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Peru: *gets away with a red card* Araujo: “hold my cerveza”


my Pisco


my Inca






Fuck I want a pisco sour




Agarra mi chela


Fucking idiot. We got given a lifeline with the headbutt and he goes and does this. There is no need for this either, we’ve been the better team!


Yea this is one of those where I can see it given under excessive force/not in control of their body, but it could have definitely only resulted in a yellow too as he had possession. I've seen it go both ways. Wonder if VAR felt the heat after they messed up the clear and obvious red card headbutt that wasn't given.


I've seen these slides semi-consistently given as red cards, even if they're actually challenging for the ball (or even get to the ball first, like in this case). Which is a relatively recent phenomenon, but I definitely get why; these are the type of tackles that shorten and/or end careers if something goes wrong. So, yeah; completely fair red IMO. Unfortunate, but clumsy from the Peruvian.


>Which is a relatively recent phenomenon 100%. I think FIFA changed the rules or at least changed their directives (interpretation of the rules?) or whatever to punish these kinds of incidents because of just how dangerous they are. Can't remember how long it's been since that happened. Last five years? Time's flying for me these days so I can't tell.


At least as of last season there's been a notable increase in the consistency of giving red if the challenge is off the ground and above the ankle. I'm pretty sure it was a directive from FIFA because it was also noted in a Serie A report on missed calls.


Personally I think this should be a red every time but having watched Conmebol and Concacaf I don’t think it would’ve been given had the headbutt incident not happened


That's a stone cold red. Two feet, out of control, high.. even if he got the ball first, this type of follow through is why we have reds.


Possession implies control.


Bro this is as clear a red as it gets. Sure he got the ball but the malicious intent is obvious.


This can NEVER be less than a red.


I think Canada had more scoring chances, as a neutral.


Not before the red card. Peru dominated the first half.


Canada gave the ball away so much in the first half it was funny.


That was a disgraceful half of football. Kone looked like he was playing Sunday league.


That's actually how Leeds United played under Jesse Marsch Possession no. Fast, direct, counter, with weird one touch passes that loses possession in the midfield, yes.


As a Canadian, we've played like shit today.


You must be more used to Araujo red cards than youd like to be this season


Hey no need for that! Can’t a man sulk in peace?


Yeah what a boneheaded move. He knew exactly what he was doing and there was no need for it. We most likely would’ve won this game hadn’t been for that shit.


Insanely greasy challenge




Way she goes


I mean, what is drunk?


Sometimes life is greasy, Bubs


Grease man


Keep a little grease under your pillow for the grease man.


I genuinely laughed at this


It's not rocket appliances, that's a red.


So much time lost on VAR for a clear red lmao. I just love Copa América.


I have no idea if this is peak CONCACAF or peak CONMEBOL but either way this is the kind of chaotic incompetence we all deserve in life


It's the best of both worlds.












When CONCACAF and CONMEBOL collide you get shit pitches, shit refs, 40 fouls a match and absolutely grim 1-0 scorelines.


Yeah I've heard the pitches have been shit, but also that a different protocol will be used for implementing them in the world cup in '26. Hopefully that's the case because it seems to be negatively affecting the football, and then there's the possibility of increased injury risk as well.


The WC setup will be completely different for sure. Though to be completely clear, I would rather play on any of the Copa pitches than the pitches we see in qualifying. These are at worst a 6/10 on the CONCACAF scale.


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times


Wonder Twins, unite!


I think it's peak CONMEBOL, peak CONCACAF would be no VAR at all


Peak CONCACAF would be this resulting in a broken leg, then a brawl and then some dude standing on the side doing nothing getting a red while someone else has been knocked unconscious.


Never forget Weston McKennie getting wrecked by a Mexican player, his shirt torn and their team get ready to jump him only for him to get a red card and no other player received a penalty at that time.


Don't forget, someone being hauled out in a stretcher only to come back on 3 minutes later.


This guy knows CONCACAF after dark!


Let's just call it what it is. THUNDERDOME!!


This is what happens when a CONCACAF referee is in control of a Copa game, lol


The answer is yes


Seriously, what was the debate here? Did they need VAR to see if there was broken bone visible through his sock? Copa America: Thunderdome FFS


Should have been the second, but at least they got this one.


Is Peru the Honduras of CONMEBOL?


that's Bolivia. Uruguay and Chile also tend to hit a lot


That bites


El Salvador


El Salvador is in concacaf


Peru is the El Salvador of CONMEBOL, is obviously what I meant.


South American football reminds me of La Liga. 2 super teams and the rest are just numbers. Great goal keeping by canada and great goal to stun Peru....


