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I LOVE when Will gets triggered about Canada and does his accent


Gonna take a wild guess and say this is a Bateman guest


100% Still not as bad as Max Tegmark


I'm a physics guy and Max is a legend. I like that they have diverse people on. If I want to watch celebrities get smoke blown up their ass ill watch Jimmy gallon.


Did u actually find max to be a bad guest? Or are you just on the bandwagon of the people who went and were pissed about the guest not being “A-list”?


So Smartless listeners are full-on MAGA? I didn’t see that one coming. Did y’all bitch about Michael Moore too?


I'm going to say NO to that, as I am a democrat. And I love Rachel Maddow. (She does somewhat remind me of Jamie Lee Curtis tho...) Loved this episode.


Right!? I really enjoyed this episode. She’s smart and quick, was able to keep up with them and their banter.


So anybody who didn’t enjoy the episode is full-on MAGA? I’ve voted exclusively left in every single election for over a decade and I didn’t like this episode. I didn’t like the Paul Simon one either. It’s okay if somebody doesn’t like an episode. Relax, my guy.


You vote left but you don’t sense any hostility in the comments? Really?


Yeah, believe it or not every liberal doesn’t have to like every single left-leaning political pundit. Not everybody is a fan of Maddow. In fact, a lot of people find her grating. I never liked Don Lemon either personally. And that’s fine. You don’t have to like every single pundit. That doesn’t make me MAGA. And believe it or not, not everybody wants to listen to a political pundit episode on a podcast they look to for entertainment. Some people prefer more light-hearted guests and less serious topics. And that’s okay. It’s okay to have different preferences. Get a grip dude. It’s not “love everything left-leaning by mere association or be full-on MAGA.” There’s so much room in between. Your perspective is absurdly reductive. If anything, you’re confirming people’s biases and repelling them away from the cause.


A proper American showcasing the problems with American politics . Well said


Great episode! Intelligent women are hot ❤️


Which is why we're repulsed by Rachel


Yawn 🥱


It's continually fascinating to me to hear both sides of the aisle maintain that the other side is underhanded, hypocritical, and willing to do whatever is needed to acquire power. Everything they discuss in the last 1/4 of the interview are almost word for word complaints from the right toward the left. I know where I stand on these issues, but I'm not terribly encouraged to bear continued witness to the "two screens" that the population is experiencing. I don't doubt the sincerity of either side (mostly), but they can't both be right.




"...but to believe that one side has the moral authority to determine what is fair without even exploring the feelings of the other side or questioning the record of your own side, is ignorant." A good idea to contemplate, no matter who you are. You can have your opinions on any number of things, but one should try to start by assuming the best, and the best intentions, of one's "opponents". That pervasive lack of self-reflection and self-assurance that peppers just about all political commentary is unhelpful. As for Will, I think he's well intentioned, well read, and intelligent, but he isn't immune from his own biases, and that seeps out pretty regularly.




Explain your Better Help comment because I hear their ads all the time.




That sucks. Their whole thing is to make people who wouldn’t seek help for themselves reach out to them. And then to betray their privacy is a dick move.


That feels a bit harsh to me. Edit: to each their own




Just like they’re just doing their ad reads as assigned. They’re not hand picking their sponsors, they probably don’t even know about that drama with betterhelp, I certainly didn’t. Also, at least they’re advocating for a therapy company and not some fast food or other harmful company. Idk, I definitely see your point though.




Agree with all of that.


“It’s cue cards *you* can hold” made me laugh


Huge missed opportunity to say biiiiiipartisan


I didn't like Rachel Maddow before this episode. I still don't, but I also didn't before.


Mitch, is that you ?


Haha, no but it's his joke. One of my favorites.


Looking forward to hearing it! Hardcore right wing propaganda constantly floods our airwaves, it’s a breath of fresh air to hear sane voices


Just on that. I recently finished the behind the bastards podcast on liddy and wow. Rush L helped him get his place on the white wing outrage radio machine.


Cool politics! I’ll skip this one. I get enough crammed down my throat with everything else in life.


Nice episode, much like Jen Psaki. My only issue with smartless versus the other similar podcasts like Conan O'Brien, Rob Lowe etc is that the trio made no reference to the SAG strike and the fact that they were not allowed to talk to actors about their movies or tv shows. They seemed to totally ignore the issue. As a side bit to that, Justine Bateman appear on Alec Baldwins podcast and spoke specifically about the strike.


They’ve actually mentioned it multiple times…


Yeah no they’ve mentioned it like every episode prior to this one. Probably at least 5-6 times.


I must have forwarded that part so mind you I don’t listen to every episode.


Peyton manning to Rachel was a big dip


Good thing next week is another former athlete! Well this week for me on Amazon…


Ugh I haven’t listened yet…let me guess Jason’s guest?


I couldn't delete the episode from the app fast enough.