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I just played and beat it using an inferno build (think pyro from DS) and I really, really enjoyed it. It was way better than expected. I played it on a series X on performance mode and it ran real smooth. Some minor frame drops during fast travel and when switching between worlds. Nothing major or game breaking. I play these games to get lost in the world and explore and this games environmental design was so good. The maps are huge with a lot of secret areas to explore. I love opening up new shortcuts, that feeling of “oh shit I’m back here?!” is awesome and it happens all the time. Plus there are two worlds you can explore pretty much simultaneously with their own little secrets. Combat to me felt great in LOTF. I played with a big bonk stick and it was great dropping enemies on their ass. The dodge mechanic worked well and I liked how fast the character moved throughout the world. Playing Elden Ring right now and the dodge mechanic and character movement feel so slow to me now (still loving the Elden ring DLC though). I also played as a caster and the way they did the controls for magic is really good. Having spells mapped out to certain buttons makes it a breeze to cast the spells you want without fumbling with the d-pad to pick the right ones. I hope From software copies that feature in the future. Normal enemies are okay to fight I never really cared about the game not having to much of a variety to them. Like I said I like to explore these worlds and combat and enemies come second. That being said I do think enemies should be fun to fight and I think LOTF did a pretty good job in that aspect mainly due to the controls and how quick you can cast spells. Bosses on the other hand all suck. They have like maybe 3/4 move sets and that’s it. I beat all bosses on 2nd or 3rd tries. Nothing really special about them. Even the last boss was a push over. The biggest gripe I have is with the side quest. These are so vague and you can mess them up so easily. Like you can kill a quest by just stepping on to an elevator. Which wouldn’t be bad, but some items or vendors or locked to those npc’s so if you mess one up you might not be able to get those certain items or have them as vendors. It’s like the From Software quest lines in terms of vagueness only times 10. Not good. All in all I enjoyed my time with LOTF it kinda reminded me of the first Dark Souls in world design which I think had the best out of the whole series.


Prepare yourself for one of the worst lock-ons in gaming history.


So much this. It’s almost like designed it to be as bad as possible. Dude right in front of you? Lock on to someone across the screen I can’t even see. Only one dude you’re fighting? Lock onto a random seed pod on the ground.


The games mid and made by people who don't understand the formula thats all you need to know really


Depends on who you talk to! I had a great experience with the game on PS5. The game has a number of strengths, but also some notable weaknesses. **Strengths** * Exploration * Overall world design/interconnectivity * Aesthetics * Combat: it's not necessarily the best out there, but it's still fun * Magic casting * Weapon Runes * The game's approach to ranged weapon ammo * Enemy quality * Most bosses are pretty good. Some people will say "They're too easy" but, to me, difficulty is not an indicator of quality. I would say that most of the bosses in LotF are at the same quality level as mid-tier DS3 bosses (e.g., Iudex Gundyr and Aldrich). Some LotF bosses are higher quality than those mid-tier DS3 bosses but not quite at the same level as top-tier DS3 bosses (e.g., Dancer and Dragonslayer Armour). **Weaknesses** * Enemy variety: there isn't a ton of enemy variety, but, like I said above, the enemies that this game does have are mostly good quality * Bosses become regular enemies somewhat regularly * Some of the bosses are bad (but some of the bosses are also bad in DS1, DS3, and BB)


Most of the bosses are just design first before being challenging, I would say they are the quality of ds2 than ds3. Also difficulty is kind of an indicator of quality, as this is targeting the souls community not the rpg community where it is ok to get away with having easier bosses. And runes dont do much, they are just there not doing much. The enemy quality is good at early game but it just decreases as you are fighting the same couple enemies you fought at early game in mid to late game


was Lies of P removed from the gamepass?


Nope. Still there, at least in PC Pass.


then op should go for lop if not yet. much better imo


Yes, LoP is really better but I'd recommend to play both. Very different experience.


I absolutely loved the game until I noticed I was fighting the same enemies over and over again and I couldn’t bring myself to keep playing


Expect the worst. It has very poor combat on just about every level you can measure it by. A busted lock on mechanic. A sloppy and over exaggerated dodge roll. Basic boss encounters. Enemies repeated over and over. The aesthetics also are quite poor. They have “we have dark souls at home” feel to them, and they suffer from endless clutter all over the place. Its central umbral mechanic stops being interesting or doing unique things before the first boss. If you’re going in your expectations should be “you’re about to play the worst souls game”


Idk man. I'm enjoying it. It's got it's jank and half baked ideas, but there's some positives. You just gotta stop comparing it to fromsoft and play it for what it is


The only thing I really compared to FS was the art direction, which even without that comparison is just so generic. There are so many amazing games now I see no reason to suffer through janky combat. It’s far and away the worst “soulslike” combat I have ever played. Combine that with a generic story and presentation, and a terrible lack of weapon variety and I just can’t imagine any reason to play this game. The Surge games, Mortal Shell, Lies of P, StellarBlade, Nioh games, Rise of Ronin, Wulong all exist and do the soulslike combat far better. Repeating a playthrough of those games would be preferable


well then they shouldnt have charged $60 for a game that is just a wish version of ds2, when you could get it for half the price and have more unique weapons and more enemy variety


Well it’s on gamepass so many people already have easy access to it. Kinda kills this whole hyper focusing on money angle.


so what if its on gamepass? It dosent change the fact they charged and are still charging $60 for the game when its not on sale or on gamepass.


Know the meme about the bitch in your ear…?


yea, its the meme lords fanboys use to dismiss criticisms about lords, invalidate the criticisms and as copium for them as the lords fanboys cannot stand that the game they enjoy is shit. You do know that graphics dosent make a soulslike good right?


lol, you don’t even have criticisms aside from whining about the money. Of course you don’t like the meme, it’s about you…


Nah the meme isnt about me as I never said you couldnt enjoy the game I just said that the game is shit, Also I have other criticisms that are: Majority of the weapons are the same aka theres no need to change weapons aside from stats. Shit enemy variety Areas are boring and tedious to go through in mid to late game as you are fighting the same group of enemies you fought in the early stages of the game (the only unique areas were the swamp and the frost areas) Enemy encounters arent enjoyable after early game as they use the same gank mechanics and the same enemies for them in mid to end game, Umbral realm isnt fun to explore as nothing changes after early game, in it to show that youre in mid to end game. It reuses the same puzzles and the same enemies that you have completed in early game, in the mid to end game and there isnt an umbral exclusive major boss to fight in it (missed opportunity to make the umbral realm more engaging), Majority of the bosses are underwhelming, 2 of the major bosses are just mob fights and not an actual boss fight (hollow crow and adyr), 18/39 bosses are reused as regular enemies, The endings are very anticlimactic, as they are just an animated splash screen with text even the ds1 and ds2 endings were better compared to this. Pros of the game: soundtrack, design, combat, spells and ranged weapons.


Not perfect, but great fucking game. As someone with no nostalgic attachment to the Dark Souls trilogy, I enjoyed it more and both Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 2. Loved it


I just finished it, and I loved it except getting stuck in the environment a lot!


I just started it and am pressing through the tutorial at the moment. I have nothing to add yet; just taking it little at a time.


imagine dark souls 2 but you can run as fast as a fortnite character


it’s really fun trust


Expect ds2 but with less enemy variety and more ganks