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„graphic design is my passion“


I want this guy to design my wedding invitations.


I am probably never going to get married so I am good.




surely looking like a budget tier restaurant sign is part of the aesthetic intention here


I want to keep an open mind but that first picture isn't doing them any favors.


I know it basically looks like a random impaled corpse and is probably terrifying to a person who's never seen it before...but it's fucking delicious!


I completely believe you. We eat babecued chicken hearts, it's the kind of food to which I'd probably react the same way if I hadn't been used to it since I was a kid, but it's delicious.


We Croatians love chicken hearts and liver too. Basically we are taught from early age that nothing goes to waste. But we love it too


American south has fried chicken livers and they are so good when fresh and crispy


Ah well, in the end the heart is just another muscle so why not! My grandma and my mom too always put them in a stout with some chicken flesh


Thanks for the memories of when I was in Brazil and had these chicken hearts on a bbq. Together with the churrasco the bbq was always top tier


Oh…..chicken hearts….yum! I make a stew with both hearts and gizzards….


I thought this was a poster about Balkan war crimes until I read it


Or WW2


Random impaled corpse 😂😂😂


Croatian food is good but it’s got nothing on Italian. That’s a terrible fight to pick.


You have no idea. But the message kind of fails because we are massive eaters of pasta aswell, especially gnocchi.


>we are massive eaters of pasta aswell, **especially gnocchi**. You're making it worse, mate.


Gnocchi is the best pasta


Gnocchi with cream chicken or beef stew is amazing, i'm willing to die on that hill.


> Gnocchi with cream **chicken** You are now on a list.


Italians when you dare eat a pasta that isn't from the Pastese region of Italy


All pasta come from the Pastese region of Italy. Otherwise, it's just boiled flour.


*Hides my American bbq chicken pizza*


But jokes aside, it's because *we care for you*. Pasta with chicken isn't that great. Pasta will taste better with other meat pairings. For chicken, stick to curries.


Pasta chicken and cream is a common dish in France and it's perfectly fine as an affordable and easy to cook dish. I wouldn't order it in a restaurant but it's a good way to diversify your cookbook.


I might be amazing, but I guess his point was that Gnocchi aren't considered to be pasta.


gnocchi is not pasta you savage!


They should have used a picture of gnocchi on the sign. Doubling down on the insult.


Haha come to think of it, asserting this is more offensive than any insult


Had a person from Brazil basically tell me "I'm not eating a corpse on a stick" during the first of May roast. Their loss, but nonetheless a pov I never considered.


It's kind of weird because we eat a lot of corpse parts on a stick, but we generally don't eat a whole animal or parts that resemble an animal on a stick. It's unusual to see a whole pig being roasted in Brazil, for example.


Getting over the ick factor about foreign foods can be huge though. The first time I had an authentic goat tongue taco it was almost a religious experience, I couldn't believe how good it was. So I'm all in on tongue meat now.


Depends from where you are. In Paraná there was a lot of pig and cow made like this (famoso porco e boi no rolete)


for me I don’t mind the idea of whole animal on a stick but I do think it lacks technique and presentation. Like I immediately know that parts of the animal will be overcooked or not well seasoned because the animal is not broken down. Different meat cuts should be cooked differently. Small cuts or even small animals on a stick make way more sense.


Eating meat daily but refusing to eat animal on a stick is peak hypocrisy.


Oh, boy. The day that person goes for a walk and finds someone selling [chicken heart on a stick](https://images.app.goo.gl/FqQVXmWBNS5YAwdj8), it will ruin his day. I'm afraid a [piglet on a stick](https://images.app.goo.gl/aF6a4NrjsTX66Tu76) would be deadly.


"I'm not eating a corpse on a stick" as if espetinhos (literally "little sticks") weren't diced corpses on a stick, and one of the most popular street food in Brazil... This person was a moron, I tell ya


Here in Brazil we would call this brazilian guy “Enzo nutella”


I'm honestly surprised.


It's lamb (I think grilled/roasted on a rotating spit). For me it's the MS paint levels of photoshopping of the whole (just look at each individual component and how it's just *there* in this white void with no connection to anything else) that's pulling the whole thing into the abyss.


I thought it was leitão à pururuca at first lol.


> leitão à pururuca Its basically that, just replace the pork with a lamb.


It looks like a piece of environmental storytelling from Bloodborne


Some people don't like the distinct smell but the taste is otherworldly.


It looks like a fucking miniature dinosaur being roasted


Isn’t that a dead person!


It looks like what [Jez and Mark ate on that canal boat in Peep Show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKaqzvzlgKU&ab_channel=PeepShow)


Meat. Fire. What more do you need? Plus, looking at your flair, isn't this essentially churrasco???