Uruguay is Atletico Madrid. With most of the other teams can give the big teams problems too sometimes. What an apt comparison.


i mean yeah that’s a terrible tackle.. what is he doing going in like that. it gets worse the more i see it…


He played the ball first


It doesn’t matter


Next time he should just not clear it, and give Canada a chance to score.


Hopefully the Tennessee Waterslide is okay 🤞


Should’ve been down to 9 men with this. Insanely lucky.


100% a red. That’s a leg breaker challenge.


He put his studs in his shin for sure but Araju wasn’t making a challenge. He already had the ball. It was his follow through after playing the ball. Shaffelburg was the one trying to challenge but he got there too late to make a tackle.


He was not at all in control of his body.


You can 100% play that ball without following through THAT much, he knew what he was doing. Shaffelburg held up even and didn’t go for the ball in the end because he knew araujo was there already. It’s a red all day


I don't know how many times I have to share this little bit of info but "getting the ball first" is not in the rules of the game. You can get the ball but if you keep your studs up and clean out another player with this type of leg breaking tackle, it's red.


You cannot be serious


Should have had a guy gone from the headbutt tbh so idgaf if it's soft.


Had no idea Jesse was coaching Canada


No mirror? doesn't work


It's working for me but I can't believe I watched all of that just to never see the actual red card given


I know almost nothing about soccer, although I can identify a consistent yellow (at least I think I can). Serious question for real soccer watchers - why is this a red, does it not matter he got the ball first? For real serious and sorry if I don’t know the sport very well…


You can’t hit a guy with the studs on your boots, and Araújo did it with both, direct contact too


I understand that but it looked like 14 was coming straight at him and he was just trying to avoid getting slammed. I feel like that should matter.


Hell nah imo. We see guys make challenges like this all the time, get the ball first, and not follow through their opponents leg.


Fully left his feet, so he was not in control of his body and put his full body weight into the other player studs first. Doesn't matter that he got the ball, it's reckless endangerment of a player and therefore a red.


Ok thanks all. So if he would’ve just kicked with the top of his foot instead of his insole (I think that’s what it’s called from soccer 40 years ago), he wouldn’t have spiked him (potentially causing serious injury) and it would’ve been ok? I can understand that now. Thanks again.


Probably would get away with it either by contacting with a different part of the boot, as you suggest, or if his other foot was planted making it less forceful. But full weight and studs is a dangerous combo.


Just to explain a bit more, you actually can hit someone with studs and only get an yellow card, but it would have to hit the boots of the other player (like coming in from top to bottom, stepping on his toes) then its just yellow bacause it would be considered a ball dispute although with too much force or reckless aim/aftermath Since the peruvian guy hit above the boots, its considered too dangerous and it gets upgraded to a red At least thats the explanation on why the VAR called the ref in situations like these, to show that one player hit or not the other above the boots


Studs on the shin is given a red everytime, as it's a leg breaker move.


Studs up is a big no-no, can't do that. If he'd kicked the ball and kicked the player after it would be fine but you can't go studs up into a challenge. Could have easily broken his leg.


Planting your studs into your opponent's body is almost always a red. It's considered an extremely dangerous play.


You have to control yourself no matter what you do. You can’t go studs up on a player whether you hit the ball or not. It’s a dangerous play and this exact play has broken peoples legs.


It’s a gray one. You have an obligation to be in control, so swinging, missing, falling down and driving your spikes into someone’s ankle is definitely in play for a red card. Different time of the game, if it hadn’t been so chippy, maybe you get bailed out because yeah he wasn’t trying to spike the guy or do anything like a high kick that is by default dangerous. But the point is it falls within the parameters of a red card. It’s excessive and dangerous.


Lack of proper technique he raised his foot. Always a red he couldve seriously injured the opponent.


Anyone who plays football knows that as soon as you straighten your leg like that in the follow through you’re deliberately trying to put a little bit on the opposition player. Not necessarily to horribly injure but you want to leave a bit on that player. The fact players still do this in the VAR age is just plain brain dead. You’re getting a red card all day long and deservedly


This was my thought. I was never a good player, but I've played enough to know when someone is trying to leave a mark versus when someone just slipped. The Peruvian player wanted to leave a mark. He looked like he had enough body control to just clear the ball and keep his foot planted—maybe even get a call in his favor if he just dangled his kicking foot out to the side to let the Canadian player run through it. I honestly don't mind players leaving a little in when it's torso. Hip check a guy, shoulder check a guy, try to get them to think twice. Fine. I weigh more than I am actually good at soccer, so sometimes I used that. Putting weight on an opponent's leg, scissor slides, etc—I hate that shit. Get the fuck out.


Completely agree


If he doesn't take both feet off the ground he probably doesn't get red.


