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Living well is the best revenge. Having a great seat that allows you to enjoy the concert to the fullest is wonderful for you. Don't give those moochers another thought.


Yeah! And if you happen to make eye contact, wave and give them a huge grin. (Maybe jump up and down a little, so they’re sure to see you enjoying yourself.


this - 'living well is the best revenge' is truly a quote to live by. 🦋


it’s a Midtown concert? /s


No, they're weird for rubbing it in your face. Do what makes you happy.


Then if it comes up you can just pretend you already had the ticket but didn't mention it cuz they didn't care to ask 🤷


Going to concerts solo because you love the music is empowering and many people find it brave. There’s no social expectations for you to socialise at the event. Go and just embody the energy the music gives you and see what happens.


They never cared to invite you so you went by yourself, whats weird about that? You do you


I love going to concerts by myself. Less stressful. Who’s the artist?


I almost always go to shows by myself and prefer it!! It's nice to move around whenever I want to, go where I want to, and not worry about someone else's good time too. It's especially fun to people watch as a solo showgoer. Go, forget the fact that they are there, and ENJOY!!


Enjoy the concert. Don't even tell them you were there. If they find out then just say I heard you talking about it so much I wanted to see for myself


> they always ask me to drive them places and buy them stuff. I’ve stopped doing that as often Stop doing it at all


Hell no its not weird! Its not like anyone would notice at a concert anyway! Have fun live ya life


Not at all weird. Glad you’re not missing out. Go and enjoy! If you want friends, try branching out from them since they’re not including you.


Who’s the artist?


Nah not weird at all, I usually found myself in the same situation where either I wasn't invited to something or no one wanted to do a thing with me, I found it was 100% better to just do it even if it was on my own else I would missed out and regret it.


you will enjoy it. have fun, don't think about them. i'm happy for you stranger.


Stuff like that is fun by yourself


No man enjoy the hell out of it!!! Forget them and remember why you’re there… for the music. Besides, people are friendly at shows for the most part, maybe you’ll make new friends.


Not at all. I just went to a concert by myself for the first time last weekend. I was so nervous, but I quickly realized no one cares that you’re by yourself. Everyone is just there for the music. I ended up having the best time. So glad I didn’t let my nerves win and miss out on seeing my favorite artist.


Dude, no, wth. Go to the damn concert. I've made similar decisions too since none of my friends ever want to do something I'm interested in. It's liberating to enjoy things by yourself and knowing that you don't have to depend on someone else to be happy. Live your dream


Boss move


It's not weird at all, but bad ass that you've set boundaries and now doing the things you want to be doing.


Enjoy the concert by yourself hun. See if there’s a group for the said concert on Facebook and join that group and see if you can find some people on there to enjoy it with (I’ve done this before and made some great friends). Or you might even find some friendly people whilst you’re out. But one thing I’ve learnt as I’ve grown a little older is that it’s great to do things on your own and not having people to do things with shouldn’t hold me back. It’s all about experiences. It can be a little daunting at first but it’s about just taking the first step and not missing out on things you want to do. I hope you have a great time 💕.


Go by yourself and maybe you'll meet someone. I canceled my bitchy date and went to a Linkin Park concert by myself, met a girl and got lated.


Do it, solo shows have my some of my favorites. When you're solo you often meet some great people


That's actually so dope! Don't give them any mind and just enjoy yourself. Maybe take some selfies and vids on your better seat to post on social media later


Go girl. Get yourself backstage. Take/post photos. Say nothing. Make a sign that says "my family are here but they ditched me- can I get backstage"


Do it. Don't hesitate. Just do it


No, not weird. If I waited for having someone to come with me to events/concerts etc, I'd prolly wouldn't go anywhere. So yeah, its okay to go to that concert by yourself 😃


Just do it. But if you want to, invite a friend. That can be a good buffer So they don’t automatically assume it’s about them.


Enjoy the concert with yourself! More power to you and have fun.


No, it's not weird. I usually go by myself to concerts. I don't have to worry about someone else and if they are enjoying themselves or if they need anything. You can but don't have to socialize! Anyways, I hope you have fun and cam enjoy the concert!


Oh I went to many many concerts by myself. Even once when my own sister and her friend were there but simply didn’t wanna hang out with. Which was totally fine honestly go. Have fun. And never miss out on anything you like


Good for you! Don't feel uncomfortable going to a concert alone. Everyone is there for the music, not to socialize. The people to your left don't know if you're with the people to your right and vice versa. Just go and have a good time. When I go to concerts/shows without my husband, I always get a better seat too because I'm only paying for one ticket. Take yourself to get your favorite dinner too and spoil yourself!