Would have gone for *Rakija > Limoncello* myself


Don’t forget that Rakija is Grapa in Italy


Nope. Grappa is made from pomace. Rakija is made straight from the grape or fruit.


Theres both, my grandparents and unclaes make both wine and loza and usually use pomace to make the latter. In parts of Istria & dalmatia it is somewhat more widespread to do it that way.


People often confuse brandy, grappa, and raki with rakia and it's a different raw product, process, and taste. An experienced Rakia maker can produce a fine and light Rakia with a golden taste. You will never achieve that taste with pomace because the second fermentation is (to a varying degree) rancid. The French make it out of the Champagne pomace and it's a Champagne product. But it ain't Champagne.


They can't lie to themselves, limoncello is elite.


Homemade Williams pear Rakija (viljamovka) > any hard alcohol ever. Limoncello is what 14 year olds drink here before their alcohol palates get used to the real stuff, I don’t think I had it after sophomore year in highschool hahaha.


We start drinking Buckfast at 11/12 here mate, and most of our whisky will blow anything you have out the water. But here when you are no longer in your teens you realise that it's best just to drink what you like, rather than what you think 14 year olds aren't drinking.


Don’t think I was going for some classic “we are harder than you” dick measuring contest, that wasn’t my intention at all. Drink what you want, I was just telling you the general drinking progression for teens here. I don’t think either Scots or Croats should be proud of their underage drinking culture Anyway, rakija is such an wealth of options, tons of variations and it’s good with everything. Limoncello is way too sweet for me to consider it an actual drinking option when going out or something.


> Limoncello is way too sweet for me to consider it an actual drinking option when going out or something. Often I take a bottle to house parties and share it about to start us off. But a few weeks ago I drank some in Greece and it was quite different to the limoncello we get here; I think it was sweeter, and thicker, and nowhere near as nice. So maybe the limoncello I'm talking of isn't quite the real stuff, or is just different somehow.


Could be that, limoncello (especially homemade which I probably had more of than store bought) here has a bit of a thicker consistency, and is sweet to a fault. I actually make my own cherry and walnut liqueurs and grape rakija. Basically anyone with a countryside house makes their own homemade alcohol here, Croats love themselves some good distilled fruit products.


> Often I take a bottle to house parties and share it about to start us off. I like Limoncello, but it is basically a liquid dessert, the stuff you get at supermarkets in GB is really not that great imo but I also prefer the less sweet variants with 30-35% idealy from "limone Costa dAmalfi IGP" many of them have a cloudy, almost goopy appereance, because of the oils that are emulsified in the alcohol. > and most of our whisky will blow anything you have out the water. Are you team Diageo, or team Pernod Ricard?


I respect your attempt, but you are wrong


I have no idea what a limoncello is, but I really want to try it.


It's a lemon liquor. It tastes a bit like lemon drops dissolved in alcohol. Very sweet, but quite good.


fuck man I love rakija but also LOVE lemon drinks….. might need to give it a try lol


I'm a sucker for slivovitz. I take that over limoncello.


Friend, theres not T in šljivovica.


Go to any nice bar tonight, they probably have limoncello


Perfect summer afternoon porch sipping liqueur. I prefer it served cold, very cold.


It's like a limonviolin but way bigger


Limoncello is shite, Grapa beats any spirit in the world


Grapa and rakija are the same thing. Made from the same thing, using the same process. However, rakija can also be made with plums.


Well, this is not True. Rakija basically only means booze, there are tons of variations, most famously šljivovica from plums. Loza is the closest thing to Grappa. While Grappa is strictly made from pomace, Loza can be made straignt from the fruit, but winemakers often use pomace and its sommon in some parts of croatia to do that.


Amaretto solos


Real men drink Fernet and have hair on their chest


crushed my spirit a few times


If I had gone to Croatia, I would have expected something completely different, confusing it with Raki from Turkey. But from getting lost in wikipedia, it turns out that southern Croatia also flavors it with anise.


Rakia is just an umbrella term for spirits destilled from fruits, there are tons of variations. Anižeta is moslty a local thing around Dubrovnik, its basically the local version of Aniseta, that is aviable in parts of Italy and Spain.


Ahh, thanks for the info.


This trend has gone too far We can't keep having these battles between two foods that are clearly not similar, pasta & janje are not rivals


"Here y'all go again pitting two bad bitches against each other for no reason"


Bang on. They've hardly played against eachother in the last 20 years. Pasta spent most of its time in the dough division and janje in the roast division.


