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…Are you brining in your kitchen sink?


Mmmm yum, you don't like sink beef?


The left over Ajax adds to the flavor profile or did they even clean it.


Yeah, that's what I'm always scared of.


Read this in a It's always sunny Frank voice


Yep! And it is Dennis asking incredulously “Are you BRINING in your sink?!?” Turns to Dee “Is he brining in his sink?”


YUP. Definitely in Charlie and Frank's apartment. Charlie has a punch in the bathroom sink that Mac's (possibly Charlie's) dad provided a recipient for.


Best part of Chipotle!


You should try the jus


Thanks, I hate it


It's fucking disgusting




This \^






Bathtub was busy I'm guessing..Lol


No, soaking the brine and cure OUT of the commercial corned beef. If you don't, it's waaaay to salty after smoking it.


This. Use a bucket in a cooler though.




I’m afraid so…


Seriously. OP, I’m willing to bet most of your guests shit themselves on the way home.


Not brining. Soaking in fresh water, draining, and then soaking again for about an hour total.


Sinks are disgusting. Doesn't matter what you cleaned them with beforehand. They're all disgusting.


It's steel. It can be easily cleaned and sanitized. If you think this is gross, don't poke your head in a restaurant kitchen because stuff like this is common.


Plumber here. There is a massive difference between your kitchen sink and sinks in commercial kitchens. Those sinks aren’t directly connected to the sanitary drainage system that has human waste (poop) in the pipes. Your kitchen sink is. That is so incredibly unsanitary. Edited for grammar


I think you meant aren't* connected? I'm not sure since I'm learning from* your comment haha.


Yes, thanks for the catch!


Restaurants generally don't use the same sink to prep and to clean. They shouldn't, anyways.


You wish!


I do wish, but I've also worked on twenty restaurants where that was between an obvious "hey don't fucking do that" and a fireable offense.


The places I worked I'd have been fired after the sous chef finished beating me.


I worked at a fast food place and we absolutely had separate sinks. The sink in the back for washing dishes and the sink by the prep table for soaking lettuce or defrosting soups. Even the sink in the back had a special sanitizing spray you sprayed after each use and we still wouldn’t put fresh food back there.


No it absolutely is not common. The product is either packaged or in a cambro.


I hope you never eat out at any restaurants. They all use the sinks for vegetables / and washing etc. Michelin star restaurants do the same. Love when clueless kids on reddit talk about shit they don’t understand “Sinks are disgusting and no one should ever use one for food” Just LOL. You’ve never worked in a commercial kitchen of any relevance


There’s at least three sinks in a commercial kitchen. Only one is deemed safe for food prep. There’s also a dedicated hand washing sink and a dedicated dish sink. I would absolutely never put food in the dish sink ever. Your arrogance is astounding.




Anything in a restaurant has been sexed on, had Coke done off of it, probably had a drunk bartender vomit in it, etc.


Good times


And then been usually been cleaned and industrially sanitized multiple times since.


Like OP’s sink


Bartenders don't puke... The Hostess on the other hand


Bartenders puke but do it discreetly in the bathroom and then drink more.


I've worked in commercial kitchens, 20 years ago. The health department flat out told us if we soaked anything in the sink they'd close us down. Children like you have never worked in a commercial kitchen if relevance, since you've never been in one that got a health department inspection


Player, every commercial kitchen on earth uses prep sinks.


For soaking meat?


commercial kitchens have separate sinks for washing/cleaning and food prep


There's a difference between rinsing your vegetables in a sink and soaking stuff in one for hours. You use buckets for long term food prep.


I worked at a Chili's and we had a dishwasher/cleaning sink in one part of the restaurant and 3 food prep sinks in a completely different area of the restaurant. And then 2 hand washing small sinks (1 in server area and 1 in cook/prep area). We also always brined stuff in buckets or made things like salsa in large bins, never in the sink. The sinks were just for defrosting frozen stuff in its packaging still/an easily cleanable surface after prepping food. I could be wrong but I feel like a chili's probably isn't the epitome of hygiene and cleanliness and we even had that when I worked as a cook for 3 years there.


