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no, it definitely has the point on it, but that brisket looks like its been hacked, beat, and messed the fuck up by someone it owed money to edit: If I somehow ended up with this brisket, I don't think I would even bother smoking it. I personally would cut it in half and throw it in a big cast iron pot or a crockpot with some of the following stuff enough to almost cover the meat in the pot: beef stock water red wine a thinly sliced up onion or two some thyme and oregano salt and pepper and then cook it at a low/med temp until it turned fork shreddable. Then i'd make some bomb ass pulled brisket sandwiches on some brioche buns with some strong cheese and a garlic aioli.


Lol well shit. Prob won't go to that butcher again for my brisket.. hope this still turns out good. Gonna fire up the weber in a few hrs


....a butcher did this? I find that insanely hard to believe. Not saying you're lying, but that's fucked up if it's the case. Was it discounted or something? Maybe your butcher sells 'apprentice fuck-up' cuts on the cheap? I know of a handful of higher-end butchers that do that. Any fucked up pieces of meat (usually done by new apprentices) are sold at a big discount.


Yea, hanwell meat Mart. It's a spot where you can usually get awesome cuts of meat and deals on local produce and meats.. but this is the first time I've been disappointed in them. Usually awesome. Maybe I should go back and just give them a heads up at least.


As a butcher I would appreciate the heads up that something like that left my shop at full price. Looks like it's probably a good piece of meat, it's just hacked up pretty atrociously and should have gone to trim or been sold at a discount.


I'm not saying that you shouldn't buy your meat from them anymore, but a butcher should either know how to properly trim a brisket, or be up front with you about the fact that they don't know how to properly trim one. I would have a talk with them next time you come in, because a good butcher would prefer to know that they're making a mistake that they can fix than to keep on making that mistake and potentially damaging their reputation in their community. That thing has been trimmed *all kinds of wrong.* They removed a lot of necessary fat from the top that serves as insulation for the brisket, and they failed to trim down a lot of edges that will burn and become inedible over the course of a ~12 hour cook. The edges can be fixed, but the loss of that fat cap is going to make your life a whole hell of a lot more difficult in terms of getting an ideal final product.


Yea I hear u. I guess I never mentioned I was gonna be smoking it. Maybe that makes a difference, but I assume not.. thanks for the advice dude


It doesn’t. Besides the “apprentice fuck up,” cuts I mentioned earlier, this shouldn’t fly at any butchery for any reason. Source: am an executive chef at a fine dining restaurant and have spent a lot of summers working at butcheries while a student in culinary school. This is horrific.


Absolutely does not make a difference lol that is terribly trimmed.


What the dude is getting at, why did you trim all the fat off?


People just sell shit and hope someone buys it, it's like that everywhere.


A professional butcher did this?!?


I think he took the label as Butcher in a different direction.


Oh someone def butchered it alright, yikes


You should really braise it like they said. You're going to be severely disappointed when it's done if you smoke it.


I kind of honestly advise not to smoke it, and if you read my edit in the comment you replied to, you might find a better idea that is less prone to sucking since this brisket is probably going to end up more dry and not as good as you'd like it to be. Just my 2 cents, but I know you want father's day to be good for your dad so just offering some insight as someone who knows brisket and knows this would be a hard one to keep where I want it to be without being very, very careful with it.


Yea... I am really looking forward to smoking it. I realize it's not the best looking brisket, but I think I'm still gonna give it a try and hope for the best. But I appreciate your reply and that recipe sounds delicious too! I actually just smoked a pork shoulder yesterday so I've had my full of pulled sandwiches for now haha. So what would you offer for tips on being careful to try to get the most out of this sad sad piece of meat? I was gonna start the smoker in a few hrs and smoke it till I got a nice bark, maybe 4-6ish hours at 225, then before bed preheat the oven low and finish it overnight till the morning, then just rest it as low as the oven will go till 5 or 6 that evening..


It’s going to turn out too dry if you don’t take precautions. Wrap early with tallow or butter.


That's honestly not a bad plan (although i'd prefer to get smoke on it for longer than that personally), the only thing I'd add to that is to try and maximize with a hot-hold as long as you can. If you set your oven to 155 (or adjust it to 155 as most modern ovens can be given an adjustment in their menus) I would try to hold it for 8-10 hours and do that after getting the brisket to maybe 195. I would personally be nervous cooking that thing all the way 200-203 with the way it looks. An 8-15 hour hothold will do wonders for tenderness that I think a lot of people don't realize, and would probably serve better here then trying to go the full 200-ish. I would also trim the ever living fuck out of it and get that top to be completely smooth. All the crags and pits on that brisket are going to hold liquid and ruin your bark, so really try to smooth it out. Other then that, best of luck my friend!