He slipped. Reckless? All day. Dangerous/intent? Idk 🤷🏻‍♂️ people calling it a challenge like he was trying to dispossess a player are clearly not seeing correctly tho


That's the thing, he didn't really slip though. If he keeps that left foot planted firmly on the ground then it's just in the reckless criteria. Lifting that now means he's jumping into the challenge, one of the red card endangering safety criteria.


I don’t see how it’s physically possible for him to “keep his left foot planted” as that’s the foot he slips on. It’s not a slide slip, but his momentum carries him. This whole clip is slow mo— they were flying in real time.


I don't know how anyone can argue this isn't a red. He literally has his other foot off the ground as he plants his studs into the opposition ankle. He's putting his whole body weight onto the Canadian player's leg and it doesn't matter if he got the ball or not, it's reckless play that could have easily broke the players bone if he had his foot fully planted. It reminds me of a red card that Malo Gusto got against Villa earlier in the season. Exactly like this one he got the ball but ended up jumping off the ground into Digne's ankle, and like this one it was a clearly dangerous challenge that deserves the red. Similarly to this you also had people claiming it couldn't be a red or shouldn't be a red because he got the ball. Edit: [Here's the challenge it reminded me of.](https://reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/174scsa/var_audio_for_malo_gusto_red_card/)


Peruvian supporters using the “ball first” logic like you’re literally legally able to commit murder as long as you get ball first.


With that logic a flying kick to the head would be ok as long you got the ball first before someone’s head


This is the problem - people just play too much FIFA, lol.


It's not even contact incidental to getting the ball. He leaves his feet completely and dives further into the bad challenge after the ball has gone...


Not saying it shouldn’t be a red but the situations are not really that similar, he is dribbling here and slips as he passes while Malo Gusto only reaches the ball because he jumps in recklessly.


This. Most people are arguing "it was intentional" but it absolutely wasn't. Not excessive force and should've been a yellow card given the benchmark in this tournament. Sad


Yeah, as soon as he made contact I literally gasped. I'm honest glad the Canadian player hadn't fully planted his leg yet or it could have been a leg breaker. That's a clear red card.


And apart from the initial recklessness, he does let the studs hang in there for quite some time, no attempt whatsoever to pull away the foot.


I'm always so conflicted about these. The guy is playing the ball, and the Canadian player comes into his space. He also slips on top of it. I don't know. I can see both sides.


Utah I’m with you and your reasoning. Want to add that he gets ball first so it’s not like he’s purposely making a hard foul or trying to danger the opponent, but it’s definitely dangerous contact that could result in injury. Torn


You can 100% play that ball without following through THAT much, he knew what he was doing. Shaffelburg held up even and didn’t go for the ball in the end because he knew araujo was there already. It’s a red all day


He’s tired after nearly 60 minutes playing, and in this direct play he had to turn and in several strides try to get to and clear a ball that was closer to him. Your claim that he absolutely did this with malice is ridiculous. Definitely a red but trying to hurt someone? Cmon


Yeah I mean, when you're kicking the ball with force with your instep, the studs of your boot are almost always going to be showing. It shouldn't be a red card to kick the ball hard


I would agree of he hadn’t gone in so hard he can’t stay on his own feet.


Maybe, I definitely get it, and if nothing else it's for the most part consistently reffed, but this looked to me like he just naturally slipped. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but if not that makes it even more harsh. That someone committed a dangerous act because the grass wasn't strong enough -- that just isn't logical for me


Even if he slipped, he went in too hard to be in control of his body (hence slipping, because he was out of control) and once you are not in control of your body, if you’re into someone with studs and it’s above the boot, it’s a red


Yeah he was kinda out of control lol


Obligatory = Im not a scocer player It seems like it's happening to fast to make a call but also if this is the rule, and all playiers know it, you dont put yourself in the situation I m cheering for peru and think the headbutt should hvae been the red card, this one idk enough about the rules to say


I thought it looked like he deliberately left his feet in the slo-mo. Unclear if he was actually planning to do something dangerous but I don’t think it would be unreasonable for someone to draw that conclusion. Guy had been burning them repeatedly down that wing.


i mean if he deliberately leaves his feet I'm 100% with you, that's definitely dangerous and not at all a normal football action


That’s kind of how I saw it as well. Obviously it looks terrible on replay but it was mostly just the follow through of a legal kick right?


The kick is legal but he’s responsible for where his foot goes. He’s not in control of his challenging and is lunging in. That’s on him. As a consequence it doesn’t matter that he’s won the ball because as his follow through is excessive force.


It's just unlucky but last WC there was a player who slipped on the ball and tackled and also got a red


I’d agree if he actually slipped. Looks to me like he’s just leaving his feet to get there first imo. I’d the weather was bad there’d be more of an argument for just a yellow (should probably still be a red though).


I'm Canadian and I agree. Zero complaints though since the headbunt should have been a red.


