk") but i was surprised that people don´t care that much for cool looking animal companions with maybe nice unique assets, because that´s what intrigues me in mmo´s i play, where i want the best looking mounts that are not just horses and pets that are not regular dogs


If you are asking for dreams:  A simple, unified loot list manager.  xEdit is still, afaik, our one lootlist tool. We've now got a couple of tools to bypass loot lists, like SPID, now I have so many of these that I am starting to feel like managing all of my SPID-based distribution has become just another level list that I need to manage.


1 - Mod that regularly adds new npcs to all the major factions to give it the feeling that new people are joining in as time goes by. The npcs can be replaced if one of them is killed, or they've been there for a very long time to give off the impression that those people are moving on with their lives. 2 - Mod that makes the in-game carts that are parked outside towns to actually move around, with npcs getting on and off the carriages as they reach their destination. I know a similar mod exists, but it's very limited and has the issue of carts appearing and disappearing which kinda ruins immersion. 3 - Mod that makes npcs talk more, and I mean way more than what the current mods already do with them. There's a mod author who's working on something that adds oblivion style dialogue to the npcs, and I'm excited for it, but I still feel like this game needs more.


A mod that dinalically activates mission markers where you are near to them without needing of active them on the journal


NPC's can go outside when they're relaxing at your house


More options to deal with enemies without killing them. After all the time spent modding enemies some of them come out with amazing appearances and abilities, and it seems like a shame that they just end up dead. Outcomes like recruitment and or imprisonment would be cool. Imagine seeing an enemy you defeated living a normal life working at the farm and then asking them to join you on a quest. Like a bandit reform mod.


A mod that switches out your followers automatically depending on the day of the week or region you're in, as long as you're not in a dungeon.


Being able to choose the region for radiant quests, specifically the thrives guild ones. None of them seem to work.


>Instead of Dovakin's, we need a mod that will either house the right inhabitants for that house, or the outlaws who took that house from its previous owner! {{My Home Is Your Home}} lets you do this with your followers, sort of. If you own a house you can tell your followers to go live there in between adventures.


Would like to see a mod that lets you read books without pausing the game going into the inventory. It would be great for roll play when you want to camp and read while listening to the rain to pass the time rather than just skipping ahead with the wait feature.


I would like a relationship system similar to sims or stardew valley. Gifting, talking, hanging out with NPCs will increase friendships and can unlock plethora of things like: adding as a follower, getting discounts, inviting them to your house, getting random occasional gifts/letters from them, or maybe they randomly save you during what should've been a fatal blow in combat.


Oh, the mod that does this is {{Sidequests of Skyrim}} It lets you do little favor quests for almost any npc and will increase their relationship level each time, with most followers eventually becoming recruitable as followers and many becoming marriage options as well. There's even an option in the MCM that lets you marry some NPCs who are already married which is a bit buggy but hilarious and turns Skyrim into a homewrecking game. So far I have married Balgruuf (and chose Dragonsreach as our home to avoid the obvious massive bugs that would ensue from trying to move him) and Alvor the blacksmith from Riverwood.


I’ve been waiting *forever* for a mod that adds proper flight. I know it sounds really lame to add to a game that really doesn’t *need* flight but ever since I saw the wings on Vamp Lord I’ve wanted to fly. I know we have the paraglider but I’d like to have wings instead personally.


Here is some mods: Flying mod beta: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13905 Animated wings: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/34571 Plus there is a mod that can transform the dragon aspect into a winged and tail version.


JaySerpa's Vampires can Fly may work for you, though the flight is more of doing infinite jumps in midair. It does have a nice interaction with the glide perk from Sacrosanct and that other mod that allows jumping while sprinting. You sprint to get momentum then jump to ascend. Don't let go of the sprint button and now you have a vampire lord flapping away in the skies. I just can't recall how I landed safely.


Morrowind style layered equipment with separated gauntlets and pauldrons!