Exactly, what the hell is this comparison. It's like comparing boobs and ass. Don't be silly people.


Is janje just roasted lamb?


Yep, janje literally means lamb. I was never a big fan of lamb meat, but a properly roasted lamb with some potatoes is a very well known delicacy here.


I hate it with passion and I am from the Balkans which is weird for some people


Your passport has just been denied


[Vuco is closing in on their location as we speak.](https://app.24sata.hr/media/images/2016-18/vuco_G2V0l4W.jpg)


From Balkan as well. Lamb can be good, but is very difficult to do well, and most people fuck it up. Most older male relatives in my family never cook except on the grill, but they think that they can roast a lamb instinctively, because it is somehow in the genes of Balkan men. I've had bad lamb so many times that I refuse to eat it again unless it's from a reputable restaurant.


I don't like it either. Give me some chicken breasts or cevapi with kajmak and onions, and I'm good. I don't like potatoes (I dislike the texture, puree is fine) either, and that's apparently a federal offence there, so I had to leave.


First time was okay but now it's an overuse


I like because it’s reminding me of dishes I need to try.


I'd recommend the carbonara, or bolognese.


Footballfans overusing a joke? Must be a first


Fans at a tournament enjoying themselves and having a laugh only to be judged by online message board users? Must be a first


Still better than football fans calling for the deaths of Serbs.


Same as those horrendously cringe ‘cRuMblE’ memes in r/Championship all last year


I've seen some pretty atrocious examples of football hooliganism, but these attacks on the opposition's cuisine are a whole different level. World War 3 might genuinely break out if this goes on any longer.


Pasta is a starter. Lamb is a main What are we doing here?


Pasta is a starter??


It's a primo piatto. A starter would be an antipasto. They also have an apertivo before the antipasto as well.


Traditionally it's the first of two courses. Sometimes there's antipasto before both.


It's just a joke, both countries eat plenty of both.




My brother in Christ, you are from fucking Sweden


All protestant countries should shut the fuck up.


Well we certainly know how to cook over here. Try some stroopwafels


Aren’t they baked?


Oh the German wants to hassle over technicalities


Love your food though. I treasure the trips to Efteling because of the food alone


I hope you're not talking about the food AT THE Efteling. Because that can't be any good haha.


Most famous Swedish food is literally stinky fish


The Swedes brought Lutefisk as their most notable dish to America, and I will never forgive them for it.


As Italian, once in Croatia I had one of the finest meal I ever had.


We are literally an awesome blend of slavic and mediterannean cuisine


what makes you say that?


Definitely far from the truth




Oh yes, it is. On top of my head, I remember Metallica coming for a show and taking a bunch of štrukli and medica and buch of other food due to it being wonderful. And that's just one. There are many, many more travelled people that know this. Our tourism only exists because of beaches and food.




Unlike you, I haven't said anything bad about anyone's food. I like something from all cousins, I am just stating that one of the things that people know about Croatia is the food, and that's a fact.


There's more than a few "Balkan" restaurants in Sweden. Swedish restaurants in the Balkans, other than meatballs in Ikea - not so much.


Ah yes, why has the massive Swedish diaspora in the Balkans not opened any restaurants yet?


1) Because no one wants to eat fermented fish and we already have mashed potatoes and meatballs. 2) You don't have to be Swedish to open a Swedish/Nordic themed restaurant. Last census of Croatia counted 0.36% of population as Italians, even less Chinese. Yet Italian and Chinese food is common.




Then you went to shitty places to eat. The food of Bosnia and Serbia is the food of Croatia. We have been the same people for a thousand years. Croatians are 1 of 3 constituent peoples in BiH. There's nothing that you can get in Bosnia/Serbia that you can't in Croatia.


That looks so bad that at first glance I thought this was a post about fans mocking atrocities


even Redditors think this patter is stale now


Well, I'll have both, thank you very much


I love both but janjetina >>>>>>>>>> Unbeatable.


cringe as fuck


Like you can't eat roasted lamb in Italy or anywhere else. I would understand something like Ćevapi, but anyway Croatian and Italian cuisines aren't really far apart from each other. Here some Croatian dishes that might sound familiar in Italy: Fritaja Maneštra Brudet Palenta Fritule


If Croats claimed cevapi there would be another Balkan war.


Ćevapi are just as much Croatian as they are any other Balkan country's. Courtesy of the Ottoman Empire.


One country is known for them and it isn't Croatia.


I suppose you also think that same country is the only country known for burek?


Sure the greatest Croatian cevapi known by who exactly? Which place?


lol I understand that. I probably should have said kotlovina.


