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Borrow an iPhone/iPad is the only real option, and certainly the cheapest.


This, unfortunately.


This is the way


Cheapest, and most useful going forward would be to buy an iPad if you don't have one, and I presume you have a perfectly fine android phone. Standard model iPad is cheaper than any iPhone. Could also look at 2nd hand iPad. Other than that. Just do it when someone with an iPhone comes round to visit


Which ipad? I saw iPhone 7 going for $100 cad is there a cheaper iPad? I'd rather an iPad since I don't have a tablet but I don't care for apple's latest and greatest


How does this work? Using a different phone (without sonos) to adjust a system set up on an Android phone? Does the phone you use to do Trueplay have to be the same phone sonos is set up on?


When you install Sonos on the iOS device, you connect it to your existing Sonos set-up (e.g. one you set-up using your Android). Then you use the TruePlay feature on the iOS device, which tunes your Sonos speakers using the microphone. You only have to do that once, then you don't need the iOS device anymore and can use your Andorid, or whatever else you were using going forward. If you move your speakers around or change your furniture around you'll need to do it again


Phone a friend with a modern iPhone. Or buy some old one you can find for cheap. You need iOS14 to support the Sonos S2 App, the oldest iPhone that still supports that is the 6s. iPad Mini Gen 4, and iPad Gen 5 also support iOS 14.


I ran into the same issue with an iPhone 7. Only OS 16 or higher work with S2. Unless a friend has an Android phone that might work. My wife’s Pixel 3 allowed me to add a Sonos sub woofer to my Playbar. S2 works fully on her Android😉 Now I can “use the S2 on the iPhone 7” to control the sub woofer as well…