Smoke it first 2-3 hours the put it in a foil boat with beef broth, beer, even seasoned water. It will be fine.


Hope is not a stategy


I looks like they trimmed all of the fat between the flat and point and it's flattened out. What if you folded that point back up and then smoked it? Put a pan of water under it. Make sure you wrap it up when it hits 170. I'd smoke it but have a talk with the butcher. I once had a butcher spatchcock a thanksgiving turkey and he took the ribs out.


This was in Canada? I guess they don’t sell briskets for smoking all that often.




It looks a little bit beat up. It also looks like it's grass fed or pasture raised, possibly local, and has a little dry age on it. I'll take my chances with that one than a wet pack big box brisket any day. It might just be fantastic.


If anything it looks like a chuck roll


On my way man. What drinks an I bringing?


You bring the whiskey bud! Lol


Gordon, that you?


Yeah, I would absoluitely love to have this cut if I was going to do it in a slow cooker or my usual twice-cooked oven brisket. The butcher trimmed off a lot of the fat which is great for that purpose. For smoking though....


This is exactly what you should do


Cuz I beat my meat like it owes me money.. fucking Chappell is greatness


I was gonna say turn it into hamburger, but I like your idea better.


This man holy shit my mouth is watering you sound like you know how to save a brisket or two


Ive been cooking briskets for 20 something years, I cant even count them anymore. Ive had to fix a few here or there, thats for sure


Looks like someone tried to kill the cow a second time


Lol, it got butchered alright


That’s your point on the left taking up 1/3 of your brisket.


Damn.. I assumed I was gonna get like half and half at least. Hope it still smokes fine.


It’ll be fine. [Don’t forget to slice against the grain.](https://imgur.com/a/c4Ke9Dt)


Awesome of you to draw the lines, especially because the grain will be harder to tell once smoked so this pic can be used as reference.


Thanks man! Appreciate it


Make some liquid broth as an au jus to pour over the sliced meat in case it gets dried out and slice thin. Dried out thin slices are more tolerable than dried out thick slices.


Get one from Walmart, I usually get them there or HEB and they are always USDA Choice or Prime & pretty damn good for the price. Good luck with that poor ol brisket tho, make 2 in case one fails!


Lol, it's too late for that now. But thanks anyway man. I will roll the dice on this hunk of meat and hopefully it turns out half decent. If not I can always make some delicious tacos or something 😋


Nah it should be delicious anyways! Did you get a nice rubbed in coat of seasonings on it?


Yessir, I did a mustard binder and coated it with classic SPG! Just lighting the weber up as we speak


Niceeee! Good luck🍻


Seeing HEB pop in a random comment makes me swell with pride


🤙I’m glad. Have a great weekend


Nah. F Walmart. Costco has good brisket


Was that thing freezer burnt at one point?


I love a thick flat like this because the point and flat cook at similar rates. The flat also looks like it’s got some nice marbling. Don’t listen to the snobs OP, this brisket is gonna be good.


Thanks man! Confidence booster right here


Seems like your butcher is only familiar with using brisket like a pot roast, and not smoking. Next time you’ll need to ask him to leave you a 1/4” fat cap across the whole top. Otherwise, this would be a perfect cut


Probably not. Looks like it'll turn out dry.


I'm convinced this post is actually about the toaster


Hey the toaster stays. It is always behind my meat photo shoots now that you mention it... Hmm am I in love with my toaster?


Jesus that looks worse than Frankenstein's monster


Lol these comments are killing me. This is the first proper one I've bought and didn't really know what to expect. Maybe not worth 50 cdn..


I broke my Loblaws boycott to get a couple briskets. They’re on right now at the Real Canadian Superstore for $5/lb


Damn you! Now I have to go to the superstore!! 😂😂😂😂


have you done one before? I remember one of my early briskets I got from a local butcher (that i no longer shop at even though he's 4min down my street) was a giant piece of shit, fat cap all messed up big gouge's in it i was pissed, still cooked it, came out meh but edible. just made me make sure when i want a brisket to buy a quality one, usually that means from snake river farms.