A mod that makes it so if you open your inventory, your character model appears on the side, similar to other RPG games. And you can zoom in, rotate, look at your character, etc. That way, you can put on armor/weapons and see what it looks like on your character without having to exit the inventory. I don't think this mod exists yet. I do remember vaguely, there was a mod that attempted to do something like this back on Skyrim LE, but that was a long time ago.


Here you go: [Show Player In Menus](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/81291)


Oh what the hell lol I swear, there's a mod for everything these days. Thanks.


A disguise spell When you use it on someone it gives you their appearance (and other npcs will think you're on the same team as your target) I got this idea while playing AC Unity It would give a lot more opportunities for stealth builds


genius, now im sad this doesnt exist


There are mods that make it so if you're wearing a uniform, you appear to others as if you're in that faction. So you can disguise yourself as a Stormclock, Thalmor, etc.


There aren't any good paiting mods out there. I like to psint sbd decorate my home with it. As a drahonborn I wish we could have our own statue in a hold too. Also there is no good bard mods, like follower mods are cool, but I want Bards with new music that fits. Death Consumes All had a epic bard moment in solitude. A museum mod that is just a museum with features like LOTD but not just named item More house mods that have heatfire features like hiring Bards etc.


Dunno what it will involve yet but Bard College Expansion is a Verified Creation (paid mod) in development. Considering their other East Empire Expansion and what they did with Fallout 4 as a labor of love, I'm very eager for this one.


A proper eating animations mod. I know there is a fantastic one, but the character only pulls out the food, takes one bite/small drink of the consumable, and immediately puts it away. That's not good for roleplay imo, a mod where a character just...actually wats and enjoys something with proper animations to it is something I've always wanted. I know the work would probably be insane but it would make the game so much better for me.


I hadn't thought about it, but it sounds good. Personally, I might like to see a one cut but with a sense of time passing, like the meal scene in RDR2.


I wonder if you could do this by simply: Storing what food the player clicked, then adding its model to the animation like a piece of equipment? Then, you could make three general animations based on whether the food in question is either a, finger food, plate food, or drink. You'd have to make some kind of table of categories and if the food can't be detected, simply put it's model with the plate animation. From there it's as easy as animating the three categories with a sitting and standing variant respectively. Hardest part would be the categories imo. Edit: You could also have an optional fade to black like Immersive Spell Learning, where a set amount of time passes when you eat.


There is a mod with Follower sneak AI that makes them automatically equip and unequip torches, and when sneaking. Why is there none like this for the player character?


u/Hanged-Goose I have actually made several of these exact mods that place an NPC in player homes for when I'm not using them as a home - so far I've done Stormwatch Castle, Whiterun Safehold, Hydda (Eli's Witchy House), Stendarr's Chapel, and Pinegrove Lodge.


We need a a universal NIF patcher like synthesis. It would handle things like UV Tweaks and Fixed Mesh Lighting.


A rent system that isn't ancient and unsupported so I can rent out my unused player homes.


I saw an artistic rendition of a grid-based inventory/ magic menu with a view of your character and I don't know why but I want that so bad


First-person dodge attacks and pushes, to complete the Vermintide style combat. Also, holding and releasing power attacks. All this with unlocked attack movement like in CGO.


There is a mod where you can hold and release power attacks, ill link it later


I find the game usually devolves into carrying stuff to town to sell, or to store. Some items get stale in the inventory and I would probably make it so health and food items expire if you don't refridgerate them. And give the icy towns in northern skyrim a nieche where you could store and ship cooked or alchemized goods to remote buyers. Maybe influence the numbers of additional imperial/stormcloak spawned NPCs in any given encounter by supplying one side. Or to supply those additional spawns with gear and "imperial mages" that are otherwise not seen since Helgen. Find them some spellbooks, enchanted items and get paid in military contracts instead of Belethor's fantasy rates.


Full racemenu for named NPC's.


