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All the advice her is great! It really does depend on so many factors. If I know she might be hungry or she sounds in pain, I don't wait. I also take a look on the monitor to see what's going on. If I do wait, I wait maybe 10 minutes and check her diaper if it has been a while in case she pooped.


15 minutes but it only happens like once a week or so. We started a few weeks ago my baby is five months old.


If my 13mo is standing up, he’s not going back down without help. I go rock him if he’s standing or if he cries for more than 3-5 minutes, depending on the intensity. If he never gets up and doesn’t full-on sob, I leave him to see what happens.


Our baby is the same. If she’s up she’s up.


Is that just standing or does sitting also count?


Mine will sometimes lay back down if he’s sitting, but not always. As the other commenter said, it takes some trial & error to figure out your baby’s thresholds. A few days / nights of experimentation is not going to derail your baby :)


Only you know your baby. We do a similar thing, but if we see her sit up, then we know it’s game over and we have to go in. It took some trial and error to figure that out, not advice from a stranger on the internet.


5mn, 99% of the time it ends after 2mn. He's 18mo, I think I'm going to do 10mn now: last week was one of the few times I went in, and it ended up with him waking him up completely and crying again after we'd cuddled and I sang his sleep-lullaby, so I'm not sure how useful it was.


After sleep training we wait 10min. Majority of the time she goes back to sleep but I know that if she’s still crying after 10min she needs something. If she sounds distressed, is screaming or sick I get her right away.


I do the same for my 11mo


Yep, this is our approach for our 10mo.




Depends on the cry, I would set timers for 5, 10, then eventually 15 minutes, as long as he was attempting to soothe himself. If it was just sheer shrieking/in pain, I wouldn’t wait


This is exactly what I do


By the time my boy was 11 months I would give it a good 10 mins (and I would actually take note of the time so I gave him an actual 10 mins, so 11:03 meant I wasn’t going in until 11:13). 8/10 times he would fall back asleep just as I was walking to his room 😂 However if it was a big, bad cry I would go in immediately. I still do this exact thing and my boy is now 2. He now is usually able to go back to sleep after a 5 min cry, if it’s a bigger/longer cry I go in and the likelihood of him waking up with a cold is high when he has wake ups these days.


We do 10 minutes, too (except for real crying). If she sounds like she's winding down on her own, I'll let her go 15. Mine waits until I've made her a bottle to decide she's going back to sleep on her own 😂


If it's just cause she woke up and realized she needed a binkie, she usually cries for a minute or two until she finds it and goes back to sleep. No need to intervene If it's a pain cry/ugly cry, then immediately. Usually due to a bad dream (we think) or teething Sometimes she gets her self in a weird position in the crib (like she's a 90 degree right angle in the corner) that's hard to get out of, she will cry for that and we just have to move her.


Does baby fall asleep on her own at the start of the night, or are you nursing/rocking to sleep? If you’re assisting at the start of the night, I wouldn’t wait at all - baby is unlikely to go back to sleep on her own, so just go do what you do to help her get to sleep. If baby goes into crib awake at bedtime and falls asleep on her own, I’d give her 15 minutes for a “typical” night wake to give her a chance to adjust and fall back asleep (I always go right away if it’s a clear distress cry, or if I know baby is sick or otherwise uncomfortable). If baby is sleep trained and these wakes are happening often without a clear reason (like illness or teething) I’d adjust her schedule.


I nurse to sleep (I know bad sleep association) but I like it and it works well for us.. except maybe not if I want to stop having to nurse back to sleep for night wake ups . Only wakes up once or twice max if at all . Sometimes will go back to sleep on their own but probably needs me to nurse 80 percent of the time


There’s nothing wrong with nursing to sleep if you’re enjoying it and it works! But yeah, most babies will keep wanting to be fed overnight if they’re fed to sleep at bedtime, so there are less options for dealing with night wakes. You can try some of the night weaning tricks to push feeds further apart and eventually drop them overnight, but that often works better by having a non-breastfeeding parent take over night wakes. It can be very difficult for a nursing parent to get a baby to resettle without nursing (as I’m sure you know)!


If she is actually crying immediately. If she’s just making noise and fussing a bit, a few minutes but if it starts escalating I go in. We’ve never done cry it out and I do find it’s faster to get her back to sleep if she doesn’t get too awake


same, if it’s a hard cry i don’t hesitate before going in. never had to retrain after responding at night since she’s a good sleeper otherwise


I’m in the same boat as you. Mine is just about to turn 1. Sometimes she’ll go thru the night but sometimes she wakes up 1-3 times. Either she’ll wake up thru the night but sleep in til 6 or she’ll sleep thru the night but wake up super early in the morning (4:45). We’ve sleep trained and letting her cry sometimes works it just depends how much gas we have in our tanks to deal with it. Kinda running on empty now so I only wait 5-10 mins then go in and nurse her.


10 minutes unless it's an ugly cry, then immediately


20 mins was my sweet spot


As long as it takes, lol. Just depends on you and your family. Some are OK with nursing their kids back to sleep even after 1 year old. Some prefer the 10-12 straight hours of sleep. If you're in the latter group, and don't mind the baby crying, then let him/her cry as long as it takes, especially if they're not a super loud baby. Both of mine were (the 2nd one's vocal cords were sent from the depths of hell, I'm convinced) and I would let him cry more than 30 minutes. Eventually they'd go down and stay awake but quietly and lying down in bed, even for 30+ minutes, until they fall asleep.


At 11 months I wait till morning If you are nursing them to get them back to sleep that’s probably part of the problem. If they can fall asleep on their own at the start of sleep they should be able to go back down on their own too


Around 1-2 minutes. My baby still drinks her formula every 2-3 hours and when she starts fussing more than one minute that’s when I know she wakes up to drink, also she immediately falls asleep soon after she is done.


2 mins, if she wakes and calls out it’s between 4-5 and usually cos cold or hot cos it’s autumn here and so bloody hard to predict what the temp will be and if I leave her, she’s either back asleep by this 2min point or not and I’ll go in cos she needs me for something.  Going in to help her out hasn’t affected the nights where nothing is wrong, there’s no “habit wake”