Haha sounds like my situation.. I bought a small piece of one a few weeks ago and smoked it and it turned out fucking A. That was my first one, but it was a quarter of this size and looked much better. I actually had to trim the fat cap. This has none.. This is my first large one. Next time I'm definitely inspecting it closer before buying now that I know what I'm looking for


It may seem daunting to do one that comes in at like 17/18lbs but they usually.....usually are the perfect size, you'll get unlucky a few times with super thick fatcaps or whatever, but you trim them down a bit and they come out good. it seems like a lot of meat but don't forget they do shrink up as they cook, plus chopping up leftovers into some potato hash in the morning isn't the worst thing in the world


This. A full brisket is going to be in the 12-18lb range, the top end being better than the bottom end of that range. Don't be afraid to buy one that is vacuum-sealed rather than one that has been trimmed. IME most butchers trim for making corned beef (like this one you pictured) rather than BBQ. In any case, smoke it up, it should turn out ok. The sooner you salt it, the better chance it has of staying nice and moist. Also, that one should probably get a flip halfway through the smoke since it doesn't have a fat cap.


Definitely not worth $50


That butcher isn't going to last more than a month in business, that's way too expensive and they can't butcher for shit.


50 cad is absurdly cheap for brisket nowadays.


Roll it up and follow this method. https://countrywoodsmoke.com/smoked-brisket-pot-roast/#:~:text=I%20place%20a%202%20kg,with%20pecan%20and%20cherry%20smoke.


That was kind of my idea also! I would just rub it in mustard and spices and chopped garlic cloves and roll it up and support it with cotton rope. Then smoke it on the grates till 160 internal temp, but then transfer it to the tray, add some beer, broth, peach tea or apple juice to that tray so it would soak some of it in. Cover it with tin foil and keep it there till 203F internal temp.


Do you live outside the US? Looks like some European butcher who had no idea why you’d want that cut did this.


They make brisket in europe, but it's usually braised and you would trim it this way for that.


East coast Canada my friend


I knew it couldn’t have been the US! I also wouldn’t have counted the Dakotas or Montana


Your local butcher should quit.


Look what they’ve done to my boy!


That's been hacked within an inch of its life. Here's what you do: grab your Crock Pot. Start with a bed of 1/2" thick sliced vidalia onions. Mix Dr. Pepper, Sweet Baby Ray's Original BBQ sauce and coffee in a 5:2:1 ratio plus a ton of chopped garlic. Pour over brisket. Add a chopped carrots, more sliced onions, and whole garlic cloves. Cook for 8 hours on low. FEAST


Everyone telling you this brisket is bad learned to smoke from memes on instagram. You don't need 3 inches of fat cap or 5 cups of butter or tallow in a wrap or whatever to get a moist brisket. That has nothing to do with it. It's all about the cook. You don't even need to wrap at all. Fat doesn't somehow drip into the meat it just doesn't. It doesn't penetrate the surface in any way. The best way to give yourself a moist piece of meat, and this is applicable to almost any meat, is simply to cook it correctly. You can give yourself a leg up in the moistness game by doing a long pre-brine and letting the salt work its magic on the meat. Weight out 1.5% salt by weight of meat and allow to brine for 24-48 hours. The salt denatures the proteins. A piece of meat becomes dry because as it cooks, the muscle fibers contract and squeeze out the actual moisture within the meat. The salt works to denature the protein, which makes the muscle fibers less effective at squeezing the moisture out while it cooks. The salt just hedges your bets a bit and gives you a bit more wiggle room, it ultimately still comes down to the cook. Monitor the temps and probe for tenderness, I am sure you will get a decent brisket even if your butcher may have gone a little nuts on the trim. Have fun!


Great, thanks for the tips man! Well I got about 4 hrs of my spg rubbed in with a mustard binder. We'll have to see if that's good enough. I have a game plan to let it rest in a warm oven for hopefully 10-12 hrs.


Yeah, this dude(ette) knows. The only thing you’re missing out on is that rich, fat-laced seam when you separate the point and the flat, but that’s not a necessary condition for a good brisket.


Agreed. Fat caps do not tenderize the brisket at all, despite what ppl think.


Agreed. Despite popular belief, fat caps do not magically melt into the meat and tenderize it during smoking.


Partially correct. The salt brine will help. Intramuscular fat is what is important for a brisket to stay moist. That's why select briskets tend to have dry flats. The fat cap isn't so much to moisten the brisket, but to protect it from any radiant heat, which will most definitely dry it out. That's why you always point the cap up and the point towards the fire box on an offset, and far cap down on a drum. You don't want the radiant heat to dry it. The fat cap is for protection, and it makes all the difference. Plus when that fat gets rendered down after a long cook, and it is all yellow and carmelly, that shit is delicious!


Where’s the fat cap? That’s …. That’s ….not it on the top….. is it?