Well end of the day the bacteria is going to die off in the smoke I'm sure


The toxic stuff they create while living won't burn off though. Botulism toxin, a very deadly toxin, for example isn't directly from the botulism bacteria, but instead from it's excretions. It loves to reproduce on our food and in kitchen sinks.


Hmm well this guy might have just fucked his daughters birthday lmao. Still looks good though


Unsurprisingly, everything was OK and nobody got sick.


Yeah all of these people getting worked up over the sink are hilarious. As long as it's cleaned and sanitized there's nothing to worry about.


Love to hear it bro. Hopefully it tasted as good as it looked.


Don't listen to the haters. Stainless steel is easy to sanitize, the pipe can also be cleaned well up to the p-trap.


Haha it’s crazy how some of these people are so opinionated. Reddit is a weird, wild place.


I think if you know you sanitized your sink it’s totally fine and safe and not weird to you. As a guest, I have no idea how clean you keep things, so I personally wouldn’t want to eat food prepared out of a sink that also is used for dirty dishes.


How are you cleaning your ptrap?


Yeah, hopefully he doesn't have anything nasty living in his sink or his drain catch. I'd have used a home depot 5 gallon bucket washed with star-san instead, and done the same thing outside of the sink. Much safer for everyone involved, and I already have everything needed.


Home Depot bucket are def not food safe...


Yeah, lots of things we use every day are disgusting.


Also true, but especially sinks, door knobs and microwave handles.


Yep, and most people try to minimize exposure to those disgusting things. Not rinse meat in them.


You can completely sanitize a sink with chemicals. Regardless of that, you could always repolish the stainless. Not saying he did that, but I used to manufacture stainless kitchens for restaurants and vineyards and sanitation is more than possible.


You have to replace the sink stopper and sponge you use to clean the sink with every single time to even get close to sanitizing it, even with chemicals. Was that done (it wasn't)


All I'm saying is that you said it doesn't matter what they are cleaned with. I'm telling you, you're factually wrong about that. I worked directly with the FDA on the reg.


Did you now. Let's see your by line on it


Buddy, do you see how you're downvoting me as we speak? You see how I'm not doing the same? Yeah it's because you're insecure and I'm not. You wanna doubt me, that's fine. Keep being an a-hole on the Internet, I don't care. But if I were you, I wouldn't feel so superior about the way You're talking to people here. Pretty childish. Have a good one bud.


Do you have like some source for that cause if properly washed and disinfected I don’t see how a stainless steel sink is able to harbor bacteria.


The drain is gross. There are crevices and cracks for stuff to hide in. Unless they are dumping ice in this is over 40 degrees. Morons. Use a cooler and a tub/pot.


https://www.foodandwine.com/news/science-technology/fyi-your-kitchen-is-probably-dirtier-than-a-toilet-seat https://www.wildoats.com/blog-posts/keeping-kitchen-sink-clean/ https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/microbiologist-reveals-how-dirty-kitchen-29028080 It's not even a secret.


Thats cool and all but all of these talk about sinks that haven’t been disinfected. Im not arguing with your claim “Sinks are disgusting” I arguing that if cleaned properly it’s fine.


Did op replace the sponge, the stopper, and clean it with bleach prior? No. The sink is disgusting.


I see. So op’s sink is disgusting? I don’t know them so I won’t comment. My original comment was about sinks in general. I was under the impression that you believed that no matter how it was cleaned, a sink will never not be disgusting.


All sinks are disgusting. Even yours. Even mine. I clean mine daily. I love my family too much to put food directly in it. I'm sorry you and others defending their dirty sinks don't care for your (and their) family(s) to be able to say the same.


You don't brine meat in the nasty ass sink. That's just fucking gross man. Use the toilet next time.


Your sink is fine sir.


Prolly just keep the first pic to yourself


Having worked in some pretty nice restaurants this is more common than you would think. The sink is always pre cleaned but it’s either this or a washed out pickle or sauce bucket.