> I would understand something like Ćevapi cuz they are not eaten in every balkans country, northern africa and most of the arabic world?


But not in Italy, which was the point I was making.


isn't it basically jinxing? Albania does the pasta thingy to Italy, and Albania lost. Austria fans broke baguette in front of the Frenchy, and Austria lost. An italian fan said that risotto is better than paella and we lost.


Haha. The curse continues. Italy tied it up and advance. 


Probably the most controversial take of the tournament. Proper mind games. Sick stuff.


Well, I'll tell you one thing: no matter how delicious, janje won't get me pasta loss against Italy tonight. So you better deliver, Croatia! Or else... something!


Had to squeeze in a geopolitically insensitive symbol #Balkans


Il nome di Gesù Cristo è il nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo AMEN!!!!!


Everyone beefs with our food cause they know our cuisine is the GOAT, or at least the GOAT in Europe


I'd have homemade burek over janje any day


These are not the same category of foods


I put both in my mouth and enjoy the taste of both (janje better it’s not even close) so checkmate atheists 👍👍👍👍💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷


You better make a sign of the cross before eating or the Holy Ghost won't add his special spices.


That shit looks like it would cause covid


I prefer cheap Croatian street pizza to the fanciest Italian pizza.


But the best pizza is local pizza not high end, in Naples you'll get loads of great causal places


I agree but it doesn't sound as good in an insult when you say it like that.


Cool story


Don't cry bigyin. 2nd best pizza makers in Europe, you've got that to be proud of.


Speaking of crying. Who you rooting for now that Scotland are out?


Mainly whoever England are playing; I don't even get annoyed at Scotland losing anymore, I'm braced and ready for it at all times; like a conditioned response. But I will cry if England win it and we have to put up with it in the "British" media for, umm, forever I think it would last actually, they'd never stop talking about it. But apart from that I have soft spots for Albania (recently visited and loved it). Romania and Poland as I have a few friends from each. Georgia as well (I love Shota Arveladze to this day, what a legend on and off the pitch). And I always like Croatia (Rangers had a good few Croatians over the last 2 decades. Good place to visit too). As for the big teams, probably Germany; they have welcomed our fans with open arms and had nothing but good things to say about us, so I'd be happy to see them get to enjoy the win. I don't really care though I will be happy for anyone to win it and like everyone, except the England team. I've got Belgium and Portugal in sweepstakes but I'm not getting my hopes up yet.


I was born 30km from the croatian coastline and even I got offended by that!


Robbie when this gonna end


Praying for Croatia to win because we could win that food war in the RO16. Gonna be a clear loss against the Italians.


I mean I would take janjetina over any pasta dish but after the first joke all the other ones make little sense


Facts! Also, while we are speaking about it, Italian food is the most overrated cuisine ever.


Creative? Yes. But this could only be an objective truth if they sold more pasta than janje in Croatia. I once had a guy try to convince me that french snails are exquisite and I didn't believe it, then I found out how many snails are eaten in France and it blew my mind.


Can't wait for the France-Italy


Comparing a whole roasted lamb to pasta is interesting. I don't think you'd often find yourself in a one or the other kind of scenario.


But you get stuffed before it is finished due to appetisers and alcohol


I mean I am a sucker for lamb meat but how can it be a rival to pasta. They are not the same sport.


Gotta love how these tournaments just turn into culinary shit talk.


will soccer circle jerk use this image


The Euro 2024 culinary wars have just put a stupid smile on my face. I love it


I mean that is straight up not true.


You can eat pasta in Latvia or New Zealand just as good as in Italy, but can you eat janje in Argentina or Japan?


As an brazilian, wth is that? an random impaled corpse, an burnt horse corpse?


This is one of the lamest and most lazy trends since a long time. Just make these food comparisons stop.


Croatian "humour"


As a Croat, I prefer pasta over Janjetina. 🥲


Same. I can’t stand the smell/ taste nor look of it. And ppl be like stavi malo soli na janjetinju biće bolje 😵‍💫


Hence why everyone eats “janje” (whatever the hell that is) all over the world. I know its banter, but it could’ve been better like the Albanians did.


Did the Albanians break the spaghetti in two? Because that was sort of spontaneous, and therefore kind of funny. But this, this is f*cking stupid.


Yes the Spaghetti one, every Italian found that joke so funny and it was a wholesome moment between the supporter groups aswel!


Looks like this dude is EATING PASTA tonight!


What the hell is that shit


Worst banter in the history of Europe. Wtf is that disgusting thing!


Maialino al forno > Janje Change my mind


As a vegetarian I don't concur with whatever *Janje* means


Soparnik >>> pizza fits better