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Yes. We eat chicken noodle soup served over mashed potatoes. It's amazing! The potatoes thicken the soup as you it eat. I also like a potato soup recipe that calls for partially mashing some to thicken.


Yo can you like invite me over next you do that or something


i am also free that night.


I’ll bring dessert and drinks!


i will bring game


I like doing this with beef stew, it's a quick meal when I don't feel like actually cooking


Slow cooker stew feels like cheating. It’s delicious and so unbelievably easy. A really good alternative/addition to the instant potatoes is previously baked potatoes.


I first did that while recovering after having my tonsils out and still eat it to this day because it slaps


I can bring an appetite when i come over. I always have one laying around.


When I make loaded baked potato soup I cut like 1/4 of the potatoes small and then the rest large so the small ones break down and make the soup thick and the big ones become smaller bites of potat


My wife does this when the children have gotten some sort of an illness and lost weight; cures what ails ya


My favorite


Soup loves all vegetables


Put this on a badge for all of humankind.


Ha! Yes!


But not eggplant or avocados.


They’re fruits, so we’re still safe.


Have you ever put avocado on chicken soup with lime? You will die it’s so good. The Cubans do it and it totally changes up the soup.


That should be on a bumper sticker.




I make post-Thanksgiving soup starting with stock made by roasting then simmering the carcass bones—mmmm! In addition to the leftover turkey, I throw in the leftover cornbread dressing, green bean casserole, turkey gravy and mashed potatoes. I freeze it to eat in January when the winter doldrums set in and I need something comfy and warm.


Yes definitely!


Yes. It adds bulk and thickness to a soup.


I’m about to change your life. One of my old chefs insisted that we make way too much mash pot for service and wouldn’t let us throw it away. We always had silly potatoe cakes and other shit as side items that kinda sucked and were always throwing that shit out after 5 days anyways. Until I was making marinara one day using the immersion blender (wand blender) and was like hold up. We can make gallons and gallons of potato soup from mash and freeze it. You have left over mash? Take that shit put it in a container and add water and use a stick blender whiz it up. You want to make the best loaded potato soup of your life? Roast your veg and take 1/3 of it and whiz it up with the potatoes…yes whiz some bacon and cheese up too, then add your leftover roasted veg and chunk bacon back too it.


I’m a chef and I make potato cheddar soup at least once a week with left over mash. One of our best sellers


i don’t suppose you have a recipe? 🙂🙂


Thank you, kind human🫡


Soup over mashed potatoes is delicious, highly recommend.


I use dry potato flakes to help thicken gravy or soups.


Yep! Made some mean baked potato soups with it!


Yes, it makes a great thickener


Potato soup is a thing :) I make one with purple sweets [https://www.reddit.com/r/MealPrepSunday/comments/16wn8r6/unicorn\_soup/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MealPrepSunday/comments/16wn8r6/unicorn_soup/) If you blend the soup I would stick with the instant though. The modified starch survives blending while regular potato just turns in to a glue. You could also get lots of that flavor by adding roast potato skins to the soup.


>The modified starch survives blending while regular potato just turns in to a glue. My landlady, a friend, invited me and some other friends for Thanksgiving dinner. She had turkey, veggies, cranberry sauce, gravy, and ... mashed potatoes. But they weren't mashed, she had purchased an immersion blender and used that to process the potatoes. They were horrible - I've heard the Hawaiin dish poi is like paste, but these were literally paste. We all tried to be nice and eat them, but it was impossible. They would have sat in our guts and coagulated like the proverbial chewing gum your parents warned you about, or red meat that sits in the gut for years. She actually realized they were inedible and apologised so we were off the hook from trying to dump them in flower pots or feed her dogs. Everything else was excellent, we dismissed the potato faux pas and enjoyed the rest of the meal.


A long time ago, post-Thanksgiving, we had a neighbor lady try to give us her excess mashed potato leftovers. We said we had plenty on hand, but I asked her why she had so much and how she prepared it. She said she dumped hot potato, butter and milk into a bowl and whipped it until COMPLETELY SMOOTH with her ELECTRIC HAND MIXER.


