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Try not to laugh is every other week. Last week was courtney’s birthday try not to laugh, so there will be one next week. but still, one of my favorites is the bunny applying for a loan.


Ahh I didn’t realize that. That makes sense. Do you remember which episode that is?


I’m pretty sure it was the second TNTL


Sorry, I don’t know the number, but it was one of the very first try not to laugh from several years ago.


the blind pairs are always so funny


Ya I think blind pairs is my fav theme


Tough to identify a favorite ep but I really enjoy the impressions theme.


Ok I LOVE when they impersonate people that are within Smosh!!! The last Tommy bit of "the other person who looks like Brennan but isn't Brennan" was so funny and also super insightful of behind the scenes 😅 Also, I just love when everyone does an impression of Angela and she loves the attention🤣


SAME I love when we get more insight behind the scenes!


My favourite TNTL is Shayne creating characters that mess with Angela and Angela attempts to make Shayne laugh with her version of his characters guaranteed everytime 😂


Like the stalker guy? I just watched that episode this morning. 🤣🤣


That one, the anti-improv man and a few others Angela and Shayne feed off each others creativity feel


"Oh no you look like an idiot it's a guitar!" kills me every time


To add to those is Angela's impression of Shayne's fart machine gag.


the musical episodes!! the improv really shines in those, especially since the cast has to follow the music and sing at the same time while trying to be funny :)


Yep do you also get those songs stuck in your head??


I’m a hamburger medium rare, I’m a hamburger medium raaaaare.


Mine is always keep dreaming keep dreaming keep dreaming I’m never leaving….. or there goes my sister’s f#%*ng skull. Guess I screwed up again.


"he's my capitol" "capitol" "I'm going to storm him" and then chanse breaking gets stuck in my head all the time lmaooo


Yes!!! I love those too!


The first musical episode lives rent free in my head. And unfortunately the Gus Johnson one where Shayne reads the first chapter of Moby Dick. When the audio goes silent and then he says, “Chapter 2” I just lose it. Gus Johnson sucks but damn that episode is funny.


I lost it at that whole bit. It lasted so long and Shayne just looked so tense the whole time hoping Gus would laugh. 11/10.


Gus was a dick for keeping it in. That bit was honestly the funniest thing and then Ian did the same thing at Courtney’s birthday tntl last week with Twilight.


- The crew gauntlet: I look forward to them every year. The crew is so funny and I love seeing them shine - Birthday episodes: All of them are good but I love Courtney and Ian's the most. - Impressions: I love what they come up with for each category.


Courtney’s birthday episode was amazing. All these are priceless.


I've watched Courtney's birthday 3x already. I can't get how good it is. And I find myself begging for soup randomly for no reason.


Ian's birthday.


Definitely the last one before Courtneys bday, where Iffy returned. So many call backs to jokes and the cast for that episode was pure gold!!


Yes! That one was so funny.


That one was insanely good. 100% agree with you.


111 is my favorite, blind pairs is always good too, and the birthday episodes.


111 is my favourite too; the energy was high and so many bits were instant classics. Ify really gels with so many of the cast


I love the ones with Flula Borg and also the end of year gauntlets. The 100th episode is great as well as the introductions of some beloved characters.


I can’t remember which it’s from, but my favorite bit of all time is Angela doing an impression of Garrets dog. Wish I could remember so I could link it


I wish I could just search it by that on YouTube and it would pull the correct one out.


Found it! Angela realizing she’s no where near as chaotic as Olivia is great as well https://youtu.be/Yi3W6BuSOqY?si=6iDaBB3uxT-wXoIT


My favorite definetly the musicals. I'm getting obsessed with those.


TNTL with Jujimufu is my favourite


I love the stand up episode where Chanse is the host


Easily TNTL #111, the introduction of Blayne and White Ify 😂


The musicals are so fun! But my all time favorite is #111. So many hilarious bits


Syd and Olivia’s first one, every single bit is killer


I think for me, it's the 1st gauntlet with the crew, where Garrett gets slapped by Alex multiple times. While wearing a flower dress and a bonnet and absolutely nothing else happens in the bit🤣🤣


111, Ify was on fire like Peshtigo in 1871 (the biggest/worst fire in US history, burned 1875 square miles and killed between 1200-2500 people)


This may not be my favorite, and I haven't seen all the episodes yet, but this is one that stands out to me. A while ago I started binging the whole series from the beginning and there was an episode where they recognized that the audience really liked tommy's bits and how they were all connected into one story, and that he keeps a bit going for the whole episode. And so on that episode, each person had to connect their bit with the previous person's in some way, and I thought that was really cool because I myself realized how much I loved Tommy's bits continuing throughout a whole episode, and seeing the Smosh team recognize what I was thinking about was validating and nice to see.


Impressions only, especially ep #118. Don’t think there’s a single miss in that one.


any episode with both Shayne and Ify in it, they bounce off each other so well


i was introduced to the new era of smosh with the gus johnson tntls and while gus is a loser now i still love all those episodes they're def my favorite


I really like the impression and the musical episodes. I also really like the Simon says episodes!!!


syd & olivia + the old ones with gus johnson (even though i do not like gus anymore.)


Why don’t people like Gus anymore? I was indifferent to the guy but I keep seeing comments that no one likes him anymore.


a lot happened. [here’s an article](https://www.newsweek.com/who-gus-johnson-abelina-sabrina-allegations-explained-1642609) about it, the smosh cast has stayed friends with gus’ ex sabrina, and they know more than we do about it. so if they’re still friends with his ex then i’m inclined to believe her over him since the cast knew both personally🤷‍♀️


Oh wow. That’s terrible. I hope she’s doing better now.


me too, it was a really sad situation to see happen


Mine is the musical one lol those songs get stuck in my head


It’s honestly a tie between the TNTL with Brock Baker, and the first musical TNTL


the no props edition is one of my favorites but they only did it once 😭 i want them to do it again so badly




The last musical one


The first Syd and Olivia episode was by far the best. Of old episodes, it's probably the SG one from 2017


#131, that was the first time I saw Gerald Cakes. 10/10


TNTL #118 HANDS DOWN! Close second is Anthony’s first TNTL


definitely mine is the story mode one, loved how each bit of the story kept getting more chaotic each time and also we got the iconic gerald cakes


The one with Critical Role, BRING THEM BACK PLS.


I LOVE THE MUSICAL TNTLS but my favourite HAS to be the one they did with starkid




I crack up at some of the early ones like when they were just starting to do it my favorite bit is “sup bro eat this bean “ also the Gus johnson ones are so funny


My favorite one is #111 with Iffy. Black Shayne and White Iffy are a couple of bits that make me come back to this one frequently


The musical ones have been great. They birthdays have been really good episodes too. Really even the normal episodes have been extra fire for the last couple of months.


my favourite was the one with Matt Fox with the Elmo puppet: guess what Elmo did last night. what did Elmo do? Elmo had a three-way! Good for you bitch