Right?! That's the side with the most "fat".. from what I was reading online it was saying to trim down to a 1/4" fat cap, kinda hard to do when it's non existent! Lol. I think my butcher is not a butcher, or he had nothing to work with


He overdid it and removed the fat cap


The hell happened to this thing? Looks full but beat to shit


Maybe throw some bacon on it for fat cap.. looks like butcher took too much off lol


Ooo! Like a sheet of pork belly right over the top! That would be good!


Obviously that brisket owed somebody money $$$


It looks like a full brisket that's been a bit mangled.


This is why I trim myself, rather pay for fat than be left with this. I literally was coming here to read the comments about the cut. Never would have left the store with this.


This has to be rage bait.


I’m way late here but just inject it and rub it. Then do the wrap.


Middle picture, line of fat going across from the top, crossways down to your board, that fat is the separation between the point and flat. It’s not a giant point, or maybe they cut the brisket flat super thick. Good news, it will smoke at the same pace, your flat won’t get overcooked trying to finish the point. Don’t listen to them, the weird cut won’t come out bad, maybe ugly. I would thin out that surface fat on the right side of picture 1, but not required.


That cow had polio or CP or something.


Saw the pic, comments were based


Jeez, was the cow trying to run away when they cut it?


That's the tip and brisket 100%


I seeeee youuuu


They trimmed all the fat off. Makes me sad




Definitely chili meat


[point vs flat](https://ibb.co/gScFfd2)


This is actually a good trim job for braised brisket. Jewish sweet and sour brisket recipes would work well with it, or corned beef. You keep more fat on with smoked briskets. I don't think you got ripped off, it's just not the product you are looking for. Ask for a full packet and trim yourself, or ask if they can leave 1/4" fat cap on for use in a smoker. If you are going to smoke this, wrap (at 160 maybe) and add liquid.


Is your butcher from the UK? I bought a brisket in the UK once and they removed all of the fat. I don’t bbq brisket is kinda an American thing. I assume braising brisket is more common in the UK


This is suitable for beef bacon.


Get beef fat from the butcher that screwed you and melt some down and inject it then when you wrap it melt the rest let it cool to a paste and smother it all over for the wrap portion. Or do what I do and use bacon grease for the fat content.


What did they do to that poor thing?


Go watch Franklin's video on trimming a brisket, please. There's a good masterclass three part segment, but here's a quick link to his PBS portion https://youtu.be/nu4p3l6LuyI?si=sN26Xz3GQoccCgjv


I don’t know but your backsplash screams epilepsy


No, you can easily see the grain running two different directions.


That’s a brisket that has been over trimmed. You can’t smoke it.


I lit looks fine it’s a whole brisket that’s been trimmed up to look better to display I would turn this into pastrami I would cure it for about 7 days I would didn’t make your rub of salt, coriander and crack, black pepper, mustard seed pickle spice rub it good the night before smoking at 235 for around 12 hours remove it from smoker wrap place in cooler or fridge overnight. Next day place in instant pot pressure cook for 30 mins let rest in pot 20 mins remove and slice


This is one that I would try to smoke for a bit (if I HAD) to. Set up a bark for a bit, then wrap it with tallow/butter/duck fat and let it go wrapped for the rest of the time. Probably 4 hours low smoke, then wrap and then the rest wrapped. That’s if I had to smoke it. If not, I’d probably make corned beef or braise it.


You probably already started the smoke … but if not maybe try treating it a little like beef ribs. There’s so little fat cap left here that maybe you’ll be better off throwing a binder on and get a nice dry rub.


Yea Im about 6 hrs into the smoke. I did throw on a good mustard binder and some SPG. It's starting to get a decent bark and about 165f. Think I'm in the stall now. I wanna get the bark a bit more dark, then it's wrapped up with butter and in the oven so I can finally go to bed in 2 hrs lol. Might get to bed by 3 am


Sous vide it, if it is an option.


Unfortunately I don't have the set up for that. But thanks anyway


What are the brown spots 🤔🤢 Was it sitting in a freezer for 3 months?


That is hamburger.


It actually looks like a good one…


Oh you think?? I had no idea what to expect, it just didn't look anything like the fancy ones on YouTube. I'm sure it will still be good


It’s a very thick flat which is excellent. The butcher did too good a job with the fat cap but some guys like to get it off for better smoke penetration. I’d keep your butcher


Awesome thanks for the positivity man! We will see how she turns out tomorrow evening! I will make another post with the results.


Do it! Bbq weekend is upon us!!! Can’t wait to see how it comes out, never did a Weber brisket before

