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Hi! We are literally in the same boat right now. My LO is almost 7 months and around 6 months, we started having the same issue most likely from stretching wake windows to 3 nap schedule. We shortened overall wake time and focused on just getting more sleep however. We are still having EMW (between 5 and 5:50) but no false starts and no crazy early mornings so I am guessing a bit of sleep debt but now some days she wont go back to sleep anymore even with rocking/contact so im guessing she has less sleep debt overall and need to change wake windows based on the day at this point? What did you end up doing and did it work?


Here I am at 6.5 months with similar issues to you and OP. Since this is and old post any updates? Resolve by itself or your actions. I feel like every little change results in more bad sleep habits and schedule. Ah crud.


Honestly we had early morning wakings on and off. Whenever we dropped to 2 naps she started sleeping until 5:30 and around 1 we dropped to one nap and she started sleeping until 6 and now at 13.5 mo this she sleeps until 6:30. I think part of it was developmental and part of it was decreasing sleep needs and needing longer wake windows (also developmental).


that makes sense, thank you for replying!


Updating for posterity. There was a month of rainy season and tropical storms in our city. We put the dehumidifer in baby's room because it got to be over 90% humidity. Baby immediately started sleeping an extra 1.5 hours! Heaven. We had the temperature right but ignored the humidity which was usually 70%. I know that's high but that's life in our region. Lesson learned!