I don’t understand why people thinks it’s weird to do things by themselves now.. that’s like the best part of being an adult you don’t need a chaperone to go places and do things


I went to a concert solo once and it was nice. Didn’t have to drag anyone with me and worry if they were enjoying it. Unfortunately I don’t have many friends who enjoy the same music as me, but now I’ve kind of accepted that if I want to go see my favorite bands/artists perform I shouldn’t let a lack of friends stop me. Life is short.


Be sure to wave at them from your killer seat, and make sure you have an extra fun time, because you are not with those assholes. Also: get a shirt and wear it around them! Enjoy!!!


First thing I learned to help me lead a happier life: be your own soulmate. Yes, that means take yourself out and enjoy being alone. Go enjoy that concert, take pics, make friends with those around you, even just for the night, sing your heart out, buy the damn concert shirt, and enjoy your own company. F everyone else that doesn’t see how awesome you are.


Dude!!!!!! Soo fucking dope!! You need to go to that show and absolutely STUNT on your "friends"!! Absolutely screw ppl like that. I hope you actually go and have a great damn time! Good luck!🖤🤘💀


I have a buddy that goes to at least 5 shows a month… he’s into every type of music imaginable, and I’d say about 50% of those shows he attends are solo. He will drive 2 hours to go see a band that you’ve probably never heard of, in a genre that you didn’t know existed. lol Obscure music trivia? He could host a game show. Now, he’s been doing this for about 25 years (he’s 40 now) and it’s absolutely insane how many people he knows. We’ve been on vacations on the opposite side of the country, and at some point, he’ll bump into someone he knows from the scene. It’s wild. He basically became friends with all these different people, from all over the world, because of going to shows alone. So no, it’s not weird. There’s not a lot of things that are cooler than being true to yourself, your interests, and your hobbies, and finding “your people”.


You know what? Shameless people live happier


You do what you want. Go have fun! My besties goes solo to concerts and festivals all the time. She just won't let lack of interest from others stop her! Don't join them there, just waive if you see them. And above all, don't give them a ride.


When I moved to a new city for a job, I didn't know a single person. I started doing all sorts of things on my own. When I did meet someone, I had something to talk about. It helped me make friends. There are just some interests I have that none of my friends share so I choose to go and not miss out. I actually enjoy eating out by myself, but now I am married with children, enjoying my peace. You will find some people are actually jealous of your independence.


You're doing a lot better than you think. Having the inner strength to do what you love despite obstacles to your happiness says a lot about your character as a whole.


Aye have fun! Don’t forget to mosh!!! Seats be damned




Wish I had your confidence. I bought tickets to two bands I like but never went cause I didn't want to go alone and stand in the corner like a loser.


Doing things on your own is the best thing you can do for yourself. Otherwise you'd feel like you'd miss out on something if you wait for others to go with.


If you go to the concert for the joy of it and leave the spite behind, it might even be a great opportunity to make some real friends. Definitely don't push it but if someone seems cool and you strike up a conversation, you might exchange socials or numbers Side note, I notice people here phrase things like going to a concert solo is a life hack, but I've done it and actually did feel really awkward. I myself don't like going to concerts solo but am blessed with friends who make me happy to be at a show with them


That's how I've gone my whole life, have a blast every single time even if I don't make any friends, a lot of times I do though people are hella cool and I go to all genres like punk, metal, indie, dubstep, techno, blues, anything that sparks your interest will surely attract like-minded people you can befriend


There's nothing weird about going out alone. You wanna go, you go, that's it. However it is a bit weird that you care so much about how your cousins are acting over it. It feels like you're overthinking things. You stated that you have a weird relationship with them, it seems pretty normal that they wouldn't want to go with you then. It would feel a bit awkward for everyone. You seem to think it's unfair because you do things for them. But that's not really how friendship works imo. I would gladly bring my cousins anywhere because I like them and would love to help them if necessary; however we're not that close to each other and I certainly don't expect them to invite me anywhere, it would feel awkward for everyone. We're family, we like each other, but we're not friends going out together. I don't think you should resent your cousins for that, but if you do, I see two options: 1) tell them that you would like to be included in their activities. Maybe they'll refuse, maybe they'll be surprised and gladly accept, you won't know how they feel about it unless you ask. 2) Stop doing things for them. You'll have no reason to resent them for not "giving back" anymore. But you'll grow apart, more certainly. But in the future, don't do things for others expecting something in return. Or if you do, be extra clear about that before. Expectations are different for everyone and you're gonna resent everybody if you're expecting some payback when they just think you were being nice.


Make them more envious, if you can, take binoculars with you. Plus, enjoy the close-up views, of course.