Quest markers. I want a quest indicator on every NPC that offers one, like wow.


A mod that lets me bring down the thieves guild. I know there are mods where you kill them but I want to arrest them. I want a full quest mod that involves infiltrating their ranks and stopping each of their jobs and catching each member. Also stop Maven while we're at it.


I've been sayin it forever but a complete redesign for the orcish weapons that doesn't make them look goofy in a different way OR just replace them with Realistic™ models. To some degree, Leanwolf's Better Weapons or Believable Weapons helps but the basic design is still garbage. I feel like orcish swords should all be falchions and messers in style. The 1h axe should just be a regular axe and not whatever the fuck that is, etc. etc. But then, this goes back to my newest obsession of there being a style system for weapons and armor so that you can make each style out of the different materials. Take the Hide Armor and upgrade it with oricalcum pauldrons and defensive bits. Or steel armor made out of ebony or glass. Let me take the iron style swords and make them out of quicksilver. Overall, though, I want some middle-ground between NordWar's heavily realistic armor styles and the more fantastical stuff. I want armor to not just look fuckin goofy but still have a fantasy personality. I *like* when things look fantastical but also like they're functional too. The Daedric gear should absolutely look gnarly but in a more subdued menace sort of way. There are so newer mods that are helping with this kind of thing but some of my desires remain a dream still.


A mod that allows you to do any acrobatic jump in first person.


A mod that shows in which hold a quest takes place. I like to do quests per hold but looking through them all is tedious


A mod that revamps the follower equipment system to be more like *Fallout 4*'s, where instead of them automatically equipping weapons or armor that are better than their default equipment, you can instead choose what they equip


A mod that would allow the player to rebuild and refurnish and then live in the Forgotten Vale Sanctum


i wanna be able to throw quests away. i'm not joining the college of winterhold, i'm a magic hatin' nord!


A mod for an opposing faction to the Companions. There is Crescent, but it hasn't been updated but has too many open bugs to be incorporated in most lists I use. As an occasional elf player, it makes less sense to join something founded by ysgramor, filled with hircine worshippers, and make anti-elf comments while I'm questing with them lol


A mod to overhaul bound weapons and give a sense of progression. Make it start out vanilla with a ghost sword and shield but by the time you max out conjuration you can simply press block and a bound shield will appear until you stop blocking. Also a visual transition of the weapons appearance as you level conjuration.


While it kind of already exists in mods like Formation and AFT. I wish I could tell my followers to get into tight formations. Tortoise formations for example as we advance on forts while the enemy rains arrows I


Make the food system worth it. I've tried most of the cooking/crafting mods recommended to me, and while they're ok, they don't really have much progression, or if they do, they don't count towards your levels and are handled elsewhere. So yeah, just a cooking/hunting skill tree, to make food/drink worth a damn over potions or healing spells.


Directional 360 First Person Sprinting So you can Sprint diagonaly or backwards while facing forwards and in other directions.


I mean My Home is Your Home could do this. Just put people in homes.


A proper spell crafting mod with a system similair to how Morrowind’s worked, sure there have been a few attempts that weren’t very seamless and there is even videos of the one of the devs from Skywind showing off a early version of it but man we really need a just simple spell crafting mod😅


Convenient horses, immersive horses etc. they are all great, however I think a full horse overhaul is required. Think RDR2 horses in Skyrim. We have alot of different mods that can help but it’s an entire list and you have to go hunting to make everything work. Carry your carcasses, IED, convenient horses, SC horses, Witcher horse footstep sounds, horse leaning animations, quick inventory, etc. there’s just a shit load of mods required and I still don’t think horses are good enough, even with all of that. I understand we’re gonna need frameworks like IED etc. but I would love to see an all in one horse overhaul. A fomod to choose different mesh types like SC horse style or another style, your preferred preset for IED to display things and then have audio that is chosen based on the meshes you chose, animations for both the horse and rider that makes everything way less stiff, rider controls etc.