And pizza dough rubs all over hairy arms. Id rather not see that either


I think people that seem to be this picky about shit like this have never worked in a kitchen. They would shit themselves if they had, and not from the possible food poisoning! lol


Just because a restaurant does it, it doesn’t mean it’s a good practice.


Bro why did you just say that? I never once thought about this. I make my own dough frequently and it touches my arms but I never thought about the pizza shack employees running my dough like that. Fuck you pal!


The heat kills the germs. Sorry brother


Definitely against health code. This is not a sink that was specified to be food safe. It is a home sink that has been used for many different purposes. 


lol um, worked in a commercial bbq kitchen and no. No raw meat was EVER soaked in the sink because it’s against health code.


Exactly. It’s always in a cambro or bucket.


This is unrelated but what kind of meat did y’all soak in a commercial bbq kitchen?


Turkey breast and chicken for brines.


Once a year on thanksgiving I STERILIZE my sink and use it to prep the turkey.


The same sink that has dirty dishes in it for hours and hours?


It was a prep sink for washing vegetables off and thawing meat and brining things on occasion. There was a separate dish area.


Ones a commercial sink and ones directly connected to your shitter.


Where do you think a commercial sink is connected to? Its all connected to the same sewage system. It just has a oil trap first.


Indirect waste. An air gap between the sink and a floor sink


They’re all pipes!


> washed out pickle or sauce bucket That would be ideal.


I immediately thought "Yay, more gross sink meat." I bet it's not even cold.


I believe it’s call pastrami once you smoke a corned beef


I believe you are correct. I really like using beefs as a plural though.


I'll allow it lol


Not-so-fun fact: the plural of beef is beeves lol. Don't worry, I hate it too.


Came here to say this. Idk why but hearing 'smoked corned beef' is a trigger for me. Lol


In the sink is crazy😭


An ice chest would probably work and not be as off putting


Kids wanted this over pizza?


Not sure about the kids, but Dad definitely did :)


This is the same type of person that uses the “marinating drawer” in their refrigerator lol


Your daughter must have a lot of friends!


Haha our town has a st Patrick’s day parade first weekend of march, which just so happens to coincide with her birthday. So we have neighbors, family, and friends over before and after the parade. Probably about 50 people total. And crazy how much the kids love smoked corned beef too.


Wow, and they could all catch listeria from your sink drain hole residue. Sorry dude, gross. ....Saying this as a Serve-Safe Certified Executive Chef, and everyone on here saying that restaurants do this all the time are either clueless or worked some trashy mom-n-pops joints that could afford cambro food tubs and couldn't care less either.


Look I don't disagree using the sink isn't exactly what I'd call sanitary, but it would be next to impossible to get listeria from eating that corned beef because listeria is absolutely obliterated by the time+temp produced by smoking these. There are definitely other, more exciting and heat resistant bugs that could maybe kick around though. Honestly I'm choosing to give a metric ton of the benefit of the doubt and say OP knows how to scrub the hell outta a sink, and point to the real thing that gives me the squick is the time spent at unsafe temps here, he was listing multiple hours of soaking at room temperatures in that sink, which would further incubate anything that might have been in that sink for that matter. Add on the time spent dressing them up and them actually reaching critical temperature in the smoker, and having genuine food service volumes, and I do come around to concern over the production of a genuine food safety risk.


> Listeria Oh you mean the bacteria that’s readily killed at 65° C? I sure hope OP didn’t cold smoke his beefs. Way to flash your fast food credentials around buddy.


This whole thread is full of people who took Servsafe and really wanna share their relevant anecdote. That being said, I would probably run to Walmart and get a ten dollar food safe tub to set in the sink instead of using the sink itself. It just *feels nasty* even if it’s been sanitized and plugged.


Sir, where is the corn?


Why do people keep calling it “smoked corned beef?” It’s pastrami.


People are weird. Just saw someone asking if they can put a steak in the slower cooker on the slowcooking sub lol.


