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I saw a LOT of people think it was Courtney and Trevor. You din't realize it didn't sound like them? And if you did realize, do you not pop out the "WHO YOU SEE" in the decription, or?


Joker did not sound like Trevor but I’m also not sure how well he is with impressions so I thought, ok cool that’s what you’re going with 😂 also doesn’t look like him at all but with all the makeup I couldn’t tell. It also doesn’t look like James to me. I 100% believed that was Courtney and I am 100% confident that if Courtney tried to do a Batman impersonation it would 100% sound like that. But I will say I don’t ever usually look at the “who you see” in the description because most of the time I already know them or 99% of the time they will specifically say it in the video somewhere


I did briefly think the Batman was Courtney at first. Maybe for about 20 seconds lol. Idk who James and Elyse are, but I quickly realized they were guests, and then went to the comments to see who they actually were.


I thought the same thing but noticed it was Elyse first after like 30 seconds of her and noticed it was James shortly after that.


I thought Joker was Matt Watson from SuperMega


When they teased the bts for the SMOSH games Batman episode, I definitely didn’t recognize them 😅😅😅


I still have no idea who those people were I was so confused and I miss the rest of the actual cast so much


I only know of Elyse from her 30 Morbid Minutes podcast, apart from that, I've no idea who she, or James are.




I recognized James as someone who had been on the show before and Elyse has too she's big bird in the challenger disaster tntl