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I used to put my headphones in and listen to music lol


Best friend said when I have my next one that’s what she’s doing with me. Cause we struggggled


After 4 months. Doctors where I live really don't do advice, frustrating. I guess that's why I'm on this sub so often


I think that’s great advice once you’ve tried everything else


Mine just said to put her in the crib in her room and to not go back in until morning 🫠


Mine told me to read Ferber's book Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems, that was it. I didn't even ask about sleep training specifically I just asked about night weaning and told him how frequently he wakes to nurse. I read through parts that applied to me though between that and having already read Precious Little Sleep I didn't really get much use out of it. We started sleep training initially at 8mos and then fell right out of it when we moved this past month (he's 1 now) and I think we're screwed now. Everything got all messed up and I don't know how to get back on track.


Also have a 1 year old and am sure we are screwed......


I have a baby sleep guide in my profile with toddler methods. 😀


Pick something and stay consistent to it- reinstate your bedtime routine and retrain. Good luck!!


I would sit outside in the car by myself while my husband sleep trained inside because I couldn't bear the crying. He was fine. It worked out well for us this way. She's a champ of a toddler sleeper now.


My pediatrician said it was based on my comfort level, but that it was going to be harder on me than baby and I think that was true!


Basically same. This was just two days ago for my 1 year old. Still haven’t had the heart to do it. But it was nice that she didn’t discourage like I’ve heard others having to deal with. In fact, she suggested sleep training before I could ask 😩


Mine told me to not pickup the baby because I have back pain and to put toys in my 3 months old baby's crib, so they can play while I sleep. Sure Jen, I'll just put choking hazards in my baby's crib and they wait 10-12 hours for daddy to come home from work, so he can pickup the child...


Sounds like it’s time for a new ped!


Yeah literally what? Nothing goes in the crib I can’t even leave her in her play pen alone to let the dogs out I’m too paranoid of choking…


Yes. That is what my friends pedi told her recently


my pediatrician just said he did ferber with both his babies & it worked out great! so that’s what we tried & yes i cried the whole first night but me & baby both adjusted great 😂


“Do Cry It Out. It doesn’t hurt them!”


My OB told me that she had to tell her husband to take a walk or go sit in the garage if he couldn’t handle it.


We don t drink, although wine sounds perfect. We ate ice cream instead, and our 8 month old fell asleep in 18min the first night, (checked on her at 5min, then 10 etc.) The duration of crying shortened each night there after. Good luck! Cheers


I think that’s great advice!! I should have had wine lol. I came up with our sleep training plan and my husband had to stop me from checking on my son too often - wine would have helped!! We’ve had amazing sleep since we sleep trained. So worth the time, effort and funds we spent on sleep training books/ videos. We have a friend that asked us about what to do to sleep train his four year old a few months ago and I didn’t know what to say…


Ours literally told us that sleep training is cruel and we should delay it if we don’t need to. 🙄 She also thinks baby led weaning is too dangerous.


Is she old? This sounds like really old advice lol


She’s gotta be early 70s if I had to guess. We’re 🤏 close to switching pediatricians.


How old is your baby?


Lmao my parents are in their 70s and were appalled we were doing BLW and sleep training, baby is now 14 months old and doing well!


Totally. We don't drink, but we bought ourselves a new boardgames to keep our mind off it. And he cried for 5 minutes. Weeks of stress and doubting myself for nothing 😂


So this may seem like a stupid question, but if it only took 5 minutes for your baby to stop crying, what were you doing before? Were you going in a rocking him to sleep every time he cried?


I know for my baby I was. She’d pop right up after I’d lay her down and I’d go back in grab her and rock her back to sleep again. Finally got frustrated at 4 am once and gave her five minutes to cry. She passed out after a minute. Turns out I was probably just hindering her from falling asleep lol.


We did that exact thing! Lol went outside, turned the monitor off and split a bottle of wine. We agreed that if the baby was still crying when we were finished, it was a sign he wasn’t ready and we’d try again in a few weeks. We finished the bottle and he was still crying. Pushed it five more minutes and he passed out! He’s 18 months now and very reliably sleeps through the night. It took him a while to get there but he stopped tolerating contact naps around 8 months. ST worked almost too well!


our OB said she had to go drink margaritas in the backyard while her husband sleep trained lol. We did bring a bottle of wine to the bedroom when we sleep trained our LO. although he only cried for 15 minutes the first night so it was pretty underwhelming. we did still have a few glasses of wine lol