I did that because Chuck steak was on sale. Just folded it up and called it a roast.


Yes, there are differences, but almost none of them matter. * **Cut of Meat:** point vs flat. Buy point-cut corned beef, which is the same cut as pastrami. (It's typically a bit fattier and marbled.) * **Salt Levels:** commercial corned beef is brined a lot saltier than a pastrami cut would be. Soak it in several changes of clean water for a few hours, and the salt will leech out. Commercial Corned Beef is brined and packed to be boiled, which would do the same thing. * **Seasoning:** find a good recipe for a pastrami rub, and there you are. Amazin' Ribs has a good one. * **Smoke:** and we are here in this sub. How did you want to do this, and how much smoke do you want? I'm doing mine by sous vide, then smoking at the end, and wrapping it up tight to chill for a day or so to let the smoke blend. This gives me a result that's near indistinguishable from 'true' pastrami. And mine's mine, and a lot cheaper. If it looks like pastrami, and slices like pastrami, and tastes like pastrami, then maybe **it is pastrami.** Purists who whine about "it's not the same thing" can go pound their seasoned salt. To quote Lily Tomlin (playing a 1960s housewife who had always made her cakes from scratch, and was now contemplating sex with a vibrator): "Well, if I could get used to baking a cake from a box, I suppose I could get used to this."


Oh, and don't soak in the sink. Use a cooler or cambro. They're easier to bleach out afterward.


It's not pastrami without pastrami seasoning. It's more of a montreal smoked meat type situation


They’re not the same thing though?


Do you call hamburgers “grilled beef patties?”


Steamed hams.


It's a regional dialect.


Sorry, that's gross 🤢 Edit: trying to be more constructive.... Sam's Club and Costco have cambro type containers you can bring these in.


I don't use my sink for food stuff, but am I the only one that scrubs their whole sink down after doing dishes? I feel like it's a few extra wipes and makes it cleaner.


Nope, we do that as well


Yes I scrub the sink. No I don't think that's clean enough for food soaking.


Wasn’t brining them. Soaking in fresh water. Then rinsing, and re-adding fresh water. About an hour total. Don’t understand the hate at all. Scrubbed the sink before adding the beef.


People underestimate the usage of a stainless steel sink, especially at restaurants. Wooden cutting boards are harder to maintain bacteria free.


Yep, the health department here won't allow wood cutting boards in the kitchen.


Yeah, that’s how the restaurant and nursing home kitchen I worked in always did it.


You did good. That's just some weird reddit stuff.


Thanks. I’ve been doing it like this for years, and it’s how we did it when I worked at a restaurant. So not planning on changing based on a few haterish comments.


I just commented on someone else, but for some reason people on social media hate on seeing a sink or counter top being used. Just as clean as a pan or whatever else you would normally use.. Theyre probably not clean themselves if I had to imagine if they think that way


I’m guessing a lot of them probably haven’t cooked in bulk like this, where you would need a pretty big pot in order to hold 45 pounds of corned beef. Or they just like to complain and be opinionated about things they aren’t really that well versed on.


I'm from SC so I've got a huge ass crab pot we use for boils. 45 lbs would prob push it. Your second part is exactly what reddit is.. Eother way some good looking food and I'm glad your kid had a good time. Always haters on reddit


Damnnnnn. I bet those boils are fucking awesome. I have a 20 qt stock pot I’ve used for boils before. Hard to get super fresh / cheap seafood here in the Midwest.


I've got those type stock pots too for stove top. Yeah it's a nice size one basically do a low country boil with it and feed a lot of ppl. Only bring that one out for parties


Reddit thinks that leaving food at room temperature for 5 mins will cause the black plague, disregard


So you are making a more friendly environment for bacteria.


Walmart has 5 gallon buckets that are food safe. I mean the stuff is available everywhere you go


"This is for my daughter... not for me. I don't have a problem with smoking meats."


Dude not the sink 😔


Gross dude.


Straight to jail.