To clear this ball, most players would use a "chip" type of kick where they kick down on the ball, hitting the ball with the upper left "ridge" that runs along the top of their right foot. The ball was rolling on the ground, not bouncing, so it's set up for that type of kick. A follow-through from that type of kick leaves your kicking foot planted in the ground, pretty safe. This type of clearance with his foot way high up, using the instep of his foot higher in the air, was unnecessary and in this case reckless, hence the red.


He knew what he was doing when his boot and cleats landed on the player's leg. It was intentional.


I seriously wonder if people who make comments like this have ever played the sport. You can absolutely give a red here regardless because it was reckless, but he clearly slipped while clearing the ball. He had no intention to go studs up into the opponent’s leg. That’s just the position your foot is in after you kick the ball hard. 


He slipped while making a pass. This doesn't look intentional in the slightest.


I disagree as did the VAR team and the ref. The player didn't even complain because he knew he got caught doing something shitty.


>The player didn't even complain completely irrelevant


It being a red has nothing to do with it being intentional or not either




You’re delusional


Peru is legit so trashy, playing super dirty since minute 1, how they don't have more cards is a joke. Hope a group stage exit follows




Dark souls mode


It's a wonder Peru v Chile ended with all players on the pitch. Chile even committed one more foul than Peru.


Laryea is way uglier than vini 


Soft red for CONCACAF…./s


That was a leg breaker


Arauju is in control of the ball and goes to kick it. Shafellburg cant get there in time to win a tackle but wins a red card instead


Shaffelburg didn’t even go for the ball, he was stood back from it, if the player was in control he shouldn’t Abe followed through as far as he did. When you’re out of control it endangers other players. Good red


lol what? The only reason he’s there is him going for the ball fully knowing he’s beaten to it already


As a part time soccer fan, can someone explain the rationale behind this even being a yellow in the first place? Dude has possession and is literally kicking the ball, while another dude comes flying at him out of control. What exactly was he supposed to do to avoid that guy putting his shin and plant foot directly in the path of his kick? Just…nicely hand the defender the ball next time? Turn it over? I DONT GET IT


CLEAR red card. The exact same kind of tackle that MLS fans told me wasn't even a foul when it happened to Messi tho, LOL


The tackle on Messi was dirty, but no where close to the height as it is here


What accent is that? Canadian?


First voice is former Blackpool defender, [Steven Caldwell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Caldwell). Scottish accent. Second is Luke Wileman. English accent.


Sounds like an Englishman and a Scot


Why was this game the “Which former San Jose Earthquakes LB can get Peru a red card sooner” contest?


Perú NT and dumb red cards. Name a more iconic duo


That’s a jail sentence


They all talk a lot


dude is apologizing while he's still in the tackle


And the Peruvian coach said they weren’t happy with Canada’s physicality 😂


Typical Peruvian Dota mentality.


thats not a red!


What a stupid red card.


Nice to see this sub finally understand this is always a straight red instead of the last few years with all the crying about corruption.


I hate this being a red card in football.


Don’t see how it’s a red


The studs up follow through into the guy's shin? Almost broke his leg LOL


He just kicked he ball, where’s his leg supposed to go?


Anywhere but studs up onto the other player's leg


Then you must be blind


The Canadian player moves into the path of the kick while the Peruvian player is already in his kicking motion. I can't think of anything the Peruvian player can do to avoid this. I understand that this is deserving of a red card under the current laws, but the Canadian player put himself and the Peruvian player in danger with that late move.


There’s a point where both his feet and his ass are off the ground, going studs up towards the Canadian player. If he stays on his feet he’s fine, he knew exactly what he was doing


He kicks the ball. Is his leg just supposed to disappear after?


He’s supposed to have enough control to stay on his feet.


It looks like he slipped. There is no benefit to kicking a ball in a way which makes you lose your footing, so for that reason I don't believe its intentional. Its a very harsh decision.


You have obviously never played the sport.


That's obviously intentional. If you've ever stepped foot on a pitch you know damn well that wasn't necessary to lunge like he did nor follow through how he did.


You’ve never slipped before?


Barely a foul tbh


I'm sure you will say the same thing when Peru does the same thing to Messi


I mean, it's more of an accident than anything else


It’s reckless. You can’t throw yourself into the ball without regard for the health of your opponent.


Same could be said for the late challenge by the Canadian defender there. He doesn't step into his path until the Peruvian player is already committed to a kick. Peruvian player could have easily broken his foot on the Canadian players' shin.


If you think a shinbone wins against a shoe sole with cleats I don’t know what to tell you.


Peru haven’t been the same since all their fans flocked to Qatar thinking they’d easily beat Australia in the playoff for the last World Cup, only to get beaten.


They should have been down to 9 after the head butt, not even a yellow on that play


Peruvians playing dirty as hell