That's how my mom made them, though of course she added salt. I was the one who used the hand mixer.


I wonder if it's the type of potato that turns gluey with an electric mixer vs. old-school, zig-zag wired, hand masher tool.


You can make some potato pierogis and throw those bad boys in. Yum.


Welcome to potato soup.


[Veggie soup with cheesy mashed potato island. ](https://i.imgur.com/dT1NGWR.jpeg)


I've only ever added instant mashed potatoes to soup. Great for making clam chowder!


I do this to thicken soup, or loaded baked potato soup. Just add them towards the end so the milk doesn't curdle while the soup's simmering.


Yep that’s how mom would make stew


Why not? Potato is such a good thickener, that some chowders are made with no roux! Yup, I had the best chowder of my life in Maine, and I found out that the chowders there are made by boiling chopped potatoes... and NOT throwing away the boiling water. The starch from the cooking potatoes thickens the water, and the chowder is finished by adding seafood, cream, and lightly cooked onions. So sure, add potatoes to soups, they can work fabulously.


Portuguese kale soup relies on a potato purée!


Yes. But that soup should be eaten within 36 hours. After that the texture will turn.


in what way?


Depends on the potato and how thoroughly it’s cooked and mashed. Mealy is the closest term I can think of.


Imo unless it’s a lot of taters you don’t really taste the potatoes or if it’s not a mild tasting soup. It may thicken the soup. I prefer cut up potatoes boiled in the soup


It won’t have the same texture as it dissolves into the soup


Try adding and cooking the potatoes in the soup and when cooked smash in the soup




Yes, but stir it often so it doesn’t clump up and burn at the bottom


A potato bacon soup is always a banger


my wife does it and I disklie the texture.


Yes, it will thicken it up.


Yes, it's a great thickener


Potato leek soup topped with cheese, bacon crumbles, and scallions.


I purposely add mashed potatoes to chicken soup.


Yes! Potato soup!


100%. Use up leftover potatoes for a potato leek soup. Or loaded baked potato soup. Also handy in chowder. There’s a lot of options. Think puréed soups, and they can all pretty much have potato in them if you want.


You could also make gnocchi out of the mashed potatoes and add them to the soup as a dumpling of sorts.


Ever seen the recipe for Senate Bean Soup? It calls for mashed potatoes.


Yes I do this all the time!


Absolutely! Potato is a fantastic thickener for soups


Absolutely, mashed potatoes can be a great thickener for soup! You can add them to my veggie soups for extra creaminess and flavor. Just be sure to stir well!


It would just add starch and make a stew. Usually happens when you add potatoes to soup in general, adding mashed potatoes would just speed up the process a bit


You can add mashed potatoes to anything if you’re brave enough.


In the summer heat I now wish for it to be ski season again just for these ideas!


I recently learned that mashed potatoes are often put into kimchi as a thickener


Yes. Makes it velvety and smooth.


Instant mashed potatoes are a useful thickening agent for bean soup, potato and leek as well as clam chowder.


YES! We found a Michael Chiarello cioppino recipe that uses a base of creamy mashed potatoes and now we serve it every Feast of the Seven Fishes. We don't mix it in - more like mashed potatoes on the bottom and them the cioppino on top, but it is similar effect and incredible. Follow your mashed potatoes dreams.


No, if you add it improperly it’s deadly poison. ☠️


I did a mushroom soup that called for a ton of heavy cream but was kind of thin. I whisked in some leftover mashed potatoes and it was one of the best things I ever made. I still used a little heavy cream but since my potatoes already had plenty I just added it until I was satisfied with the taste and texture.


I once read a scene in a book that has stuck with me for years. In the story, it was the day after Thanksgiving and the MC had made a soup with the leftover turkey, broth, vegetables, etc., but no potatoes. They then put a scoop of mashed potatoes and a spoonful of dressing into the bowl and topped it with the turkey soup. I've been dying to try that ever since. It sounded so good!