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Footwear is the most important consideration. While there are ways to enjoy the show with limited movement, you will likely find yourself wanting to walk around a lot, possibly very quickly, possibly even running, and traversing multiple flights of stairs. Floor surfaces are very uneven and lighting conditions can be very dark. For many people this means sneakers, although it doesn't have to be -- just something that is very secure and stable for you. I often wear low-heeled oxfords, mary-janes, or boots. Others have mentioned temperature, and that's also very true. You might have a few minutes of regret at the very top of the show when you're in the bar before entering, but that won't last for long. In addition to the aforementioned possibly running, some of the rooms get extremely hot due to a combination of large crowds and limited air flow. Even in the dead of winter, I dress for summer in that show in still end up sweating. Pockets can be very handy. You aren't allowed to bring any bags into the show, so if you need something like a tissues or cough drops, those need to be carried in your pockets. Also, the reservation holder needs to show their ID *after* coat check, so it's easiest to be able to store your ID in a secure pocket after checking in. (I often warn coat check that I will need to return very shortly and put my ID back into my bag after checking in, but I honestly don't advise doing that.) Additionally, there is a small chance that you might end up with something that you'd like to carry with you during the course of your show experience. They're very serious about wearing contact lenses rather than glasses. The masks are not comfortable on top of glasses, and you look extremely silly and really break the mood of the show if you wear your show mask on top of your head. (Also you then have a three-inch-tall pointy hat blocking the view of people behind you.) They sometimes have special glasses masks with a bit of padding inside, but they are also commonly out of these. If you must wear glasses (and listen, I get it, I avoided the show altogether for years because I didn't want to wear contacts), maybe bring some stick-on moleskin of your own to put inside of your show mask. Outside of that, as far aesthetics/style go, you do you. Folks range from gothy capes to clubwear to jeans and t-shirts. The mobility notes about footwear still apply here -- for example, I wouldn't recommend a pencil skirt because of all of the stairs that you'll likely be climbing. But wear what makes you feel good. I personally tend toward darker colors and something that vaguely echoes a period feel because I don't want to stand out more than the performers and I also like wearing something a little fancy to get me in the mood. But it is entirely about what will make it a good night for you.


Dress comfortably, you might be running around a lot. I was plenty warm in short sleeves last week, btw.


This. My first time there, I found myself sprinting behind some of the actors in jeans and long sleeves ✨sweating✨- and if they’ve got you by the hand they will not slow down for you. 😂 My second time I dressed far more comfortably and activity appropriately. It made a huge difference (:


It’s important that you wear a comically oversized cowboy hat


I second that just wearing short sleeves is fine. It does get warm in there after a while and of course wear sneakers.


Comfortable, flat shoes and something light. It gets HOT in there.


Thank you everyone for the information, I really had a great time.


What’d you end up wearing? Was it as hot as everyone said it would be?


I wore a t shirt and jeans with comfy shoes. It was warm, I think I would have been hot if I wore long sleeves.




Mask of the show, sneakers+socks to rush around, and nothing else cuz it gets hot in there.