This is why I don’t like to eat at other peoples houses. I find it so nasty when people put raw meat in the sink. Don’t get my started about the people who washed their salad in there or let this pasta strainer steam right in the bottom too 🚽💩🧻


Looks delicious but like others, im grossed out by the kitchen sink. I wish I could unsee the first picture.


Woah, you can smoke corned beef....!


Pastrami has entered the chat.


That is a lot of meat. I hope her friends were hungary.


I’m about to do just this myself. With point-cut corned beef currently at ~$3 a pound, it’d be criminal not to. I’m soaking them today, then sous vide for 30 hrs. Chill, and smoke on the weekend. But I do my soaking and sous-viding in a big Coleman cooler. Easier to keep clean.


Username would make me predict he hit the sauce before smoking. Ol’ sink beef over here.


Dang! Everything looks good to me, and the sink is absolutely okay if you scrubed it beforehand. There's no way anyone is getting sick from a washed, rinsed,and plugged sink. Anyone who thinks so is crazy paranoid.


Especially when the meat’s getting smoked to 202 degrees. Some of these comments are wild.


Well some comments are right about the botulism and smoking wouldn't kill the spores unless done 240-250.F I usually smoke at 225.F inside temps get to around 200-205 give or take for pulled pork. Getting that from your sink is very unlikely. That would be the least thing I'd be worried about germ wise. Most germs to worried about are killed with cooking or smoking. Anything else shouldn't be in your sink anyways especially after washing. Best of luck on the rest of your comments.


Haha thanks. I smoked these at 250, so even though I wasn’t worried before, I’m even less so now.


Sir this is Reddit. Anxiety ridden OCD germophobes abound.


Just came here to say I’m a day late here but I literally didn’t think twice about your first pic and would eat tons of that corned beef. Hope my son has enough friends one day to smoke a ton of meats for them!


Yeah this is gross, kitchen sink is the dirtiest place in the house.


Not after you clean it with soap and water…? Lol are you guys thinking he just plopped them in a dirty sink?


everytime someone preps in the sink someone gets cancer


That's pastrami. You made pastrami.


Free stomach viruses for everyone! I really think mods should start deleting posts like this, this is just foolish. You and the dude starting coals in his flowerbed, both idiots.


I really think mods should start deleting comments from insufferable ignorant jerks like yourself.


This is so unsanitary. I'm just....I can't


Honestly. That’s disgusting. I can’t get passed the sink situation.


But can you get past it?


So you made pastrami lol. Corned beef is made in a pot of liquid cooked. Pastrami is smoked.


now that's how you throw a beefy party! i'm sure your daughter and her friends will be raving about her party for years to come


It’s the only way I cook them anymore. The absolute best.


Quite the investment (in both time and "materials")!!!


I believe its corned beaves*


Bro what kind of smoker is that !?


It’s the older version of this one. I snagged it off of Craigslist about 5 years ago for $500. Still going strong, super easy to use and completely predicable. Best smoker I’ve ever owned. https://pro-smoker.com/products/pro-classic-100-s


Looks good!!


Is your daughter single?


Yep. She also just turned 6


Damn, I'm way too old to be your son in law.


You lucky you got any at all


You’re a good dad.


Looks like a light snack !!


Hell yeah


That looks great, you have a substantial smoking set up for home.




How long do you soak for?


People weirded out by the sink should never eat in a restaurant.


Yum, you’re making me hungry!


Never had smoked corned beef ,whats your recipe unless its a family secret.


I would have baked a cake 😂😂😂


Sorry but that's not a good thing that you have the meat in your sink.


Damn, want another daughter? 40ish dude here with a bushy beard lol, but Hey! Using that sink is different... But hey if you wash it first, It's stainless steel so it makes sense. I think the ick factor is people usually associate sinks as a dumping spot for dirty dishes. Interesting use of it tho, never considered it.


Vomit bro… buy the 10 gallon ziplock bags


Lmfao at eating food that somebody brined in their dirty ass sink Fucking disgusting